Today's stress management technique is to relax the jaw. Take a deep breath, let it out slowly and drop your jaw. Now wiggle it a bit to the left and the right. Really relax it. Deep breath in and out.
Were you clenching your teeth? I was and didn't even realize it.
How was your "technical" weekend? I suppose you need to have a bit of a week to have an ending to it but "a weekend," it was.
I was in a funky mood yesterday. Just really "blah." I am sure that is going to come and go often.
I was mostly busy in the kitchen yesterday. I made the corned beef and the dog treats. Then the usual - laundry and such. My dogs seem "off" a bit too. W and Ray have had a bunch of accidents in the house over the last week or so. I guess that they aren't able to get out attention? Maybe they are nervous too, reading off our own stress? Anyone who has pets, have you noticed anything similar?
Gary asked the kids if they wanted to do anything after dinner last night, game or movie. I wasn't really up for a game but I am really happy that we played one anyway. We played Apples to Apples and Gary beat us by getting 21 green cards compared to Scott (12), me (11), and Cait (9).
We make up our own rules when we play games a lot of the time. You are supposed to win when you get 7 green cards but we just keep on going. There were many times that the kids were crying over their ridiculous answers.ound:
It snowed last night. I went to turn the porch light off and a bad word came out of my mouth.
Right now it is just a dusting but we might get little more as the day goes on. At least no one has to be out driving hehe!
My podiatrist is calling at some point today for a phone appt. Not sure what he can tell me other than to tightened the stretching boot and my how much.
no other plans than that!
Were you clenching your teeth? I was and didn't even realize it.
How was your "technical" weekend? I suppose you need to have a bit of a week to have an ending to it but "a weekend," it was.
I was in a funky mood yesterday. Just really "blah." I am sure that is going to come and go often.
I was mostly busy in the kitchen yesterday. I made the corned beef and the dog treats. Then the usual - laundry and such. My dogs seem "off" a bit too. W and Ray have had a bunch of accidents in the house over the last week or so. I guess that they aren't able to get out attention? Maybe they are nervous too, reading off our own stress? Anyone who has pets, have you noticed anything similar?
Gary asked the kids if they wanted to do anything after dinner last night, game or movie. I wasn't really up for a game but I am really happy that we played one anyway. We played Apples to Apples and Gary beat us by getting 21 green cards compared to Scott (12), me (11), and Cait (9).
We make up our own rules when we play games a lot of the time. You are supposed to win when you get 7 green cards but we just keep on going. There were many times that the kids were crying over their ridiculous answers.ound:
It snowed last night. I went to turn the porch light off and a bad word came out of my mouth.
Right now it is just a dusting but we might get little more as the day goes on. At least no one has to be out driving hehe!
My podiatrist is calling at some point today for a phone appt. Not sure what he can tell me other than to tightened the stretching boot and my how much.
no other plans than that!