
Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 2: It is Monday, Must be Snowing Again Edition


The Loopy-O
*head desk*
Thankfully we only got 4" inches or so, and only a delayed opening, but really??????
It is supposed to get up to the near-freezing point and if the sun comes out, it should melt. But damn, it just keeps on comin'. More in the middle of the week too. Gary just shoveled the driveway and cars enough so we can get out and I know that he is ready for this to stop as well.

I am just listening to Kitty squeak at Gary, she still doesn't meow, only variations of squeaks, which sound so silly coming from such a large cat. It is king of like if Chris Farley had Adam Sandler's voice LOL

Slow day here. Babysitting, dressing change, figuring out what to make for dinner. Cursing at the snow. Yup, that is pretty much it.

How about you all? Fill me in on the fun stuff you have going on!

QOTD Do you have a favorite app on your cell/ipod? I really don't have one, aside from the basics, like Messages and Mail. I have some photo programs, but never really use them.

Have a great day!!!


The Loopy-O
From Sunday:

Phyllis- Saturday was my last dose until my March dose. Every 4 weeks. It takes about 3 days for the spike in symptoms to ease. This morning, my hips were killing me, and my knees too. I got my last set of blood work back and my Rheumatoid Factor is way up again. Nothing that she can do for that however. The vitamins and the hydration bags seem to help, but I can easily tell when I have done too much.
Hugs to you and good, safe thoughts to your family. I cannot imagine how worrying it must be. I worry about my kids when they are a half hour away so it must be very difficult for you. Are you able to communicate easily?
"perrywinkle blue and muddy gold" after the original whits and gold-- those are the colors I saw again most often. I wonder what that says about us? That we are crazy? hahahah!!

Nancy- that sounds like a super-fun night with the Devils! Grass???? You have grass showing??? I want grass showing!!!!!!:madgrin:
And more high fives to you and walking!!!!

Shar- that is really nice that CR had a nice time with your photo shoot too. I hope that you do the Web Challenge-- I really liked/needed this one!

Trudy- Scott wanted me to tell him how to paint his room. He thought it was simply grabbing a brush and that was it. I told him that as soon as I was up to it, I would help him. But then, once you paint one wall/room... it seems to spread to others :)
Hope that your kitchen looks good, and your deck too!


The Loopy-O

Jean- 30* feels BALMY, doesn't it!!!!???? Sorry about your record lows for Feb, I think we had a few of them too.
Thank you for the comment on the Web challenge too, I think it is one of my favorites.:)
With ya on the "hope" that you got from Sharon's photo!

Shar- OMG,you have me totally cracking up!!!!! :pound: Good for you for figuring out lightroom!!!!!

Hi Vera!!!!!!:kiss:


Well-Known Member
good morning we had big excited in my town last night. A car accident down the road from me took out power lines and the neighborhood by me and north of the accident all went dark. EXCEPT ME. My girlfriend txted to see if we lost power and for once because of the freaking way the power is distributed (we get our power from across the street which is different from all our neighbors). It was so strange to again hear the generators going. It was a quick repair back on after 4 or 5 hrs. The town opened the community center for those wanting a warm up. I was just glad that for once my house was not the dark one with all our neighbors having power. My son has a bad cold but knew he needed to get up and move so he and I did a small walk down to the River and back and then he went home and I continued on. I love walking in the snow. It was so quiet and no one was out. DH made pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. Today will be fun watching the Canadian feed of the NHL trade deadline show. It started at 8am and will last until 4 pm.

Chris yes I cannot believe snow keeps coming though I think last year was even snowier. I feel this year has been worse as the temperatures have been so brutal. Enjoy you lazy day.

Phylis how much snow did you get? I hear it is coming again later in the week but the weekend is supposed to be in the 40s.

Trudy I wish I had a husband who liked to paint. My problem is my DH will start something and then never finish. And then gets mad when I want to hire someone. You are lucky!

Sharon - Jean hope you had wonderful yesterday!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Chris. 6-7" here. then ice this morning. i can't take it anymore. none of it. no more. :hurt:
way too much snow shoveling for the DHs. although my crazy one actually does our driveway and one of my neighbor's. my DH is in ridiculously great shape and looks at snow shoveling as just another way to get some exercise in. more power to him. if it was up to me, i'd be buried in snow until the Spring Thaw.

Nancy, Columbus must stink. we just beat them, too! did you get Ukranian food at the Devils event? that would be really good! and i'm with Chris. GRASS?? who is seeing grass around here???

Shar, triple WOOT on your Lightroom success. excelsior! on to bigger and even more difficult software!! better you than me!!, :rofl: re: my old hometown. there is NO amount of opporunism that could rescue that city. it's too far gone. you have to try to imagine an almost 100% steel mill-based city having the rug pulled out from under it, and being run by a bunch of political hacks who had NO alternate ideas. the population went from about 55,000 to around 16,000 now. it is a total loss. i think they need to bulldoze whatever's left and let nature take its course. the kid that wrote the article i posted is someone who isn't from the area and tends to wax poetic about the architecture of what was in the city. "someone could fix this up," etc. i wrote a comment to him that, if someone DID fix it up, they'd have to face the daunting prospect of living in that bombed-out city. think Detroit. the comparison is apt, believe me.

Hi, Vera!

Jean, how much snow did you guys get? so THAT'S where my brain is! Florida!!

Trudy, thanks for the hug. it will be years before they're home for good. communication is good through SKYPE and email. not much emailing goes on, but we usually SKYPE once a week. how great that your DH likes to paint. mine doesn't really like to do much of ANyThInG around the house except chop wood. he does other stuff, but takes no pleasure in any of it. i used to paint everything. these days, i tell him i will do the woodwork and as far as i can reach by NOt being on a ladder. he has to do the rest, or i will hire someone, which i don't want to do , because no one does a good job of anything anymore!

i HOPE to get out of the house to the post office and bank today. i'm going to wait a bit, and hopefully the "slippy" roads will have shaped up. tired, tired TIRED of this. i would love to live somewhere where i wouldn't have to even THiNK about what the weather was going to be. ha. as Steve Tyler once said: Dream On.

be happy. or at least happy-ish. :becky:
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Chris, glad to hear you have a slow day. YOU ARE STILL HEALING! You need these days..... YES! I LOVE the challenges and try to do every one I can. They help me think outside my very small box, AND I love winning coupons. Double incentive to do them. I WILL be doing the Webspiration one......Your squeaky cat sounds hilarious. We once had a huge male Himalayan who had a wimpy little meow. Such a surprise the few times he ever "spoke." He was chosen as the King of the King County Fair when my daughter was in 4H.

Phylis, I hear ya about your old town. Photo-journalists often do have a romantic bent. You really should read some of Richard Russo's books. Very sad when this sort of thing happens. I'm sure you feel robbed of memories.

Nancy! Hurray for electricity. Glad you were spared, esp. with the weather you're having.

QOTD: If I can include iPAD in the question, I will say that Snapseed is probably my most go-to app. I use my iPhone exclusively for photos these days (DSLR is currently living in its dedicated backpack), but I do most of my processing in the iPad, then sometimes in Photoshop on the computer. Snapseed is an elegant app for basic (& then some) editing.

Speaking of ELEGANT...that's what I decided was the word for Lightroom, and why I like it so much. Trudy, do you use it for your scrapping supplies? I'm seriously considering moving all my supplies to it. But not making any decisions until Paul is able to get back and help me tweak things on my computer.

DH is golfing today. I'm playing with Lightroom and maybe doing something with the photos I shot on our Hunt Saturday.

Go gently.


Well-Known Member
Sunny and dripping today despite being below freezing. Tomorrow ice and rain, oh joy! Phylis I think we only got about 4 inches Sunday and they plowed the drive about midway so DH had no trouble getting out this morning. My big joy while getting dressed was hearing a singing house finch!!! While fixing breakfast 3 chickadees briefly chased around the yard. Signs of life!!

Chris, be glad to take it easy today. Do you think this weather will ever end? They now say our Feb. was the coldest on record, both the average mean temp and the average low. We weren't imaging that is was awful. But Sharon and Trudy give us hope.

Nancy, glad you kept your power! Bad time to be without for sure. Have fun with the hockey today.

Phylis, hang in there kiddo, they say someday spring will come. Funny about different painting stories. FIL had a painting business and DH learned from that and is now a perfectionist. So only he can do it right, and takes forever. At least we hire a good firm for the outside as house too tall for our ladders.

Sharon, love the stories of your progress with lightroom and the LOs that you're getting done. Love those apples. You'll have some real temptation from the golf course soon though maybe?

Trudy, hummingbirds? That's just not fair. We might see ruby-throated sometime in May.

QOTD: what are apps? Actually I can access the Windows app store now, but don't pay it much mind. No smart phone or tablet other than my Surface.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies, I am a bit late getting in here this morning. DD is trying to get some flights booked to come home for a month in the summer and is running into a few complications. So I have been face timing with her most of the morning. Anyway hope all works out well for her! We are very excited to have her and Mason home for a few weeks to ourselves and then Jonah will join them here for a couple of weeks as well!! Hooray!!!

Chris - Hope your snow melts a bit today! We actually woke up to fresh snow on the mountain tops this morning, so pretty and so glad that it stayed up there! I am sure it will gone by this afternoon as the sun is out and it should be another mild day today. The temps have dropped a bit since last week, but still pretty nice for this time of year! Yes the kitchen turned out great and DH and I spent the better part of the afternoon power washing and scrubbing all the yucky green slime off our front deck. Now we have to get the front porch downstairs done... ugh it never ends, but it will look so nice and clean once its done. Then I told DH that I am going to paint the trim on the front of the house upstairs this spring, it really needs it and I am home all day anyway. Its easily accessible by a short ladder from the top deck so no danger of me falling to the ground :becky:

Nancy - How lucky for you to have your power come from a different place than the rest of your neighbourhood!! I bet you will be glued to the t.v. today watching the big trade deadline! Bruins finally made a bit of move today, its about time!! Yes I am lucky that hubby likes to paint! He enjoys most of the outdoor work around here as well, he is very finicky about his lawn and the appearance of the yard!

Phylis - That is why my DH does all the painting and yard work, he figures no one else will ever do as good a job as he does. Once I washed the car for him and he told me I did not do a good enough job and he did it over again. So it was years before I ever did it again, he says nothing to me about it now :becky: That would be the day he ever hired anyone to do anything around here LOL. Sorry that your family is so darn far away, it really does feel like we are being robbed of so many memories doesn't it!! Even worse for you with them being somewhere that is not safe!! I feel for you Phylis!! I really do!!

Shar - WTG for figuring out Lightroom, now I have to do the same!! LOL I have not used it as much as I should and still learning so much about it! No I don't use it for my scrapbooking supplies, but it might be a great idea! I have all my supplies on my EHD and its a pain to try to find certain things that I look for. I really have to get my act together and get something figured out soon before I have so many things on my EHD it will be full before I know it! Looking forward to seeing what you do with your photos in Lightroom.

QOTD - My favorite app is Shazam, so cool how it knows what you are listening too!! I often hear a song on the radio and wonder who the artist is and what the song is called. Shazam remembers for me and then I can download the song when I am ready. So cool!

Ok off to swimming this morning and then I hope to get some pages done for the challenges!! Had some problems with my Photoshop this morning it would not load, then would not open pictures :rant: I so did not need this today!!! But downloaded a bunch of updates that I needed and now it is working and behaving nicely again whew!! Have a wonderful Monday everyone!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hi Jean, we posted together this morning! Glad to hear that things are melting out your way!! Yes we have hummingbirds all winter long. They are the Anna's and in April the Rufus hummingbirds start to show up.