
Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 18


The Loopy-O
Hiiiiiiiii!!! Did you all miss me??? I missed you and I am so sorry that I missed the end of the party! I have so many pages of unread threads! I might never get through them all ;)

We had a really good time in PA. I am so amazingly blessed to have awesome parents and incredible kids who have wonderful friends and that we can all have a fun time together. Just blessed. :love:

I am glad that we had such a great time too, Scott was a bit stressed after Trial Prep. It was intimidating for me too. Even just the technical bits of how to speak, and answer questions and stuff like that had me nervous. The prosecutor downplayed (in my mind at least LOL) anything the defense attorney might ask him, but that he might question scott's relationship with the girl. I am probably reading more into that then necessary but I guess that has to be asked. They never dated, just friends, but I don't want to see anyone messing with my kid. ha!

On Sat. Gary calls to tell me Heather (Catzilla) has fleas. He wanted me to come home, but yeah..... no. The other two cats and my dog are clean. So weird! But we are inthe process of putting borax down and vacuuming vacuuming vacuuming.
Phyllis- IIRC you just dealt with fleas on your cat too? Any advice?

How was everyone's weekend? And the party?? what fun did I miss??

Posting this now, off to check out the threads but will be back

It was a great party, you missed some fun chats ;)

Good to read you had a great time Chris!!
I've missed the story about the trail, but I can understand you don't want to see anyone messing with your kid. I hope everything will be ok!
Good luck with getting rid of the fleas!

I've been helping at school this morning, we decorated it for Easter. Now I can sit and read here for a few minutes, then I have to pick the kids up again, have lunch, bring Luc and Nik to the neighbors (they will bring them back to school this afternoon) and Ben and I have to go to the chils psychiatrist. Really curious what she has to say ...
When I come back, I have to pick up Luc and Nik from school, make diner and when Wes comes home from school we'll play some games. This evening I have time for some scrapping :D

Have a nice day everyone!
Chris. Frontline. one dose for three months. it works. i don't mess around with bugs, especially ones that multiply like rabbits. diatomaceous (sp?) earth is good for the carpets, too. re: the trial. i know it's scary. it's so "real life and grown up." defense attorneys will try to take every advantage they can, so Scott needs to keep his cool and be respectful, even if the defense attny is an idiot. (saying this as the wife of a Prosecutor....) i'll bet he'll do fine and make you proud.

hi, Alegna! sounds like you have a Busy Mom Day ahead! hope you get some Scrap Time. i love seeing your pages!

it's more time inside the house for me. :hurt: we're currently having an ice storm, so i doubt i'll be going out unless it all turns to rain. there are wrecks everywhere around the city and suburbs. sigh............... think i'll go through the closets and downsize. i always say that, then i end up not getting rid of ANYTHING. or maybe four things. i want SPACE!!!

Merry Monday! do something nice for YOURSELF. :humble:
Morning O fam! No wireless this am due to 1/4" Ice on my antenna. So that means no workout until tonight. Back y
To work I go. Still stuffy. Real life happens.
Hi lovelies!! Got my second load of laundry in using the super-hot water cycle. One set of kids off to school, the boy I babysit is next up.
Taking a quick coffee break and where else would I rather be than here? :)

Angela- so good to see you here in the Ooo's! We LOVE getting to know all of the O-Members better.
*hint hint* to all of the newbies or lurkers-- we love you already!! So come and join the fun!!!

The trial is for a friend of Scott's. A few years ago she told him that she was being molested by her step-father. Scott told her that she really needed to go to the school/police and thankfully she did. The %$@*& has admitted that he did this but is insisting on a trial. Since Scott has the texts of that conversation, he is a witness. It is a little nerve-wracking but we are really proud of him for having the sense to give her the best advice. And that he is the type of kid that a 13 yo girl could turn to with this kind of situation.

You sound like you have a busy day going on, and good luck with the psychiatrist!!

Phyllis- thank you for the advice for both the fleas and for the def. attny. (both in the same class, perhaps?? JK, I know they are not all bad!). This weather sucks!!!!!! We got 1-2 inches at my parents house in NE Penn. They are suposed to get quite a bit today so I am going to call them to thell them to get on the road early and get home before it starts. Good luck with your closets, I am the same way.....

Be safe Laurie!!! And feel better :hug:
Good morning everyone!

We are back from Hawaii! Had a great time but now I need a vacation to catch up on rest. I had asked our kids to NOT fill our days with stuff to do--well-that didn't work. We were on the go non stop. It was so wonderful seeing my daughter, her husband, and little Cami. I had a blast playing with that little girl the whole week. We left Friday night---got home Saturday late afternoon. We were up 36 hours before hitting the sack on Saturday night.

It was nice to get home until my sister had a meltdown Saturday night---went into this hollering spree with my son (21 year old)--got mad and left my house. This is the sister that flew out here to help take care of my mom. She said some pretty awful things to him and quite frankly I'm quite irritated about it. BUT--putting things in perspective--we have a long haul with my mom and I don't want to make waves through all of this. Just now worth it. Anyway--she left--have no idea where she is staying. She could always come here and stay but I am not asking her nor telling her. Being a little passive agressive here. Then last night her daughter took an over dose of pills and is in the hospital. This is the niece that had trouble with a few months back. Anyway--I feel for my sister. I can't imagine what she is going through with her daughter. I know she feels like one day her daughter will succeed in the suicide attempts.

BTW--my mom is home. Barely mobile. Needs someone with her all the time because she is so unstable on her feet. Hopefully having a consult with the oncologist this week or early next week.

So--I am back to work today. Yuck. Back to the real world. Back to caring for my mom and cooking. Back to keeping it together through all this crap.

I've missed being around and have really missed scrapping. It's therapy and I can't wait to scrapping the vacation pictures.
Morning ladies... So windy here!! It was like this all weekend, I did a bit of cleaning up in the garden yesterday, but couldn't stand the wind for too long!! So hard on the nerves, I put up with that wind almost everyday when we lived in Saskatchewan, it just gets to me! Rarely do we get wind here for more than one day at a time so this really is unusual. Oh well off to work this morning.

Chris - So nice to hear that you are happy this Monday morning!! The weekend must have been relaxing for you! Don't you worry about your young man, he will do just fine!! Front line is what I used to use on my cat when he had fleas too. Works great! Hope you get time to get through all of the threads in the forum today! It was a great weekend here at the "O"! The chat was fun and Jen and I had a few laughs about giving out prizes of coming to our homes to do work. Milking cows for Jen and weeding my garden. No takers though :noidea: :becky:

Angela - Nice to have you join us here in the Daily's!! Always good to have new blood!! LOL! A busy day for you today and you will have to let us know how things go with the psychiatrist! Are you reading anything good??

Phylis - Ugghhh more winter for you today!! Tell it to all just go away!!! Hope you get that closet of your downsized!! Another job that I have to do one day too. Wanted to facetime with the grandkids yesterday, but everyone has the flu!! Poor babies, poor mom and dad!! Wish everyone was closer so we could help out!! Stay warm and dry my friend and do something nice for YOURSELF today!!

Laurie - Ugghh more winter for you today too!! Sorry that you do not get to do your workout this morning, but we all know that you will do it later on!! Such dedication!!

Well its soft boiled eggs for breakfast this morning and then out the door for work, a full day today, hopefully a busy one, it just helps the time pass more quickly!! Enjoy your Monday ladies!! :wave:
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Good morning - had a very lazy day yesterday - finished a book Defending Jacob - very good. Then spend some time knitting and that is so rewarding. Then time scrapping which is awesome. LOL but we all know that. My DH made a coffee cake omgosh it was so good. Then of course we had corned beef and cabbage for dinner which we all like. Just the smell of it cooking all day was wonderful. But the best is that I am home alone. All my boys have gone to work! It is so nice to be able to say that. I was not sure it was ever going to happen.

Chris - I am sure that having the trial hanging over you is not easy but I think it is awesome that your son will help put this man away. You should be so proud! I hope the weather in NJ does not get too bad today!

Phylis - Congrats on those Penguins! I wish I could just throw things away but I find it so hard! Good luck with the closets.

Laurie I hope your 1/4 inch of ice melts quickly! Drive with care!

Angela wow what a busy day! enjoy the scrapping tonight! fun getting to know you!
Terry- Oh my what a horrible thing to have to come home too!! So much on your plate!! Sorry that things are not good for your sister and of course your Mother too!! Sending you lots of gentle hugs :hug: and hoping that all things improve for you very soon!! Try to get some of that scrap therapy done today, it should help you out a bit!!
:wave: Hi Nancy, we posted at the same time, wish I had time to chat with you, but I gotta hit the shower and have breakfast!! Have a wonderful Monday !
LOL posted at the same time as Trudy and Terry!

Trudy I too hate the wind in the winter - it just makes me cold. Have a good day at work and sorry you missed your FaceTime.

Terry - so glad you had a great vacation. So sorry that you had to come back to Real Life. Hope all goes well with your mom and your sister.
GOOOOOOOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overview of my weekend.....

Saturday...Jesse's basketball game...got stuck in traffic on the way because of the St Patricks day parade.....I wasn't seeing green if you know what I mean!!!! ggrrrrr! Sharon calls...they have no water...called someone and they need a new pump and water tank...tank went bad and caused pump to over work and go bad...$2500 to get it all done...OMG!!! Sat afternoon...Sharon calls again..Geoff drove her Van..she needs brakes and rotors...call my car guy...$250....poor Sharon....all in one day.......Saturday night..Mom offers to keep kids...Nana accepts....plans to go out to eat...Mike is in a crappy mood....didn't go out to eat...stupid husband.........SUNDAY....take Sharon to the country to drop off her car with the car guy....take Sharon to the grocery store...Take Sharon home....go get Jesse and Jaiden from Mom's.....stupid husband still sitting on his butt doing nothing..... come home and cook dinner.....get kids to bed...scrap.....Monday morning...go get Sharon to take her to work...she is not up...I get kids dressed...take them to school and Sharon to work....stupid husband calls and wants me to bring him a biscuit............ ..................................................................................................................

Okay.....do you see what's going on here? in case you didn't figure it out...this was a :rant:

I am really just teasing mostly...but why is that women are the ones that have to do EVERYTHING!!!! Men are so stinking helpless!!!!!!!
well, Nana. the biscuit line just dropped me. :rofl: is that just like it IS, or WHAT?? you know why we have to do everything? because if we didn't, NOTHING would happen, let alone get DONE. let's all hold hands and sing "i enjoy being a girl." :mmph:

Terry, i'm so glad you had a fun time in Hawaii. but, wow. what you came home to! i admire you so much for being able to not say anything to your sister when she was saying things to/about your son. i don't think could have done it. it sounds like she's got a lot on her plate. but, really. so do you. and you're not being mean. :angel:

Laurie, i can usual count on you having thensame crappy weather i'm having!! misery loves company!

Nancy, i can't believe the Penguin win streak! we had corned beef and cabbage for dinner yesterday, too. i meant to try to cook it in the oven, but i forgot to put it in, so i did the pressure cooker method, which is how i usually cook it. can i just say how much i ADORE boiled cabbage?? strange, but true.

Trudy, i know what you mean at the wind. i have discovered over the years that being out in wind -warm or cold- gets on my NERVES, of all things. it's like having someone touching me incessantly, and i'm one of those people who needs her personal space. when we were in France for my son's wedding, it was Mistral season in the south, and i thought : if i had to live in this, i'd go nuts!! (ha! as if this doesn't prove that i already AM! :pound:)
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ow what a sad story for his friend Chris, but how great of your son to help her like this, something to be proud of!!

Ice storms? and I was complaining about a bit snow ... I hope it will be soon better weather Phylis!

What a situation to come home to Terry, hopefully things will be better soon.
Glad you did had a great vacation!

Ow when I read your story Nana I'm so glad I don't have a complete helpless men, he does more in the home then I do, although now he has a new job so I do more again, but when he was unemployed he did more.
But I do more with and for the kids, which in our case a a lot too ;)

Sounds like a nice sunday Nancy!

Thanks Trudy, I hope I can keep up a bit, English is not my normal language and so much chatter is sometimes some impressive.

Ben was extremely bullied at his former school and has major trantrums now at school and at home. The psychiatrist thinks Ben has a depression instead of him having Asperger. She asked him lots of different and difficult questions.
She also asked him if he ever thought of killing himself and it turned out he did. When she asked him how he would have done it, he answered 'ow just with a knife' ... I can tell you my heart broke :(
I am just taking a super quick lunch break but wanted to send you hugs, Angela. We went through that with Scott 3 years ago when he was 14. Really really heartbreaking and scary and guilt ridden. He went though a really bad period of cutting too. To see your baby hurting liek that and to not be able to make it better it really so hard.

Just wanted to let you know you are not alone.
Thank you so much Chris, it's really hard indeed ... and shocking kids think about doing that or even doing it. Ben is only 8 now, 6-7 when the bulling took place ... so sad ...
Hey kids!!! Quick pop in for me this afternoon! I received the fun secret project on Thursday and worked all day Friday on it! After some consternation, I got it all done and today I have to ship it off to a professional to "finish" it for a photo shoot! (am I too secretive here??? LOL!!) So that and Houston Modern Quilt Guild meeting and a family bday party took up my entire weekend!! I just wanted some time to sit and enjoy some bday party scrapping, but alas, it didn't happen!! I'll go back and scrap the challenges this week!!

Hugs to all who are going through it! Our kids are sooooo precious...it keeps us from voting them off the island (although I'm a little close with my teenaged son!!! eeeeeeek!!!)!!!

love to you all!!
Ben was extremely bullied at his former school and has major trantrums now at school and at home. The psychiatrist thinks Ben has a depression instead of him having Asperger. She asked him lots of different and difficult questions.
She also asked him if he ever thought of killing himself and it turned out he did. When she asked him how he would have done it, he answered 'ow just with a knife' ... I can tell you my heart broke :(

Depression is very common when you have Asperger's! My son has been on sick leave for almost a year. Now he's feeling better, thanks to being left alone and not having to go to school and meet other kids. He feels much more comfortable with adults, and really - teens are terrible. Not even teens should have to deal with them ;)

I know your heart is breaking, but I'm sure things will get better. Just that he's been able to talk about it might do that. Often when they are voicing their thoughts, they get a relief. I've been very honest with my son and told him that life sucks at times, and that I too have been depressed. I actually told him that in a way it's sane to get depressed when people are idiots. But that works with my son - he can handle sarcasm (he had to learn that since I'm his mother LOL). I think it's important to learn him that it's not him that's wrong ... it's the world who is. But I'm a rebel at heart and believe that it's sanest not to be normal and fit in :)

My son has been helped a lot by building friendships on-line. He's very into computer games and have met other kids just like him - you know geeks who only think of gaming. From being a very lonely little boy, he's become a young man with a small groups of friends on-line. Many say he doesn't have any "real" friends, just cause they are on-line friends, but I tell them I have my friends on-line too. It's just a new way of knowing people. AND for a person with Asperger's I really think it's easier to have friends on-line. You don't have to see them, trying to understand what their facial expressions mean (which can be very hard if you have Asperger's) - you only have to see what they write - or in my son's case hear what they are saying on Skype.

Does your son have any special interest? Usually they do when they have Asperger's. Maybe you can help him find a forum with people with the same interest, and he could start getting friends there. My son has all his friends in the U.S. (we live in Sweden), but he's become one in the gang and they have lots of fun. Not always good though, since he tends to sit up all night, but at least he's happy :)
Chris good luck with your Son.. sounds like a son to be proud of :)
Tuesday here and I just spent the morning with a bestie... buying my daughters birthday pressies! Great way to spend a rainy Tuesday lol. We are having the worst drought for 70 years, so loving the rain :)