
Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 17


The Loopy-O
Happy St Patrick's day to all of you celebrate. I am not Irish, but I do love corned beef and cabbage. We had a very yummy and fun dinner yesterday with my IL's. I love seeing my nieces hang with my kids. The older girl is 2 years younger than Cait but as they get older, they have more in common and have been texting and keeping in touch like that. The younger girl is 10 and is a female version on my son. Scott can do just about *anything* and she will just laugh and laugh. That eggs him on and it keeps on going.

My BIL ruptured all of the ligaments in his right wrist sliding into base last baseball season. It looks like he might have to have the bones in his hand fused. I cannot imagine that. He is very athletic and I cant think about how he would feel if he couldn't play any of his sports any more.

I have a really busy day today but it should be good- Babysitting/bus stops. Corned beef in the crock pot. IV infusion (believe it or not, that takes up about 40 mins each session, 2 times a day. The silver lining is that it makes me sit still - sort of LOL), working, weekly blood draw, shower (another "fun" experience with the waterproof -ha! not so much!- sleeve I have to wear), then meeting my friend across the street for coffee. I really and truly need to get some scrap time in as well. The Day 2 challenge looks like so much fun and I need to get working on that.

Me Me Monday:
Looking fwd to putting my pj's back on at the end of the day!


The Loopy-O

Gah!! I lost the other half of this post!!! I hate that! The screen just went white on me.

So yeah, Now I am out of time....



PS: If there are any lurkers or new members that want to join in, we *love* company!!


The Loopy-O
omg-- I lost the entire post except the smilie for Trudy's parents. I must not have Ctrl-C'd after that. Sorry!


Well-Known Member
good morning - I thought yesterday was going to be dull but turned out to be pretty nice. My oldest son came down and we had a nice visit. All the boys were going to a gun range. Me I stayed home and scrapped at the "O" party and watched hockey went for a walk and then went and got an autograph from one of my favorite NJ Devil hockey players on my page with him on it. It was awesome as there was no line. He was so nice. So I had a happy day!

Chris hope your day goes well. I know I am happy that the snow stayed south.

Eva I listened to the theme song and I love it! I have not heard of her but I love that song because sometimes being retired it is hard to explain how I can be busy all day doing nothing LOL.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Chris - I hate it when that happens!! Make sure to rest a bit during that busy day. Don't push yourself at work! Glad you had fun with your relatives. I bet that lifted the spirits a bit. Do you remember multiple years ago when I sprained both my wrists? Ugh that was awful. I can't imagine how your BIL feels!! And even though I'm about 25% Irish and 25% German, I truly detest corned beef and cabbage. Disgusts me. I can't even smell it. Blech.

Eva - That's how this Spring Break has been for me! LOL

Morning Laurie!

Nancy - I'm glad you had a good day! Scrapping and hockey...you were in heaven! :)

We have kind of a low key day ahead. Headed to the zoo for a bit after lunch. I usually like to go in the morning before crowds get there, but it feels like 16 right now. Though there are a lot of indoor structures, that's still kinda chilly. (Did you know my zoo - yes it's just mine - is the #1 zoo in the country?)

Gotta do a bunch of laundry too and practice my Irish-ness. :)

Have a good day ladies!


Well-Known Member
Aaaack! Where did the weekend GO?! Seems like there was so much going on with final running here & there with our guests, doing LOTS of laundry, getting DH off on his business trip and trying to do our ZLS homework from the trainer (lots of clicker stuff).

Today was our first non-guest day so I kept meals to a minimum (less dishes to wash - yay!) and focused on some new editing projects and school assignments. My back totally locked up yesterday and so I tried to take it easy today.

Also, thinking of doing some gluten free/somewhat raw meals just to recover from all the heavier things I've been cooking the last 2 weeks. Those of you who do these/have done these kinds of meals, please share any fave ideas, etc. Always willing to learn. :)

Sara: Yay! The zoo sounds like tons of fun and a great place to get photos to scrap. :)

Nancy: yay on the autograph and scrapping & walking. :)

Laurie: I keep forgetting it's St. Paddy's day (no green on me).

Eva: I need to find a forever theme song, too. ;) :)

Chris: Yay on the fun times with IL. Waaah for your poor BIL. Hope it all works out and he can still play his fav sports. Sounds like you had a BUSY day. And I agree..pjs are the best time of day. Wish there was a way for pjs to be regularly accepted daytime wear. :)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-zies!! Off to the big city to take my sister to the hospital for an appt. She is the sister that has the two daughter's that have made her life a living hell!! The oldest does not talk to her mother, and did not even tell her that she had a child until he was two years old. the other is a crack head and has ripped off her mother's jewellery to pawn off and is sucking the life out of her mother!! :rant: If I could I would strangle those ungrateful little you know whats!!!!! So how could I say no to helping out my poor sister for one day? Anyway after having to spend the day at a crematorium on Saturday and having a house full of company on Sunday and now going to Victoria for my sis, I have not been able to do one thing here at the "O" and I so want to be involved with the challenges and leaving love in the gallery :pout: Oh well my activity is tomorrow so I hope you all can join in the fun!! I am not leaving my computer tomorrow :nono:

Chris - A busy day for you today, hope you are able to have some down time and get some scrapping done, remember to take care of you!! Don't you just hate it when you lose a post!
Thanks for the smiley for my parents?? Perhaps you can tell me about it later!

Laurie - :wave: have great day at work and Happy St Paddy's day to you too!!

Eva - A great theme song, seems to be the theme song for all the young people now, they want money, but don't want to work for it!! :sad:

Nancy - Glad your day was great for you, I will have to check out your layouts later on. Have a great day again today and hope you get to have another wonderful day!

Sara - I love your new AVI!! I love that you are having such a nice spring break too!! So great to be able to get to the zoo! I would love to be able to visit your Zoo it sounds great! I am like you and am part Irish/English/Scottish but I hate corned beef and cabbage :puke:

T - Nice to have company, but nice when they are gone too and you can get back into the daily routine of your life! Sounds like you had a wonderful time with them though! I will have to think of some recipes for you, I don't do gluten free too much, but might have something that would be lighter on the stomach. Have fun doing the :washing: today!

Ok i have to get ready to go, so a quick breakfast, make the bed and get out of here. Hope I am home soon enough to pop in here again today and maybe, just maybe get a page or two done!! Have a great Monday everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good morning all. My mum is feeling much better now after her gall bladder attack on Friday. She came over for dinner last night and we played scrabble. I sent her home with extras and will probably make extra from our meals this week for her or have her over as she's not feeling much like cooking. I hope she gets into see the surgeon soon.

Les was due back from his back country ski trip on Saturday but the weather has been so foggy and snowy up there that the helicopter hasn't been able to get in to pick them up yet!!! I'm hoping they still have some food left up there, but I doubt it will be much - probably protein bars and gorp. Hopefully today!!!

I picked up a new foster cat on Saturday, so he's been keeping my mind off things! He's a real sweetie, about 8 months old and sick with cat cold, plus he just got fixed. I'll probably end up keeping him for two to three weeks.

Chris - sounds like a very busy day. Hope you get a chance to relax a bit too.

Eva - great song!!

Laurie - Have a great day at work.

Nancy - Scrapping and hockey sounds like a great way to spend the day.

Sara - A trip to the zoo sounds very fun! Its been years since we've been to a zoo. There's none near here anymore.

Tropt - Hope your back is feeling better soon. One of my go to lunches in summer is precooked pizza crust, topped with herb and garlic cream cheese, raw cauliflower, carrots, broccoli and whatever else is around.

Trudy - Glad you were able to take your sister to her appointment. Hopefully, you'll be able to get in a lunch together too. Her girls sound horrendous - what a burden for her to have to deal with. Hope you can get some scrapping time in today.


Well-Known Member
hi, guys. i'm just lurking today. not feeling very talkative. hope everyone is enjoying Monday.:becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone! I've been working (at home) all morning and downloading. I've taken advantage of the sale and been shopping like crazy. Just got the 52 inspirations 2014 and a ton of Anna's stuff. I had joined here yrs ago when I dabbled in digi (which didn't take at that time) and then just have come back now. Why did I wait so long? I'm having a blast here this past week!


Well-Known Member
Rae - I'm so glad you are having fun!!

T - I have loads of paleo ideas - which tend to be fairly gluten free. Are you on Pinterest?

Trudy - It's so nice of you to take care of your sister. I hate it when you have family who are bozos and you are stepping up for your sister which is awesome.

Jane - Glad your mom is feeling better. Hope you've made a bunch of good food! Sounds like Les will need it!!!

Big - gentle - hugs Phylis!

Zoo was pretty fun. Though it's still off season and cold, so lots of things were closed and animals not there. But the aquarium, jungle, rhinos...etc. were all still good to see. Giraffes were in their house. One bear was out and about. Surprisingly, the polar bear was not out. It raised lots of questions for us. For example - do bears need to hibernate when they are in a "controlled" environment? If so - where do they keep the bears while they hibernate? And where is the humongous flock of Flamingos and other birds? Do they have an indoor place under the enormous outdoor aviary? And how does one move thousands of flamingos? And so on..... I've been to the zoo a hundred times probably. And that's not counting the summer I worked there. And I never cease to wonder about the animals and the workings of the zoo.

I know it doesn't do it justice, but here is a link to the map of our zoo. http://www.omahazoo.com/visit/map/

It's rated #1 on Trip Advisor, it has the largest number of acres and species combined, the largest indoor rainforest, the largest indoor swamp, the largest cat complex, the largest indoor desert, and the largest geodesic dome in the world. It is the #1 zoo! :) I <3 our zoo.