
Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 16


The Loopy-O
Monday, already?
Considering that I didn't really do anything this weekend, it went pretty fast.
There is good news from this -- I saw a picture on FB that said today is the last Monday of Winter!!

Phyllis and my Fellow Weather Bitches-- we made it!!! :humble:

I have to make this pretty quick, I didn't sleep well last night and I have Max coming over to babysit in a few minutes. I should at least brush my hair and teeth before I head out.

The sun is out, I see more grass outside (and LOTS of dog poop defrosting as well. I hate this part of winter/spring)...and the sump pump keeps on pumpin'

QOTD Is there *anything* that you will miss about winter?
I honestly don't think so, not one little bit. I do like Christmas and Christmas cookies. But I could easily make them if it were 70*.


yeah spring starts this Friday. My son asked me if this is a day off at work *hahah*.
We have sun here, have opened the balcony door and let the sun come in. wonderful ! Unfortunately the computer room is on the east side of the house and no sun here on afternoon. this is why I'm torn back and forth to stay at the computer or the living room and watch TV.

I don´t miss anything about winter. I´m a summer girl and love the heat.
Astrid- me too! The hotter the better- although I am not too crazy about the 95*F and 100% humidity that we get here on occasion. Although, that is still better than the cold ;)

From Sunday:

Nancy- Did you blow away on your walk? The wind was crazy! So good that you got a lot of scrapping done, and enjoyed hockey, perfect day for you!

Trudy- be careful being out in the yard, you don't want that awful bush to attack you again :p
I hope that Heather's basement dries up- and that her washing machine is ok too. Mine seems to be getting louder and louder but I am :lalala:

So sorry to hear about your IL's. I hope that everything gets smoothed over quickly. I have been a bad DIL- I haven't seem my IL's since Christmas. FIL ended up not coming up on Sat either.

Jean- what a nice day! Bridal and baby showers are nice (if a bit boring on occasion LOL)
howdy. it's going to be 65 degrees here today!!! i'm trying NOT to think about it going to be in the 30s tomorrow. :faint:

hope everyone has an excellent day. i may be missing in here for a bit. nothing happening that caused it, just...well: NOTHING'S HAPPENING!! :becky: (((hugs)))
Good morning! We had the prettiest sunrise today. A great way to start the week. The wind was strong yesterday but I had a great walk. And came home to laugh at my DH. And shame on me. He made BBQ ribs and was taking them the grill and slipped on the snow and while he saved the dinner he wrenched his shoulder and was in pain all night. I am glad he saved dinner!!! Got more scrapping done so that was good too. Today I hope to get in another walk.

Chris it is so nice to being seeing all the green come back. The snow is almost gone in the front still have it in the back though.

Astrid sounds like you are having a great day! Love the idea you can open the doors. It is still too chilly hear to do that!

Phylis take care!

Trudy so sorry about the wind and the pinecones! As Chris said be careful around that bush! Hope Heather problems go away quickly. Family dynamics are always tricky! Good luck with planning the party!

QOTD - I will miss the silence when it snows. Eveything just seems softer during a snowstorm.

QOTD from yesterday. Yes I watch soap operas because they so crack me up. I love seeing the clothes. I started watching in the summers in Arizona as it was too hot to go outside. There was no cable TV. I have watched General Hospital since it was only 30 min show and watched Young and the Restless from the first day. I don't watch as much now because the same story lines repeat. But I do like to check in.

Have a great day all!
Morning O-zies, Happy Monday and all that jazz! I am quickly in and out of here again today! Lots happening behind the scenes and its keeping me nice and busy! Nice to hear that everyone is getting some spring like weather! Not much happened yesterday, In-Laws popped in for about 5 mins and picked up some wine we had bottled for them, then we talked about the birthday thing and of course still no solid plans, but hope to have it all settled by Wednesday.

Chris - Yes
you all made it through the horrible winter!! Nice to see the grass again, but not the doggy poo !! Sorry you did not sleep that well last night, it really sucks doesn't it!!

Astrid - Too cute that your son thought the first day of spring should be a holiday!! Actually that's a pretty good idea!! I like his thinking!! Its so nice to be able to open the windows and doors and air out the house, too bad your computer room does not get the sun in the afternoon :pout:

Phylis - Hope you find something interesting to do this afternoon! I know you could break out the photoshop and try scrapping a page!!
I want to see your Art again!! Pleeeaassee!! Try to have a good day and hopefully something exciting will happen that you can share with us! :hug:

Nancy - A beautiful sunrise is the perfect way to start any day!! Aren't you bad for laughing at your DH hurting himself :becky: glad that he saved those ribs though!! I hope he feels better today! I really have to find some time to take a look at all your scrapping that you have done recently. I always love your hockey pages!!

Jean - How nice to catch up with the family, so sweet to see the young ones! It seems that once DH's parents pass, the siblings will probably never see each other at all. Now that my parents are both gone, I rarely see my oldest siblings but I do have a close relationship with my sister who is only one year older than me. She is a hoot and I love her dearly. My one brother and I have fun too, but he is gone for 6 months of the year to Australia to be with his kids and grandkids. Oh well I guess that is just life!!

Ok I have lots to get done today and my stomach is telling me its time to eat. Have a great day ladies! Hope the sun is shining on all of you today!! :wave: