
Daily Ooo's: Monday, March 10


The Loopy-O
Yup, its me! Online bright and early. I am trying to slowly get back into my schedule. I am going to get the kids to the bus stop today. Then I might go back to bed! LOL
Nah, I am really hoping that I can get my strength back and be somewhat productive again. My Income Taxes are calling me. :hurt: I installed the program yesterday and did the updates. That is the easy part. Its the medical deductions that kill me. And the kicker is that since we don't work and our only income is Social Security Disability, it doesn't even matter, We don't pay in, we don't get anything back. And we are at an income level where we shouldn't have to pay either. So it is a lot of work and all for nothing, both for us and the IRS.

I had a better day yesterday. I email-vented to my BFF who made sure that my head was screwed on right. It wasn't. I needed an adjustment and I am working on that. :D
And I got some hugs from my nephew who gets cuter by the day!:hug:

Today is Taxes and Blood Draw. Keep your fingers crossed that my liver is happy!

Me Me Monday:
I think I deserve a small glass of wine to celebrate "Me."



lOve the O!
Morning Chris and O fam. I am getting ready to exercise- giving myself sticker stars on the calendar, and then get ready for work. I have to print DS 2" passport/lineup photos for him to take to apply for a passport. He has an opportunity to go to Canada and get paid for it, so I took his photos last night. I also have to get ready for work. Full week for me this week. I have had a day off the two previous weeks and that was wonderful. It is supposed to be so warm here today. I still do not like daylight savings time, just saying!


The Loopy-O
I am going to try and catch up with all of you, bear with me if I don't get to everyone.:)

Laurie- I hope that all of your home projects are working out perfectly and no more having to call in service people.Sorry that you are leaving the Dark Side as well.

Trudy- yay for some sunshine! Did it melt all of your snow? I can totally see you bebopping in your kitchen sipping some good wine! Thanks for reminding me that it is going to be a while before I feel 100% again (did I ever?? I don't think so!! :rofl:)

Hey there Phyllis- how are you feeling, any better today??

Nancy- you had a really great weekend! I wish I was up to go for a nice walk too, but maybe I can soon.

Sabine- sounds like a beautiful day! Wish I was in Paris!

Jane- what did you think of Monuments Men? The commercials look fab, but a freind said it was boring.

Eva- yay for sun!! Love seeing how the fur-babies have to find those sunny spots an snuggle in them!

Hi Tropt! Hope that ZLS is doing better.

And to all of you, sending hugs!


Well-Known Member
good morning got in a good walk yesterday - while it was sunny it was breezy but still felt good to get out and walk. Not much else going on. My DH made a nice roast and pasta for dinner so that was nice. The weather is going through its changeable spring madness. The early part of the week the temp should be near 60 and then Thursday it should not get above freezing with some snow. But I love that it is light later in the day.

Chris so glad you are feeling better but yes go back to bed after your bus drop off! Taxes are always the pits.

Laurie love your stars on the calendar - sorry you don't like daylight savings time. I love it. LOL

Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
hiya. gotta get into the city in a bit to do some work in my DD's apartment with her. dunno if i'm up for heavy-duty, but here i go. i've already been to WalMart this a.m. for supplies. ours, i discovered, is open 24-7. weird. but it was nice. i love shopping when i'm the only person in the store!!

Chris, so glad you have a lovely friend who helps you get your mind right. you sound more positive today, but beware of over-achieving!! DD was out here for dinner yesterday, doing her taxes with DH. i just go into another room. i can't stand being in the same room with all those numbers.... i don't envy you being the person who has to tackle tax forms.

Nancy, some day you're going to have to share your secret about how to get a man to be the cook. it's supposed to be warm here today, too. i just hope there will be some more sunshine. it just makes life nicer when the sun shines.

i may not be around for a few days this week. i'm gonna go stay with my aunt (the one who was in the hospital) for a few days, and i don't know what the internet situation is at her condo. so, if i disappear, you'll know what's up.

have a super Monday.:becky:


Well-Known Member
Phylis in my case it is pretty easy to get my DH to cook I am quite content to each salad, yogurt or some breakfast food so if he wants more he cooks. When we had kids and both worked full time we split the cooking duties on the nights we got home early. The boys liked his cooking so he kinda got stuck LOL. Hoping this is a good sign that your Aunt is home from the hospital and I hope the visiting goes well.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning "O" friends!! Hooray the sun will be shining here today, so hopefully I will get outside for a bit today! Yesterday DH and I walked for over 2hrs all along the embankment that the city built to prevent flooding. It was a great walk that took us through lots of Marshland and we saw lots of geese, heron, cranes and eagles. A great nature walk.

Chris - Nice to see that you are in better spirits today!! Yes go back to bed after dropping the kids off and do your taxes later on. DH got ours done last week. Earliest we have gotten them done in a long time!! Its so great that you have such a good friend that you can talk to and that she is honest and gets you back on track!! Friends are so important!! Hope you feel well enough to get outside soon for a short walk. Baby steps my friend!! :hug:

Laurie - I did not know that you could take your own photos for passports?? We have to have them done by a professional, but they are inexpensive to have done. Then of course the long process of getting your passport approved!! Uggh!! Hopefully its not that much hassle for your son! Where in Canada is he going to?

Nancy - My hubby cooked for me last night too, steak and scallops yummmm!! I only had to throw together a salad and some potatoes , it was awesome!! You are lucky that your DH cooks so often for you! I guess when DH and I both worked full time, I should have been smarter and been the bad cook for the kids :becky: Hope your day is great!!

Phylis - Glad that you have been able to get out of the house for a bit! Hope your DD does not have anything to strenuous for you to do in her apartment today!! Have a great visit with your Aunt, although I know that she has been sick, I am praying that she is on the mend and that she is out of the hospital! Hopefully you will have some internet access so you can keep in touch with your "O" family!! :hug:

Ok, its time for my second cup of coffee and then I have some things to do for the Oscraps birthday party coming up!! It should be a fun one! Have a great Monday everyone!!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Laurie, i didn't know you could take photos for passports either! there are so many rules about how it has to look!

Trudy, let me just say again that i want to live where you live!! the walk sounded wonderful!


Well-Known Member
G'day to you all! I'm a little late here today. Went for a walk with my mum yesterday afternoon, down at Mission Creek. It was a little mucky but lovely and sunny. Picked some pussy willow at a vacant lot on the way back, then mum made us dinner. Today, I've just been puttering - a little laundry, dusting, a few errands, nothing too interesting.

Chris - its great to hearing you're feeling a bit better today, but try not to over do it! I hate doing our taxes too and probably won't even be able to start for another couple of weeks.
I really enjoyed the Monuments Men and didn't think it boring at all. It's based on a true story and has a great cast.

Laurie - I love the idea of stars on the calendar!! Good luck to your son with the new job. Echoing Trudy here in wondering where he's going?

Nancy - Sounds like a few of us were taking advantage of the good weather yesterday with a walk.

Phylis - Have a great visit with your aunt. Glad to hear she's out of hospital. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Trudy - What a wonderful walk you had with such a great variety of birds to see.


lOve the O!
Yes, in the US you can take a photo- I took my husbands and he took mine. Yes there are rules, but since they really look like mug shots, it is not a big deal. You have to make sure the head is centered and a certain 2" size.
