
Daily Ooos: Monday, June 10


The Loopy-O

Where did the weekend go? I still need a weekend! Who's with me? And who do we ask for another weekend? :pokestick:

I have to admit that I was going to the play yesterday with somewhat low expectations. Having seen Rent on Broadway with the original cast, I felt like I would end up comparing a small community theater production to that and would be disappointed. Heck no!!! The show was incredible! So well done and I loved it! So did my MIL ♥ I asked her right before it started if she had ever heard any of the songs but aside from Seasons of Love, she hadn't. I as a little nervous since there is a wide range of musical styles but it's mostly rock. I should not have been concerned at all- she thought it was fun and fantastic. the theater was small- 200 seats maybe? - so we felt super close to the action. We *were* super close ;)
I had dinner with her and my FIL and if I ever wonder what Gary and I will be like in 20 years- all I have to do is close my eyes and listen to them. Hahahah!!

I am going with Gary to his LLMD appt this morning. He took himself off of his abx over a month ago and is really feeling it, just awful, physically and mentally. :brokenheart: My fear is that he is going to feel crummy for Caitlyn's wedding. He has to get back on track to keep the symptoms under control.
Ahhh well, that is a worry for another day.
My Worry of the Day TM is about work tomorrow. I have to talk to the Lead Educator- I am currently on the schedule to lead the Observation Hike. That's cool, I haven't done that before but I think I have enough working knowledge to do a good job. No one will know if I mess up. Oh, wait, no-- scratch that. I am working with one of the Trustees tomorrow. The Trustees don't usually do field trips. I only met her once before on Earth Day, in passing. Is she leading? Am I leading? What if I get confused and I say a birch tree is a beech tree? Oh Em Gee!!!! :thud:

Right now I have all of these different scenarios in my head. None of them end well. haha!

Hoping that everyone has a wonderful and calm day. me included. :D


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes I am not sure when you will see this-- in fact, I hope you don't see this for a few days-- but I'm happy that you are taking some much-needed downtime. TFS those balloon photos! That would have been nuts to see happen in real time!
See you at the Birthday party! :birthaydog:

@bitzee Ooooh boy- have fun with the puppies! We had three dogs for a few years and it is a lot.
All fingers and toes crossed for no poop parties or drunken puke fests. :giggle4:
feel better too!

@bcgal00 how awesome to have an unexpected day to yourself. LMK how the pumpkin cookies came out, they sound good!

@AK_Tracy I hope you and Kay are doing nothing today. At least nothing more than laundry. And house cleaning. So what happened to your day of doing nothing??? It never works out that way does it? Hmmmph....
Definitely get some time to yourself -build up a few spoons of you can before your mom gets there. Sending love and peaceful vibes!

@Cherylndesigns Love that you and Roger and his girls all went to Nancy's again. Chicken salad and potato soup sound delish.
Which one won, nap or scrap? :D

@mimes1 That's such an annoying feeling when we don't; bounce back like we think we should. Good to hear that Mark is still working on the PT exercises.
My parents seem to have normal aging memory issues, nothing more. *knocks wood* But some of the irritability and self-absorption have gotten worse. I am not sure if that is an aging thing or just "sick of each other" kinda thing. :/ Thanks for your support and understanding ♥

Tracy- pics of the beer in the bathtub please, what a great LO that would make LOL!!!



GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Happy Monday everyone!!! I slept in this morning and skipped the gym. Slept till 7 which is unheard of. After an emotional roller coaster of a weekend, which I'm so thankful I went to, I'm ready to get back to scrapping, after I get finances taken care of. My pink lady slipper opened while I was gone, I tried to get a pic yesterday but it was so insanely windy I couldn't. I'll have to get out there today. The geraniums are overdue for a deadheading and I was able to spot a couple of lily buds just under the surface of the water. All kinds of ideas for scrapping whirling through my head over the weekend so I want to get after those too. @BrightEyes Wowza, if anyone deserves a few days of rest it is you! glad the sale went well and doubly glad for you that it is over. I better quit talking about what needs to get done and just get it done. See you later.


Yes, it is ME.... had to drop in to check on my challenge this morning.
It is raining and cool!!! Only 61F right now. Might make it up to 73F this afternoon!!! What a change from the horrible heat we have had over the last several days. I have the house opened up and am loving the soothing sound of the light rain falling. Tomorrow we are heading back in high heat days again. I am still feeling achy and tired even though I rested most of yesterday. Thank goodness for the massager... had to use it a couple of times. The redness from the sunburn on the arms has faded and the lotion I used on them helped alot. Going to take another 'do-nothing' today and tomorrow.... but.... I have a couple of kits I want to work with so may feel up to scrapping a bit. :rotfl: :floorlaugh:

@JeanneMN Sounds like the reunion was wonderful and emotional! So glad you went. My daylilies have bloomed and they brighten my mood every time I look in the backyard and see them. Hope you get some good photos of your flowers you can share with us.

@faerywings What a fun time with your MIL... Glad that you both enjoyed seeing Rent. DH and I loved to go to the local theater performances as the audience was up close to the stage. I am sure you will do fine on the hike and don't worry about the trustee with you.

@mimes1 I hear your concern about hubby and his shoulder now that he is back at work. It took me about 6 months to recover from my rotator cuff surgery. The PT exercises are key to recovery. I still have my bands and stretcher and have to use them on occasion even though it is has been several years since my surgery. Glad to hear his co-workers are willing to help him.

@Cherylndesigns ... love it.... a BARN SALE... bet it will be fun (even if it is a lot of work). Yes, DD's was worth the time and effort as both of us sold those "must sell items" plus other things.

Coffee cup is empty and I need another one! Hope every one has a good day and week.


Love my O Family!

Where did the weekend go? I still need a weekend! Who's with me? And who do we ask for another weekend? :pokestick:

I have to admit that I was going to the play yesterday with somewhat low expectations. Having seen Rent on Broadway with the original cast, I felt like I would end up comparing a small community theater production to that and would be disappointed. Heck no!!! The show was incredible! So well done and I loved it! So did my MIL ♥ I asked her right before it started if she had ever heard any of the songs but aside from Seasons of Love, she hadn't. I as a little nervous since there is a wide range of musical styles but it's mostly rock. I should not have been concerned at all- she thought it was fun and fantastic. the theater was small- 200 seats maybe? - so we felt super close to the action. We *were* super close ;)
I had dinner with her and my FIL and if I ever wonder what Gary and I will be like in 20 years- all I have to do is close my eyes and listen to them. Hahahah!!

I am going with Gary to his LLMD appt this morning. He took himself off of his abx over a month ago and is really feeling it, just awful, physically and mentally. :brokenheart: My fear is that he is going to feel crummy for Caitlyn's wedding. He has to get back on track to keep the symptoms under control.
Ahhh well, that is a worry for another day.
My Worry of the Day TM is about work tomorrow. I have to talk to the Lead Educator- I am currently on the schedule to lead the Observation Hike. That's cool, I haven't done that before but I think I have enough working knowledge to do a good job. No one will know if I mess up. Oh, wait, no-- scratch that. I am working with one of the Trustees tomorrow. The Trustees don't usually do field trips. I only met her once before on Earth Day, in passing. Is she leading? Am I leading? What if I get confused and I say a birch tree is a beech tree? Oh Em Gee!!!! :thud:

Right now I have all of these different scenarios in my head. None of them end well. haha!

Hoping that everyone has a wonderful and calm day. me included. :D
I pray Gary will feel well for Caitlyn's wedding!
You are gonna do great tomorrow.....lead or not!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
My stomach has been messing with me again this weekend. I felt really good last week while my sister was here and ate twice as much as I normally can eat....with no repercussions so I don't know what happened this weekend. We took Kim to the airport Saturday afternoon.
I did get caught up on my ATC's and have another set of 9 to post if I can get up enough mojo to do so.
I did get a blog post written with pictures from the family visit the first weekend in June and my sister's visit. It is HERE if you want to take a look.
I've lost my scrapping mojo and can't seem to find it. I've got so much stuff I need to get caught up on around the house, but I have no mojo for that either!
I did walk 4 laps (about 1.3 miles) at the track today in 23 minutes. Mark and I are going to a preacher's meeting this afternoon from 2-5pm so I need to get my shower before he gets home from work as he is taking half a day off to go to the meeting.
Hope everyone is doing well and has a great Monday!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... it is a windy but sunny morning here and I am exhausted after a very busy weekend! MIL and FIL are finally in their new home, but there have been many, many set backs. The biggest one is that once FIL installed the chair lift on the stairs, it of course did not work. He should have never removed it from the old house as we told him the warranty on it would be null and void. We also suggested that he just buy a new one before they got into the house so that it could be professionally installed with a new warranty. He of course did not listen to any of us and has ended up having to buy a new one anyway, which will be installed tomorrow. So MIL and FIL have spent more than a week at SIL Linda's where there are no stairs to climb. SIL Linda was on her last thread of sanity by Friday and was also dealing with her now ex-boyfriend Mark YIKES the DRAMA!!! So MIL and FIL decided it was time to sleep in their own bed in their own house, having to do the stairs to get up to the bedroom and their Master bathroom with the walk in shower. I offered them a bed here with us, but she would still have to do stairs to access the shower at our place. FIL has been a mess this whole move, we were hoping to see some improvement now that they are in their house. He won't leave things alone and has messed with the sprinkler system which was set up to come on during their times of watering. We noticed that they were not coming on at all. So over goes my Gary to investigate, sure enough he has shut it all off. Why would you do that??? So Gary manually turned them on to water for a bit during supper last night. Well we are sitting out on our deck and they come on again, shut off after 15 mins and then come on again. A quick telephone call to find out what the heck he is doing and sure enough he has been messing with the system again. He moves boxes from one place to another, but doesn't do anything with them. OMG!!! He wanders around all day long and must put on a thousand miles in a day. We might be putting him in a home if things don't improve soon. He hardly sleeps and of course then poor MIL hardly sleeps either. He has the heat pump running to cool the house down, but has all the doors and windows open :crazy: . Today I am phoning a company to have screen doors installed and this past weekend we took them to buy a new tv which they are loving! Sorry that I am venting to you here, but I need to vent to someone :giggle4:. I will be getting a few things done around my house this morning then, over to the In-Laws to help put some things away in the computer room. I had to set the computer up for them also and ended up having to install a wireless adapter in FIL's unit, good thing it was easy to do. So he is at least spending some time on his computer and leaving MIL alone for bit. I am hoping to be back here more by the end of June and I think my DH and I need a break and maybe a weekend away after all of this. I have to say that the house is looking great and MIL has purged a few more things that she just can't find room for. We hung some pictures for them yesterday also and its really starting to look like home for them. I hope you don't all hate me for this long winded post and I hope that you all have a lovely Monday!! :sunnyeyes:


Well-Known Member
Good morning All.
I hope this Monday finds you well and rested.

My Worry of the Day TM is about work tomorrow. I have to talk to the Lead Educator- I am currently on the schedule to lead the Observation Hike. That's cool, I haven't done that before but I think I have enough working knowledge to do a good job. No one will know if I mess up. Oh, wait, no-- scratch that. I am working with one of the Trustees tomorrow. The Trustees don't usually do field trips. I only met her once before on Earth Day, in passing. Is she leading? Am I leading? What if I get confused and I say a birch tree is a beech tree?
Now, Chris, stop. You will be amazing on this hike! You know your stuff. Your excited by all the nature. You will be amazing and the Trustee will see that and be so happy youre there. I wont say dont worry, but this you dont need to worry about. :heartpumppink:

@AK_Tracy I hope you and Kay are doing nothing today. At least nothing more than laundry. And house cleaning. So what happened to your day of doing nothing??? It never works out that way does it? Hmmmph.
Yeah, nothing is just a dream. Im alive so that means nothing doesn't really happen. :giggle4: Oh well, I'll take it as long as I can keep moving. I'm sure things would be easier if I said no now and again and didn't work but its fun. Not like your nature fun but its my kind of job. So yeah, nothing is a pipe dream.
MIL and FIL are finally in their new home, but there have been many, many set backs
WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!! So glad they're in their home and not with SIL anymore. I am sorry too hear all the setbacks.That has to be frustrating that FIL wont leave things alone. The sprinkler system is funny but not when you know the why it keeps going off and on. But if it was just a neighbor you were watching it would be funny.
DH and I need a break and maybe a weekend away after all of this.
Yep, you two deserve a million dollar vacation after all this. I hope you can at least plan a weekend way. Maybe an extended weekend. You deserve a massage, food, and no-one demanding your attention.

@vickyday sorry to hear your tummy is back to giving you fits. I am glad you were able to spend time with sister without issues. What a blessing that was for you both.

@BrightEyes enjoy the day doing nothing. Dont even scrap today. Take today to recover from that heat of the weekend. Enjoy the cool day.

@JeanneMN So glad to see/hear your weekend was so amazing. I'm so glad you went. I can just imagine the laughter and tears.

Today will be a bit slower than normal. Still have to do laundry and make dinner, but I am going to do what I hubs always says, ask for help. Going to have him clean the bathroom and the kids can help with todays dishes. Yep, that's my plan. But as a woman/mom we all know once I get moving I will probably just do it all and get it done my way.

Off to grab some more coffee and check out the gallery.
Have a wonderful day!


Love my O Family!
Good morning All.
I hope this Monday finds you well and rested.

Now, Chris, stop. You will be amazing on this hike! You know your stuff. Your excited by all the nature. You will be amazing and the Trustee will see that and be so happy youre there. I wont say dont worry, but this you dont need to worry about. :heartpumppink:

Yeah, nothing is just a dream. Im alive so that means nothing doesn't really happen. :giggle4: Oh well, I'll take it as long as I can keep moving. I'm sure things would be easier if I said no now and again and didn't work but its fun. Not like your nature fun but its my kind of job. So yeah, nothing is a pipe dream.

WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!! So glad they're in their home and not with SIL anymore. I am sorry too hear all the setbacks.That has to be frustrating that FIL wont leave things alone. The sprinkler system is funny but not when you know the why it keeps going off and on. But if it was just a neighbor you were watching it would be funny.

Yep, you two deserve a million dollar vacation after all this. I hope you can at least plan a weekend way. Maybe an extended weekend. You deserve a massage, food, and no-one demanding your attention.

@vickyday sorry to hear your tummy is back to giving you fits. I am glad you were able to spend time with sister without issues. What a blessing that was for you both.

@BrightEyes enjoy the day doing nothing. Dont even scrap today. Take today to recover from that heat of the weekend. Enjoy the cool day.

@JeanneMN So glad to see/hear your weekend was so amazing. I'm so glad you went. I can just imagine the laughter and tears.

Today will be a bit slower than normal. Still have to do laundry and make dinner, but I am going to do what I hubs always says, ask for help. Going to have him clean the bathroom and the kids can help with todays dishes. Yep, that's my plan. But as a woman/mom we all know once I get moving I will probably just do it all and get it done my way.

Off to grab some more coffee and check out the gallery.
Have a wonderful day!
Yeah, I usually end up doing it my way, too! I hate taking the time to explain my way, LOL!
I'm glad my tummy was good while the family and my sister was here, too! Made life much more pleasant!


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... it is a windy but sunny morning here and I am exhausted after a very busy weekend! MIL and FIL are finally in their new home, but there have been many, many set backs. The biggest one is that once FIL installed the chair lift on the stairs, it of course did not work. He should have never removed it from the old house as we told him the warranty on it would be null and void. We also suggested that he just buy a new one before they got into the house so that it could be professionally installed with a new warranty. He of course did not listen to any of us and has ended up having to buy a new one anyway, which will be installed tomorrow. So MIL and FIL have spent more than a week at SIL Linda's where there are no stairs to climb. SIL Linda was on her last thread of sanity by Friday and was also dealing with her now ex-boyfriend Mark YIKES the DRAMA!!! So MIL and FIL decided it was time to sleep in their own bed in their own house, having to do the stairs to get up to the bedroom and their Master bathroom with the walk in shower. I offered them a bed here with us, but she would still have to do stairs to access the shower at our place. FIL has been a mess this whole move, we were hoping to see some improvement now that they are in their house. He won't leave things alone and has messed with the sprinkler system which was set up to come on during their times of watering. We noticed that they were not coming on at all. So over goes my Gary to investigate, sure enough he has shut it all off. Why would you do that??? So Gary manually turned them on to water for a bit during supper last night. Well we are sitting out on our deck and they come on again, shut off after 15 mins and then come on again. A quick telephone call to find out what the heck he is doing and sure enough he has been messing with the system again. He moves boxes from one place to another, but doesn't do anything with them. OMG!!! He wanders around all day long and must put on a thousand miles in a day. We might be putting him in a home if things don't improve soon. He hardly sleeps and of course then poor MIL hardly sleeps either. He has the heat pump running to cool the house down, but has all the doors and windows open :crazy: . Today I am phoning a company to have screen doors installed and this past weekend we took them to buy a new tv which they are loving! Sorry that I am venting to you here, but I need to vent to someone :giggle4:. I will be getting a few things done around my house this morning then, over to the In-Laws to help put some things away in the computer room. I had to set the computer up for them also and ended up having to install a wireless adapter in FIL's unit, good thing it was easy to do. So he is at least spending some time on his computer and leaving MIL alone for bit. I am hoping to be back here more by the end of June and I think my DH and I need a break and maybe a weekend away after all of this. I have to say that the house is looking great and MIL has purged a few more things that she just can't find room for. We hung some pictures for them yesterday also and its really starting to look like home for them. I hope you don't all hate me for this long winded post and I hope that you all have a lovely Monday!! :sunnyeyes:
That's what we are here for, Trudy.....to be a sounding board for whoever needs it whenever they need it! Hopefully things will settle down for everyone! A LONG weekend away sounds wonderful and you deserve every minute of it! :hug4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon,

Aly and I went to a new nursery that we found online last night. We all went to Adrienne's and we're sitting around looking at nurseries around here and she found a new one. We were so excited to go - their website had all the flowers and plants we wanted. I'm going to ditch the black-eyed Susans on my arch (they aren't doing very well this year). I'll plant them somewhere else. I've decided I want Wisteria after Jeanne @JeanneMN said that hers were perennials in Minnesota. I figured they HAVE to be here. We're in Zone 7B. What I bought last year is considered an annual in 7B and above. Ugh, I really don't want to plant new flowers every year to cover my arch. Right now, I just have lights on it.

Anyway, I got WAY off track. We're wandering around in these open-air greenhouses wondering why nobody is coming to help us. Finally, this guy pulls up in a truck and says they only do mail order and we can't buy anything! We walked over to his truck and tell him we saw it online and he says "Oh, Google messed up again" - we have to order online and to save 15% we can pick up our order. He said since we lived so close, they could have it ready by tomorrow. So, that was disheartening because we were so excited to get some flowers. We did go to lunch beforehand, so it wasn't a total wash.

Chris @faerywings I have to say that I went in to the couch to take a nap and of course, Sam wanted in at the same time. I could have gone in my br and shut the door, but I just didn't feel like it. I can't nap with him because he sits right up on top of me and wants to nuzzle in my neck. I love that, just not when I'm trying to take a power nap. I also had to be at Adrienne's at six and just got up and scrapped.

Kay @BrightEyes we decided "Barn Sale" sounded pretty cool. Especially out in the country. I guess they were driving around last weekend and saw several "Barn Sales" and there were lots of people there. Roger has a lot of tools and stuff he wants to get rid of, and that stuff really sells.

Trudy @taxed4ever I yi yi - how long has your FIL been like this? Has he gotten worse since they moved? What a mess with the sprinklers and the open doors and windows with the AC on. I know you were hoping to have it a little easier after they moved close to you. Sending hugs to you all.

I'm going to say good-bye for awhile. I need to go on the nursery website and see what I want to order. Aly is going to be wanting to go back over there asap. She's getting a greenhouse delivered today - Ava got one as well.

Hugs to all,


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone! Hope you all have had a good day. I walked with a neighbor first thing this morning and had my 7000 steps before 9 am! The rest of the day has been house keeping, bible study, playing with the dogs and checking in here early! Mark should be home in 45 mins so this is a quick check in.

@taxed4ever You deserve a nice vacation after all this moving is done!! Taking care of aging parents is no easy task, so you're in my thoughts as you navigate all these new things.

@BrightEyes I'm glad to see you here if only for a moment! Hope you get a couple more days of rest before the big Party!

@Cherylndesigns I can just imagine the guys surprise as you're meandering through the Greenhouse! Sounds like it surprised all of you!! How nice though that you could have a lunch date out of it, and tomorrow you'll have new plants to plant! Your arbor will be pretty with the wisteria. Is the memorial garden done yet?

@vickyday I hope your tummy starts feeling better!

@faerywings How did everything go with Gary's appt today? And you'll do great tomorrow! You're rocking the new job! You'll dazzle the Trustee with your enthusiasm and love for what you do! She'll love you and you'll do great!

@AK_Tracy I vacuumed my couch today, thinking of you the whole time!
Have a good rest of the evening everyone!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hi Everyone! Hope you all have had a good day. I walked with a neighbor first thing this morning and had my 7000 steps before 9 am! The rest of the day has been house keeping, bible study, playing with the dogs and checking in here early! Mark should be home in 45 mins so this is a quick check in.

@taxed4ever You deserve a nice vacation after all this moving is done!! Taking care of aging parents is no easy task, so you're in my thoughts as you navigate all these new things.

@BrightEyes I'm glad to see you here if only for a moment! Hope you get a couple more days of rest before the big Party!

@Cherylndesigns I can just imagine the guys surprise as you're meandering through the Greenhouse! Sounds like it surprised all of you!! How nice though that you could have a lunch date out of it, and tomorrow you'll have new plants to plant! Your arbor will be pretty with the wisteria. Is the memorial garden done yet?

@vickyday I hope your tummy starts feeling better!

@faerywings How did everything go with Gary's appt today? And you'll do great tomorrow! You're rocking the new job! You'll dazzle the Trustee with your enthusiasm and love for what you do! She'll love you and you'll do great!

@AK_Tracy I vacuumed my couch today, thinking of you the whole time!
Have a good rest of the evening everyone!
Thanks, Amy. We had a great time at lunch - Aly is so easy to be with and we always have such a good time together. We had to laugh about our experience at the nursery, though. It was pretty funny. I think the guy was as shocked as we were - I went on the website this evening and I called Aly and told her I thought it was way out of our price range. I'd like to have whatever they're smoking - the prices are ridiculous!!! I yi yi! I find (at least it was advertised) some of the plants we want on the Walmart website. Haven't checked at Lowe's yet and there's another local nursery that does sell to the general public.

Glad you had a good day.


Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh the new birthday fun has begun and the avatars are killing me. I had NO idea who Cheryl was when I saw the avatar. Then I laughed when I saw the dog. This is gonna be a fun week. I was contemplating changing my avatar anyway but this wasn't what I was thinking :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh my gosh the new birthday fun has begun and the avatars are killing me. I had NO idea who Cheryl was when I saw the avatar. Then I laughed when I saw the dog. This is gonna be a fun week. I was contemplating changing my avatar anyway but this wasn't what I was thinking :floorlaugh:
Yours is great too, Tracy! Isn't this fun????? We partay here!! :banana7::upsidedownbanana::dancingelephant:dance3


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Yes its fun but man it sure did make me question reality :floorlaugh: :cheer: :floorlaugh:
Hey, that's what happens around here during parties - lots of mayhem and silliness. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Here's that Tuna meme I was talking about in the gallery. We passed Tuna memes around like crazy - he was quite a star. A girl rescued him and turned his "homeliness" into a sensation. He was very famous. "Tuna Melts My Heart". There's a lot aout him online.
