
Daily Ooos: Monday, June 1


The Loopy-O
I survived WFA training! Too bad I killed my patient in the process. :oops2:
Haha! The last scenario was complicated and the "patient" was a coworker who is seriously adorable no matter what she does. The first time she tried to do a drooping stroke smile/slurred speech, the team (all Weis employers) laughed at her. She is that cute. :giggle4: The instructor came over and coached her to smile in character and eventually, we picked up that she was having a stroke. The first of the last two scenarios was easier- a 13 yo girl who ate three bowls of cereal and had a stomach ache (dehydrated mill/lactose intolerant). At one point, I asked her "Did you really eat three bowls of cereal and think you would be able to hike afterward?" and it came out in such a mom-exasperated voice. Everyone knew I was the mom in that group :D
Thursday is CPR AED cert and then I'll be set for two years.

I am going to Gary to his endocrinologist this morning and since we will be in the area of lots of stores, I will try on some sneakers/hiking shoes. I need new sneakers desperately and might as well get something I can wear to work in the summer.

I am super far behind in everything Oscraps and IRL-related. I hope that we are back early enough for me to get on that.



The Loopy-O
@JeanneMN Thanks for describing how you read ebooks-- I always did the "read from the side/book-facing kids/sweep book to show technique." And the voices. I mean, you gotta do the voices. :D Kids these days (man I feel old when I say that) are probably so used to screens that it won't be as odd for them as it feels to me.
I am looking fwd to hearing more about your visit with your scrap friend - if you want to share of course.

@BrightEyes sounds like you and DD#3 are well-organized for the sale. Take it easy today so you're in good shape for the weekend. Hope the weather cooperates too.

@Cherylndesigns Bwuahahah!! I totally forgot about you having to drive to your "office" to get the wifi downloads! :rotfl:
I hope you are starting to feel a little less exhausted than last week. You made it through a really hard time frame so pat yourself on the back for being strong as well as "fake-strong" which is *hard* ♥

@AK_Tracy B/c I worked with little kids all my life and my own family is short- other than Gary- I sometimes forget that I am as small as I am. I am 4'11" and have a small frame so all of the "big guys" who were there for Search and Rescue requirements would let me go in front.
OMG! That must have been traumatic with the pool/drowning scenario! We touched on that briefly in the drowning section of the course and how common it is for the rescuers needing to be rescued themselves. But in middle school- mortified is an understatement. That's awful :(
Thx for the ebook suggestions too! I am going to go ahead and start loading my tablet with some kid's nature books. :D

@bcgal00 I am so excited to hear about the bird babies! I am sure you are getting some amazing photos!
Did I tell you that there was nesting screech owls at one of Scott's parks? They had one owlet. Last week, he thought he saw an injured raven. with 2-foot wingspan but hopping, not flying. He called the raptor rescue, and they analyzed his photos and it was a fledgling. At that size!

@mimes1 so sorry to hear that the windows didn't come out well and that some of the plants are injured.
I give my girls a scoop of pumpkin and a tbsp of wet food along with their dry food every night. The pumpkin is great. I am so glad that you were able to get a belly sling for Ike!! It was such a big help for Jaida to get up and down the stairs to go outside as well as getting her in and out of the car. Hugs to that sweet boy.

@vickyday So nice to see you, did you have a wonderful time with the family? Of course, you did! Can't wait to see the pics!! You should do a comparison LO of the family from last year on the deck to this year ♥

I'm late-- what else is new?
Love to you all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone, wanted to pop in to say :wavinghello:The second truck is arriving to the new house shortly so we will be having another very busy day of unpacking. Worked all day yesterday unpacking and putting away MIL's kitchen and dining room, there is still way too much stuff and I think she is finally realizing that she has to let go of more things. We were all exhausted last night and got to bed early. There is a beautiful rainbow outside my kitchen window, hopefully that is a sign of nicer weather and good luck!! Sorry I can't catch up with everyone right now, but hopefully we will be finished with the unpacking in a few days and maybe our lives will get back to normal (whatever that is LOL). I hope you all have a lovely Monday!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all,

I started working on a LO for another CT last night and I just can't get it. I got up this am and started on it again. I just trashed it. Buh-bye. Just couldn't make it work. Hate when that happens but if I have to work that hard, something's wrong. I had this vision in my head and it just wasn't working. They shouldn't be that hard and I could tell I wasn't going to be happy with it. It will just fall together when I go back to it.

Chris @faerywings I feel a lot better this morning. Adrienne and I got some sunning time yesterday after she put the finishing touches on the brick house. I was pretty tired yesterday though. You always make me feel so good and I do "fake strong" really well. You know me too well. I figure I'll "fake it til I make it". Oh yes, those long months w/o internet were really pretty funny looking back. Then I found a business that had an actual password and they took pity on me and gave me the password. They had a really fast connection. The public wifi is pretty slow at times. Then we got it and then we moved up the hill and didn't have it again. So, I had to go back to the brick house and use theirs. They called me their "friendly neighborhood wifi stealer". At least it was a lot closer. :floorlaugh:

Trudy @taxed4ever sounds like you're all in the homestretch. I know there's still a lot to do - there always is when you move, but just getting IN the house is huge. Don't work too hard and good to go to bed early. I know the IL's really appreciate all of your wonderful help.

Hugs to everybody and I have to go take care of some things and try to work on that LO some more. XOXO


Well-Known Member
Good morning my lovely ladies!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful nights sleep and are ready to face this Monday! Its the first Monday of the month so I wont be on here much. First Monday means deep clean. Clean the appliances (dryer, dishwasher, etc) along with all the other Monday stuff like laundry and cooking. Plus a medical appointment for hubs so now I have to leave my house too. :jawdrop3:
At one point, I asked her "Did you really eat three bowls of cereal and think you would be able to hike afterward?" and it came out in such a mom-exasperated voice. Everyone knew I was the mom in that group :D
That's so so so funny!!!! The mom voice :floorlaugh: Sometimes its what is needed. Mom voice gets things done!
hopefully we will be finished with the unpacking in a few days and maybe our lives will get back to normal (whatever that is LOL).
I hope youre able to finish today and that you find your normal again. :heartpumppink: Hope you have something fun planned just for you when this is all over. At least a massage.
I just trashed it. Buh-bye. Just couldn't make it work. Hate when that happens but if I have to work that hard, something's wrong.
:oops: What? You trashed a LO???? Can you do that???? :bowdown2: I bow down to you master! I have much to learn. Take me on as your padwan. :floorlaugh: I dont know if I've ever trashed a layout. Maybe once. Usually I take it down to just background paper and photos and walk away. But it ends up in my printed book. LOL Wow. Trashing a LO. So much freedom.

Off to grab :coffeedrinker:and look at the gallery.
Have a wonderful day.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning my lovely ladies!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful nights sleep and are ready to face this Monday! Its the first Monday of the month so I wont be on here much. First Monday means deep clean. Clean the appliances (dryer, dishwasher, etc) along with all the other Monday stuff like laundry and cooking. Plus a medical appointment for hubs so now I have to leave my house too. :jawdrop3:

That's so so so funny!!!! The mom voice :floorlaugh: Sometimes its what is needed. Mom voice gets things done!

I hope youre able to finish today and that you find your normal again. :heartpumppink: Hope you have something fun planned just for you when this is all over. At least a massage.

:oops: What? You trashed a LO???? Can you do that???? :bowdown2: I bow down to you master! I have much to learn. Take me on as your padwan. :floorlaugh: I dont know if I've ever trashed a layout. Maybe once. Usually I take it down to just background paper and photos and walk away. But it ends up in my printed book. LOL Wow. Trashing a LO. So much freedom.

Off to grab :coffeedrinker:and look at the gallery.
Have a wonderful day.
Yes ma'am I've trashed many a layout! When I get to a certain point, I just click close all and don't save any of it. Starting over. I knew last night that it wasn't going to work but thought maybe I'd feel differently this morning. I didn't. So, it met with my delete key. :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Yes ma'am I've trashed many a layout! When I get to a certain point, I just click close all and don't save any of it. Starting over. I knew last night that it wasn't going to work but thought maybe I'd feel differently this morning. I didn't. So, it met with my delete key. :floorlaugh:
I know its possible but this just amazes me. Delete is just for the typing mistakes I make, not a whole layout :floorlaugh: Lots to learn. You'll be the first to know when I manage to delete a layout :giggle4: But dont hold your breath.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I'm off to the garden center this morning. We are picking up grass seed for the back of the yard, we were going to get sod but the little patch we want done was a quote of $1600. Forget that. I'll put seed down and leave the wire fencing up until it grows.

I got the notice that windows 10 will not be supported after next year so none of my devices will work properly after that. Already my ipad and desktop are not compatible with some of the software (the latest has been acdsee which stopped working a few weeks ago). Looks like I'll be getting a new desktop and maybe a small laptop that I can use in my office and in the LR, probably don't need an ipad anymore if I get a small laptop that I can travel with. So I'll start looking for sales later this year and into the spring. Lots of time to look around so no rush but will keep my eyes open.

The baby crossbills have left the nest. Mama robin has at least one hatched but it hasn't stood up in the nest for us to see it. We can let the contractor know that they can resume working on the deck and yard. I sure would like that done this summer. The guy came one day early last week, pulled out a bush and dug up part of the ground for the sidewalk but then never came back. BC was bad and now it looks like Alberta is also bad for contractors, they have so much work that they pick and choose what and when to do it. A friend here lost a few thousand this spring on her contractor who disappeared and stopped working. It's crazy.

@Cherylndesigns I've never totally junked a layout but have greatly redesigned a page if I'm not really feeling it. The thought in your head doesn't always translate into an acceptable LO I've discovered.

@faerywings Hope you find hiking shoes while in town.

I've got to do some CT stuff and then get to the garden store before lunch, so gotta go. HAGD everyone.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I'm off to the garden center this morning. We are picking up grass seed for the back of the yard, we were going to get sod but the little patch we want done was a quote of $1600. Forget that. I'll put seed down and leave the wire fencing up until it grows.

I got the notice that windows 10 will not be supported after next year so none of my devices will work properly after that. Already my ipad and desktop are not compatible with some of the software (the latest has been acdsee which stopped working a few weeks ago). Looks like I'll be getting a new desktop and maybe a small laptop that I can use in my office and in the LR, probably don't need an ipad anymore if I get a small laptop that I can travel with. So I'll start looking for sales later this year and into the spring. Lots of time to look around so no rush but will keep my eyes open.
Sorry you have to start looking for a new computer. That's never fun. Hopefully you find a great sale price. Also that's a crazy quote for some sod! I too would buy some seed and hope for the best.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning ladies. I'm off to the garden center this morning. We are picking up grass seed for the back of the yard, we were going to get sod but the little patch we want done was a quote of $1600. Forget that. I'll put seed down and leave the wire fencing up until it grows.

I got the notice that windows 10 will not be supported after next year so none of my devices will work properly after that. Already my ipad and desktop are not compatible with some of the software (the latest has been acdsee which stopped working a few weeks ago). Looks like I'll be getting a new desktop and maybe a small laptop that I can use in my office and in the LR, probably don't need an ipad anymore if I get a small laptop that I can travel with. So I'll start looking for sales later this year and into the spring. Lots of time to look around so no rush but will keep my eyes open.

The baby crossbills have left the nest. Mama robin has at least one hatched but it hasn't stood up in the nest for us to see it. We can let the contractor know that they can resume working on the deck and yard. I sure would like that done this summer. The guy came one day early last week, pulled out a bush and dug up part of the ground for the sidewalk but then never came back. BC was bad and now it looks like Alberta is also bad for contractors, they have so much work that they pick and choose what and when to do it. A friend here lost a few thousand this spring on her contractor who disappeared and stopped working. It's crazy.

@Cherylndesigns I've never totally junked a layout but have greatly redesigned a page if I'm not really feeling it. The thought in your head doesn't always translate into an acceptable LO I've discovered.

@faerywings Hope you find hiking shoes while in town.

I've got to do some CT stuff and then get to the garden store before lunch, so gotta go. HAGD everyone.
No it doesn't always translate and when I trash one - I'm beyond frustrated. I started over and I'm not liking number two much either. My IT guy told me the same thing about Windows 10 last year. He said we'd better get used to 11 as I was complaining about it. It's creeping up on us - that's for sure. Those "years" go by fast. I've been using 11 and am finally kind of getting used to it. It has some oddities that's for sure. They have "fixed" one of the annoyances, so I'm hopeful that they're listening to customer feedback.


Well-Known Member
I got the notice that windows 10 will not be supported after next year so none of my devices will work properly after that. Already my ipad and desktop are not compatible with some of the software
Sorry to sound dumb but what does that mean exactly? If windows 10 isn't supported does that mean the old software doesn't work? I have PScc2024 on Windows 10. I've heard terrible things about 11. I think mine will update automatically, so some random day. When that day comes will none of my software work?


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I know its possible but this just amazes me. Delete is just for the typing mistakes I make, not a whole layout :floorlaugh: Lots to learn. You'll be the first to know when I manage to delete a layout :giggle4: But dont hold your breath.
Oh, it's so easy - DELETE! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I was just thinking about the layout I did about working in my car "My Office". I found it and didn't remember that I made a double page. Here they are: Oh shoot, I didn't post this in today's thread. Oh well...................these are from 2021. Not so long ago, really.



Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about the layout I did about working in my car "My Office". I found it and didn't remember that I made a double page. Here they are: Oh shoot, I didn't post this in today's thread. Oh well...................these are from 2021. Not so long ago, really.

I love it! That's so awesome.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Pretty sure you posted in todays thread, it just has the wrong date number. :floorlaugh: My timeline shows the thread was started at 2 a.m. so I am sure the coffee hadn't kicked in.
You know, the DAY and DATE are our biggest obstacles around here. I thought I was REALLY off because today is the 3rd. You should see us getting each other all confused over the day/date in here. It's pretty funny. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:


Love my O Family!
I survived WFA training! Too bad I killed my patient in the process. :oops2:
Haha! The last scenario was complicated and the "patient" was a coworker who is seriously adorable no matter what she does. The first time she tried to do a drooping stroke smile/slurred speech, the team (all Weis employers) laughed at her. She is that cute. :giggle4: The instructor came over and coached her to smile in character and eventually, we picked up that she was having a stroke. The first of the last two scenarios was easier- a 13 yo girl who ate three bowls of cereal and had a stomach ache (dehydrated mill/lactose intolerant). At one point, I asked her "Did you really eat three bowls of cereal and think you would be able to hike afterward?" and it came out in such a mom-exasperated voice. Everyone knew I was the mom in that group :D
Thursday is CPR AED cert and then I'll be set for two years.

I am going to Gary to his endocrinologist this morning and since we will be in the area of lots of stores, I will try on some sneakers/hiking shoes. I need new sneakers desperately and might as well get something I can wear to work in the summer.

I am super far behind in everything Oscraps and IRL-related. I hope that we are back early enough for me to get on that.

Sounds like you work with a great group of "kids", mom! ;)


Love my O Family!
@JeanneMN Thanks for describing how you read ebooks-- I always did the "read from the side/book-facing kids/sweep book to show technique." And the voices. I mean, you gotta do the voices. :D Kids these days (man I feel old when I say that) are probably so used to screens that it won't be as odd for them as it feels to me.
I am looking fwd to hearing more about your visit with your scrap friend - if you want to share of course.

@BrightEyes sounds like you and DD#3 are well-organized for the sale. Take it easy today so you're in good shape for the weekend. Hope the weather cooperates too.

@Cherylndesigns Bwuahahah!! I totally forgot about you having to drive to your "office" to get the wifi downloads! :rotfl:
I hope you are starting to feel a little less exhausted than last week. You made it through a really hard time frame so pat yourself on the back for being strong as well as "fake-strong" which is *hard* ♥

@AK_Tracy B/c I worked with little kids all my life and my own family is short- other than Gary- I sometimes forget that I am as small as I am. I am 4'11" and have a small frame so all of the "big guys" who were there for Search and Rescue requirements would let me go in front.
OMG! That must have been traumatic with the pool/drowning scenario! We touched on that briefly in the drowning section of the course and how common it is for the rescuers needing to be rescued themselves. But in middle school- mortified is an understatement. That's awful :(
Thx for the ebook suggestions too! I am going to go ahead and start loading my tablet with some kid's nature books. :D

@bcgal00 I am so excited to hear about the bird babies! I am sure you are getting some amazing photos!
Did I tell you that there was nesting screech owls at one of Scott's parks? They had one owlet. Last week, he thought he saw an injured raven. with 2-foot wingspan but hopping, not flying. He called the raptor rescue, and they analyzed his photos and it was a fledgling. At that size!

@mimes1 so sorry to hear that the windows didn't come out well and that some of the plants are injured.
I give my girls a scoop of pumpkin and a tbsp of wet food along with their dry food every night. The pumpkin is great. I am so glad that you were able to get a belly sling for Ike!! It was such a big help for Jaida to get up and down the stairs to go outside as well as getting her in and out of the car. Hugs to that sweet boy.

@vickyday So nice to see you, did you have a wonderful time with the family? Of course, you did! Can't wait to see the pics!! You should do a comparison LO of the family from last year on the deck to this year ♥

I'm late-- what else is new?
Love to you all!
Had a great time with family! Pictures to follow!


Love my O Family!
Good Evening Ladies!
Not really back completely as my sister is here for the week. But I had a couple of group pictures I just had to share with you. I got tired of taking the same group pic off my daughter's deck, so I had everyone stack up on their hillside. And we had such a beautiful weekend of weather that I wanted a group picture down in the woods to prove we actually spent some time in our woods! The original plan was to gather around my grandson's jeep, but as they came off the trails on the 4-wheelers, I loved the look! What do you think? I think I like the woods pic better!



Well-Known Member
@vickyday both of your photos are wonderful! Everyone looks so happy and is having such a good time together. The woods family portrait is very cool - it looks really nice having everyone on all the different "toys"! So glad you had a great time and the weather was nice to you!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Sorry to sound dumb but what does that mean exactly? If windows 10 isn't supported does that mean the old software doesn't work? I have PScc2024 on Windows 10. I've heard terrible things about 11. I think mine will update automatically, so some random day. When that day comes will none of my software work?
It's the "platform" that won't be supported for Windows 10 in less than a year. It's crazy, isn't it? It's like the phones - it all depends on what "platform" you're running. IOS vs Android. Kind of like that, if that makes sense. I think it means that after Windows 11 takes over, there will be no support for Windows 10. I tried to switch to a Mac about a year ago for this reason and it didn't work out for me. Long story. I'm not sure if it is going to disable our software, or not. We had better get used to 11 because it's coming to town and we'll have no choice. I fought it as long as I could but it's not horrible like it was in the beginning. I honestly think they've tweaked it a LOT. I despised it in the beginning, but they have made some improvements and changes. Time marches on whether we want it to or not.


Well-Known Member
Oh Vicky I love your photos @vickyday I love them both. They both show the great group and the fun!! I love the lawn photo as its chill and bright. The woods photo is almost an action shot and super fun. I dont know if I could pick. But the woods one is more unique and so maybe that would be the one to pick.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Evening Ladies!
Not really back completely as my sister is here for the week. But I had a couple of group pictures I just had to share with you. I got tired of taking the same group pic off my daughter's deck, so I had everyone stack up on their hillside. And we had such a beautiful weekend of weather that I wanted a group picture down in the woods to prove we actually spent some time in our woods! The original plan was to gather around my grandson's jeep, but as they came off the trails on the 4-wheelers, I loved the look! What do you think? I think I like the woods pic better!
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Awesome pictures, Vicky!!!