
Daily Ooo's: Monday, July 7


The Loopy-O
Uh-oh. I am sorry that I didn't let you know that I was on my way out to PA. Between the bad storms on Thurs night, and the holiday weekend and construction traffic I boogied out of here as quickly as I could. My plan was to leave at 4, but was able to be on the road at 2.30. Good thing too, since we got to my parents house just a little bit before all of the storms began.

We had a good time too. The kids played Mario Cart for hours and just laughed and laughed. Saturday we went to the Lacawac Wildlife Sanctuary and we did the long hike-- 3 miles. It was pretty intense at times and the worst part was the "going uphill" was towards the end of the hike. But we saw frogs, newts, and hordes of blue dragonflies. And I have to say that my 76 yo dad and I made it with less complaining than the kids LOL

Add in dinners and debates, and it was a loud and crazy time. :)

I hope that all of you had a wonderful weekend too! I missed you all! I brought an old laptop, hoping to check in, but it was the weirdest thing. My dad has 2 wireless connections- one is secured, the other is not (I have no idea how that happened, but that was the way the cable co set it up and that is the way it is going to have to stay since no one except Gary would know how to fix it and Gary isn't able to get there.). My phone is able to see both connections but auto logs into the unsecured. The laptop could only see the secured but no one knows the password. After an hour of trying to figure it out, I gave up.

Today, it is back to the grind. Working, blood work, laundry etc. My IL's are coming up at some point today too so I need to at least sweep and mop my kitchen floor. Sticky, crumby mess.

Me Me Monday- my fingers are crossed that Cait and I can go to the Botanical Gardens and Yoga walk, but that depends on what time the IL's will be here.



The Loopy-O
I will try to catch up on some personals but if I miss you it is not intentional.

Sara, Your Derby and fireworks sound like a nice time. Did you and Ben do any caching?
Arthur was no issues for us either in PA or NJ. I am sure that the shore had some riptide issues but we were all good. Hope that anyone in NC area did ok.

Yup, Nancy- spot on-- I figured that leaving on Thurs afternoon I would miss the worst of everything. It got so cold in PA too. I have packed one long sleeve t shirt and one pair of capris. It was so darn hot and humid when I was packing that I couldn't even think of packing sweats. I wish I had.

Hi Trudy!
How is Mason today?

Phyllis- your low key day sounds lovely! I haven't gone to fireworks in a long time. Gary said that between the thunder and the fireworks, poor Ravyn was terrified. She doesn't like loud noises at all.
Cheers to burgers and champagne.
And cheers to having your car back. I got mine back on Thursday, after $250 on it and still not fixed. The ABS sensor is shot and it will cost another $700 or so that I don't have to fix it. Not sure what I am going to do, but I know it will all work out in the end.

Hi Jean! Your weekend sounds lovely as well. I wish I knew more about birds, You could hear so many different ones on our hike, but outside of blue jays and robins, I am clueless.

OK, that is from Friday-- I will look for a weekend thread next. :)


Well-Known Member
Good morning - Chris good to have you back. Glad you had such a wonderful weekend. It was gorgeous in NJ. Our fireworks on Friday was awesome. The weather cleared and it was awesome. Sat and Sun were beautiful - low key with lots of cooking on the BBQ. I have to say that having this new BBQ is really helpful in keeping the house cool! Got lots of scrapping done. Have been getting up early to watch the Tour de France. I am loving it. I love seeing the country side as the riders go by. Also watched the soccer. Great games!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Well-Known Member
Good morning dear hearts!

Chris - glad you had a good time and got in a good hike. I do hope you get to go to the botanical gardens and do yoga. The rest of it doesn't sound like much fun. We are totally thinking of getting a roomba. Have you ever used one? :)

Nancy - Grills are awesome aren't they? What kind do you have? I need to get a new one for us, but it's low priority.

I dropped Ben off at CSI camp this morning. He was very nervous. I know he'll be fine and get over it quickly though. Still, I hate that he is such a nervous kid.

Anyone have any experience with Coton de Tulears? They are supposedly a great breed for allergy sufferers. A breeder nearby does those, wheatens, poodles, and a few other breeds. I think we are going to go check them out and see how I react to them.

Today, while Ben is gone, I'm cleaning out the craft room. Tomorrow, his room and the basement toys. Maybe one other day I'll do the kitchen. Yay to being able to get stuff done!!

Time to get moving!! Have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... a hot and humid day here today, very unusual for our little Island!! But with all the rain we had on the weekend (which was very much needed!) I guess the wetness is still in the air and it will prove to be a very muggy day for us! Why does it continue to rain on the weekends?? Then as soon a DH goes back to work the sun comes out and the temps are on the rise. Poor man will never get his yard work finished. LOL Oh well it means more time to spend with little Mason. Mason and mommy are back to bed, he was up very early and DD was a bit cranky this morning. Now the neighbour kids are making such a racket, I don't know how they will ever sleep through it :rant: The worst neighbours in the world live behind us. Phylis I need you here to give them what for!!!

Chris - It sounds like you had a great weekend with your family! The hike would have been so nice to be on too! I think that if you check out the label on your Dad's router I bet the password is on that. Funny that there is a secure and unsecured line, but guess its a good thing if no one knows the password for the secured one LOL.

Phylis - Hope you enjoyed your fireworks and champagne!! Wish I could have joined you!

Nancy - I have never watched the tours but would like to see the countryside for sure! Enjoy your grill, it really is a great thing to have on those hot and humid days!!

Sara - I have never heard of Coton de Tulears I will have to check out what they look like on the internet. Have fun cleaning while he is away at camp, I bet he has such a fun time!! It will be so quiet for you!

Tomorrow DD and I are off for our annual tea leaf reading at the Calico Cat in Naniamo, we will meet up with SIL Linda and Aunt Betty. DH is taking the afternoon off to watch Mason for us, so it will be a fun time as usual I am sure! I will tell you all about it later. Hope you all have a fabulous day! We are going to fill up the little swimming pool on the deck and spend the afternoon splashing and having fun. :wave:


Well-Known Member
hiya. i find myself in the preposterous position of being marooned in my dining room. well, sort of. my tile guy is here starting on the kitchen floor, so i put the cat back in the library at one end of the kitchen. the family room is at the other end of the kitchen, and the dining room, living room and the front door are at another edge of the kitchen. so for me to be able to get out of the house, i had to pick a room by a door, because no one can walk in the kitchen while this skim coat stuff is setting up. so i'm sitting in the dining room with the phone and my iPad. no idea how long this is going to take. i didn't ask, and the tile guy has left to go to the Home Depot for cement board. so here i sit. i won't starve, at least. we had to move the refrigerator out of the kitchen and into the dining room, for this event. did you ever find yourself second-guessing your choice of something you picked out for your house. man, i'm hoping i didn't totally mess up with the tile i chose. i have absolutely no confidence in my taste. none. :faint2:

Chris, so nice that you had a pleasant weekend and didn't have to drive in any scary stuff. i can't believe you, hiking all over the place. you're an amazement!

Nancy, goes to show what i know. i didn't know the Tour de France was going on. we had such great weather over the weekend, too. it was so nice not be be either staying indoors because of rain or roasting to death.

Trudy, wish you could have been here for the cheap champagne, too. or, wish i could have been at your house with the cheap champagne. i would have drank far too much of it and then shouted abuse at your stinky neighbors. :becky:

Sara, i have a couple of Roombas. (older models.) i found they're great on hardwood, tile and low pile carpets. but they do have their limitations. you should never get rid of your normal vacuum. Roombas don't deep clean, by any stretch of the imagination. i also suspect that, with repeated use, the models that use the rotating brush all the time eventually start messing with the finish on your floors. also, if you have painted baseboards, they do a little damage to the paint. all that said, i like having them. but i think they're starting to price themselves out of the market. way too expensive with these newer models.

ok. tile guy has returned. gonna go ask when i can walk in the kitchen.

enjoy your day! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
Phylis - that's good to know about the Roombas. We really want it for our kitchen with the hardwood floor. There is a rug under our kitchen table, but it's very low pile. No painted baseboards. Just wood.

Trudy - Here's a Coton. They look like Maltese a lot. In general, the "breed standard" had their hair long, but you can keep their hair shorter like this picture for less grooming.


Half the crap...I mean...craft room cleaned out! It's all sorted and stuff, now I just need to put stuff where it actually goes. The problem is that everything of mine goes in there. Any papers to keep, Ben's keepsake schoolwork, craft supplies, knick-knacks that I've inherited, books, wrapping paper supplies, etc. It has just gotten crazy out of hand. But I'm taking control! I had to stop and eat my left over Olive Garden, but then I'm TAKING CONTROL! LOL