
Daily Ooo's: Monday, July 28


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday to all of you! I am in need of channeling Sally.
:horn: Sally where are youuuuuuuuuu?

I think I got this, yup, I do. *nods* I slept like a rock last night. We were supposed to get T-storms but if we did, I didn't hear a thing. :sleep:

I miss my kids. WTH am I going to do when they move out? After being at his GF's since Thursday, Scott came home on Saturday, ate dinner with Gary and I, had a friend over and didn't see him again until the morning. Then we went to IL's and I left him there for a few days so he can do yard work for them. I guess I will see him again on Wed?
Cait went to a friend's house Sat afternoon and stayed overnight. She came home right before I went to bed last night. It seems like it has been like this most of the summer. I have been able to get some decent one-on-one time with each of them, but to get the just the two of them in the house, at the same time-- it just gets harder and harder. I really love having time with the 4 of us.

I am such a sappy mom!

I feel bad for Gary even more though. Not only is he having the "never the twain shall meet" situation with the kids, but then we were away 4th of July weekend and then again when we go away this weekend. So even though I get to see them at those times, he has the whole house all quiet except for the pets. (OTOH, wow, that sounds amazing!!!!!!!) It has been probably *years* since I have had any length of time (more than a half hour or so) alone in my house.

I have a crazybusy week coming up ahead. Today is food shopping, lake for a bit, then the walk and yoga tonight. My muscles could really use that stretching. I also have to get ready for my appt with the onc on Wed. I want to make a good list of questions to ask this guy so I can make a more informed decision.

Do any of you remember what I was blabbering on about after my first onc appt in June? I know that part of it was the concern with mixing Tamoxifen and my Lyme meds... who know what else I was thinking? Not me! :noidea:

Me me Monday:
If the massage therapist is there at the walk/yoga meeting tonight, I would love to get that done too.
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The Loopy-O
I got to everyone yesterday except Sara's last post.
The Prairie Dog town sounds so cute!! The little zoo that I would take the kids to when they were young has that tunnel thing too. We went on a lark a couple of years ago and my kids (15 and 15 yos!!) went into the tunnel and popped up into the bubble. Scott forgot that they are built for little kids and when he popped up, he whacked his head on the roof so hard I could hear it *thunk* where I was sitting. LOL

The wedding must have been a blast, and I knew I would be right that you had the best date there. :)
What a doll Ben is!

Hugs to all of you today!


Well-Known Member
Good morning we had lightning and thunder from a little after 11 pm until 2 am with rain. But there was not wind so that was good. Chris my husband did not hear the thunder nor see the lightning either. Had a good day yesterday. I finally got my new Garmin Edge on my bike and went for a quick ride. It was so good to be on my bike again. Came home and then had to do updates and create my new Garmin account so I could see just how far and fast I went and how many calories I burned. I love seeing all this data. I guess that is the scientist in me. My husband made a great Sunday family dinner, we had grilled steak, spinach and feta in puff pastry, and mashed potatoes. Good thing I had ridden my bike.

Chris so glad you slept so well. And it is hard to see the kids gaining their independence.

Have a great day everyone.


Well-Known Member

Chris - I can't imagine that independence yet. One of the downsides of Ben being an only child is that we're his playmates many times. There are some kids in the neighborhood close to his age, but the boy that is his age that he likes never seems to be home when we are. So yesterday, while Matt and I were trying to work and catch up from vacation, he was bummed because he was bored because we wouldn't play with him. I'm sure one day I'll miss it. :) Glad you slept well and it sounds like you have a nice day planned.

Nancy - We bought an eTrex 20 for geocaching before the trip. I didn't realize it doesn't just pull in coordinates and it took all this extra work (getting maps and such) to use it! It's kind of confusing, even for a techie like me. Between it being confusing and it being 100 degrees out there, we didn't even use it at all. Hopefully, I will figure it out and we won't have wasted the money. Dinner sounds yummy! We were supposed to do steak tonight, but DH didn't start it last night in the sous vide. So I don't know that it will happen.

I'm off to work today. Lots to get going on there! Ben will be my helper too. Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
more zucchini bread! i found two biggies hiding under the foliage this morn, so two more loaves are in the over, with lots of shredded zucchini in the fridge waiting for me to buy more sugar and eggs. this is getting kinda funny. but i'm loving it, after years of NOTHING on my Burpee seed plants. heritage seeds for me from now on!!!

Chris, a good night's sleep!! how excellent. the thunder kept me up a bit last night, plus i stayed up intil midnight watching "Man of Steel." Henry Cavill is ridiculously good-looking. i'm laughing a bit at you having "kid withdrawal." take comfort on the fact that this pulling away is good for both you AND them. find ways to deal with their absence that benefits YOU. and you should find some way to kick Gary out of the house, too, once in a while, so YOU can experience silence and freedom to do what you want to do. OK. lecture over....

Chris my husband did not hear the thunder nor see the lightning either.
Nancy, isn't that handy for guys? my husband sleeps like a rock, too. so I'm the crazy lady running around at 2 a.m. closing windows....

Sara, that wedding you went to sounds like a blast! i haven't been to too many actually FUN weddings in years. i kinda miss the weddings of my childhood. stuffed cabbage and halushi and a polka band! so, you're gearing up for Back to School, eh? man, i don't miss that.

well, all the fuss about the weather yesterday was a fizzle around here. we got some rain and a bit of thunder and lightning, but the tornado warning was pure hyperbole. today, up to only 68 (yaaaaaaaaaay!!) later going to my sister's house to see my Aunt, and my cousin from Edmonton (her son here on a visit.) i'll be bearing gifts of zucchini bread!

OK. on with the day have a good one. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Morning, Ozzies. I'm still trying to get my head back from that intense week of genealogy classes. With all the T-storms yesterday we had the computers off a lot and I spent some time just reading a mystery.

I'm way behind on your posts and now I've got to make the most of house to myself while DH does his Monday morning things at the senior center.

Despite the weather, hope you're having a good start to the week.