
Daily Ooo's Monday July 26th


Well-Known Member
Okay....two weeks at this time...I will be standing on my balcony overlooking the ocean!!! You have no idea how excited I am to be going on vacation!! I need to GET AWAY....the last year and half has not seen much time away from this house!!! I NEED IT!!! Coffee by the sea...LOVE IT!!!

Finally a slight break in the heat today...High is suppose to be 88 today... Maybe I can walk outside without melting!!! I have been so wiped out from the heat!!!

Better run...my kids are going to be here any minute...be back in a bit to spead some love!! :kiss:


The Loopy-O
OMG! Nana I am sooooooo jealous! I miss the ocean, I miss the stress-free life!
:tea: and :partywine: by the ocean... Heaven!!!!

I am bumming around. One of my cats has a bladder infection and I still cannot figure out which one. So I have each of the two male cats in different bathrooms hoping that soon, one will show some sign. I'd make an appt but I don't know who I need to grab. I do know its not the kitten nor the older female. ughh....

Looks be be a gorgeous weather day here too.

Hope everyone has a happy Monday!
Good Morning ladies!

How is everyone doing today?

I'm being a lazy bum and I took the day off from work, so I have this entire beautifully quiet house to myself. I have a feeling I will get a lot done today!

Since no one saw my post on the weekend O's -
Can anyone tell me what has happened to Melanie Colosimo? She's not on the designer list anymore, and when I googled her I found her blog and that hasn't been updated since March of 09. Her last post didn't say anything about closing down so I'm really confused? Anyone?

Well I hope everyone has a fantastic Monday - I'm off to clean and organize and put things back in order.


Well-Known Member
Kayleigh...I do not know...she must have been here before I came here...you might want to make a seperate thread...more people might see it and be able to answer your question.


lOve the O!
Happy Monday- I know it is almost over, but I left work with all of todays notes done and walked 2 mi before work- definitely worth celebrating. Now which new kit should I buy- Joanne's beach themed one or Vicki's Now and Forever one- man - maybe if I go clean house I can justify both!!!!


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies!!

Oh have I missed you so!! Probably not a long thread, but I am going to post and say hi!! I am hanging out in Jackson, MI until Thursday then back on the road to Cleveland, OH for a week, then down to Ft. Bragg, NC and THEN...Myrtle Beach with NANA!!!!!! Whoohoo!! Okay, only kinda with her since she's staying in the super cool fancy hotel and I'm staying in the hotel down the road 10 miles. It will be fun and I am excited about it.

It has been so great just chillin' here in Michigan. My family all lives just at the edge of town and we've just been hanging out not doing a whole lot, swimming, playing hanging out in the sun. PLus my Aunt has the most comfortable bed on Earth. So I've been getting some great sleep. Not much computer time, which is nice too.

Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and say hello real quick and say I love you all and miss you bunches. I will be back soon. It is getting closer and closer.