
Daily Ooo's: Monday, July 21


The Loopy-O
I am not sure if the weekend went by quickly or slowly. One thing I do know is that I am not ready for Monday ;)

I have to make this pretty quick since I have to go food shopping before I go to work. We are almost out of food and my dad is coming up early tomorrow morning to help Cait and me to paint her ceiling and we are going to continue with her walls. Food shopping can't wait until Wed. Then Cait and I are doing the walk/yoga at the Botanical Gardens tonight. I think that my back could use some stretching out.

Cousins' Party was nice. I pretty much hung out with the kids. My niece Sarah is 10 and we all call her a Mini-Scott. Since she was a toddler, she has adored Scott and has that same wacked-put sense of humor. Whenever she is around him, she goes into Overdrive and she had us laughing so hard. Scott subtly "encourages" her which makes her even more silly. My other niece, Juliet, is going to be a freshman and is a real beauty and kicks butt on her softball teams.

I came home so tired, but then had the worst time trying to sleep. I didn't have any coffee, so I don't know why it took me forever to get comfortable and sleepy. Then my alarm went off, way to early.

Relate?? :boink:

Better get running. Need :tea:



The Loopy-O
Yup, it has been mostly you and me this weekend, Phyllis-- nice to have company in the D(amn) Husband Bitch Fest. :pound:

That is great idea to document the cemeteries. There are a few old cemeteries up here that are now state parks and its so hard to read the engravings. I have actually not been to my g-parents graves, since they were buried but I would hope that they would not be "lost" in the future.
Do you think you would ever try to scrap any of those photos? It might make for a very powerful Scrapbook.

Ah, what's for dinner-- the story of my life. :D
I am trying 2 new recipes this week. Not sure how well they will go over, but I guess I won't know until I try. If they bomb, then we can eat cereal. One of a black bean veggie burger and another avocado and alfalfa sprout sandwiches. *shrug*

Laurie- soooo nice to see you!! I love it when you pop in, even just to say hi and to give us color run tips. I wish I could do that- looks like so much fun. Who knows, maybe some day!

Love to all!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi, Laurie! congrats on the walk/run thing! you're a LOT more ambitious than i am. not sure i understand the color on you thing, but whatever. sounded like FUN!

Chris, excuse me if i can't get psyched about a black bean veggie burger. :puke: (sorry. maybe i'd like it if someone but ME made it....) i can't get my brain around it. how does it hold together? eggs and bread crumbs? we ended up having chicken (already done up) from our little local grocery store. i fell asleep in my chair last night at 7 p.m. how preposterous is THAT? then i woke up at 9 when Hubby was making noise, then i fell back to sleep around 10. i still don't feel rested, but that's about par for the course for me.

i ended up photographing 275 headstones at the cemetery yesterday. i just can't shake the one of the one-year-old little girl whose headstone was knocked over by vandals. who DOES stuff like that??? i hope this isn't going to be yet another thing that ends up getting me furious at humanity. (i'm not starting the day off well. too much news-listening. i've already yelled at NPR and the BBC at least 4 times already.) Chris, and everybody: you really should go check on things where your ancestors are buried. don't assume the cemetery is taking care of things. unless your family is in some sort of managed property, things go downhill soon. in the case of our cemetery, it's one owned by a small church whose population is dwindling every second, as are the funds for taking care of things. eventually, when the Byzantine Catholic Church disappears from the earth, this cemetery where my family is will disappear, as well. if i had a lot of $$$, i would move them somewhere that's better. but my Dad would probably haunt me and yell at me if i did!

today, going grocery shopping like you, Chris. hopefully all the Men With Shopping Carts are back at work. then i guess i'd better turn on the AC. going up to near 90 today, and i don't need anything else to make me crabby.

howdy to anyone who's lurking or just flying by. have a great day! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning - my vacation is just about over as I am back in Phoenix and head to NJ tomorrow. Friday while still in Kansas we survive a hail thunderstorm with golf ball sized hail. The hail came down so hard it broke two of my aunt's windows. It was crazy. My sister taped them up. We moved our rental car under the carport 5 min before the hail struck and so no damage. Got up early Sat and spent the night at a B&B in Pagosa Springs. It was hummingbird paradise. I could have taken thousands of photos. We saw doe and fawn. We drove over Kenosha pass and Wolf Creek pass gorgeous. Then Sunday to drove on to Phoenix. What a change in scenery from mountain forests to desert. Need to get home to start scrapping my photos.

Chris your party sounds like fun. Hope the grocery shopping goes well.

Phylis that is such a good idea to take photos of the tombstones. I hope you scrap some.

Laurie congrats on the run!

Have a great day all.


lOve the O!
Thanks for the warm welcome- brought my laptop to work to download stuff that gets hung up at home- so here are some pics from the day:

approaching an area where we will get doused with colored corn gluten:

at the end:

they have these color blasts where they count down and people throw the packet of color they got at the end up in the air and they get more colored- I just watched:
I think I may be motivated to scrap this experience into a little book!!