
Daily Ooo's: Monday, July 14: Bird Call Edition!


The Loopy-O
I have been listening to the bird sounds you posted for me, and I think that it must be a Carolina Wren. It sounds a bit harsher, but maybe he has a Jersey Accent. if I could get it to say "cawfee" or "dawg" I would know for sure. :D

How was everyone's weekend? I hope that it was a great one. We had so much fun at Joe's Crab Shack- we ended up with 20 of us, and seeing the majority of us digging into huge tin pails of crab legs and flinging shells into the buckets built into the table was fun. We got bibs with silly crab names written on them- My BFF's said Itching 4 Crabs, Mine was Hot and Steamy hahahah! I wish I had been able to get more pictures, but I think I got a couple. Cait sat next to me, eating a salad and mozzarella sticks. I accidentally shot a bit of crab juice out and it hit her in the face and I thought she was going to faint on the spot. Or hit me. Come to think of it, I think hitting me was more likely.
Gary was able to make it with us and I know that meant a lot to everyone to see him there. And my MIL was able to come too- she really wanted to be there, and was able to get out of the hospital in time.

Today I am off to the grocery store and if the weather holds out ok, tonight is the walk and yoga at the Botanical Gardens again. We are supposed to get T-storms, but they have been saying that almost every day this past week, and we haven't gotten many at all.

Me me Monday-- scrap!!!!!


The Loopy-O
Sara-- fingers and toes crossed for good weather for vacation. Were you able to get Ben's stuff cleared out? I have bags of clothes tossed all over my house that need to be sorted through for either garage sale or donate. No motivation whatsoever to deal with it yet.
You have to get Discovery of Witches. So good!!! Its a witch/vamp series but not anything like what is more common. Bits of history and time travel -- I think you will like it.
And TFIOS... I think I have said how Cait sobbed her way through the book, but shared it all with me and had me read it myself? Loved it!! Yes, heart wrenching, but funny and quirky and hopeful mixed in.

My to-read list is too long.
Really?? I am shocked! :pound:
Psst... mine too...

Jean- I saw a couple of the photos of the coots, but I don't think I have seen any around here, but I am going to have to start keeping my eyes open.

Hope that you slept better Phyllis.
Trudy- how are you and Heather and Mason?

Hugs and love and scrap-happiness to everyone who stops by today :hug:


Well-Known Member
Good morning I am now in Kansas. My sister and I have been having an awesome vacation. We stopped at Meteor Crater and then the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert. Gorgeous. Took lots of photos. Spent the night in Albuquerque. Got up next morning and went to the Bosque del Apache wildlife refuge. Omg we saw the best birds. We saw black chinned hummingbirds, black hawk, blue grosbeak, rufous hummingbird, all of which are new for me. Then we saw a family of quail she must have had at least 20 babies, roadrunner, great egret, great blue heron, green heron, Canada geese, western kingbird, and more. Most of these were all new to my sister. I think she really enjoyed it. In the fall the get over 20,000 snow geese and Sandhill cranes. I want to come back for that. Spent night again in Albuquerque. Got up and then drove into Kansas. Not sure that I will be doing much more than visiting. My aunt seems very happy to see us.

Chris. Sounds like the dinner was a lot of fun. Sorry the bunny did not make it. That bear story is too funny. And I would have been doing the same thing trying to get that last photo.

Phylis glad the kitchen is just about ready. I bet that floor looks awesome.

Sara have a great vacation and hope the weather cooperates. I have been driving through major thunderstorms with lightning and torrential rain.

Jean bird watching is just the best

Trudy hope things are going well better with Mason and sleeping.

Not sure when I will get to check in again Have a great day all


Well-Known Member
howdy. i wasn't up at 3:40 a.m.!! well, i was up at 2:52, but this morn i was able to fall back asleep, so it's all good. having a bit of a nausea adventure for some reason, but that'll pass. maybe i'm preggers! :pound: :rofl:

Chris, the crab thing sounds fabulous. we went to one of those Joe's restaurants down in San Antonio years ago, before i got allergic to shellfish. it was great. sounds like you always have a lovely time with your family gatherings. you're a lucky girl!

Nancy, can't wait to see the pix. the Southwest is so beautiful. has the weather been good for your trip?

Sara, hope your vacation will be all you've hoped for. forget the 90 degrees, though! maybe the temps will moderate a bit.

and NOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW! the kitchen floor photo! it's SO nice to have my house to myself again. it was hard not being able to walk in various parts of the kitchen for a whole week. getting from Point A to Point B was rough last week. today i'm going out in search of a piece of soapstone to put on my little island in the kitchen. i had a piece of granite on it before, but now that doesn't match the floor very well. just ignore the cutting board on the island. that doesn't belong there. hopefully i'm posting the right linky-thing and the photo shows up. here we go:


Happy Monday! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
Chris - I definitely think the bird has a Jersey accent. I mean, who wouldn't hanging around up there. I want you to know that my husband and I walked around saying, "Cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger" for a while after that. LOL

*sigh* I'll add the Witches to my list. I resemble that quotation from Lemony Snicket too much. "It is likely I will die next to a pile of things I was meaning to read." :-D

We have a Joe's here and I've never been there. I'm not huge on crab, but I like it occasionally with lots of butter. And I love shrimp. I can only imagine Cait's face at the whole ordeal! Ha!!

We have gotten some rainstorms here in the last week, but not big storms. Yesterday there was a brief bout of rain during the middle of the day. One of those where the sun was shinning bright, but it was pouring. Then it rained overnight, but I don't think it stormed much. I didn't hear anything. And I was awake for far too long.

Looking at the temps for Rapid City, I'm so sad. Today is a high of 75. But Monday, a high of 95! Blech. Oh well. We'll just have to hike early in the morning and stay in the car or plan inside stuff or caves during the middle of the day.

Nancy your trip sounds amazing!! Where in Kansas? How close are you to me right now?? :) I haven't been to any of the places you're mentioning, but they sound awesome. Though I have seen plenty of sandhills cranes. Where I went to college in central Nebraska was right near a major spot on their migration path. And there was even a stray one hanging out in a pond by our house on Mother's Day. It was bizarre to see him/her there. Glad you are having fun and your aunt is happy. We'll see you when you get back!

Phylis - First off, that floor is amazing! I love the color! I am sure you are glad to have your life back too. Good luck find a piece for your island. I love your island too, but that could have something to do with the half dozen bottles of wine there. :)

I had insomnia last night too. I got up and came downstairs and read, went back up and tossed and turned. I know I fell asleep sometime after 2 a.m. and woke up several times after that. Oh well....I have nothing on the docket for today really, so it will be ok.

I did get Ben's room cleaned out. Except for the four containers of little toys/legos at that he plays with. His closet is cleaned out, all his drawers, his bookshelf, his stuffed animals, his knick-knacks....It's nice in there now. Today, I should work on toys in the basement or the kitchen cupboards. I really also need to finish my craft room, but I'm avoiding that.

Last week when I got so overwhelmed with the house, DH finally stepped in and did multiple loads of dishes and cleaned the kitchen counters up. Then I picked up and vacuumed before my friend came over. Then I also did our bathroom. This weekend then we got Ben's room under control and did all the towels and a few loads of laundry. So my living room and kitchen are good, the laundry room is good, our bathroom is good, Ben's room is good. I feel better about things! Yay! Especially before vacation yay!

Ben has camp at the Humane Society today in the afternoon. He's been looking forward to this for months. They get to play with the animals and learn about animals and do activities. He's so excited. I want to see how he reacts. DH is thinking we should stop at the breeder where the Cotons are on the way to SD. I think that would be hard on Ben emotionally (and probably too early in the morning), but we'll see how he does with the HS today and decide.

Well, he is awake and wanting breakfast, so I probably better get going! Oh...does anyone know of an app where you take pics of your food....instead of journaling them? I think that would be a good idea. Ok....off for the day. Have a good one!


Feeling at hOme!
Hi ladies,
We had a long weekend here in France since July 14th is Bastille-day.
Unfortunately, I had to work today to catch up with some duties since I've been ill last week and was too exhausted to do anything.
Can you believe I got a flu in the middle of summer? Not surprising since the weather is quite hectic these last days (it has been raining for one week and the temperatures fall down). I was totally KO and got antibiotics. I am slowly recovering but still need a lot of sleep.
Anyway, I enjoyed a nice lunch with some friends on Saturday, and a drink with some neighbours last evening.

Since the sun is coming back, I hope to enjoy some sunbathing on my balcony within the next days!

It looks like a lot of you are on vacation: enjoy your free time!


Well-Known Member
Phylis, your floor looks wonderful! Now I'm so envious. Enjoy!!

Sara, thanks so much for the Brown Booby link. Wish one would get here. Some really odd birds do show up. And if it weren't your reading list overwhelming, it would be something else. At least for me it would be.

Chris, Carolina Wrens can say a lot of things. They are around here but not abundant like elsewhere so I don't hear them that much. Coots are pretty inconspicuous really, so not surprising not to see them. When their numbers build up it's different. Glad to see you got to some scrapping!!

Nancy, Bosque del Apache is so wonderful. Bet I've never been there in the summer though. My parents retired to New Mexico, so while they were alive we birded a lot of that state and totally love it.

Sabine, hope you get to enjoy the sun now.

Hope everyone is getting a good start to the week!