
Daily Ooos: Monday, January 8


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday! We are back to the first full week of "normal."
Normal. As if. :giggle4:

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Mine was decent despite the weather. We ended up with about 8" but dang, It was heavy and packed. Everything froze overnight so it's gonna be fun getting the cars cleared off. I couldn't take Jaida for her usual "walk along the road in the pitch dark at 5.30 am bathroom run" because I was concerned that one of us would slip on the ice.
Other than shoveling snow-- I don't know what else I did all day. Everything took forever to do, whatever it was that I was doing. *shrugs* No idea.

My mom is finally feeling better but my dad is still feeling fatigued and sick. I am not seeing her for her birthday today but emailed the card I made. Then I realized, I never got her a gift. :oops2: My goal is to find something at TJ Maxx or maybe the small pharmacy/gift shop in town this afternoon.
Meanwhile, I still have so much desk work to do. So much to catch up on and my brain is more than a little frizzled.
And I am still trying to find time to scrap!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
From Saturday:
@BrightEyes I've been seeing your LOs on my FB feed and I am happy that you are back to normal scrapping too!
ITA, Cheryl's cabin LO is so cozy!

@LSlycord How are you holding up? Syd went back to school yesterday? And I know you have a big few days coming up. Sending you calm vibes, big hugs, and love!

@vickyday The card game was cute and silly- we had fun stealing each other's piles of cards. Thank you for the update on Betty Jo. I hope that she can pop in someday soon to say hi.
So happy for you that the temps stayed above freezing. Are you getting the next rainstorm tomorrow? My area is supposed to get 2-3" of rain on top of all of the snow. My town sent out alerts to keep the storm drains clear of snow. It's gonna be a mess. My yard is going to be very soggy too. Ugh. I better do the same, catch up on laundry today.
Good job keeping up with your PT!

@Cherylndesigns The temp changes aren't helpful to the knees either, that's for sure. I never thought to use a garden kneeling pad inside but that is a great idea! Next time I am at the dollar store (the $1.25 Store), I will look for one to keep inside.
*gasps for air*
I need lights on my suit that go in a constant motion, think a Christmas tree that the lights move on. How cool would that be? Awesome idea about the sign too but it needs to be neon and have flashing lights around the outside.


@BrightEyes I hear you, it's cold here too :brrr:
I'd seen frozen suncatchers on Pinterest before. You take a plastic lid or plate, fill it with water, and let it freeze. A lot of the ones on Pinterest use food coloring or paint for the decoration. Since we will be scavenging for natural items, I grabbed some pokeberries, a few sage and rosemary leaves, and some bits of morning glory vines and seeds. Put the stuff in a coffee can lid, and fill it with water. I should check on it-- I bet it froze overnight. :D
Oh-- you put something in the water to create a hole and you can hang it up when it is frozen.

You are all going to get sick of me going on and on about this stuff. I can't help myself, I just love it!

Your PJs and PJ Day sound fantastic! Pace yourself with the inventories. Your knees and hands will thank you :D

@bcgal00 The house and your routine seem to be settling nicely, your description reads like a cozy novel. I am happy for you guys. Remi must be thrilled to be in the snow. Cait and Tom took Whisky outside to run in it and she goes nuts!
I am glad that you are feeling better. I was telling my mom about how long it took for you to get over covid since she was worried that she had her energy back and my dad didn't.

Kay!!! Shame on you! Going out in your PJs Bwuahahaha! I've said it before but I'll say it again,-- the best line from 30 Rock's Liz Lemon -- I'm transitioning from night pajamas to my day pajamas. (paraphrasing)

@Cherylndesigns Have fun with all of your girls.
I was trying to find out if there is a name for female magpies cuz I was going to call you that. I didn't see anything but I found this:

Female magpies are louder and chattier than males, researchers have found

Chuck sure is onto something LOL!



Yes, we got snow overnight... only a couple of inches so far. Will get a couple of photos after sunrise.

I got my letter to Bill (anniversary of his death) posted on FB a few minutes ago. I plan on spending a quiet day with my memories. May watch the VHS tape of family home movies and of us at our apartment on Long Island. Love seeing him and listening to his voice.

@faerywings thanks for the explanation of frozen suncatchers... they sound so neat!! I like your idea of using natural elements in yours. So sorry that it is taking your Dad longer to recover from Covid. Yes, it does take some a long time. Yes, I saw the weather forecast for your area... YIKES.... rain on top of all that snow is going to a huge mess! Hope you don't have to be out in it.

@taxed4ever Hope your Gary is recovering okay.

@Cherylndesigns Oh, you gals have so much fun together. Glad they were able to help you get the holiday and the summer tools put away. LOL over the "Green Acres" comment. That does show our age, doesn't it??? :floorlaugh:



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning my lovelies,

It is blowing here - sounds like the dead of winter. It's 43 degrees, but sounds sub-zero. We do have wind advisories and Steph's glad she got here yesterday, because it's going to be hard to drive in this.

Chris, I'm LOLing about you being outside gathering supplies to make ice suncatchers. You are SO excited about your new job and I'm so excited for you. You will be the best leader they have on their staff! Be careful if you have to take the dogs out. Glad I could give you a "hack" for your knees indoors. My kneeling pad is super thick and came from Lowe's. It's a big help because old knees are painful to get down on. The weird thing is I do squats so my knees aren't weak - but it still feels like needles sticking in them when I get on them. Go figure. :banghead::banghead:

Hope your mom has a good birthday - also that your dad feels better.

Kay @BrightEyes yes, those shows tell our ages, don't they? I started to write "Green Acres meets The Beverly Hillbillies". :giggle4: O mean, there's only so much clutter I can stand. I'm so happy that Ava helped me get all the boxes stashed in the attic. No, I didn't go up there, even though I wanted to. She gook a picture for me while she was up there. Hahaha

Your organization is super impressive and has to make you feel so accomplished. I'm going to start on re-organizing my closet soon. I finally got all of my summer clothes taken out so that was helpful.

Chris @faerywings I don't know if you missed my post, but that cabin LO is the cabin that Roger build. It's SO cool. Your definition of the magpies is spot on and we must sound like that. We all talk at once, you know. Sometimes, when we're ALL together, especially around the table, we enact the "talking stick" rule. Only the person with the talking stick can talk. BWAHAHA

Trudy, @taxed4ever I hope your Gary is improving. Sending hugs.

Sending hugs to all: Rae @bcgal00 Vicky @vickyday and anybody else who stops in. I need to finish a LO for a prerelease and get it posted.
Happy Monday!
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Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. Today I will get the car thawed out, it is covered in 4" of snow and ice. Then I'll get Remi over to play at the open field I discovered. With all the ice, I don't think it is a good idea to go to the dog park where I could easily slip if Remi tugged on the leash, on the pathway leading from the parking lot to the gate entry. But she is thrilled with the open field where she can run up and down ruts in the ground and slide across icy patches, to chase the ball.

I am loving Written in Red by Anne Bishop. I'm halfway thru the first book and have a hard time putting it down. I will takes breaks in-between the other books in the series, read other books on my list, so that'll keep me busy for quite a few weeks to come.

Some of my regular tv shows will be starting up soon, can't wait. I've enjoyed binging netflix but I am anxious to get back to my regular shows, the Chicago's, L&O's, FBI's, Good Doctor, Equalizer and so many more. This week La Brea comes back.

I've been following the mediterranean diet this past week. I have to say, I am really enjoying all the veggies and salmon. I made a buddah bowl drizzle with SF syrup, tahini, garlic and lemon juice but tonight I'm having a bowl with salad greens, cukes, tomatoes, artichokes, baby potatoes and will drizzle with tzatziki, dipping into it with whole wheat pita bread. I will wait a few more days and then test my blood pressure to see if there is any improvement. I feel good but then again, I had no idea my BP was so high before, I thought I felt fine (aside from the virus/chest infection).

Not much else going on today, maybe I'll scrap a page but I know I need to hop in the shower and then get a bit of unpacking done. I make sure I do at least a bit every day. I have started putting up a few photos/decor pieces. I think I'm down to 5-6 boxes to unpack and mostly it'll just be the organizing. My dressing room is almost done. We (mostly me) got a lot done in the month since we moved in!

@faerywings Yes, be careful on the ice. Do you have good boots? I got a pair I really like from Marks that has an FX tread on it that is very good for grip on ice. Not completely of course so I still need to be careful but certainly better than any other boots I've had before. Hope you find something for your mom. You can tell her and your dad that, as sick as I was, I felt I was never going to recover but all of a sudden I am almost recovered, I still cough occasionally and get winded a bit more easily than before but I think I just need a bit of time to build up my stamina again. The fog is gone, the fatigue is gone...thank god.

@taxed4ever Hope G is recovering well. Hope he is being a good patient.

@BrightEyes Hope you find comfort and joy in the memories today of your Bill.

@Cherylndesigns I remember Green Acres, my mom loved that show. We are mid 30's today but then the rest of the week is down to -15ish. Thankfully we don't have a lot of wind. But either way...cold! I do love the snow though, so pretty.

I'm getting one more coffee (have been sticking to 2-3 cups in the morning and none the rest of the day). I feel like I am sleeping better, not sure if it is the lack of mid day coffee or not but I'm sure that helps. HAGD everyone.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies… Thank you all for the concern about my Gary’s recovery! He has been a model patient and is doing so much better than either of us had even thought! He has had very little pain and the staples from the surgery are looking good, (sixteen of them). No sign of infection and it really is only uncomfortable for him when he stands up or sits down. He gets out of his chair several times a day and does some walking all over the house LOL. He even does the stairs with little discomfort. The hardest part for him is not being able to lift much of anything, but he knows that is a no no!! Today I need to clean the bathrooms and then I hope to spend some time doing a layout and making a card for my sister, I am taking her for lunch on Wednesday as a late birthday gift. Today, like everywhere else we are getting our blast of winter weather and expecting quite a bit of snowfall today. We will see.

@faerywings - Have you started your round of meds for you lyme flair up ? Is that why you are feeling so groggy and fuzzy headed? So glad to hear that your Mom is feeling better, but oh your poor Dad!! Sending all of our good thoughts his way! Is your Gary feeling better today? Hope that the temps warm up and the ice melts so you can get out for a walk with dogs, be careful out there, that ice is the worst!!

I will have to come back later, Heather is calling and DH wants some breakfast. :cowwaving:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ok it took a while but I am back. The snow has turned to rain, but we are hoping that the mountain tops get a bunch of the white stuff! The local ski hills are suffering because of all the mild temps we have had so far this winter.

@BrightEyes - Hoping that you have a day filled with wonderful memories! I am sure your Bill will be by your side :loveangel:. Thank you for the well wishes for my DH, he is doing very well!! Staples will come off on the 17th.

@Cherylndesigns - Oh I remember the Beverly Hillbillies and Green Acres, loved both of those shows, yup it shows our age, but seems like yesterday that we would sit and watch all those great shows! Hope you get your pre-release done today, I need to get busy scrapping again but these days DH is keeping me pretty busy lol.

@bcgal00 - Sure sounds like you are settling into your new place nicely! Hope that the temps don’t get too much colder for you! I remember the -20/-30 temps of Saskatchewan I sure don’t miss that! You will enjoy a lot more sunshine than you got here on the west coast and dressing for the weather you will enjoy getting outside with the dogs! Have you got any foot covering for the dogs?? Have you found any cute little jackets for them to keep them warm?? I know many dog owners who had to get those so the poor dogs stayed warm enough and did not freeze their paws. I bet you feel so much better on the new diet, you must have gotten so sick of eating fast food!! Seems you are doing a great job with the unpacking, you will soon be all done!

Ok I have a batch of broccoli cheddar soup to make and then I have to get the bathrooms cleaned. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!:waving3:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Trudy @taxed4ever those were both hilarious shows. We used to watch both of them whenever they were on. I said something to Braden the other night about The Beverly Hillbillies and he said "the who?" LOL I told him it was a show about these poor people who struck oil and because multi-millionaires and moved to Beveraly Hills.

I've been busy with Chuck too, but Steph drove in yesterday afternoon and she'll be here for a few days. She's been in the medical field most of her life and especially pulmonary, so she's helping me a lot. I hope she can stay for awhile. Unfortunately, Asher is in school, so she came alone.

I hope your Gary is doing as well as can be expected.


Love my O Family!
Happy Monday! We are back to the first full week of "normal."
Normal. As if. :giggle4:

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Mine was decent despite the weather. We ended up with about 8" but dang, It was heavy and packed. Everything froze overnight so it's gonna be fun getting the cars cleared off. I couldn't take Jaida for her usual "walk along the road in the pitch dark at 5.30 am bathroom run" because I was concerned that one of us would slip on the ice.
Other than shoveling snow-- I don't know what else I did all day. Everything took forever to do, whatever it was that I was doing. *shrugs* No idea.

My mom is finally feeling better but my dad is still feeling fatigued and sick. I am not seeing her for her birthday today but emailed the card I made. Then I realized, I never got her a gift. :oops2: My goal is to find something at TJ Maxx or maybe the small pharmacy/gift shop in town this afternoon.
Meanwhile, I still have so much desk work to do. So much to catch up on and my brain is more than a little frizzled.
And I am still trying to find time to scrap!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
I hope your dad gets better soon!
I loved the pharmacy/gift shop I went to in WV when we lived there. They always had unique items and not all that expensive! Did you find something for your mom?


Love my O Family!
From Saturday:
@BrightEyes I've been seeing your LOs on my FB feed and I am happy that you are back to normal scrapping too!
ITA, Cheryl's cabin LO is so cozy!

@LSlycord How are you holding up? Syd went back to school yesterday? And I know you have a big few days coming up. Sending you calm vibes, big hugs, and love!

@vickyday The card game was cute and silly- we had fun stealing each other's piles of cards. Thank you for the update on Betty Jo. I hope that she can pop in someday soon to say hi.
So happy for you that the temps stayed above freezing. Are you getting the next rainstorm tomorrow? My area is supposed to get 2-3" of rain on top of all of the snow. My town sent out alerts to keep the storm drains clear of snow. It's gonna be a mess. My yard is going to be very soggy too. Ugh. I better do the same, catch up on laundry today.
Good job keeping up with your PT!

@Cherylndesigns The temp changes aren't helpful to the knees either, that's for sure. I never thought to use a garden kneeling pad inside but that is a great idea! Next time I am at the dollar store (the $1.25 Store), I will look for one to keep inside.
*gasps for air*



@BrightEyes I hear you, it's cold here too :brrr:
I'd seen frozen suncatchers on Pinterest before. You take a plastic lid or plate, fill it with water, and let it freeze. A lot of the ones on Pinterest use food coloring or paint for the decoration. Since we will be scavenging for natural items, I grabbed some pokeberries, a few sage and rosemary leaves, and some bits of morning glory vines and seeds. Put the stuff in a coffee can lid, and fill it with water. I should check on it-- I bet it froze overnight. :D
Oh-- you put something in the water to create a hole and you can hang it up when it is frozen.

You are all going to get sick of me going on and on about this stuff. I can't help myself, I just love it!

Your PJs and PJ Day sound fantastic! Pace yourself with the inventories. Your knees and hands will thank you :D

@bcgal00 The house and your routine seem to be settling nicely, your description reads like a cozy novel. I am happy for you guys. Remi must be thrilled to be in the snow. Cait and Tom took Whisky outside to run in it and she goes nuts!
I am glad that you are feeling better. I was telling my mom about how long it took for you to get over covid since she was worried that she had her energy back and my dad didn't.

Kay!!! Shame on you! Going out in your PJs Bwuahahaha! I've said it before but I'll say it again,-- the best line from 30 Rock's Liz Lemon -- I'm transitioning from night pajamas to my day pajamas. (paraphrasing)

@Cherylndesigns Have fun with all of your girls.
I was trying to find out if there is a name for female magpies cuz I was going to call you that. I didn't see anything but I found this:

Female magpies are louder and chattier than males, researchers have found

Chuck sure is onto something LOL!

Yes, we are supposed to get thunderstorms and high winds and even a chance of tornados. YIKES!


Love my O Family!
Good morning my lovelies,

It is blowing here - sounds like the dead of winter. It's 43 degrees, but sounds sub-zero. We do have wind advisories and Steph's glad she got here yesterday, because it's going to be hard to drive in this.

Chris, I'm LOLing about you being outside gathering supplies to make ice suncatchers. You are SO excited about your new job and I'm so excited for you. You will be the best leader they have on their staff! Be careful if you have to take the dogs out. Glad I could give you a "hack" for your knees indoors. My kneeling pad is super thick and came from Lowe's. It's a big help because old knees are painful to get down on. The weird thing is I do squats so my knees aren't weak - but it still feels like needles sticking in them when I get on them. Go figure. :banghead::banghead:

Hope your mom has a good birthday - also that your dad feels better.

Kay @BrightEyes yes, those shows tell our ages, don't they? I started to write "Green Acres meets The Beverly Hillbillies". :giggle4: O mean, there's only so much clutter I can stand. I'm so happy that Ava helped me get all the boxes stashed in the attic. No, I didn't go up there, even though I wanted to. She gook a picture for me while she was up there. Hahaha

Your organization is super impressive and has to make you feel so accomplished. I'm going to start on re-organizing my closet soon. I finally got all of my summer clothes taken out so that was helpful.

Chris @faerywings I don't know if you missed my post, but that cabin LO is the cabin that Roger build. It's SO cool. Your definition of the magpies is spot on and we must sound like that. We all talk at once, you know. Sometimes, when we're ALL together, especially around the table, we enact the "talking stick" rule. Only the person with the talking stick can talk. BWAHAHA

Trudy, @taxed4ever I hope your Gary is improving. Sending hugs.

Sending hugs to all: Rae @bcgal00 Vicky @vickyday and anybody else who stops in. I need to finish a LO for a prerelease and get it posted.
Happy Monday!


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies… Thank you all for the concern about my Gary’s recovery! He has been a model patient and is doing so much better than either of us had even thought! He has had very little pain and the staples from the surgery are looking good, (sixteen of them). No sign of infection and it really is only uncomfortable for him when he stands up or sits down. He gets out of his chair several times a day and does some walking all over the house LOL. He even does the stairs with little discomfort. The hardest part for him is not being able to lift much of anything, but he knows that is a no no!! Today I need to clean the bathrooms and then I hope to spend some time doing a layout and making a card for my sister, I am taking her for lunch on Wednesday as a late birthday gift. Today, like everywhere else we are getting our blast of winter weather and expecting quite a bit of snowfall today. We will see.

@faerywings - Have you started your round of meds for you lyme flair up ? Is that why you are feeling so groggy and fuzzy headed? So glad to hear that your Mom is feeling better, but oh your poor Dad!! Sending all of our good thoughts his way! Is your Gary feeling better today? Hope that the temps warm up and the ice melts so you can get out for a walk with dogs, be careful out there, that ice is the worst!!

I will have to come back later, Heather is calling and DH wants some breakfast. :cowwaving:
Glad your DH is doing well!


Love my O Family!
Good Evening!
What a day! I ended up getting groceries at Walmart since I had other items I needed to look for there. It took me 2 hours to get my groceries! I hate shopping at a place I don't usually shop because it takes forever to find stuff! Then I went through the self checkout because I knew a cashier would not pack it in a way I would be able to get everything back in the cart!

I did a decent job of keeping it all in the cart, LOL! Only thing is when I was in the parking lot I asked a young man to left my water out of the cart and into the car. He was nice enough to do that plus kept moving the groceries from the cart to the car.....but he mashed the crap out of my hotdog buns I bought for this weekend! Oh well! They will still eat, LOL! I don't even know the last time (if ever) I spent $300 on groceries! Now all I have to do is fix it for eating! Anyone want to come and help?! ;)

My whole main reason for going to Walmart to get my groceries was to withdraw Christmas money out for giving to the grandkids this weekend when they are in......I got out to the car before I remembered, so I had to go back in. I hate it when I do that!

I called Ilene to see if she was home. She wanted me to come over tomorrow, but tomorrow I will begin my cleaning, so I told her I still needed to go to Dollar General for a few items and would pop in to see her while I was out. She showed me her beautiful new great grandson who was in ICU and on life support for quite a few days. He will be able to go home this weekend. He had a bowel movement before he was born, so I'm sure that is what the problem was. He weighed 6 lbs 5.5 ops. and was 18 1/2" long.

That's it for me. I had a rough, IBS night last night and was sick to my stomach most of the night and didn't get much sleep, so I'm going to get ready for bed!

Hugs to all!