
Daily Ooo's: Monday, January 5


The Loopy-O
Happy mOnday, O-Fam!

I think, not 100% sure, that I am ready and relieved to be back on some sort of schedule. It was so nice having some time off and some slower mornings, but you know me, I crave the routine. I just have to remember to warm the car up. This morning it is not too cold, but tomorrow we are getting snow and the rest of the week is supposed to be frigid! :help:

Today I am babysitting, and then working, then trying to make my food shopping list and then resting. Or cleaning my mess of a house? Probably not. Maybe trying to figure out what the heck to cook this week.
Sunday I am having the family up for my mom's b-day dinner, but everyone seems to be bringing lots of food. I have some desserts in the freezer that I completely forgot about putting out on Christmas, so that will be my main contribution.My mom is making salmon, bakes macaroni, and is ordering a tray of eggplant rolatini. She also wanted to make chicken cutlets and I told her to STOP!!!! There is only going to be 10 people here!!! My mom is craaaaa-zeeeeeeeeee. But I love her. :D

She has been wanting to see see me one on one this week but I didn't think I was going to have the time. I have to run errands on Wed, so I figured that it will be much nicer to that with her. It will take me longer, but that is ok. We'll go out to lunch and visit a bit and I know that is important to her. Putting myself in her shoes and seeing how I would feel if it were me and my kids makes it so much easier to understand her worrying about me. I still wish she wouldn't worry so much and want to do so much, but at least I get it.

Me Me Monday:
I think I finally figured out what I want to scrap for the Prompt Challenge, so I am going to look through some old photo albums of trips to Disney when the kids were very, very little. That is always fun to do.

Have you ever been to Disney? Universal Studios? Other theme parks? Are you a Disney fan or more Sesame Street, or Looney Tunes?
Gary and I are (obviously!) huge Disney fans and before we had kids we would laugh and saw that they would be Sesame Street kids just to spite us LOL
We have made several trips to Disney, Scott's first was when he was 15 months old. We really hope that someday we will get back as I am sure that you have seen in some of my LO's.



Well-Known Member


sorry to cause some consternation with my absence. i decided to pretty much take a break from nearly all things cyber for the last week. now that Hubby is back to work, i can resume normal life.


i'll never be able to address what everyone has written over the last week, so just let me say Hi and i missed you all.

the Holidays were fine. nothing to whoop about, but OK. we had a quiet Christmas Eve. just me and DH and DD and the cat. Christmas dinner was at Someone Else's House this year, and it didn't snow, so that was all good. i got to see The Grandmen and Little Sis via SKYPE. that was good, but Ain't Nothin' Like the real Thing. and that's not gonna happen for years. :hurt: i allowed myself to be Lazy and Uninteresting Without Guilt for a week.
(ha! i'm pretty sure i do that most days these days! :pound:)

Chris, let your Mom take care of you. just LET her. that's a win-win, yes? you've got some complications in the weeks ahead, so let someone else carry you for a bit, eh?

today, food shopping and WalMart. some snow flurries, with more snow tonight.
and, wow, is it going to be COLD this week!! with DH back to work, i'm The Keeper of The Flame all day. wood stove duty, non-stop. oh, goody. i've got some cleaning to do, and i might even try to get all the Christmas decos into the cubbyhole today. just thinking about that process makes me tired. :faint2:

QOTD: i've been to DisneyLAND twice. never been to DisneyWORLD. maybe we'll go after Hubby retires. but i doubt it. not something i'm called to experience. i'm more interested in returning to the Grand Canyon or Glacier National Park. my DD has been to DW as a high school student, and my International Son has been to Disney Paris.

too little sleep (hello 4:45 a.m. again...,) so all this will probably be done at Half Speed. but off i go to start the day. have a good one, y'all! :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning - Today is the first day of my retirement life where I get to be really home alone. Maybe I will get tired of it but I don't think so. My son leaves around 7:30 and my DH around 8 and then the day is mine. I have go grocery shopping but I got my Racheal Ray magazine and she has some good recipes so I am ready for that. Yesterday was nice as my DH got up and make Philadelphia sticky buns and then made pork chop dinner. Me I got in a walk as the rain pretty much stopped, it was nice to walk with my girlfriend. Got some scrap pages done. I took some time off as I was so busy getting my son ready his job interviews and paperwork.

Chris as you know mothers worry. Glad you are getting back to your schedule. I am not looking forward to our week of frigid and snowy weather.

Phylis welcome back. Have fun keeping the home fires burning! Glad you had a relaxing week and a good holidays.

QOTD - I love Disneyland and Disneyworld. But my sister's family really love Disney and they have all the tricks down. I think the adults love it more that the kids. I don't like the the Great Adventure Parks as their rides are way to scary. As much as I love Disney amusements parks and Disney is so clean I really like going to the National Parks and being out doors.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is just pouring :rain: today and doesn't look like it will stop any time soon. Back to swimming today and keeping my fingers crossed that the pool is not filled with New Year's resolution guys and gals. Oh well most of them will be gone within a week or so LOL! I was totally MIA yesterday, it was my sister's 60th birthday and so I was up early to bake her an Angel Food Cake, with Lemon Pudding frosting. My other sister and I met at her house and we had a great visit with her and got her a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Wish we could have done more, like take her to the spa or something, but we agreed a few years ago no more of that really expensive stuff for our birthdays. It just gets to be too much!

Chris - Your mother and my MIL should get together, they could make enough food to feed an army!! Just their way of showing their love I guess. It wouldn't be so bad if my MIL could actually cook!! She can bake up a storm, but her dinners are kind of scary!! :fear: I heard that you are in for really cold temps, so keep bundled up and try to stay warm! Hope your arm is feeling better today!!

PHYLIS!!!!! - You are back!!
It's great to have you here again! We were starting to get worried about you and almost ready to send out the troops to look for you :becky: I know exactly what you mean about taking a cyber break when the hubby is around. It is good to have a break from routine and it makes them happy too! But its good to be back to regular life as you know it when they head back to work!! Glad that you had a nice quiet Christmas! We did also, but sure did miss having the kids around! Sorry that you will not get to see your grandmen and the little sis for such a long time. Skype is nice, but you are right its not the same is it! Hope your trip to get groceries is without any incident and that you keep the fires stoked and the house nice and cozy as you make it through the cold spell!

Nancy - I love having the house to myself and I am sure you won't get tired of it!! How wonderful that your hubby takes care of the cooking, you are a lucky woman! My hubby is a wizard on the BBQ, but the only thing he knows how to cook on the stove is KD :becky: although I am sure he could do more if he tried LOL.

QOTD - Love the Disney Parks and have been to both Disneyland and Disneyworld. Have been to Disneyland a few times and would love to visit Disneyworld again, you need so many more days to get in all of Disneyworld! Hope to make a trip with the grandkids one day, that would be so much fun!!

Skying with DD and Mason this morning and then off to swimming, not much else on the menu today, so hope to also get some of the challenges here done. Learning how to make an animated blinkie, having fun with that. Hope that everyones day is filled with creativity!! :wave:


Oh Chris. What I would have given to have had a mother who cared so much about me. Of the two of us, I was always the grown up. The world revolved around her right up to her dying days. So I have become to my kids (esp. my DD) what your mom is to you. Way better. Just soak it up and smile and say thanks--to her and to God!

Nice to see you back Phylis. I thought about you yesterday. Captain Romance usually does fire-duty at our house, but I was home alone for several hours yesterday and felt chilled to the bone. So I made the fire and kept it going. He was stunned to come home to such a cozy family room. Glad you got to Skype with the little ones. But I hear ya about it not being the same. I'm counting the weeks (4.5) until I get some IRL snuggles again from the Utah kids. I'm so sorry yours are "out of reach." So glad you're back! You were missed!!!

Nancy! Congrats on retirement! I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again. DH has been retired 10 years now, and we're still not over it.

Monsoon goin' on here. No complaints (because it's not snow!). Good day to stay in and do laundry.

Not a fan of amusement parks of any kind. We took the kids to DisneyLAND when our DD was about 3, and the boys were 7 and 9. Since she didn't remember it, DH surprised her with a Dad And Daughter trip when she was 14. They rode every roller coaster in the park and still talk about it 22 years later. I hate crowds and lines. Give me a back-roads car trip or an off-season trip to any of the national parks...Arizona for golf.

Wishing everyone a gentle day.


Trudy! We did it again! You'd think we were PLANNING it! Enjoy getting back to routine. Birthday time with your sisters sounds nice. Enjoy it while you have it. I'm the oldest of 4 girls. They are all my half sisters (my dad died when I was a baby, and my mother re-married). The oldest of those 3 died several years ago after a self-destructive very hard-living life, and the youngest has cut herself off from EVERYONE in the family, including her own daughter. The middle one and I don't really have much in common, but we bonded during the last few years of our mom's life when we were sharing the duties of caring for her. I remember the last time we were all together. It was a hoot. What a shame that things just fell apart.

Stay dry! (well, except while you're in the pool! LOL )