
Daily Ooos: Monday, January 29


The Loopy-O
Hello from another rainy, snowy, chilly day in NJ. No gills on me yet but I think I see some webbing between my fingers and toes. If I start to ribbet- send help.

How was your weekend? It was pretty quiet here but I think I am ready for the week ahead. I had to run to the store to pick up broccoli rabe and popped into the Dollar General next door. I was looking for a matte nail polish top coat and thought they might have it. They did not but guess what they did have? Seeds!!!!! Boxes of wildflower, shade mix, and *drum roll* hummingbird varieties. I can't even begin to think about seeds and gardening, but I had to had to had to get the hummingbird box. I know the rate of germination rate isn't all that good but for $2, it's going to be just fine!

I put together a nice dinner for Cait, Tom, Gary, and me. Broc rabe and garlic pasta with homemade vegan bread sticks. 16 of them. There are only 4 left. LOL! We played Wii bowling and golf after dinner and now my shoulder is a little annoyed at me. I slept funny on my neck the night before and the bowling seems to have aggravated it even more. Ah well, what can you do? (A: Take some Advil. Use a heat pack. Stretch gently)

I am not sure what I am going to do today. My eye is a little gunky and red so I don't want to put in my contacts. I get allergic conjunctivitis so I think it is just that but I should let the eyeball breathe. (That sounds so odd but something my mom would say-- let a wound breathe. Anyone else say that?) I don't like to drive wearing glasses so I think I'll skip Coloring Crew. I am way far behind on Cheery O stuff so maybe I'll take the day to do that. First I need to clean out the fridge and work on my food shopping order.

And taxes. I should get started on our taxes. :sad1: We might need to pay this year. Normally we don't since Gary's disability is untaxable income but I cashed in the last of the Treasury Bonds I had from our wedding to pay for part of Jaida's surgery.

Hope that you all have a wonderful day and if you see the sun, tell him I miss it.


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes I can only imagine how happy you were when you saw the hot air balloons. I feel the same when I see a crocus peek out of the ground.
What a relief that the bookstore found your list. Your house must look like a library or bookstore as it is! great finds.

Did you read The Keeper of Happy Endings by Barbara Davis? You might like this one: The Echo of Old Books The protagonist owns a used book store and feels the vibes of previous owners when she touches them. That's not the main focus of the book itself but the setting made me think of you.

Thank you for the sweet potato recipe! I have pork chops in the freezer for me and Gary and the potatoes would go great on the side for Caitlyn.

@bcgal00 Thank you for letting us know you are taking it easy. Feel better :hug2:

@Cherylndesigns Girl, you didn't know what day it was before all of this happened. ;)
(You know I am just teasing you because, well... It's what we do ♥ )
It sounds like you were in very caring and capable hands with the hospice. I am really glad for Chuck's sake, it sounds like that is exactly what he'd want for you.
You amaze me, I have been seeing your LOs on FB and here and I don't know how you do it. Such a bittersweet time but full of love and a life well lived.
So smart of Adrienne to sign up for a food box service. She gets that from her mama.

@taxed4ever Was your Gary happy with how the football games turned out? My Gary watched bits and pieces of them but didn't particularly care which teams won. I'm cynically laughing at some of my social media feeds-- the NFL and the government are conspiring with Taylor Swift so the Chiefs made it to the Super Bowl. I am not sure how any of that is supposed to work? Do you? :rotfl:
Hope you got everything done around the house that needed attention.

Wishing that all of the O-zies are feeling healthier today too


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... its another dark, rainy and foggy day, but the temps are mild, so there is that at least! I had a day of cleaning and then worked on another T-shirt for Hunter. I will have to post a photo of it when its done, its pretty cute. Hope to find a gift for Heather today, so I will be scoring the internet for good prices and hopefully save some $$'s Did I mention that DH found himself a beautiful recliner for his birthday gift? We got it at the LazyBoy store in Victoria and it is truly the most comfy thing I have ever sat in. It has all the fancy push button things - Lumbar support, head rest support and of course it reclines and swivels, so there will be many hours of sleeping done in it LOL. Anyway it won't be here until March sometime as it had to be ordered. Hopefully it comes a bit quicker than that, we will see. Not much going on here so I will get the rest of my ColorPlay layouts posted to the gallery this morning and have a nice chat with Heather to see how her weekend went.

@faerywings - My Gary's team the Cowboys did not do as well as he had hoped this year, so he was pretty indifferent as to which team got to the SuperBowl. Had to laugh about the conspiracy theory with Taylor Swift and the Government :giggle4: how ridiculous is that??!! Sure hope your eye clears up, darn allergies !! I need to catch up on a few things here at the O also and get some commenting done too!! Have you been keeping up with your yoga?? I have been doing a Pilates challenge and really enjoying it, also started some yoga and yesterday started a slim arms challenge. Still don't feel as good as when I was swimming, but the pool is just too darn busy and I hate fighting to get into a lane with several other rude swimmers. Maybe by the end of February it will be quieter. So for now I will keep up with the pilates etc. Our hikes have been cancelled so many times over the winter, but hopefully the one on Wednesday will be ok. We are in for a lot more rain, so there is a chance that it might be flooded out. :crying1:

Ok coffee cup is empty and I need to get busy with the morning chores of emptying the dishwasher and making the bed. I hope you all have a lovely Monday!! I hope that the all of the O ladies who are feeling down, see something that makes them smile today!! :sunnyeyes:


I really slept in this morning. .almost 8AM before I woke up. I was having a crazy dream about a live musical theater production and wanted to see how it ended... :giggle4: Must have been cold during the night as I had pulled all the covers over to my side of the bed!! It is time to change the sheets anyway so will get that done this morning. Will have to be careful as my right arm/shoulder is sore today... must have laid on it wrong last night.

@faerywings Don't bother with reading Stephen King's "Fairy Tales"... just over halfway through it took a dark and grim turn (like most of his novels). I finally had to put it down as it was depressing me. UGH!! Yes, I did finish reading the 2 Todd Mc Caffery books so they will go back to the library tomorrow along with 2 other books that I just couldn't get into. One was too much jumping around from backflashes and between protagonists, The other one didn't seem to have any character you would care about... after 5 chapters I gave up on it. No, I haven't read The Keeper of Happy Endings by Barbara Davis, nor The Echo of Old Books. Thanks for suggesting them.

@vickyday So sorry you are sick!! Sending healing thoughts your way.

@bcgal00 Oh, no!! You are sick, too!! Keeping you in my thoughts, too.

@taxed4ever So glad that you found the perfect recliner for your hubby's birthday present. Hope the weather isn't bad so you can go on your hikes. Don't blame you for not wanting to swim with the lanes full.

Time for me to grab a shower and get dressed.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns Girl, you didn't know what day it was before all of this happened. ;)
(You know I am just teasing you because, well... It's what we do ♥ )
It sounds like you were in very caring and capable hands with the hospice. I am really glad for Chuck's sake, it sounds like that is exactly what he'd want for you.
You amaze me, I have been seeing your LOs on FB and here and I don't know how you do it. Such a bittersweet time but full of love and a life well lived.
So smart of Adrienne to sign up for a food box service. She gets that from her mama.

Chris @faerywings you just made me laugh out loud. Truer words were never spoken - I still don't know what day it is. The days have been one big blur for me - oh well, that's not so unusual, is it? Funny thing - I usually know what DATE it is,but not what DAY. Go figure. Yes, hospice was wonderful - they got right out here and got all of that medical equipment too - I did NOT want to look at that for any longer than I had to.

Oddly enough, one of my layouts about Chuck was created before he passed away. Because You Loved Me was - afterwards, I changed the word art on the bottom right to reflect that. The last layout I created for Color Play seemed to speak to me, as well. Palvinka's - I had just received that great picture of us from a friend and really wanted to use it. It's giving me much solace to look at Chuck's photos from our younger days - Kay @BrightEyes I know you'll agree. It's like falling in love all over again - I know that sounds corny. I'm just remembering when I first met him and how handsome he was and how he swept me right off my feet.

OK enough sappy stuff.

I need to get cleaned up now - we have business to take care of today. Reality is about to set in.


Oddly enough, one of my layouts about Chuck was created before he passed away. Because You Loved Me was - afterwards, I changed the word art on the bottom right to reflect that. The last layout I created for Color Play seemed to speak to me, as well. Palvinka's - I had just received that great picture of us from a friend and really wanted to use it. It's giving me much solace to look at Chuck's photos from our younger days - Kay @BrightEyes I know you'll agree. It's like falling in love all over again - I know that sounds corny. I'm just remembering when I first met him and how handsome he was and how he swept me right off my feet.
Oh, yes, Cheryl... that was what I was talking about when we scrap photos of our hubby... it is like falling in love again. :lovey3::heartpumpred::cloud9:


Love my O Family!
Sorry girls! I have come down with COVID so I will not be on line for awhile.....not until the headache eases up somewhat!
Hope everyone else stays healthy! I'll try to respond and catch up when I come back.
Hugs! (actually, maybe no hugs.....I don't want anyone to get this crud!)