
Daily Ooos: Monday, January 22


The Loopy-O
It's a fresh week, who is ready to start off with some cheer and optimism? And if so, can you share it with me? ;)

The weather is getting to me. I hate the cooped-up feeling I get this time of year and I hate the layers and layers of clothes and hats and gloves. I have been waking up early and dread getting out of bed. It's cold and dark and wandering up and down the street with Jaida isn't my idea of fun pre-caffeine-- at all. Just. Yuck. You all know me well enough that I don't like feeling unproductive and I really don't like it when the house is upended. The baby gates, the coats and boots lying around everywhere. Everything that gets dropped and left. Argh. I can't take it. :furious:
Yesterday, I tried my best to be productive but wasn't successful. I got more of the food shopping order done and I *think* I have a semi-organized menu for the week. I know it's gonna get upended at some point. It always does.
I scrapped a prerelease and am working on another page that I want to finish today.

I bet I sound like this every January. I'll be better in another couple of months. :sunout:



The Loopy-O
Jan 10, 2023:
I am not in a great mood today- not in a bad mood, just feeling a little cranky. Gary and I are going to the LLMD and I must be feeling a little stressed about that. I dreamed last night that she put me back on antibiotics. I really don't feel Lyme-y at all. I feel tired and achy but that is normal, especially this time of year. I guess I'll see soon enough. I am sitting with the light therapy lamp on right now, maybe that will help.

Jan 16, 2023:
I am so tired of being lazy and cranky and I know this is a step in the right direction.

Yup, a quick search from last January- shall I crawl into a cave and stay there until spring? :wardrobehide:

@vickyday That's too bad the pond pictures didn't work out for the challenge. I can't even imagine how small the goats were. Don't get spoiled by that warm weather-- 37* LOL!!! We are going to get into the upper 20s today and then break freezing tomorrow!! dance3
I have to scoop the dog poop this morning while it is still frozen. Once it all defrosts-- that's a big ol' mess.

@LSlycord 80* sounds heavenly. I hope that the freeze didn't harm your plants I know you worked hard to get your landscaping done last summer. Your travel agent's dinner must have made you so excited for your own trip(s) as well as helping others.

@BrightEyes How nice to have warm temps too! It's much nicer running errands when you aren't freezing your tuckus off. I'm really glad that you are back to scrapping at full-speed-ahead. That sounds like me too-- turning layers on and off or I'll duplicate the entire page and save it as a copy and work between the two of them. The snapshot makes it easier for me to see the differences one right after the other or I get confused as to which versions I prefer over the others. I did a page yesterday that only had 5 layers- including the photo and background. The second one I am working on is close to 30 layers and I am not close to done. Both of them have lives of their own.

@bcgal00 If you have a quiet place to enjoy the sunrise and drink coffee, then that is the place to be. What a calm and rejuvenating way to start each day.
Love the story of Remi at the dog park. She must have so much energy. I threw snowballs to W for a little while yesterday. She cracks me up when she can't find the snowball in the snow.
How far are you from Montana/US border? Just you and D going or will Jen be with you too?

@taxed4ever Did you and your Gary find the right recliner for him? He is lucky to have you- spoiling him and all ♥
The grands sure are busy! What's an air water bottle? Cait was telling me about the Stanley Cup Craze-- makes absolutely no sense to me. And every time she says Stanly Cup, I think of hockey. And that makes me think of Nancy (how could it not? *G*). I hope she is well.

@tanteva FBS mixed with AHDH sounds awful, I hope that you more evened out


Well-Known Member
Good morning. And we are back to Monday!

I'm in a pretty good mood for a Monday morning. I think that is the result of a good weekend. Got my hair done (although really thinking about that in the future...I spent $70 for a haircut and blow dry...that includes tip but still, I just don't think that I can spend that much money going forward and you can guess how much the color costs if that is a cut.) Went out to eat with a group of friends. Then yesterday I got through 9 chapters of The Violin Conspiracy...I would never have chosen that book on my own but I am enjoying it...and then did a Zoom call with some people on the Buddy Read that I am doing for the 52 book challenge. And, of course, my Chiefs won so that always improves my mood.

Now here we are on Monday...not a really busy week ahead...probably just right. Haven't heard from the home builder in Iowa...those guys are really irritating. Don't think we would have him do the build anyway...think I'm starting to think that building a home when living halfway across the country.

And on that note...I'm heading to work. Anxious to work with Color Play!


Love my O Family!
It's a fresh week, who is ready to start off with some cheer and optimism? And if so, can you share it with me? ;)

The weather is getting to me. I hate the cooped-up feeling I get this time of year and I hate the layers and layers of clothes and hats and gloves. I have been waking up early and dread getting out of bed. It's cold and dark and wandering up and down the street with Jaida isn't my idea of fun pre-caffeine-- at all. Just. Yuck. You all know me well enough that I don't like feeling unproductive and I really don't like it when the house is upended. The baby gates, the coats and boots lying around everywhere. Everything that gets dropped and left. Argh. I can't take it. :furious:
Yesterday, I tried my best to be productive but wasn't successful. I got more of the food shopping order done and I *think* I have a semi-organized menu for the week. I know it's gonna get upended at some point. It always does.
I scrapped a prerelease and am working on another page that I want to finish today.

I bet I sound like this every January. I'll be better in another couple of months. :sunout:

Here's my optimism for the week.......I'm pretty positive today is going to be the only day with sunshine as the rest of the week looks to be rainy!
Remember this one.......

… Raindrops are falling on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothing seems to fit
Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling

… So I just did me some talking to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleeping on the job
Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling

… But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me
Won't defeat me, it won't be long
Till happiness steps up to greet me

… Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining
Because I'm free
Nothing's worrying me

… It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me (think positive, happy thoughts!)

… Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining
Because I'm free
Nothing's worrying me


Love my O Family!
Jan 10, 2023:
I am not in a great mood today- not in a bad mood, just feeling a little cranky. Gary and I are going to the LLMD and I must be feeling a little stressed about that. I dreamed last night that she put me back on antibiotics. I really don't feel Lyme-y at all. I feel tired and achy but that is normal, especially this time of year. I guess I'll see soon enough. I am sitting with the light therapy lamp on right now, maybe that will help.

Jan 16, 2023:
I am so tired of being lazy and cranky and I know this is a step in the right direction.

Yup, a quick search from last January- shall I crawl into a cave and stay there until spring? :wardrobehide:

@vickyday That's too bad the pond pictures didn't work out for the challenge. I can't even imagine how small the goats were. Don't get spoiled by that warm weather-- 37* LOL!!! We are going to get into the upper 20s today and then break freezing tomorrow!! dance3
I have to scoop the dog poop this morning while it is still frozen. Once it all defrosts-- that's a big ol' mess.

@LSlycord 80* sounds heavenly. I hope that the freeze didn't harm your plants I know you worked hard to get your landscaping done last summer. Your travel agent's dinner must have made you so excited for your own trip(s) as well as helping others.

@BrightEyes How nice to have warm temps too! It's much nicer running errands when you aren't freezing your tuckus off. I'm really glad that you are back to scrapping at full-speed-ahead. That sounds like me too-- turning layers on and off or I'll duplicate the entire page and save it as a copy and work between the two of them. The snapshot makes it easier for me to see the differences one right after the other or I get confused as to which versions I prefer over the others. I did a page yesterday that only had 5 layers- including the photo and background. The second one I am working on is close to 30 layers and I am not close to done. Both of them have lives of their own.

@bcgal00 If you have a quiet place to enjoy the sunrise and drink coffee, then that is the place to be. What a calm and rejuvenating way to start each day.
Love the story of Remi at the dog park. She must have so much energy. I threw snowballs to W for a little while yesterday. She cracks me up when she can't find the snowball in the snow.
How far are you from Montana/US border? Just you and D going or will Jen be with you too?

@taxed4ever Did you and your Gary find the right recliner for him? He is lucky to have you- spoiling him and all ♥
The grands sure are busy! What's an air water bottle? Cait was telling me about the Stanley Cup Craze-- makes absolutely no sense to me. And every time she says Stanly Cup, I think of hockey. And that makes me think of Nancy (how could it not? *G*). I hope she is well.

@tanteva FBS mixed with AHDH sounds awful, I hope that you more evened out
There ya go! Something positive about this freezing weather.......frozen dog poop! :floorlaugh:


Love my O Family!
Good morning. And we are back to Monday!

I'm in a pretty good mood for a Monday morning. I think that is the result of a good weekend. Got my hair done (although really thinking about that in the future...I spent $70 for a haircut and blow dry...that includes tip but still, I just don't think that I can spend that much money going forward and you can guess how much the color costs if that is a cut.) Went out to eat with a group of friends. Then yesterday I got through 9 chapters of The Violin Conspiracy...I would never have chosen that book on my own but I am enjoying it...and then did a Zoom call with some people on the Buddy Read that I am doing for the 52 book challenge. And, of course, my Chiefs won so that always improves my mood.

Now here we are on Monday...not a really busy week ahead...probably just right. Haven't heard from the home builder in Iowa...those guys are really irritating. Don't think we would have him do the build anyway...think I'm starting to think that building a home when living halfway across the country.

And on that note...I'm heading to work. Anxious to work with Color Play!
I don't even want to talk about the problems Mark's daughter has had with her house AFTER the build! And she can't get any action! I think she even has a lawyer involved! What a pain! And these people were local (loco!)


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
It's 22 degrees at 9 a.m. here in NC! But the sun is shining! But it is supposed to rain every day this week but today! BUT, if it's rain, that means it will be at least 33 degrees, right? ;). The poor birds are sure tired of the frozen water in their bird bath, I'm sure! However, they've been able to "walk on water!" ;)

OK, I guess I am in a silly mood today for some reason!

I got my challenge layout done for February CP Challenge #1. I also got 3 done using the CP that will release this week and posted in the pre-release threads. I need to check and see if anyone else has posted a pre-release for the Jan CP. The colors are so pretty! I like that it is not your typical pink/red for February!

Today I have an appointment to get my engagement ring cleaned. I'm still not able to wear my rings after breaking my wrist because that hand still has quite a bit of swelling! But, I need to keep the 6 month cleanings on schedule so the warranty doesn't end.

I don't think I told you about the dirty Santa game we played when the kids gathered for our Christmas get-together. I ended up with pickle ball paddles and balls! WOOHOO! HA! Guess I have to play again at some point! But, unless the swelling in my hand goes down soon, I probably won't be playing until my yearly visit with my son in October! I'm certainly going to get some court shoes, however, before that happens! I actually stole them from my daughter who originally got them during the game. I'm determined to not let that game beat me! :giggle4:

That's about it for me.
Have a great day!


Whoo-whee... Another morning above freezing! We had some rain early this morning - woke up to water on the back patio. Just looked out at the front and it is 'misting'. Much better than snow!! I really should go to the grocery store - and I need to get my haircut. Wow, @LSlycord - that is an outrageous cost for a cut/blow dry!! I wouldn't even want to think about how much it is for color added to that!!! BTW, saw the photo of the dining out group on FB... looks like everyone was having a good time. You looked great.

I bet I sound like this every January. I'll be better in another couple of months. :sunout:
I hear you about January being a hard month. Yes, you will get through it and feel better when the it is passed. Gray skies and cold are a bummer. Jan is hard for me to get through, too. I am always glad to see February arrive.

@vickyday Yes, I am really liking the color palette for CP this month. Can't wait to see other CP kits when they are released. I must say that OS has some of the most talented designers... I am in awe with what they come up with month after month!

The house temp is finally warm so time to hop into the :showering:and get dressed. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Whoo-whee... Another morning above freezing! We had some rain early this morning - woke up to water on the back patio. Just looked out at the front and it is 'misting'. Much better than snow!! I really should go to the grocery store - and I need to get my haircut. Wow, @LSlycord - that is an outrageous cost for a cut/blow dry!! I wouldn't even want to think about how much it is for color added to that!!! BTW, saw the photo of the dining out group on FB... looks like everyone was having a good time. You looked great.

I hear you about January being a hard month. Yes, you will get through it and feel better when the it is passed. Gray skies and cold are a bummer. Jan is hard for me to get through, too. I am always glad to see February arrive.

@vickyday Yes, I am really liking the color palette for CP this month. Can't wait to see other CP kits when they are released. I must say that OS has some of the most talented designers... I am in awe with what they come up with month after month!

The house temp is finally warm so time to hop into the :showering:and get dressed. HAGD
I TOTALLY agree!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I have to be quick in and out of here today! Expecting some company this morning and I slept in until almost 8am!! I had a great sleep for a change! It is foggy and wet out there, but DH is at work and other than my quick visit with company this morning I have the whole day to spend anyway I like. So scrapping is on the agenda. Just wanted to pop in and say Hello :wavinghello:to you all and then I have to get in the shower:showering: and get dressed and put on some fresh coffee :coffeedrinker:. I hope you all have a wonderful morning! I will pop in later to catch up with all of you!


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon ladies. After my morning routine I spent some time researching skin care and ordered daytime moisturizer and serum. I'm getting low and wanted to try something different, something a little more heavy duty than the Clinique Smart line I was using. I settled on It Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream and The Ordinary Buffet + Copper Peptides serum. Should be delivered by the end of the week.

This is the last day at about 18°F and then for the next two weeks it will be mid 30's to 40's...finally. It will be much more pleasant to go to the dog park. I feel like a real Albertan, having survived this very cold weather and now am looking forward to more moderate winter temps.

We have bingo tonight so will be heading out soon for groceries and dollar store to get bingo daubers if they have them otherwise will have to buy at the club). Should be a fun night.

@faerywings Hope your light therapy perks you up.

I'd better get going. HAGD everyone.