
Daily Ooo's: Monday, January 12


The Loopy-O
Hey there and happy mOnday!

Icy here, and Cait has a 90 minute delay. I am kind of glad about that since I am moving a bit slowly after being busy yesterday. My SIL and Mom did most of the party clean up which helps so much! But I still have a bit more to do. I never got around to finishing my food shopping list for today so that also gives me a few extra minutes to prepare for that. I know it has to be a big stock-up trip. I also had to refill a bunch of Rx's, and my co-pay is $25 for generics. The good news is that I will hit my maximum out of pocket very soon if I haven't already, then it will be smooth sailing for the rest of the year. But really--ugh on all fronts!

My mom liked the photo album with the photos of the grand-kids and grand-flour LOL She looked at the sketch and was trying to not cry. Then she put it away. I could tell that she was overwhelmed. As soon as she got home, she must have taken it out again, b/c I got the phone call, saying exactly that, but how much she loves it.

My godson was an absolute joy! Usually he is a slow to warm up kid, but this time he came racing in the house, and then snuggled with me. Kathy, my SIL, tried to get some pics of us, but he wouldn't put his juice box down, so I think his face is covered in all of them. Later on I will get them off of my camera and see what is on there.

Me Me Monday:
Scrap? Nap? Both? Doubtful on both ends, I am thinking.

QOTD When you cook, do you wash as you go, or do them all at once after you are done? What about YMG? (wondering if this a Guy Thing)
I wash as I go, but Gary tenss to leave them until later. Or I end up doing them. Which I shouldn't. ;)



The Loopy-O
Oh no Shar! Losing posts seems to be contagious!
Your g-DD is absolutely tooooo cute! Look at the face!!!! She looks like she is not liking a call either. LOL

Nancy- be safe if you have to get out and about today!

Trudy- that smilie is adorable!
Hope you got your challenges done. I am getting myself sidetracked too, again and again...

Jean- don't really follow football any more and the last year or so, the NFL has really put a bad taste in my mouth, but ITA- I love the Packers for being publicly owned. IIRC, there was something last year about them moving the stadium, or changing something and everyone was allowed to vote, not just a CEO/Owner making the decision. Can't remember exactly what was up, but I remember being impressed.

Sorry about the loss Trudy. And at least we here in NJ didn't have to see clips over and over again of our Governor looking like a groupie like we had to last week.
(Sorry to anyone who likes Chris Christie)

off to get my day rolling.



Well-Known Member
well. there went my entire post. i'm on my Apple, and i have NO idea how to get it back. i'm too crabby this a.m. to begin again, so just gonna say "HI," and i hope there's no ice where you are. can't say that about here. also, Chris, make sure not to drink any wine from now until after your surgery, and stop taking vitamins and anything like Advil. (pardon the Mom in me....) and tell Gary that vacuuming is now his permanent job, since he's so good at it!!

off to try to do something useful. if i get to be in a better mood, i'll drop by later.


Well-Known Member
good morning - In my part of NJ the weather is the pits but it is just rain. Schools are delayed opening which is good so all the commuters will have less traffic on the road. Yesterday was the first ever NJ Devils fan forum. I was not expecting much as they had not told us the format. It turned out to be lots more fun than I expected. Fans were put in separate sections at the Rock and then 2 different sets of players answered questions from the fans and then about each other. The only negative was we could not select which players we wanted to hear. It was truly fun to see the players interact with each other and to hear their back stories. Went over to my son's to pick he and his wife up only to find that they were not ready and my son decided not to go. OMgosh all I know was it was not going to ruin my fun! And it did not. Got home and my hubby had made an awesome dinner. I made a quick trip to the store so I could make dinner tonight. Now all the boys have left and I am home alone! Yea.

Chris so glad the birthday went well. I am sure she loved her presents!

Phylis I hope you DH got the wood for your stove all ready so you will have a somewhat easy start to the week.

Shar when I lived in Wisconsin many moons ago one of my favorite days was to see the Packers play the Cowboys but it was played in Milwaukee at the baseball stadium. It was so cold but I got to see them play it was awesome!

Trudy so sorry about the Cowboys. Hard to lose on such a strange play but I thought the coach was awesome in his post game interview saying they had 60 min and just did not do enough. I thought that was very classy.

QOTD - My husband is the worst as he makes such a mess as he cooks - I clean as I go. He mostly cleans up after himself but not always.

Have a grew day all!


Good morning from the left coast. Up too early again, but a good night's sleep, so can't fuss.

We joined our son and his family for dinner at Red Robin last night to celebrate the 5th birthday of their youngest boy. So much fun...and dare I say, their daughter (the one in yesterday's photo) was so adorable Dave and I had a hard time not focusing on her the whole time...and that's knowing that we'll be spending Wednesday morning with her.

Evidently it is going to be mostly dry today, as DH has golf scheduled. Laundry for me. That usually means some scrapping too, between loads.

Nancy, sounds like you had a blast with the NJD forum. I'm not that passionate about any sport. In fact, about the only celebrity I'd even go across the street to see is Daniel Craig.

Chris, glad the party went so well and that you got the bonus of some snuggle time.

Aaargh Phylis! What is with our posts disappearing? I think what happened to mine yesterday was that I went back a page to remind myself of something that was written on page one, and when I came back, it was gone. And the Ctrl+z trick didn't work. Hope you can perk up quickly.

QOTD: Half and half. I'll sometimes clean up most of the mess as I go, but usually have pots/pans left over. Since he retired, Captain Romance often washes those up. He doesn't cook, but he does MOST of the KP, including loading/unloading the dishwasher. I have no complaints.


Well-Known Member
I still have a few minutes to say "Good morning!" No rain or ice here as there is snow, since about 8 pm last night and still falling, maybe a few inches. DH is out for his usual Monday morning at the senior center.

QOTD: I don't cook that much, but leave most to wash after.

Chris, nice to have a party a few days before the surgery and also know you mom had super gifts and you got a snuggle. Hope the late start today is a help.

Nancy, glad the fan forum was fun (even w/o DS). Take care with the weather.

Phylis, hope the grumpies depart soon!

Shar, sounds like you've got a little charmer in the GD. A 5th b-day party must be quite an event.

Trudy, hope the pool is awaiting you and all is good.

Hope your Monday is fine.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... very late arriving here again this morning, but I was up at 4am and tossed and turned for over an hour, but to no avail :sleep: has eluded me for the past couple of nights. I crawled back into bed at around 7am and got another hour or so, but it was not a restful sleep. Now I feel more tired than ever

Chris - Glad the party went well and that your mother loved her gifts! We knew she would! How nice to get those cuddles from your Godson! I bet he is growing like a weed!! Hope you are not getting too nervous about your surgery, I know that it will be the best thing you have ever done for yourself!! Watch out on that ice, don't you dare slip and fall and I hope that it is all gone by the time Cait has to go to school!!

Phylis - Darn!! It just ruins your day when you lose those long posts!! I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that they have switched to a new server here?? Probably not! Most of the time it is because I have swiped my screen back a page to check something, like Shar has done and poof its gone when you come back. Trouble with Mac's they are too easy to go back a page, just a swipe of the finger and thats that!! I will have to look to see if there is anyway to recover lost posts with a Mac. Hope your mood improves this morning!!

Nancy - Too bad that your Son left you hanging for company at the Devils forum! But so glad that you went anyway! Even better that your hubby had a nice dinner all ready for you when you got home! Lucky you! Now a day all to yourself is good too!! Enjoy!

Shar - Ha, Ha, "Left Coast" that's a good one!! What fun you must have had at the 5th birthday party!! I bet it was filled with lots of noise and good times!! I can't tell what kind of day it will be here, the fog is so thick that I can't even see the houses a few doors down the street! Sure hope this stops soon, or there will be no flying off to our warm destination, the planes won't leave the runway!! Hopefully because we are flying from Vancouver they will be more willing to depart in the fog than at Victoria or Naniamo. It means a ferry boat ride over to the Mainland but it was why we did it that way, because so many flights get cancelled over here and we don't hear of them doing that in Vancouver.

Jean - So how much snow do you have now? Hope it stops for you soon! But I bet it looks so pretty! Hope you manage to do something you love today!

Well I am going to get a FaceTime call any minute now so better get out of here! Have a wonderful day everyone! :wave:


aA Creative Team Member
Phylis, I thought of you this morning whilst at the post office. I went to pick up some certified letters. As I get in line behind 8 other people, the woman working the counter announces that it is time for her break. She tells everyone she will be back in 15 minutes. I laughed and left. The reactions of the other people ranged from baffled to outraged.

Chris, I am sure that Gary's beautiful sketch will bring your mother tears and fond memories many many times.

Nancy, I hope you enjoyed your alone time. Loved your latest hockey page.

Sharron, Jean, and Trudy hope you all find something that makes you smile today.

QOTD: It depends on what I'm making. I do like to clean up the dinner dishes right away. I don't like a cluttered kitchen.

Happy Monday, all!
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