
Daily Ooos: Monday, January 1: Happy New Year!! ♥


The Loopy-O
Good morning (or whatever time it is when you roll in here)!

I want to see a show of hands: How many of you made it until midnight?
Not me! However, I did stay up a little past 10. Late for me LOL
Scott and Sam came for dinner and then the six of us played Pictionary. We got Sam that game for her birthday so we played with her version. Lemme tell you, these words were so much easier than the old-school game we usually use. Aside from the new category of Pop Culture. That was a little more challenging for Gary and me.

I cleaned some of the house and started some decluttering. Got my backpack ready for the hike today. I looked silly walking around the house with my new boots but wanted them broken in a little bit. I ended up texting the woman that I met at Coloring Crew who likes to hike about it. If she shows up, I'll know at least one person.
I have to be on good behavior, Scott told me that his Search and Rescue Team is part of this hike too. :giggle:
Oh!! Another proud mom moment-- he got his certification as a Basic Life Support Instructor! Now he can teach CPR classes. He has had an amazing year and lots more good to come.

Aside from the hike, I need to clean out the fridge and work on my food shopping. Overall it should be a good day!



The Loopy-O
As long as I am bragging about Scott, I should balance it with some fun wedding news with Caitlyn. She bought Tom's ring and the floral swag for the ceremony. Would you call it an altar if it is not at a church? The flowers are very similar to what is in her bouquet. Venue, dress, DJ, photographer, bouquet - all ready to go. It's going to be a great year for her too. If they could only find somewhere to live :/

@vickyday What a beautiful photo! You look so content ♥

@BrightEyes wow! I can't imagine being unable to sleep because of a LO. My reasons for insomnia are much more pressing, like what about the dust bunnies under the bed? hahahah! Did you get to see the NYC ball drop?
How is DD#3 feeling, sny better? My MIL is still very sick. She was recently diagnosed with C-Diff and since then has had one illness after another. This past flu is still kicking her butt.
Smart of you to wait until DD is with you before you crawl under the desk. Momma Chris approves :nod1:

@Cherylndesigns Is that Asher in your avi? What a cutie.
I love fairy lights and they always make me think of being on vacation. Maybe I associate them with Disney World and how all of the trees light up at night. (guessing they still do, it's been a loooong time since I was there) . I love the idea of you keeping them up year-round.
Love your siggie too!

Scott had me LMBO yesterday over food prices. He stopped at a Foodtown on his way home from work the other day. He got butter, Cheetos, and milk and was shocked that it was $16! Sheesh, maybe now they will understand why I am always grumbling about that and why my motto is -- "Not unless it is on sale and I have coupons." He and Sam do most of their food shopping at WM so Foodtown must have been a shock.
Roger's cabin sounds incredible, I hope to see pics soon. Where in the world does he find the time? The rocking has to be intense.

@taxed4ever Why is it that coffee pots break at the worst time? I guess anytime a coffee pot breaks it is the worst, a holiday gives it an extra kick. We have a 14-cup one too and I thought when Scott moved out, we wouldn't need to brew the same amount. Nope, we still need a bigger one that that :coffeedrinker:
I hope that you and your family also have a happy and healthy year and good home-buying vibes for Heather too.

ITA-- these threads make my day brighter. Love you all!

Cheryl-- oooh no, no one messes with a Mama Bear. I hope you can find your LO of Acceptance, I'd love to see it.
Cars and safety-- my dad had a VW Bug and my brother and I would sit in the "cubby hole" behind the back seat. You know, right in front of the engine. If he ever got rear-ended, we would have been toast. :D

@LSlycord Linda is back!!! dance4
I am thrilled to see you here but I am also very, very proud of you for knowing that you needed a break to be with your family and to take care of yourself. That's something I think women in general fall short on so thank you for being a good example.
I only saw a few photos of the cruise and am anxiously awaiting your LOs.
Congrats on the contract renewal!! That had to be a big relief. When is the TAVR scheduled, it's coming up soon, right?
Enjoy your time with Syd before she heads back to school. Good luck to Shaun on working and taking classes. His new attitude has to be good to see.

@bcgal00 Thank you for your streaming list. We have seen some of those but a few I don't think I have even heard of. I am going to write them down. All set! Thanks :)

@wombat146 Happy New year to you too. Thank you for everything you do for us here xoxox


Well-Known Member
Good morning! @faerywings how cool is that...Scott can not only perform CPR, he can teach it? WOW! And yes, I would definitely still call it an altar whether the wedding is in the church or not.

Thanks for the compliment on recognizing that I needed to take a break and focus on myself. I don't think that I have ever really done that before but I think that this is a much better approach than a total meltdown. :rolleyes: I'm actually going to work on all aspects of health this month. Physical, emotional, mental---including the TAVR on January 9. Going to try to improve my eating just a little bit, get a little more exercise and plenty of rest.

@vickyday thanks for the book recommendation! You know that I love Charles Martin! And I'm going to try to read 52 books in 2024. So I know that he will show up!


Well-Known Member
@Cherylndesigns it sounds like Chuck has made it back home. That was quite an ordeal that he went through wasn't it? I hope that Asher was able to spend some time with you over Christmas. How does Steph like her new home and her new job?

@bcgal00 I loved the FB photo showing your sunrise view from your table. It sounds like you are really where you belong now! Can't believe how quickly things happened, once they happened!


Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes I can't believe that you got up from bed to change that layout. Of course, that is why your layouts are stunning! Glad to hear that you are saving desk crawling until your daughter is visiting!

@taxed4ever glad to hear that DH has an appointment scheduled for early in the year...although it will leave you needing to do a lot of the stuff he normally does, I'm sure!

Ok...I've got to get myself organized so that I can get at least one layout done today. The cruise should give me enough photos for some inspiration and to get that MOJO going again!

I'm so glad to be back here. Love you all!


Love my O Family!
Good morning! @faerywings how cool is that...Scott can not only perform CPR, he can teach it? WOW! And yes, I would definitely still call it an altar whether the wedding is in the church or not.

Thanks for the compliment on recognizing that I needed to take a break and focus on myself. I don't think that I have ever really done that before but I think that this is a much better approach than a total meltdown. :rolleyes: I'm actually going to work on all aspects of health this month. Physical, emotional, mental---including the TAVR on January 9. Going to try to improve my eating just a little bit, get a little more exercise and plenty of rest.

@vickyday thanks for the book recommendation! You know that I love Charles Martin! And I'm going to try to read 52 books in 2024. So I know that he will show up!
That's a lot of reading, but you can do it! Praying your overall health improves greatly this year! :heartpumpred: :hug4:


Love my O Family!
As long as I am bragging about Scott, I should balance it with some fun wedding news with Caitlyn. She bought Tom's ring and the floral swag for the ceremony. Would you call it an altar if it is not at a church? The flowers are very similar to what is in her bouquet. Venue, dress, DJ, photographer, bouquet - all ready to go. It's going to be a great year for her too. If they could only find somewhere to live :/

@vickyday What a beautiful photo! You look so content ♥

@BrightEyes wow! I can't imagine being unable to sleep because of a LO. My reasons for insomnia are much more pressing, like what about the dust bunnies under the bed? hahahah! Did you get to see the NYC ball drop?
How is DD#3 feeling, sny better? My MIL is still very sick. She was recently diagnosed with C-Diff and since then has had one illness after another. This past flu is still kicking her butt.
Smart of you to wait until DD is with you before you crawl under the desk. Momma Chris approves :nod1:

@Cherylndesigns Is that Asher in your avi? What a cutie.
I love fairy lights and they always make me think of being on vacation. Maybe I associate them with Disney World and how all of the trees light up at night. (guessing they still do, it's been a loooong time since I was there) . I love the idea of you keeping them up year-round.
Love your siggie too!

Scott had me LMBO yesterday over food prices. He stopped at a Foodtown on his way home from work the other day. He got butter, Cheetos, and milk and was shocked that it was $16! Sheesh, maybe now they will understand why I am always grumbling about that and why my motto is -- "Not unless it is on sale and I have coupons." He and Sam do most of their food shopping at WM so Foodtown must have been a shock.
Roger's cabin sounds incredible, I hope to see pics soon. Where in the world does he find the time? The rocking has to be intense.

@taxed4ever Why is it that coffee pots break at the worst time? I guess anytime a coffee pot breaks it is the worst, a holiday gives it an extra kick. We have a 14-cup one too and I thought when Scott moved out, we wouldn't need to brew the same amount. Nope, we still need a bigger one that that :coffeedrinker:
I hope that you and your family also have a happy and healthy year and good home-buying vibes for Heather too.

ITA-- these threads make my day brighter. Love you all!

Cheryl-- oooh no, no one messes with a Mama Bear. I hope you can find your LO of Acceptance, I'd love to see it.
Cars and safety-- my dad had a VW Bug and my brother and I would sit in the "cubby hole" behind the back seat. You know, right in front of the engine. If he ever got rear-ended, we would have been toast. :D

@LSlycord Linda is back!!! dance4
I am thrilled to see you here but I am also very, very proud of you for knowing that you needed a break to be with your family and to take care of yourself. That's something I think women in general fall short on so thank you for being a good example.
I only saw a few photos of the cruise and am anxiously awaiting your LOs.
Congrats on the contract renewal!! That had to be a big relief. When is the TAVR scheduled, it's coming up soon, right?
Enjoy your time with Syd before she heads back to school. Good luck to Shaun on working and taking classes. His new attitude has to be good to see.

@bcgal00 Thank you for your streaming list. We have seen some of those but a few I don't think I have even heard of. I am going to write them down. All set! Thanks :)

@wombat146 Happy New year to you too. Thank you for everything you do for us here xoxox
I guess you could say I am content! Most of the time, anyway! ;).


Love my O Family!
Good morning (or whatever time it is when you roll in here)!

I want to see a show of hands: How many of you made it until midnight?
Not me! However, I did stay up a little past 10. Late for me LOL
Scott and Sam came for dinner and then the six of us played Pictionary. We got Sam that game for her birthday so we played with her version. Lemme tell you, these words were so much easier than the old-school game we usually use. Aside from the new category of Pop Culture. That was a little more challenging for Gary and me.

I cleaned some of the house and started some decluttering. Got my backpack ready for the hike today. I looked silly walking around the house with my new boots but wanted them broken in a little bit. I ended up texting the woman that I met at Coloring Crew who likes to hike about it. If she shows up, I'll know at least one person.
I have to be on good behavior, Scott told me that his Search and Rescue Team is part of this hike too. :giggle:
Oh!! Another proud mom moment-- he got his certification as a Basic Life Support Instructor! Now he can teach CPR classes. He has had an amazing year and lots more good to come.

Aside from the hike, I need to clean out the fridge and work on my food shopping. Overall it should be a good day!

Even Mark stayed up with me until midnight! But staying up that late is nothing new for me!
Have a great time on your hike today! Its neat that Scott and the SAR team will be hiking, too! And congrats to him for his BLSI certification!


Love my O Family!
Happy New Year to All!
Woke up with a headache, but the Tylenol did a good job and now it is barely noticeable!
Today I will start putting things back where they belong that I have dragged out over the last couple of weeks with Mark been home. I finished my December Monthly Review, so I need to get that posted. I also want to work on getting an order of pages from last year to Persnickety. Would love to have them back by the time the kids come in a couple of weeks. But that may not happen! Other than that, not a whole lot on the docket for today.
This got busy, but I am loving all of the little goodies to look at! I posted the individual sides, too. They are a little easier to see, LOL!
Last edited:


I was snuggled in my bed and asleep by 9PM. I forgot to turn on the TV to watch the ball drop in NYC. I got caught up in another project in the afternoon. After re-reading my Year in Review letter to DH, I pulled out the 2nd of Bill's Memory Album (LOs about him and our lives) to look at it again. Realized that I had stopped printing out the LOs back in mid-2022!!! Then remembered that was when I had the 1st episode with my left shoulder problem. So I spent several hours in galleries looking for LOs and making a list. Then printed them out on cardstock (40+ LOs). Just finished that and realized that I was missing 2 of the most important ones - the letters to Bill on the anniversary of his death in 2022 and 2023. And I couldn't remember the designer/name of the collection I used. :thinking2: :eek: :gloomy: :crazy: Finally remembered and found it - so made a new folder and put it in there then printed out those 2 very important letters. Then I spend over an hour sorting the LOs and putting them into Bill's Album. Had the pages spread out on the island and stood while I sorted them out. I was exhausted by the time I got them all done. Think there is still enough space in the 2nd album for the 2024 LOs - but I am determined to keep up with printing the LOs every month. I had a late supper (7 PM) then sat in recliner to read and dozed off. Woke up and stumbled off to bed. The back is not happy this morning so need to take a pain pill and see if that eases it. And pull out the Dr Scholl's chair massager... haven't used it in over a month! I should have known better than to stand for so long!!! But it was well worth the effort to start off 2024 with that done.

I got a couple of challenge LOs uploaded first thing this morning. And I still have a couple of new releases ready to go. I still have not come up with my WORD for 2024.

Will be back later - after I get some meds and relax a bit.

WELCOME TO 2024 - hope it is much better year than 2023.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns it sounds like Chuck has made it back home. That was quite an ordeal that he went through wasn't it? I hope that Asher was able to spend some time with you over Christmas. How does Steph like her new home and her new job?

@bcgal00 I loved the FB photo showing your sunrise view from your table. It sounds like you are really where you belong now! Can't believe how quickly things happened, once they happened!
Yes, he's back home, thankfully, Linda and he's been through a lot! I'm trying to fatten him up, but it's not working, so far. We got to have Asher with us for Thanksgiving this year, but not for Christmas. They have to share him for holidays and his dad has him for Christmas. Steph is settling into her new surroundings and job. Thanks for asking. :blowkiss:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Raising hand - I watched the ball drop at Times Square. I cheated though - it was only 11 PM here when the ball dropped. We're on CST time. At midnight (our time) Steph and I texted Happy New Year to each other at the very same time. LOL We do that a lot, and had to say "jinx". On the Iphones, if you just put "Happy New Year", the recipient get all these cool fireworks. Same on Happy Birthdays - they get a bunch of balloons.

Chris, @faerywings yes, that's Asher a few years ago wearing my Happy New Year hat. It's one of my favorite pictures so I decided to use it for a few days. Thanks for the compliment on my siggy. I had fun creating it. The kids will be in for sticker shock when they start buying their own stuff. I hear that from Ava all the time. The other thing she says is "things just used to magically appear - like toilet paper, toothpaste, paper towels, etc. the "necessities" and now she has to go buy them for herself.
I went up to Adrienne and Roger's last night for dinner. It was just the three of us and Braden. I asked Roger about how long he had to go to finish up the cabin and he said he thought about a month. I honestly don't know how that man gets so much done. He's a workaholic and the kids call him "a man on a mission". Yes, the rocking is very time consuming, and he won't let anybody help him - he's a total perfectionist.

kay @BrightEyes you're amazing the way you keep up with your scrapping about Bill and your yearly letter to him brought tears to my eyes. That's the most wonderful thing!

Hugs and love to all - Trudy @taxed4ever Vicky @vickyday Ray @bcgal00 Linfs @LSlycord (who I've already answered) and anybody else who stops in. Happy New Year to all and I love all y'all. :hug4::beatingheart::beatingheart:



Well-Known Member
Good afternoon ladies. I didn't quite make it until midnight last night. D ended up ringing in the new year by himself. I crawled off to bed around 10:30. I was going to go on a drive to the west of our town today with Remi and my camera but then started unpacking and organizing, the next thing I know it is 3:00 pm so no drive today. Tomorrow morning Jen and I will go drop off boxes to charity, we filled up the car with stuff. Purging sure gets easier the more I do.

Going to make banana bread soon. I'll have some after dinner with a tea.

I'm so glad its now 2024 and looking forward to a fresh start this year in our new town.


Well-Known Member
Happy New Year to you all!

I made it! We spend the night with friends and watched the Sydney fireworks on tv. Had some proper French champagne to toast the new year and went to bed around 2am.

Went on a lovely bush walk with the family in the morning and then just hung around at home playing games and watching Gilmore Girls with Jess.

So a pretty slow start to the year but it's perfect before the usual mad busy-ness kicks in.


I love the "O"
Happy New Year !
We played games until 1:30 am, then watched some TV, then I cleaned everything up and at 3:30 am I went to sleep.
I slept until 11:30 am on New Year's Day, that day I wasn't tired either, but today I slept from 2:00 pm to 5:40 pm, because I was so, so tired...


The Loopy-O
Happy New Year !
We played games until 1:30 am, then watched some TV, then I cleaned everything up and at 3:30 am I went to sleep.
I slept until 11:30 am on New Year's Day, that day I wasn't tired either, but today I slept from 2:00 pm to 5:40 pm, because I was so, so tired...
Happy New Year to You!!! xoxo