
Daily Ooo's: Monday, February 9


The Loopy-O
I need a vacation!!!!!!!!!!! Somewhere warm and sunny, not snowy and icy. Yup, you guessed it, another snow and ice storm here. I woke up last night and you could hear it just pouring sleet. We had some snow mixing in this morning and it is supposed to be doing this all day. Cait's school is closed but I don't know about Scott's. The main campus of his school is farther south than his, which is south of us, so who knows what they will do? I am so done with winter.:rant:

Trudy!!! Send some Mexican sunshine to us!!!!

Yesterday I felt like crap. I know-- it takes time to heal, and recover. I know that my body is probably still trying to adjust to the surgery and radiation therapy I went through not even a year ago. Forget about it trying to heal from Lyme. I know in my *head* that 4 weeks is not enough tme to be back to myself. But why is that stupid little voice saying I should be better? That I should be able to do things other than watch TV, and try to crochet? (BTW- I did a swatch of practice stitches and I think I am getting better! And no cursing either!!!) I washed a few dishes yesterday and I ended up with shaky legs. Bah HUMBUG!!!!!!!

Brendan ended up going home yesterday. he texted Cait that it seemed no different. Basically was ignored. It's sad. We told him that if he ever needed a break on a weekend, he is welcome here.

I keep staring out my window to see what is going on. I worry so much about Scott driving in this.

Me Me Monday: Maybe scrap some of the pictures of Christopher skiing? How about you? Anything *fun* planned?

QOTD What are you having for dinner? I am not sure what we are going to do so I need ideas :hungry:


The Loopy-O
From Sunday:

Nancy- at least when your team gets beat, it is not as bad if they lose to a really good team. I hope that the Devils played well, in spite of the loss.
What is it doing by you? I hope it is just rain.
Oh yeah, Nathan is adorable! And it is wonderful seeing his mom doing such a good job. She has had a lot of issues in the past but he really keeps her grounded. She looks so happy when she is with him, and you can see how much she loves him.

Phyllis- not to pat myself on the back (not too much at least) but as I was raising my kids, so many other parents were doing the It's all About Me and my Perfect Child. I see it still when my kids talk about other kids at their schools. I never tolerated that attitude, but a lot of the time, it seemed like I was one of a very few. I hope that there is push back against this b/c I shudder to think what the next generation of Me will bring.
My mom had taken my kids out to dinner in Dec. There was a wait, so they were sitting on a bench. And older couple came in, and Scott immediately got up to offer his seat. My mom was proud of him, but he shrugged it off saying that is what you are supposed to do. Yet so few do.
The Thomas More execution scene was emotional. I was glad that Henry seemed to regret it, at least for a while. As you know, I am not religious, but I admire people who are, in their souls. Not just the nominal stuff, but how their beliefs are that strong.
So sorry that you didn't get to Skype :( Hope the Peanut is better today.

Sharon- I doubt that Jean is offended. She pops in and out, especially when she gets lost in her genealogy.:)
And don't leave, don't even think of it! The Ooo's is a "safe place." Ask Phyllis- we are probably not even on the same political continuum (LOL) , but I adore her just the same. That is the the beauty of this here.
Happy birthday to your DH and DGD!!
That is really awesome about the grands doing shows for you. Great memories!!
Please send some of that weather here, pretty please????

Jean- There you are! See, I had a feeling it was genealogy related hahahah!!! That is so awesome that you are a "little monster." I am not crazy about her music, but she does some good works and I admire her for that. She also grew up in the same town that I did,but a generation (or 2?) behind me.
My hubby was at the Grammy's too. Not really him, but his doppelganger, Dave Grohl :p

hugs and love and sunshine to you all


Well-Known Member
Good morning - It is messy weather by me. Sleet and freezing rain but I am in a lull at this moment. Yesterday I walk and the sidewalks were mostly passable - finally! A lot of the corner homes still had not cleared the sidewalk to the street. Now this mess is here. I will try walking any way. I have a NJ Devils home game tonight so I am excited about that.

Chris I talk to my sister each week and she lives in AZ. She always has such nice weather. During the winter I wonder why I don't live there and during the summer she wonders why she lives there. LOL With weather like this how long will Cait's school go past the official last day.

Phylis I so agree with your rant. I don't understand the lack of respect for others. Hope the wood fire burns brightly!

Sharon your visit with your family sounds so fun! No coats sounds too good to be true! Be strong and don't catch that cold.

Jean your projects into the past must be so fascinating. I know I love going back into my family's past too!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Have to be really quick so I can get ready to go to a reschedule of the meeting I never made last week.

It's coldish again so maybe icy, but we'll see.

Hope everyone has a good day even if it is Monday!


Well-Known Member
Chris, bravo on raising polite and considerate kids. that local mall has instituted a "no teenagers in the mall on Friday and Saturday evenings without a parent or guardian over 21." really? what could POSSIBLY go wrong with THAT? and no doubt they'll just move it all over to a mall that DOESN'T have a policy. like the one near me. all this makes me want to get a concealed carry permit. BTW, tell that little voice in your head telling you that you should be completely better to shut the hell up. have you seen the movie "Elizabeth?" Cate Blanchett. brilliant. the perfect movie to watch after you're done with The Tudors. total bummer on the weather. i though all the mess was going to be north of you, but apparently not. they seem to be changing our forecast from "maybe something" over the next few days to "maybe nothing."

Nancy, be careful out there, walking in the ice!! you never know what can happen on those uneven surfaces and unshovelled sidewalks!

Sharon, sounds like you're having some excellent Gramma Time! i often wonder what i'd be like with my grands if i had to be around them for an extended period of time. i have sort of lost the desire to be entertaining. plus it's clear that i have some parenting-style differences with my DS and DDIL, and those are hard to hide! enjoy the warm!

Jean, hope the ice misses you. i'll have to check out the radar to see if The Lake is going to throw any nonsense your way and my way.

been running around the neighborhood doing stuff. grocery shopping. (WHY are red bell peppers $4.99 a pound??) a trip to Walmart. a trip to the post office to mail DD's passport renewal stuff. do you know how SCARY it is having to MAIL your old passport to somewhere to get renewed?? :scared: my trust in the USPS is at a low ebb, to say the least. having to put that thing in the mail, even with special safeguards, gave me the vapors. :faint2:

still waiting on news of the Missing Box, BTW. if you think the post office is REALLY scanning all packages at every stop, you are terrible mistaken. it's an illusion they feed you to make you feel safe. but you aren't. and neither are your packages.

ah. looks like another "attitude" day for me!! :rofl: