
Daily Ooos: Monday, February 5


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday!!!
How was everyone's weekend? I feel so much better after having two days outdoors. It's astounding how much better I feel after being out in the sun and in the woods, Gary's health plays a huge factor so it isn't *only* the weather but I'll take whatever energy boost I can get.

The workshop and hike were awesome. I warned myself earlier to not be in Mom-Mode. But guess what? I can't seem to help myself. *sheepish grin* I was packing a sandwich, so I texted him to see if he wanted one. Then immediately texted back telling him to ignore me for being ridiculous. Then he called to ask me to bring one of the hiking boots he had here to use as a display. Then he called to ask me to bring him some granola bars and an Ensure so he had something to eat. I was crowing to Gary--He still needs me!! Bwuahahah!!
I know you know this feeling with your kids but what a huge sense of amazement and pride I had watching his presentation. In my head, he is still my bratty, quirky kid. He was so engaging and informative. I learned quite a bit, especially about hiking nutrition. And all the uses for garbage bags. I need to put some in my pack, they are a necessity. Since it was focused on hiking in winter, he shared a trick about keeping your water bottle upside down so if it freezes, the ice won't block the mouth. I also learned how to wrap the handle on a hiking pole correctly. The weather for a winter hike could not have been better. The friend I met last month met me there and we had a fab time enjoying the sunshine. She is also going on the hike next week that Scott's leading. He thinks we were funny, said it looked like we had been friends forever.
(Shameless plug: I got a couple of "You look too young to be Scott's mom." Many he looks much older than 27, but I am taking the compliment :D)

Today should be pretty quiet. I have a few things to do around the house, work on my grocery order (blergh!!!), then Coloring Crew this afternoon.

I didn't get to do personals from Sat so I plan on getting to that today too


Love my O Family!
Happy Monday!!!
How was everyone's weekend? I feel so much better after having two days outdoors. It's astounding how much better I feel after being out in the sun and in the woods, Gary's health plays a huge factor so it isn't *only* the weather but I'll take whatever energy boost I can get.

The workshop and hike were awesome. I warned myself earlier to not be in Mom-Mode. But guess what? I can't seem to help myself. *sheepish grin* I was packing a sandwich, so I texted him to see if he wanted one. Then immediately texted back telling him to ignore me for being ridiculous. Then he called to ask me to bring one of the hiking boots he had here to use as a display. Then he called to ask me to bring him some granola bars and an Ensure so he had something to eat. I was crowing to Gary--He still needs me!! Bwuahahah!!
I know you know this feeling with your kids but what a huge sense of amazement and pride I had watching his presentation. In my head, he is still my bratty, quirky kid. He was so engaging and informative. I learned quite a bit, especially about hiking nutrition. And all the uses for garbage bags. I need to put some in my pack, they are a necessity. Since it was focused on hiking in winter, he shared a trick about keeping your water bottle upside down so if it freezes, the ice won't block the mouth. I also learned how to wrap the handle on a hiking pole correctly. The weather for a winter hike could not have been better. The friend I met last month met me there and we had a fab time enjoying the sunshine. She is also going on the hike next week that Scott's leading. He thinks we were funny, said it looked like we had been friends forever.
(Shameless plug: I got a couple of "You look too young to be Scott's mom." Many he looks much older than 27, but I am taking the compliment :D)

Today should be pretty quiet. I have a few things to do around the house, work on my grocery order (blergh!!!), then Coloring Crew this afternoon.

I didn't get to do personals from Sat so I plan on getting to that today too
So glad you had a wonderful hike! This came across in my Almanac email today that I wanted to share with you!
"If February gives much snow,
A fine summer it doth foreshow."
So, I think you can look forward to a fine summer!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Well Mark tested positive for COVID still this morning, but the marks are growing fainter, he said. But they told him he could come to work as long as he distanced himself from everyone. They must need him back! But he felt fine and ready to get back to work. Whatever! Asher is missing his lap this morning, LOL!

No plans for the day other than to pick up and put away stuff that has been laid around during our illness instead of putting them back in the proper place. Dummy me ordered fabric softener but didn't get laundry detergent with my grocery order I picked up yesterday morning!

Here's hoping everyone has a great Monday!


The Loopy-O

@tanteva 100% with you on Tom Cruise but other than that, ITA, if you started boycotting everyone for any sort of slight, you'd be sitting in a room by yourself. Maybe with the cats. Maybe.

@vickyday It is sad, especially when kids see that stuff. When I was student teaching, we had to spend time in inner-city schools. The kids told me all about watching a junkie OD on the playground. Heartbreaking :brokenheart:
Such a cute picture of Mark and Asher :)
How are both of you feeling today?

@BrightEyes Wendy's textured papers look so realistic I swear that if I touched my monitor, I'd feel them! I am going to see if the library has Jane In Love, I hope they do. Thanks for the rec!

@Cherylndesigns I love it when you get a good score at TJ Maxx or Home Goods. They usually have the cutest stuff and good bargains too. You'll have to take a pic of the entryway once it is all done up.
An earthquake! Yikes! Never, ever dull, is it?

Dogs need to go out, I'm posting this and will BRB!


The Loopy-O
Dogs out and fed, and cup of :coffeedrinker: in my hand :D

Cheryl, it's so sad that the furbabies miss Chuck so much. Can't say I blame them :(
How is Ava feeling today?

Sidenote: the two rentals that Cait and Tom looked at were definite nos. The first one was just awful, and the second one would have been nice for a single person with a limited social life. 1BR/1 Bath but not a full kitchen. There was no oven and only a half-fridge, no freezer. Limited parking. For 2K/month. The 4 of us talked more about them living here, general ideas and some decor/refinishing.
Have any of you had your adult children and partner live with you? Any advice?

Vicky-- what project are kintting now? How is it feeling on your wrist?

@BrightEyes No wonder that you slept from 9 to 7.30 am. That's a lot of stuff you did with the house and DVD inventory. Busybody Mama Chris is warning you to take it easy on your back *wags finger* LOL!
That's too bad that you didn't enjoy Keeper that much. It was bittersweet.

@taxed4ever Sounds like a wonderful b-day celebration for your Gary! And I bet you were 100% relieved that you didn't have to cook for that many people either.
The blanket from Heather and the boys is such a special gift, it's like he can wrap himself in the blankets and feel their love (I am such a sap but that's ok!) ♥
Finances are so frustrating- my first thought when I got this job was that I was going to use the $ to chip away at my credit card debt. Then J needed surgery. Now any extra money is going to go toward groceries and I still won't be able to get the credit card payments down at all. What makes me super aggravated is that all of the corporations are raking it in, meanwhile, the extra 50 cents on bread, or a dollar on coffee is pushing the rest of us over the edge. :soapbox:
I am grateful beyond measure that my parents slip me gas money or pizza money when they see me. My brother and SIL give me ShopRite GCs for Christmas and yet it's still such a struggle. My heart breaks for people who don;t have any sort of family support.

Funny note to lighten the mood: Before we headed out on the hike, Scott had us go around the circle and say our name and where we were from. He got to me and said, I know where you come from. I joked back-- I know where *you* came from :rotfl:
That's when he introduced me as his mom. Appropriate timing for sure :p

@Cherylndesigns That poor Amazon driver must have been wondering where the HECK she was!! ITA I have such a love/hate relationship with Amazon too.
Adrienne's advice is spot on. You raised a smart lady.

I think I caught up with everyone, apologies if I missed anyone

love to you all


Love my O Family!

@tanteva 100% with you on Tom Cruise but other than that, ITA, if you started boycotting everyone for any sort of slight, you'd be sitting in a room by yourself. Maybe with the cats. Maybe.

@vickyday It is sad, especially when kids see that stuff. When I was student teaching, we had to spend time in inner-city schools. The kids told me all about watching a junkie OD on the playground. Heartbreaking :brokenheart:
Such a cute picture of Mark and Asher :)
How are both of you feeling today?

@BrightEyes Wendy's textured papers look so realistic I swear that if I touched my monitor, I'd feel them! I am going to see if the library has Jane In Love, I hope they do. Thanks for the rec!

@Cherylndesigns I love it when you get a good score at TJ Maxx or Home Goods. They usually have the cutest stuff and good bargains too. You'll have to take a pic of the entryway once it is all done up.
An earthquake! Yikes! Never, ever dull, is it?

Dogs need to go out, I'm posting this and will BRB!
Pretty well. Mark went back to work even though he was still testing positive. They told him to just distance himself from everyone. They must need him back! My throat is sore from coughing, but other than that I feel pretty good!


Morning, gals. Hope everyone is feeling better today. I woke up in a good mood as the sun is shining and the winds have died down. It was blowing hard enough yesterday that 2 of the patio chairs got lifted and are now leaning against the patio table. Have a few more days of sunshine and warm temps before another front comes in mid-week. It is still cool enough that a sweat shirt and pants feel good but I can usually go without a jacket when I go to get the mail.

Cheryl and I were playing around with Joyful new "Fly With Me" yesterday... what a wonderful kit!! Then this morning I looked at Racheal Jefferies Challenge and fell in love with the "Together" collection. I happen to have the perfect photo of Bill and I with the right colors so grabbed it and the LO just flew together in a flash. Seem to be doing a lot more Art Journaling style LOs lately and having so much fun with them. I get sucked into looking at the royalty-free sites for hours... and finding some awesome ones that I know I will end up using eventually. So glad I have a huge ExHD so I can store the ones that caught my eye.

@faerywings So glad you had a fun time on the hike. I bet everyone got a laugh about how you and Scott were joking around. So nice that your new friend was able to make the hike, too. As for having adult children live at home - 4 of my 5 did that at one time or another. Seems like more and more are having to do that due to high rentals and/or cost of living.

DD is calling... CYL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is going to be another beautiful morning here, but showing showers by the end of the day, booo!!! However yesterday was super sunny and not a cloud in the sky! Gary and I had a lovely hike in the sunshine and warmth! You are so right @faerywings a couple of days in the outdoors and sunshine totally changes the way you feel! I hope to get out this morning for a nice long walk so that I can get in some more sunshine before the rain starts again! I don't have much else going on today, so perhaps some time scrapping would be good to do this afternoon.

@faerywings - So glad you had a fun time on your hike!! LOL about Scott knowing where you came from :giggle4: We have to circle around before each hike and say our name and number, so that we know how many are on the hike and don't lose anyone, it never fails there is always one person that gets the number wrong or makes us laugh and we have to start all over again. Last hike there were 17 of us and we had to start the count over twice :crazy:. My SIL Sharon has her son and DIL and little baby Sophia living with them, they are in the same boat not being able to find anywhere affordable to buy or rent, it is sad!!

@vickyday - Glad to hear that you are feeling better, poor throat though!! Yikes they really must need your Mark back to work if they are willing to risk him spreading his Covid !! Hope he tests negative tomorrow!!

@BrightEyes - Oh I will have to check out that new kit by @joyfulheartdesigns ! I did take a quick look at it yesterday and thought that it would be wonderful to work with!! Hope that the sunshine continues for you it sure improves the mood, doesn't it?

Ok now I need to go as Heather is calling. Have a great day everyone!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon. Well, the sun is shining today and the high is supposed to be 60. It's 54 right now. Yesterday was dark and gloomy and rainy. Yuck.

The guys are out in the front working on the tractors, so Daisy has some entertainment today - she's been barking at them. She knows who it is, but has to bark anyway. Yes, Chris @faerywings I was shocked that the Amazon driver came all the way up here. No continued luck - I just got notified that the kitchen wastebasket I ordered is here - it will be down by the fence by one of the rental houses. I'd better call Ava and have her go pick it up. She's feeling much better - she will probably go work out tonight - she doesn't miss that too often. She was pretty sick, though.

The animals both lay on Chuck's blanket now when I'm working on the computer. Daisy didn't want him on it at first, but she's decided to share it now. We've been a pretty mopey bunch around here for the last couple of days - especially at night. That's when it hits me. We all sat on the couch and watched stupid stuff on TV again last night. I finally decided to watch Royal Pains from the beginning. I never did know how the doctor ended up at The Hampton's. It's a cute show and fun to see how it all started. I had started watching "Love Behind Bars" (I told you I was watching goofy stuff) but Hulu kept freezing up on me. I guess I wasn't supposed to watch it. It was about couples who fell in love while one of them was in prison. Honestly, I've just been watching whatever comes on.

We're pros at having adult children living with us, Chris. Stephanie and Brandon (her then bf) lived with us for several moths and then for over a year. IF you all get along (and you do), you should be ok. They also brought their big dog, so we had 3 big dogs in the house, too. We had a two-story house, so that helps. Stephanie and Asher lived with us for several years after we moved back to FL the last time. I loved having the little guy around all those years.

Kay @BrightEyes I did love working with Joyful Heart Designs new collection. How fun was that kit? I love the new direction you're going creating the art journaling pages. They're so much fun.

Well, I've only been trying to post this for 2 hours, so I'm going to stop now. Hugs to all.


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... It is going to be another beautiful morning here, but showing showers by the end of the day, booo!!! However yesterday was super sunny and not a cloud in the sky! Gary and I had a lovely hike in the sunshine and warmth! You are so right @faerywings a couple of days in the outdoors and sunshine totally changes the way you feel! I hope to get out this morning for a nice long walk so that I can get in some more sunshine before the rain starts again! I don't have much else going on today, so perhaps some time scrapping would be good to do this afternoon.

@faerywings - So glad you had a fun time on your hike!! LOL about Scott knowing where you came from :giggle4: We have to circle around before each hike and say our name and number, so that we know how many are on the hike and don't lose anyone, it never fails there is always one person that gets the number wrong or makes us laugh and we have to start all over again. Last hike there were 17 of us and we had to start the count over twice :crazy:. My SIL Sharon has her son and DIL and little baby Sophia living with them, they are in the same boat not being able to find anywhere affordable to buy or rent, it is sad!!

@vickyday - Glad to hear that you are feeling better, poor throat though!! Yikes they really must need your Mark back to work if they are willing to risk him spreading his Covid !! Hope he tests negative tomorrow!!

@BrightEyes - Oh I will have to check out that new kit by @joyfulheartdesigns ! I did take a quick look at it yesterday and thought that it would be wonderful to work with!! Hope that the sunshine continues for you it sure improves the mood, doesn't it?

Ok now I need to go as Heather is calling. Have a great day everyone!
I know, right! I was shocked they told him to come in, too!