
Daily Ooo's: Monday, February 24


The Loopy-O
wheeeeee!! I inhaled 2 cups of coffee and a granola bar before 5.30 am. I have a 6-hour fasting blood work today so my alternative was not a pretty thought.

Did everyone have a wonderful weekend? Mine was busy-ish and tiring but good. Always goes way too fast. Now I am in that odd realm of the days flying but the weeks are going so slllllooooowwww. I feel like my surgery should be today, not next week, like I have been planning this for-EVER!

I had a nice time getting my hair done and it really does lift you up to get some nice color in. So no roots or greys for now. I wish there was some way to make it stay forever. They have stuff to make you hair grow, why can't they make something to make it not grow? How awesome would that be? And not a permanent thing, but something you could spray on. It would be very cool if you ask me, not that anyone actually asked me, But when has that ever stopped me from giving my opinion? LOL

So much to do today, so I had betetr get going.


Me Me Monday- I might just have to come home and collapse!


The Loopy-O
Hi Phyllis! Sorry that you felt so crappy over the weekend. Hope you are doing better today.How was the b-day party? I cannot imagine having 5 boys -- at any ages, let alone all under 7. :faint: I give your niece a lot of credit for not running away, b/c I think I might have done that ;)
And brown grass???? You can see muddy grass????? I am literally jealous like you would not believe. I still can't even see grass over my septic.:( And more snow coming on Wed, and then maybe over the weekend-*cries*

Hey Sara, if you ever get a Wheaton Terrier, will you call it Wil? :nerd: I am sorry I am such a geek :p
Good job, Ben! First sleepovers are always a bit nerve-wracking. Sounds like you had a wonderful night too!

Nancy- I got a good walk in yesterday with my friend and you are so right, it felt goooood! It was cold, but it really felt good to move and get some fresh air.

Hope that all of you who pop in today have a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
Hey Sara, if you ever get a Wheaton Terrier, will you call it Wil?
haHAAAAAAA!!!! now let's see who gets the joke, Chris!! geeks unite!! :rofl:

the Triplet BD Party was a bit nuts. lots of little kids running around like...well...little kids...in the big church hall. we only stayed for about an hour and a half, since now both me and DH are coughing our brains out. well, at least i got out of the house. and probably gave at least ten people a cold. today i have to go grocery shopping and put another coat of polyurethane on the kitchen cabinet door i'm working on. 3 more doors and i'm done refinishing the door and drawers of the lower kitchen cabinets. then i have to start on the top ones. all doors, which is going to be a pain. the drawer fronts are easy-peasy. the doors, not so much. eeep. i want the Kitchen Refinishing Elves to come in overnight and finish this. now i've started, i have to finish it. eeeep again.... :faint2:

enjoy Monday. wow. now THERE is a tall order! more coffee, please! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Chris, are you SURE your fast is only for 6 hours? i never heard of such a short fast for bloodwork.


Well-Known Member
good morning woke up to beautiful sunshine but learned that the temp is going down all day as winter has returned. I guess I will accept cold because starting tomorrow night the NHL is back. My first Devils games is Thursday. My son called last night and my DIL is not going to be able to use her ticket for Sunday's game so I get it and that means I get to sit close and the team is the San Jose Sharks. So that should be really fun!

Chris it is so fun to get your hair done. It would be nice to have your hair stay the same especially if you finally find the color and cut you really like. But I have always felt that the fact it grows give you so many options.

Phylis glad to know that our "minds think alike". You are the Refinishing Elf! That birthday party sounds hectic and fun at the same time. Hope that cold and cough go away fast!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning O-Zies!! Look what we woke up to this morning!!! I thought you might like to see this just in case you are missing winter LOL!! This storm was not supposed to bring this much snow!! But we may as well join the rest of the country and be fully engulfed with the white stuff!! Its great snowman and snow ball making stuff!! It is supposed to turn to rain later on today, won't that make for a slushy ugly mess!! So because my hubby never put his winter tires on his truck, he has taken the Van to work and I am stuck here at home. It's where I want to be anyway, I sure don't want to be out on the road with all the idiots around here who don't know how to drive in winter conditions :becky:

Chris - Nice to hear that you got out for a walk and some fresh air yesterday! It really does make you feel better doesn't it!! I have a hair appt. this week also and am so looking forward to the cut and colour!! It really would be great if they invented something to keep your hair the same for as long as you wanted it!! Who ever they are???? :becky:

Nancy - Sounds like a great night ahead for you and your hockey passion!! Hubby is looking forward to seeing his Bruins in action again!! I thought what you said about the U.S. team was right on!! They should have still showed up for the Bronze medal game. Perhaps its the mind set that its Gold or nothing that we all have imbedded in our minds that makes them think that way?? Well maybe it would be better if they did not allow pro's to play in the Olympics?? :noidea:

Phylis - Loved your Cello guys on Facebook !! Sorry that you and hubby are both dealing with colds right now! Hope you feel better very soon! I was not present here yesterday , I was out of sorts from being up a 4am to watch the hockey game :crazy: Hope you find a kitchen refinishing elf somewhere and when you do, could you send it over my way ??

Sara - Hope that Ben had a good time at his first sleepover!! He must have done ok if he stayed the whole night! How wonderful that you and your hubby had a great time together with lots of laughter! You can keep your cold temps!! I don't want them and I don't want this snow either, but not much I can do about it is there?? LOL

Ok I better get some laundry started and I need to make some soup and think of something for supper tonight. Have a great Monday everyone! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Trudy, thanks for posting that photo!! you know what they say:misery loves company!!:rofl: multiply your snow by 4 and that's what the east coast has been dealing with for months!! we have a bit of sunshine today, though, and i can see more grass. hope you get your sunshine back soon! congrats on the decisive Hockey Victory!