
Daily Ooo's: Monday, February 23


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday! We are now in the last week of Feb, which means that March is next week, which means that spring *has to* be heading our way soon. Right???????
It has to or I am going to hide under my Linus Blanket and never, ever come out again. Except for some coffee. And to pee. A girl's got priorities.

Yesterday just felt like such a waste of a day. I folded some laundry, scrapped a LO, and worked a little more on crochet stitches. I am finally getting them to be a bit more even.
My parents popped in too. They called and asked if they could bring bagels (yes!!!!) and stay just for a bit. My dad has been really worried about me, which is sweet but unnecessary. But I get it. I am sure I would feel the same about my kids.

Then I helped Cait brainstorm for an essay she needed to write for Lord of the Flies. She was getting stuck, and I had re-read it last year, so I was relatively familiar with it. We hashed out a few different theses and she was able to get it all done yesterday.

Today, ugh. So done with the same old crap. I have to keep working on health insurance stuff for the kids, taxes, and medical stuff. I am tired, cold and cranky.:mmph:
Like I said-- same old, same old! hahah!!!!

QOTD Did you watch the Oscars last night? What did you think? Any surprised, good speeches, awkward moments?
I don't watch them, never really did. I don't see many movies, and when I do, they are on Netflix so they are well past expiration date. I don't follow celebs either, so there is not much interest there either.

Have a happy day!


Well-Known Member
just lost my entire post, (WHY does that happen? WHY do i press "post quick reply" and it takes me to a screen telling me i'm not allowed to do that, or i haven't signed in, etc., etc.???? this happens nearly EVERY time i post in here, and if i don't remember to Ctrl C, my post is toast) and my mood is not conducive to doing it all again. :rant: just wishing you all a lovely day, preferably with sunshine and fun stuff!


Chris, here is a link to a blog that should raise your spirits. This photographer lives in your state, and has made some GORGEOUS photographs of New Jersey:

I have not watched the AA for years. Like you, we don't go to theaters very often. I am not at all up to speed with any kind of pop culture. Don't even know the names of the stars on the few TV shows we watch. With the exception of Daniel Craig. Even though I was smitten with him the moment I laid my baby-greens on him, it took me forever to remember his name (& I still have to pause and think). I recognize the names Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt, but I couldn't tell you which was which!

Photoshop Week 2015 starts today, and I signed up. It is free if you watch the sessions live, but of course, costs $$$ if you want to buy the sessions. Did I mention that yesterday? Sorry. sigh. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/14bb258020e0a8e7

It's Monday, so laundry for me. It's sunny and dry, so golf for DH. Soon it will be warm enough for ME to join him for golf. I wonder if Fifi will do the laundry when I'm out golfing.

Phylis, I wonder if all our lost posts are out there in cyber space somewhere having a party. Where DO they go??????????


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I was MIA yesterday and spent all day working in the yard and pruning my Clematis bushes. Well the ones that could be done anyway. Some I can't touch until they have finished blooming. Raked up leaves and tided up the yard a bit. It was so nice to be outside for most of the day. Also :washing: and some kitchen cleanup. Dinner with our HS friends was great, so nice to catch up on all that has been happening with he two of them!!
Lunch was also very nice with Uncle Mac, we took him for Pizza and a nice drive along the waterfront, he was telling us how he had a hand in building most of the roads around the area. He owned and operated a Caterpiller tractor and many other bulldozers and such. Such a sweet man, it really sucks that he has this terrible Shy Dragers syndrome!! He was very grateful to have us come to visit!

Chris - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that spring is just around the corner!! Your mom and dad are just the best for bringing you yummy bagels and checking up on their little girl!! Hope you get finished with your Health Insurance stuff today! It seems never ending for you! :mmph: I am very far behind with the scrapping and don't think I will be able to get the challenges done this month, but perhaps March will be better?

Phylis - That is so weird that your computer won't let you post the quick reply!! What browser do you use? Maybe its got something to do with your pop up blocker?? Hope you can get it figured out!!

Nancy - Looks like the Devils are doing better!! Our bruins surprised the heck out of us yesterday by spanking the Black Hawks !! Hubby was a happy guy!!

Jean - Wasn't Lady GaGa awesome last night!! I did not know that she has such an amazing voice!!

Shar - Thanks for the link to the Photoshop seminar I am all signed up and hope to tape it with my Quicktime player on my Mac. I figured out how to do it yesterday so I am all set for this morning. Recipes sound awesome! I will have to try the Coleslaw on for sure, I love coleslaw and have never figured out how to make it as good as my Mother used to do it.

Hope everyone has a great day today and that the sun is shining on you today!

QOTD - Yes we watched the Oscars last night. Could not believe that American Sniper did not get anything!! Can not believe that Birdman won best picture. I have seen it and thought it was CRAP!!!!! But what do I know??