
Daily Ooo's: Monday, February 2


The Loopy-O
Another snowy/icy day here. Cait's school is closed and Scott's is on a delayed opening. I guess we will have to see if it closes since it looks like it is pouring ice ATM.
I spent most of the afternoon lying down (Can I say that it took me I don't know how many tries to get the spelling right on that one?:doh:!!) I guess the excitement of company on Saturday took a lot out of me. No scrapping for me, again *pouts*
I did spend some time trying to clean up crap on my computer, too many desktop icons, as well as the regular CCleaner clean up.I also found a lot of Duplicate files using that, some on my C drive some on my F drive (My hard drive is partitioned). I have no idea which ones I should delete so I got scared and did nothing. Maybe Gary can help me later on.

I was sorry to hear that the Seahawks lost, and the way my FB feed was going, it sounds like they made a bad call at the end. :(

Not much else here. I have to finish my online shopping trip. Yay. ;) The coupon special this week is $10 off if you spend $20 on some different b-fast items. A couple of boxes of granola bars and oatmeal and that did the trick so all Gary has to do is hand over the coupons, pay, and load the stuff in the car.

Hmph... looks like the sleet is going back and forth with snow. I sure as heck don't want Scott on the roads but I guess he has to be the one to make that choice if school is open.It is a commuter school- they have to close, right?

QOTD What is your favorite animal? Not the ordinary dog/cat/sheep, but one of the more exotic ones? What one amazes you?
I think giraffes are the coolest animals. The way they walk is just incredible to watch and when I have seen them IRL- they seem so much bigger and majestic than I ever imagined. I like seeing them at the Disney Animal Kingdom and also at the Bronx Zoo although it has been a while, becasue they are not caged up, but allowed to roam.
I have to say, porcupines are really cute too. We saw one once at a small zoo and she was part of the wild life show, and Cait and I fell in love.

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
hiya. this idiot weather doesn't know WHAT it's doing. rain. ice. snow. blah,blah, blah!! another day inside, doing "things." i've done a few loads of laundry, cleaned one bathroom and struggled through some Rosetta Stone Italian lessons. i think i'm too old to learn stuff like that anymore! one of the reasons i've stopped scrapping is that it's gotten too technical for me to want to bother. in other words, my brain is full. :becky:

Chris, don't expect your recovery to be either swift or consistent. honestly, when they say six weeks, they're not kidding. and if you have other expectations, you're bound to be puzzled and frustrated and disappointed. you have to let this thing play out. so continue to take is slow and easy.

QOTD: my favorite animals of ANY size are always cats. so lions and tigers and panthers and mountain lions. you get the picture! :becky:

off to have some lunch and wander aimlessly around the house some more. i thought about going out for a bit, but my driveway is a sheet of ice. as is my road. woot. enjoy Monday, y'all. thinking of Trudy on the beach. sigh....


Well-Known Member
good morning - the weather sucks! This mixture of snow then freezing rain then rain and soon back to snow. Yuck! Luckily my DH and son were up and everything is shoveled so that is nice. But of course it is now covered with ice. Yesterday was really fun except for the way the Seahawks lost the Superbowl. My niece won tickets to the Superbowl. She and her husband live in Phoenix so they were super excited! She sent me pictures of the game and halftime. They had really good seats. It was fun to get her photos as the game went on. She and her husband are always winning things. It is amazing how lucky they are! I got in a really good walk as it was not too cold. Then mid-afternoon my son called and said they got a second dog. We of course were shocked! The first dog is barely 6 months old but their puppy trainer said raising two puppies at once is a lot easier than one at a time. The found the sweetest little girl Sidney as she is an miniature Australian sheep dog. She is just so cute. The two dogs get along though if I saw them together I would have thought they were hurting each other. But every one else said that it was just playing. Zach and Amanda were so happy with their babies so that is awesome. Got home and DH made an awesome Mexican dinner! Then I was commenting in the gallery and found out my latest Devils page was selected as one of the pages on the GSO website. Well that sure made my day!

QOTD - I think I love birds more than anything.

Phylis I think all of us want to be with Trudy LOL!

Have a great day in spite of the weather!


Well. You can guess how things are in Seattle. We are stunned. I sort of feel sorry for that coach who called that idiotic final Seahawk play. Will he ever sleep soundly again? I know I wouldn't. Oh well. My DSIL is thrilled, I know, and when HE is happy, my DD is happy.

I'm also feeling bad for you guys with the icy/snowy weather. It is back to gloom and rain for us, but as we always say, you don't have to shovel rain. And we are free to move about the county, to paraphrase the airline ad. Costco may be happening today.

What Phylis said. SIX WEEKS! Do NOT try to rush it. If you do, it will just add more weeks.

Nancy, my DD is always winning stuff too. Some people just "have it." If anyone deserves it, she does. Five children...tight budget.

Never would have thought raising two puppies at once would be a good thing! LOL.

Congrats on the GSO...well deserved.

Still in the honeymoon stage with my cpu. Much work still to be done, but so nice to be back.

QOTD: Tigers. Chris, my DGD (now 9), told her mom one day that she didn't like tigers, and she didn't like elephants...she ONLY like giraffes. Of course, that started a Giraffe Thing with her. She now has dozens of giraffe things, including her fav. stuffed toy we gave her, Jerry the Giraffe. When we bought Jerry, I packed him around everywhere I went for a couple weeks, taking pictures of him (driving a golf cart, getting a pedicure, at the fair, etc.), and made a picture book for her of all Jerry's adventures. She loves it.

Stay warm.