helllooooo O-zies! Happy Monday to you all.
Another day and another bunch of oddities. Today's quirks are brought to you by the Letter C for "Cars." When Cait and Tom were heading out for a Super Bowl party, he realized that he had no brakes. Pedal to the floor no brakes. He had no way to get home so stayed over here again. He and Gary are going to try to get his car to the shop around the corner this morning. He'll take my car to work and then stay over tonight. He is off on Tuesdays and Cait works remotely on Tues, so hopefully, everything will work its way out. Ya just never know -
I am glad that I got most of my week scheduled ahead yesterday so I wasn't too discombobulated by the changes in plans. Key word: *Too* discombobulated. *G*
I had a good amount of downtime yesterday. I scrapped, crocheted, worked on the puzzle and all of that was done after I started my grocery order, made dog treats, and finished the laundry. Not bad (for a change), Faery!
The first thing I have to do today is to call my mom. She needed to get some baking done today and I had told her that the banks would be closed today. I texted BFF to see if she was able to meet for coffee today and she told me that Pres Day is *next* week. Ooops! *slaps forehead*
Other than that, I won't have a car but I had no plans to go anywhere as it was.
Have a fantastic day!