
Daily Ooo's: Monday, December 8


The Loopy-O
Monday, already? I still need a weekend!
To say that there is crap everywhere, and I mean that literally and figuratively, it an understatement.

Saturday was spent making F-W's stuff and I have products all over my dining room table, some curing, all waiting to be labeled. The little soap scrubbies never set up in the molds, but I scraped them out of the molds and hand shaped them into cubes. They should air dry better out of the molds, so I'll see if that worked in a day or so.

The cookies- the nut cups I have been making since I was a teenager-- no idea with happened to them. The filling leaked out through the bottom of the crust, and made a sticky broken mess. But only on half of them. The other half look great! Then we made the walnut balls. Three trays, all baking at the same time-- convection oven running, plus I rotate the trays halfway through. 2 trays, perfect. One tray-- half, only *half* burned onthe bottoms. No freaking clue...

We have our Christmas tree up. What should have been an easy operation- yeah, right, no such thing in our house :suspicious:- turned into a much more complicated (due to male stubbornness) one. The trunk was curved and the tree was going to tip. Gary tried to cut the bottom part of the trunk to lessen the curve. But both of his reciprocating saws are broken and the hand saw hasn't been sharpened in 10+ years. We suggested that he call our neighbor to borrow his, but he had to try all of his options first. Most of out lights were dead so we picked up another box, which of course were not working when we got home.
Then we needed our Christmas music. For whatever reason, Gary's iTunes was broken. It had our Christmas playlist, but couldn't find the tracks. I gave him a CD, but that wasn't working in iTunes either, so we had to go "old school" and play it through a CD player. hahah!!
By the time we started actually putting ornaments on, it was past dinner time.

And to top it all off... Scott's car needs to go into the shop. Today. His brakes went from sort of squishy to nothing in one day. He has my car, Gary's car is still broken and He s going to have to drive me to work in it b/c I won't can't drive it.

:frusty: <~ I love this little guy. He makes me be able to bang my head without the pain.

What is your word for today? Mine-- BROKEN, as in everything I touch is broken. :pound:

Have a great day, and always look on the bright side of life. *whistle, whistle whistle*



The Loopy-O
PS: One other thing that seems to be "broken" is the New Posts link here. Every time I log on, the new posts gives me 1-2 new threads, but I can see that there are threads I have not read yet. Hmmm...

From Sunday:

Trudy- this time of year gets so hectic, doesn't it? I bet your wine is awesome! How neat to have met up with old friends like that.
Hope that you got everything done that you needed to do.
Wow, you are all very tall. Even you at 5'6" is "giant" in my family hahahah!!!!

Jean- brain shut down? I can totally relate!
It sounds like you were very busy this weekend too. I hope that your shoulder feels better. Have you put heat on it?

often wonder why things can't go smoothly as they're SUPPOSED to.
This^^ is the story of my life! Sorry Phyllis- I might need that fire extinguisher soon. :D

Hugs and love and peaceful thoughts!!!


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- I am still working on cleaning/purging in my house. I wrapped some presents yesterday, and have more to do today. My hubby cleaned his office, that was nice. Now it is crunch time- still working on the kitchen paper piles- arghh. So instead of doing that I scrapped cause today is ValC Designs day and sale and she has new wonderful goodies that I got to scrap with- plus a freebie- check out todays advent thread! Okay- now to exercise off the cookies I have eaten the past two days!


Well-Known Member
good morning! Had a wonderful Sunday. The Watchung Trailside Museum had its Holiday craft sale so my son and DIL came over early and we went to lunch and then to the craft sale. They had some really awesome crafts. Was fun! Then went back to their home for about 90 min and they decorated their tree and I played with the puppy. Then we all went to the NJ Devils holiday photo opportunity. We got our photos taken at center ice and then we received a travel mug. Came home and found I had no Dr. Pepper or cereal for breakfast so off to the grocery store. One thing about late night grocery shopping is that there was no one there. So I am set for the week.

Chris I can't believe how your day went. I hope today goes much better.

Phylis I can't believe they lost that one package! I too would be furious but how nice to have the representative be understanding! Hope they find it soon! Must have been nice to have your daughter over with the champagne!

Trudy omgosh how nice to meet your high school friends and have the chance to catch up! Have fun with the wine!

QOTD - my word for today is cold. It is grey and damp and cold and a noreaster is on the way.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Faery, your posts are something else, even when disaster strikes! :frusty: one of my faves, too!! although, if i am being true to myself, THIS is more like me --- :rant: re: you cookie failure mysteries. i swear that no one can make an oven these days that does the ONE simple thing you want an oven to do, that being to arrive at and MAINTAIN the temperature you set it for. i made a turkey yesterday, and i can't use my kitchen electric oven for anything like a medium-sized turkey. the oven won't hold the temp i set it for. it often drops by a hundred degrees, and i find myself "cooking" a turkey at 200 and not realizing it. so, i then have to keep turning up the thermostat, which causes the upper heating element to go on, which burns the thing in the oven, and STILL i can't arrive at a constant temp. so, i have my old (1980s vintage) gas stove hooked up in the basement, and i have to cook big stuff in there. is yours an electric stove?

Laurie, every time i read your posts, i always think you must have the neatest house EVER. how do you address the kitchen paper piles? mine NEVER seem to go away. i think it's because if something is not right in my face, i forget about it.

Jean, have you ever tried apple cider vinegar, honey and cranberry juice for your shoulder? it works wonders for Hubby here. hope you can feel better soon.

Trudy, i didn't realize that you married your high school sweetie!! that is so nice! and lovely to run into old friends for a chat. i miss that sort of thing. my old hometown barely exists anymore, so i really can't go home again. and i live about an hour's drive from there, so i never run into any of the people who stayed there amidst the destruction. think Detroit, but on a smaller scale. that's what's happened to where i grew up.

Nancy, sounds like a nice outing! did you find anything at the craft fair? it seems like there are fewer craft fairs about these days.

today, i think i'm gonna try to go visit one of my remaining Aunties. my clothes are still killing me. the itching remains after the rash has gone. excellent! so, we'll see how it goes.

QOTDs: my fave Christmas movie is George C. Scot's "A Christmas Carol," followed close behind this year by "The Shop Around the Corner." and the Word of the Day, i just KNOW, is going to be ITCH!!!

have a good one! :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies, the sun is just starting to rise here and it is a beautiful peachy colour!! I think that it will soon be black out again though as :rain: is forecast for the next 7 days!! Better start building that Ark!! Yesterday was a write off as I spent the entire day putting up the tree and running around trying to find new lights for it. Then just when I was in the middle of the decorating DH yells into the house, "Is it time for lunch yet"? Well sure let me just drop everything I am doing and get that for you :rant: He was outside doing the lights on the house, did you not see me just get back from the store 2 mins ago?? So I did not get much else accomplished yesterday. So today I have two chairs that I am refinishing the legs on and that will not be a fun job. Hopefully swimming, a talk with DD and Mason and then perhaps I will get my housework done and a bit more decorating. I really need to spend some time here in the gallery too!! Not to mention finish off DD's calendar (almost complete) Think I will have any luck??

Chris - OMG your day of Christmas baking and decorating did not go so well did it?? Isn't it crazy that you can make a recipe for years and each time it turns out a bit different! I think Phylis has the answer, we all need a gas stove, one that was made years ago when they took pride in what was being produced, not the junk you buy now! I think that your ghost that terrorizes your family once in a while was with you yesterday!

Laurie - Holy smokes more cleaning and purging?? Where does it all come from?? You can't have that much stuff lying around LOL. Hope you have an amazing day!

Nancy - Sounds like you had a fun day yesterday!! Did you buy anything at the Craft Fair? You have Dr. Pepper for breakfast??? :becky: It is nice when there is no one else in the grocery store isn't it!! You will have to show us your photo from centre ice!!

Phylis - Have a nice visit with your Aunt! I hope the itching stops for you soon!! Ugh it must be so annoying!! Yes I married my high school sweetie, we met when I was in grade 10 and he was in Grade 11. When he first asked me out, I said NO WAY!! I was not interested in having a boyfriend, poor guy was persistent though and finally I gave in. LOL We have known each other forever!!

QOTD - Busy will be my word for the day!!


Well-Known Member
QOTD: I think my word is overwhelmed. So much to do (especially since I keep putting things off) and no energy to attack it all.

Chris, What a Day! From what I'm hearing about stoves I'm really glad I still have a 30+ yo gas stove. I don't cook all that much any more, but it certainly works when I do.

Laurie, I too wonder how neat and tidy your house must be! Hope you have a good day.

Nancy, what fun with the photo op and the craft sale. I'm sure we'll being seeing your photo soon?

Phylis, sure hope the itch doesn't do you in. Have a nice visit.

Trudy, sounds like nice things today even though busy. Good luck with the coming rain.