
Daily Ooo's: Monday, December 22


The Loopy-O
Happy mOnday! Short week for Caitlyn, with only 2 days of school. Gary and Scott- they have nothing planned (lucky!) and I still have a boatload of stuff to do. But-- I just told Caitlyn that Wed morning, they will be helping me get the house cleaned for Thursday. She said back to me, but Wed is Christmas Eve! (counts as a true holiday in my house, or rather Christmas begins Christmas Eve morning and ends at bedtime Christmas Day :dance:). Yeah, which is why you are all going to help me get ready for Thursday! tee hee!

Cait and I had a successful baking day. The walnut cups came of perfectly (and yummily and there were three that were a bit overfilled, so Gary, Cait and I *had* to test them out). The matzoh toffee - also perfect. I still have to cut the Can't Leave Alone Bars and Chocolate Pecan Pie bars but they look awesome. I also made Gary's shortbreads, since he was messing around in the basement. he is helping our friend make a Christmas display and when his OCD/manic phases hit him, he can't stop.

I also finished my BFF's page, printed it and the colors were all off. Saturday, I printed my nieces page and the colors were fine. Rather than mess aroud with my printer, I went to Walgreens.com and ordered and 8x8 print that I can pick up today. Woo hoo, all of this is starting to pull together!!

Today I am babysitting, working, and some errands to run (my box of wine is almost empty! :faint:), and the bank, that is *almost* as important as the liquor store. You might not be able to buy much of anything in my town, but liquor stores and banks we have plenty of.:eyebrows:

Me me Monday:
Buy my box 'o wine

QOTD Are you ticklish? I am. At least I think I still am. Every knows to not even try it on me so no ones has tickled me for years and years!

Hugs and Love and Christmas Spirit (See, I told y'all, I am getting there :D)
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The Loopy-O
From Sunday:

nancy- Oh man, your Devils seem to have no consistency. How are they doing in the standings? Ack- about the coats! Is this the only coat drive that they do?
I bet that your house looks so nice, but men/boys... they never, ever learn, do they?

Trudy- hope that you keep on feeling better and better.
I was going to go down to Michael's either today or tomorrow, but the closest one is 40 minutes away, without traffic (funny how I always have to say that, but I live in NJ, one of the most densely populated states. Traffic is our Middle Name!) and decided that it was too much running. Online wouldn't get here in time either:(
9pm, that is actually very impressive! By 8pm, I am trying to shoo people out of my house. Gone are the good only days when the parties would go on and on...

Hi Jenn!! Welcome to the Oooos!!!
I did look at Amazon too, we don't have Prime and I thought about using the free trial but even that made my head hurt. It doesn't take much :pound:

Phyllis- hope you had a nice day too!



Well-Known Member
whoops. i missed stopping by yesterday, didn't i? i was baking and making sauerkraut soup for Christmas Eve and wasn't very "Internetty" yesterday.

Chris, sounds like you've got things well in hand! i love that you included that note about the frame coming later. those sorts of things are what helps keep women sane. realizing that we can't do it all.
nor SHOULD we. i've always wanted to make that matzoh stuff. is it easy? i have to have a taste-tester nearby, since i don't eat stuff like that anymore and i don't like to feed people stuff that i don't know how it tastes! Hubby doesn't eat dessert for weeks before Christmas, kind of like Lent, so he's no help as a taster!

Trudy, i hope you're totally cured buyChristmas!! why does this sort of thing always happen around Holidays?? last year i was sick for Christmas and DD had the flu! knock on wood, we'll stay well. i heard that the flu shot this year was basically not matching with the flu that's out there, so it's likely to be a messy winter! i also long for the Old Days, when all my aunts and uncles and my parents were alive, and we had such BIG, fun Christmas celebrations! my sisters and i were never close,
but we had lots of cousins, and everyone came to OUR house, because my Grandfather lived with us. so. it was a giant BLAST for Christmas.
not so much, now.

Nancy, you are so much nicer than i am.
Asked my son not to put anything on the table and all he has done is put things on the table.
i usually have a three-step plan for things like this. first i ask nice. second, i make the offender stand in front of me like a 3-year-old and say, "please look right at me while i say this again. i'm just making sure you are hearing what i'm saying." if it continues, the stuff either disappears or gets swept from the table onto the floor, where i step on it as i pass.
if outrage is expressed by the offender
, i tell them that they know what to do about it. Mean Old Mom. i surely hope something happens to change your Devils. is it a coaching problem, do you think? i heard a funny radio report on NPR yesterday morning about people holding Wakes at bars in the DC area because their football team is SOoOOO awful!

Jenn, are you feeling better? two weeks is a long time!! if i remember correctly, hanging around elementary school kids is an easy way to catch EVERyTHING that's going around. when i first started teaching, i was sick with something every other week!

Laurie, hope the honey is doing its good thing. do you have another sinus infection, too?

Jean, i once saw a red fox right in one of the parks in the city! i thought it was a dog at first. one doesn't expect to see a fox in the city. wow!! that's a LOT of birds!!

more baking today. my mom's apricot rolls. then i'm done, except making halushky for Christmas Eve. as long as the snow holds up, this should be a pretty easy Christmas Eve and Christmas this year. DS still doesn't have the box, but at least i know it's in the right place. at last!! i have to wade into Walmart today for some cat food. that should be interesting. i went to the supermarket yesterday and almost turned around and ran out, screaming!!
crazy busy!

QOTD: no. i'm not ticklish. I was trying to remember if i was as a kid, and i can't remember!

so. i better get started with the day. have a super Monday! :becky:
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lOve the O!
Well, yday a slight fever showed up so I went to town to urgent care- me and 20 other coughing people who also looked miserable. I feel better today, called off work- which despite being necessary due to the fever- I will get dinged for as unscheduled time away- who plans to get sick? Anyway, hoping the cough goes away so I can return to work tomorrow. If we take to many unscheduled days off in a year or 6 mos period we can be fired. So today, keep working at getting healthy.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is going to be sunny today
Its been a long time since I have seen the sun!! Yesterday it was so mild that we had the windows open, DH and I both said to each other "Why is it so warm in the house?" Then we looked at the temp outside and it was 14 degrees celcius which is about 57 fahrenheit, so we stopped working on the house cleaning and took in a beautiful walk instead.

Chris - Hooray, everything is coming together for you!! Make sure you get everyone to help you out getting the house ready for the big day! If you have to work then so do they!! It will get done so much faster!! Too bad going to Michaels is so far away for you, it is for us too at least an hour we have one in Naniamo and one in Victoria, we are in the middle of each way and they are about an hour in either direction from us. All of your baking sounds so delicious!! I got Naniamo Bars made yesterday and that was it for my baking. I think I gained lbs just looking at them, they are so full of sugar and chocolate. Why are all the best things in life always bad for you?? Oh well its Christmas and there are no calories at Christmas right??

Phylis - Your Christmas past get togethers sound so fun!! It makes me realize that the good old days really were the best! Our get togethers were wonderful too with lots of relations and everyone happy, no complaining at least from what I remember?? What was that word that you posted on Facebook yesterday?? That is the perfect word for my Christmas Past!!
Perhaps its just a memory that I wish but never really was as good as I remember?

Laurie - I can't believe that you do not get allotted sick days?? Like you say... who the hell plans to get sick?? Well in any case I hope you feel much better very soon!! Take care of you!! :hug:

QOTD - I was ticklish as a child, but not anymore. Except when the grandkids try to tickle me then I pretend to be very ticklish :becky:

Hope everyone gets everything done today that needs to get done, I have to get more groceries sometime either today or tomorrow :mmph: Have a good one ladies :wave:


Wow. As busy as I was when all 3 kids were young (& I was home-schooling them!), I'm sure I was not as busy as you, Chris. I'm worn out just OBSERVING your activity. Years ago I quit baking Christmas cookies, etc., and even stopped decorating the house.

We attended a wonderful community concert band concert Friday night, in which a friend of ours plays the trombone. That, and enjoying all the lights OTHER people put up got me more into the "Christmas spirit." There is one modest little home near us where lights cover nearly every square inch of the property. They've even dubbed themselves "The Griswalds," and have a white-board outside with a count-down to the days before the display is lit up!

Yesterday, the Almond Game was one of the most fun ever. Turned out that our host found the almond, and he was perfect about faking not having it so everyone wondered if someone had eaten it by mistake! There were about 20 of us, including several enthusiastic teens.

Then I had to come home to an epic virus take-over of my computer. Well, I sat beside our Geek Friend (who works for Microsoft), as he worked for 2.5 hours to find a solution. He said he'd never come up against one so malicious. Someone had set up their own user-account on my computer! =:O And I run FOUR virus detectors on my computer. They had also hidden things as much as they could, making it very difficult to repair. I kept hearing GF say things like "OH NO..." and groaning. And I think I brought it on myself! My version of MS Office does not have MS Publisher on it. That's what I used to use for making calendars. So I was searching the internet trying to find a substitute. I have Web-Of-Trust, so I only clicked the sites approved by them (little green circle indicates safe sites), but after a couple clicks on 2 or 3 different sites, I got those ugly warning signs. I left them immediately, but evidently not fast enough. All seems to be well today, so I can get back to the important things...like scrapping and checking Facebook!

Speaking of Facebook, I became friends with Phylis the other day, and have so enjoyed going to your FB and seeing the beautiful shots of Pittsburgh. Made me nostalgic. I so wish we'd MIRL while DD was there. But the last couple trips we made there were very hectic...one a serious family emergency, and the other, helping them pack up to move.

After the computer fiasco yesterday, GF stayed and watched football with us. Seahawks are looking really good right now, although I don't think it would have been such a blow-out if Arizona had not been functioning with their 3rd string quarterback.

Ticklish? It was a glorious day when I realized that not only were my feet not ticklish any more, but that I loved having them rubbed (by Captain Romance), and massaged by the pedicurist.

Captain Romance is playing golf today. I don't play when it is below 65*, so will stay home and do laundry instead. That, and caress my cpu!

Trudy and Laurie, I hope you are both feeling a LOT better SOON!


Well-Known Member
Afternoon, Ozzies! The sun is shining and it's just over 40* F out. How delightful. I think I missed yesterday, but was tired and stiff and Sunday was football all day on TV.

Chris, so nice the baking went well this time! Sounds like you really do have it all coming together in time.

Phylis, I can't imagine all that baking without tasting any. When I do cook it's only for the two of us, so don't make things I can't eat. That package had better hurry up and get there. What a sorry excuse for service.

Laurie, is it even legal to fire someone for being sick? Sounds awful. Hope you are better QUICK!

Trudy, cheers on your weather today - much nicer to get out.

Shar, sounds like you had a good time with the almond! Nice to have cut out the excess in decorating and all.

Hope it's a good day for everyone.