
Daily Ooos: Monday, December 18


The Loopy-O
Greetings from extremely soggy NJ with the sounds of the sump pump running nonstop in the background. :gloomy: The ground has been saturated since the storm we had last weekend, this storm is way worse for rainfall amounts. At least it's not snow. It's been difficult enough taking Jaida outside, not sure what we'll do once it is snowy.

I'm taking some deep breaths. My parents' gifts are almost done. I made the shake-and-bake mix and low-sodium bread sticks. I labeled the spice mixes and am now working on scrapping some low-sodium/low-potassium recipes. I searched the Shop for recipe templates and was super excited when I realized that I already had these quick pages: Christmas Cuties Baking Quick Pages 8.5x11
I have three recipes scrapped and five more to go. I feel guilty(ish) that I am downloading the website photos and using them but it's not like I am using them other than with the recipe itself.

We also had a nice surprise-- Scott called early to see if we'd be around for dinner. He and Sam were going to bake cookies with Logan and keep him occupied so Sam's sister could take a breather with the baby. After that, they had the rest of the day/even free so they came for dinner. Cait and Tom were making vegan Philly Cheesesteaks so they doubled the recipe and we all were together ♥
Sam showed me pics of Sophia and she is adorable-- big chubby cheeks and all. She sent me a pic of Scott playing with Logan and they have the biggest smiles on their faces. I don't know how Sarah feels about having kids online so I can't scrap/share it but it made me melt.

I am feeling a lot better. Being able to get some stuff done and having the family together was a big reset for me. I will keep plugging along today and might just get everything done by Friday. This afternoon is Coloring Crew and I haven't decided if I am going. Not that it takes me long to get ready but I don't think I want to take the time to put make-up on and all that. It might be more beneficial to get some more things done here than to go and color for an hour or so.

Besides, I need to keep a close eye on Jaida. Gary had been letting her roam downstairs more than I liked and yesterday she was holding her leg up more than she had been. She is off the pain meds too

Better go!HAGD!!



The Loopy-O
Well, I am back. I wanted to post the thread b/c I have been hearing a chirping sound on and off for the last 24 hours. I can't tell where it is coming from, it sounds like it is behind my monitor but there is nothing there.

OMG, I figured it out! And you aren't going to believe it!!! It was my water bottle. There was a little bit of water on the top of it and the seal must have had air escaping through it. That's good because I was having visions of me pulling an Edgar Allen Poe move and taking a sledgehammer to my office walls to find that sound.

@Su_Sanne It would be very nice to meet you and everyone here in person someday. :heartpumplove:

@BrightEyes Sooo happy for you that you have DD#1 and 3 together. Don't get into any mischief. LOL
Thanks for letting us know how well the Instacan works. I know that I'm going to need something like that in the near-ish future. I am getting more and more arthritis nodules on my finger joints and the rubbery-jar lid openers thingy doesn't work for me.

@vickyday has the storm moved out yet? Now that it is semi-daylight I see that a huge 10' or so branch came down in my backyard. Lots of roads are flooded too.
How is your back feeling today, hope you didn't overdo it with cleaning and then sitting at church. I am sure that was worth it though, to see your GDD sing.

@Cherylndesigns That is a good sign that Chuck wanted coffee. Did he enjoy it?
Oh no, poor Lila. That must be scary to see her have a seizure, especially with Adrienne away. Is she coming home soon?
LOL at you eating the cereal so the milk didn't go to waste. :giggle4:
I have a strange Christmas sweatshirt that I could have worn or borrowed one of Caitlyn's. Scott wore one of his over his uniform. I wish I could have gone on that hike. I haven't been out since November.

I am running very slowly today, the dark and gloomy weather is getting to me, I think. Time to get breakfast. Love to all of you! xo


Quick dash in to OS to comment on the 12 Day Challenge and pop in here. Yesterday was a busy and wonderful day. DD#1 and hubby arrived around 1PM. We visited and laughed and enjoyed being together again. I asked SiLaw to close the light cover on the garage door opener for me... it had been hanging open for a few weeks. He was able to stand on the car floor with the door open and reach the cover. But... once that was done - the garage door opener would only work to open/close the door if you kept pressing the pad and the remote wouldn't work. So he went to Home Depot to get a replacement but they didn't have the Genie brand - and the universal one he got didn't work. He is going to go to Lowe's and get the right one. Hopefully that will take care of the problem.

DD#3 came down before supper and spent the night here. She has to check into work for an hour or so then we will be off and running to get the signature cards taken care of. I had a big batch of frozen enchiladas sauce and guacamole so it was an easy supper to put together. It seemed like old times with the girls and I working together in the kitchen. We were smart enough to not stay up too late so headed to bed around 10PM.

Well, everyone is getting up so have to go. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Greetings from extremely soggy NJ with the sounds of the sump pump running nonstop in the background. :gloomy: The ground has been saturated since the storm we had last weekend, this storm is way worse for rainfall amounts. At least it's not snow. It's been difficult enough taking Jaida outside, not sure what we'll do once it is snowy.

I'm taking some deep breaths. My parents' gifts are almost done. I made the shake-and-bake mix and low-sodium bread sticks. I labeled the spice mixes and am now working on scrapping some low-sodium/low-potassium recipes. I searched the Shop for recipe templates and was super excited when I realized that I already had these quick pages: Christmas Cuties Baking Quick Pages 8.5x11
I have three recipes scrapped and five more to go. I feel guilty(ish) that I am downloading the website photos and using them but it's not like I am using them other than with the recipe itself.

We also had a nice surprise-- Scott called early to see if we'd be around for dinner. He and Sam were going to bake cookies with Logan and keep him occupied so Sam's sister could take a breather with the baby. After that, they had the rest of the day/even free so they came for dinner. Cait and Tom were making vegan Philly Cheesesteaks so they doubled the recipe and we all were together ♥
Sam showed me pics of Sophia and she is adorable-- big chubby cheeks and all. She sent me a pic of Scott playing with Logan and they have the biggest smiles on their faces. I don't know how Sarah feels about having kids online so I can't scrap/share it but it made me melt.

I am feeling a lot better. Being able to get some stuff done and having the family together was a big reset for me. I will keep plugging along today and might just get everything done by Friday. This afternoon is Coloring Crew and I haven't decided if I am going. Not that it takes me long to get ready but I don't think I want to take the time to put make-up on and all that. It might be more beneficial to get some more things done here than to go and color for an hour or so.

Besides, I need to keep a close eye on Jaida. Gary had been letting her roam downstairs more than I liked and yesterday she was holding her leg up more than she had been. She is off the pain meds too

Better go!HAGD!!

If you hadn't already had your "reset" with the fam this weekend I would've suggested that you DO go to the Coloring Crew, but it sounds like you would be good without going! I think if you go at this point you would be thinking the whole time you were there....."I should be doing.....this, that, or the other.....at home!" I say, don't go! ;)


Love my O Family!
Well, I am back. I wanted to post the thread b/c I have been hearing a chirping sound on and off for the last 24 hours. I can't tell where it is coming from, it sounds like it is behind my monitor but there is nothing there.

OMG, I figured it out! And you aren't going to believe it!!! It was my water bottle. There was a little bit of water on the top of it and the seal must have had air escaping through it. That's good because I was having visions of me pulling an Edgar Allen Poe move and taking a sledgehammer to my office walls to find that sound.

@Su_Sanne It would be very nice to meet you and everyone here in person someday. :heartpumplove:

@BrightEyes Sooo happy for you that you have DD#1 and 3 together. Don't get into any mischief. LOL
Thanks for letting us know how well the Instacan works. I know that I'm going to need something like that in the near-ish future. I am getting more and more arthritis nodules on my finger joints and the rubbery-jar lid openers thingy doesn't work for me.

@vickyday has the storm moved out yet? Now that it is semi-daylight I see that a huge 10' or so branch came down in my backyard. Lots of roads are flooded too.
How is your back feeling today, hope you didn't overdo it with cleaning and then sitting at church. I am sure that was worth it though, to see your GDD sing.

@Cherylndesigns That is a good sign that Chuck wanted coffee. Did he enjoy it?
Oh no, poor Lila. That must be scary to see her have a seizure, especially with Adrienne away. Is she coming home soon?
LOL at you eating the cereal so the milk didn't go to waste. :giggle4:
I have a strange Christmas sweatshirt that I could have worn or borrowed one of Caitlyn's. Scott wore one of his over his uniform. I wish I could have gone on that hike. I haven't been out since November.

I am running very slowly today, the dark and gloomy weather is getting to me, I think. Time to get breakfast. Love to all of you! xo
The rain stopped! The sun is shining and it is pretty warm, so I am hoping that lots of the moisture will evaporate today! The ground is so saturated that the septic tank is not working right again, so we are using as little water as possible.....no laundry and no flushes, well, unless......you know what I mean, LOL! :poop::poop::poop:
My back was hurting some by the time we got back from the church program, but not too bad! I turned on the seat heater when we got back in the car.


Love my O Family!
Quick dash in to OS to comment on the 12 Day Challenge and pop in here. Yesterday was a busy and wonderful day. DD#1 and hubby arrived around 1PM. We visited and laughed and enjoyed being together again. I asked SiLaw to close the light cover on the garage door opener for me... it had been hanging open for a few weeks. He was able to stand on the car floor with the door open and reach the cover. But... once that was done - the garage door opener would only work to open/close the door if you kept pressing the pad and the remote wouldn't work. So he went to Home Depot to get a replacement but they didn't have the Genie brand - and the universal one he got didn't work. He is going to go to Lowe's and get the right one. Hopefully that will take care of the problem.

DD#3 came down before supper and spent the night here. She has to check into work for an hour or so then we will be off and running to get the signature cards taken care of. I had a big batch of frozen enchiladas sauce and guacamole so it was an easy supper to put together. It seemed like old times with the girls and I working together in the kitchen. We were smart enough to not stay up too late so headed to bed around 10PM.

Well, everyone is getting up so have to go. HAGD
Sounds like you are in your happy place! Enjoy your time with your girls! I always do when mine are with me!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Quick in and out. I brought my GD home with me last night after the church program. She is 12 1/2 and is still young enough to want to spend time with grandma! :heartpumpred: I asked the GS if he wanted to come (I already knew the answer). He wouldn't say, NO, but he gave me that crooked grin that said, thanks, but no thanks! LOL! He is 17 today! I'm sure he had plans to be with his GF. And Hannah is 19, graduated, and has a real job now, so I didn't even ask her, LOL!

And I've typed enough that the left hand is giving me fits and Abby is waiting on me to play games with her, so I'll be back later today when she is tired of playing, LOL!



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all,

It's 48 and sunny but feels so cold. My hands are cold, so that's not good. I've been busy this morning with Chuck and the dogs. Chris @faerywings I thought that was a good sign that Chuck wanted coffee. He said it really tasted good and he wanted some more this morning. I was off auto pilot this am and did not pour his milk into the cereal. I knew you'd get a laugh out of me not wanting to waste the milk or the cereal yesterday. Although I have to admit those strawberry Cheerios tasted mighty good. I don't need the sugar, so I refrained this am. He likes a different kind each morning, so I finished off the box of Frosted Flakes for him today. The Dollar General that's right down the road has the best prices on the big boxes of cereal, so I buy about 6 boxes at a time. I'm going to need to go there in a few days. I'm down to 3 different kinds and only 2 of the boxes are full-ish. I also need more Half n Half if he's going to start drinking coffee again.

How fun that the whole family was able to be together last night. I bet you can't wait to get your hands on that baby. I love that you're making all of the low sodium things for your parents. I really have to watch my sodium intake too and low sodium things are hard to find. I recently found salt free whole cashews at Walgreens and bought all they had which was only 4 bags. The low sodium products always go fast, apparently. Then I found some at TJMaxx and bought all two bags that they had. That's one big reason I don't like to eat fast food - it's loaded with sodium. I can feel my legs swelling.

Kay @BrightEyes it warms my heart to think of you and your girls together in the kitchen. :heartpumpred: Your meal sounds delish that you had last night and how wonderful that you're getting your garage door opener fixed.

Vicky @vickyday how wonderful to have your GD staying with you. Yes, she's right on the ragged edge of wanting to stay with Grandma. I know you're going to enjoy that as long as you can.

I'm going to get off of here. I had another CT layout to post - I finished it last night and just got it posted around social media land. That put me behind the 8 ball this morning but I really needed to get it done.

Hugs to Trudy @taxed4ever Rae @bcgal00 and Susanne @Su_Sanne :hug4: