
Daily Ooo's: Monday, December 14


The Loopy-O
And we have COOKIES!!!
Cait and I baked from 8.30 am to 3,30 pm. Made 12 dozen walnut cups and about 10 doz walnut balls. And I only slightly burned one sheet of the walnut balls. Cait scraped the brown off of the bottom and now we have some to eat before Christmas. :D

My brother also popped in really quick. He had called to see if we could go out to lunch today but Gary and I have out Lyme dr appts and that tends to be a loooong morning. He called back a little while later to say he was "in the area" and can he stop in. We had such a nice chat while Cait and I were baking. I almost never get to see him one on one anymore. At big family functions there is always way too much chaos. We used to go out just the two of us Christmas shopping and lunch every year but that stopped over the last couple of years.

I love online shopping- I woke up really early this morning and while I was waiting for coffee to brew, I got one gift for Scott and one for Cait.

I have to get in the shower now, so I can be off to the dr's at 8am.



The Loopy-O
Super quick from yesterday:

Trudy- hope that your weather settles down and that you had a nice chat with your sister!

Nancy- in some ways, 2 dogs are easier than 1!!!! How fun for Luther and Rex to play together. Not surprised you loved TSO, and I will keep my eyes open on itunes for the album.

Rae- I love multi-grain walnut pancakes. Soooooo good and crunchy!
I will get back to you for the GSO info too. If I don't, hit me over the head to remind me. Or throw a :brick:



The Loopy-O
Good luck with the doc's! I can't believe you're up and at 'em already--it's only 3am! ;)
Heather, you *kill* me!!!!! :pound:
Alarm goes off at 5am, my head hits the pillow before 9pm. :D

Thansk for the good thoughts! Big decision again, whether to have her pull my PICC line..... :(


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, three cheers for on line shopping ... while hubby was in the shower I ordered some presents for him on line. He pointed something out in the store last week and I said "Do you really think I'll buy you 3 kids movies at that price ?" ... hihi.
I ordered them on line and an extra ... at least this way it's a surprise. LOL

The receptionist here at work said she had never had so many parcels delivered here as this year.

Now I just need to figure out how to get them into the house and wrapped without him knowing. I'm hoping they arrive before tomorrow so I can sneak them in in my yoga bag.

Last year, I managed to buy one present for him that he didn't know about and I hid it in a side compartment of the car trunk ... I forgot about it until New Years night ! LOL


Well-Known Member
good morning! My Devils lost to the Islanders 4-0. It was not that they played all that badly it was that the Islanders were that much better. My Devils are missing their two top centers and that makes a huge difference but it is giving my younger Devils a chance to step up. LOL I think they need to step up further. Luther was sad to see Rex go and I think he is looking for him today. He wants to go on his walks earlier and earlier but good for me as it is to rain today and I don't want to walk in the rain so I walked in the fog. Tonight my girlfriends and I are going to dinner at a local restaurant and they are collecting toys for tots and some of the money goes to the my high schools choirs. And the choirs will be singing during dinner.

Chris all those cookies sound so good. How fun to have your brother drop by! Hope all goes well at the Drs. I know you will make the correct choice for you.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... so dark outside still but no rain and no wind for a change. Spent some of the day yesterday picking up branches from the back and the front yard. Then had lunch with my sisters and then a bit of shopping downtown with them. It was nice to be together as it doesn't happen too often. Coming from a large family of 7 children, it is really hard to find a time to get together with everyone. It really should happen more often :sad:

Chris - sounds like a very nice day spent baking with your lovely daughter and then such a nice visit with your brother too!! Its a shame you do not go shopping together anymore, but I guess with both of you having busy families it is hard to do. Yes online shopping is the best! I love that they deliver for free most places too!! Hope you make the best decision for yourself with the pic line!

Heather - WTH are you doing up at 3am :becky:

Katja - Too funny about the present that you left in the trunk of your car!! Oh well he got to have Christmas twice!! Hope you manage to get it all wrapped and hid away in a place you remember about this year!!

Nancy - Sorry about your Devils being shut out!! Sounds like you will have a nice time with your girlys tonight and how nice that you will be donating to such a good thing! Enjoy the choir singing!! Hope that Luther stops looking for Rex, gee you might have to think about getting another dog just to keep him company :becky:

Ok I am going to order the In-Laws calendar today at Staples. I take off all of the birthdays that are not relevant to them and do them separate from the rest, just to keep my head from exploding while I am in panic mode about getting them done.
I also am finishing the project that I started for MIL a special folder to keep her piano sheet music in that she wanted for Christmas this year. I will post a photo of it later. Hope that you all have a wonderful Monday!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good morning, ladies. Got the cabinet and coat rack finished last night. I am really happy with how the staining turned out. My daughter came over and after looking at the coat rack shelf, she mentioned that a good Xmas gift might be some frames to put along the top of the shelf, to which I agreed. So it looks like I might get some frames for the foyer to put some of my photography in. We looked online so I could show her what types of frames interested me. I'll be happy to receive that from her. Darn it, was too tired after dinner to address the cards. I'm going to address some this morning so I can pop them into the mailbox when I take Taz over at lunch time to get his nails clipped. So, off to get computer work done....have a lovely day, everyone.

Chris - can't believe you were up so early LOL. Sounds like a very productive baking weekend for you and Cait. Yes, let's talk about the GSO at some point.

Trudy - sounds like you're getting everything done on schedule. Yes, share the folder with us when it's done. I'd love to see it.

Nancy - poor Luther....looking for Rex. That means they had a lot of fun together. Taz is like that after we have doggy company too. He'll look around for a few days, hoping to find them, and then he gets back to normal.

Katja - ha ha....leaving the gift in the trunk...I can't tell you how many times a similar thing has happened to me LOL. You are so sneaky....I love it! We all try to outwit and surprise each other with gifts too. We hide them around the house and a few years ago I hid one at our neighbor's home b/c I knew my hubs otherwise my hubs would find it.