
Daily Ooo's: Monday, December 10


The Loopy-O
Monday?? again?? Already?? Didn't we *just* have a Monday???

I had a very nice Christmas-y kind of weekend. And the good news is that I feel like things are slightly falling into place and that lessens my Grinch-ish-ness by a mile!!!(still have miles to go before I sleep, but its a start *wink*)

Movie Night was fun and I loooove being around my Christopher! I was teasing my brother as we watched Rudolph-- Did we ever think when we were kids that we'd be watching these with our own kids?? Hopefully someday we will be able to see our grandkids do the same. But not for a looong time......:D
My brother dropped my kids off at my mom's on the way home that night. They live about 5-10 mins from each other-- lucky!). She has an annual Christmas shopping trip with them too. Usually she picks them up here after school, takes them around town and goes out for dinner. But scheduling was rough this year and businesses in my town are dwindling rapidly. So they hit the mall near my mom's for the day.

They said they did great and I spent the entire day in the kitchen. I baked from 9 am to 5 pm! I baked four different kind of cookies. Heather started What are you baking this season?so I'll post up what I did in there soon. And I even bought myself a little present!!! I had $3 in Amazon MP3 credits and I have wanted the 3rd Trans-Siberian Orchestra CD but the CD is unavailable. It was downloadable for $4.99 so I used my credits and treated myself. I know it sounds like a ridiculous thing to be happy about (ooooh, spending 2 whole dollars!! LOL) but for me to spend 2 dollars on myself-- Priceless!!

Overall, it was a hard-work weekend, but the payoff was amazing!

Me Me Monday
I am going to listen to my new music!!! :music:


lOve the O!
morning - I felt like a real person this weekend- I also ate way to much - my friend Jen- she apparently has this special "just one more" powder that she puts in her cookies- and man did I. On the upside, work out done, today is a new day! I plan on enjoying being tucked inside where I will little opportunity to see the gray skies! The other plus- I took MMG to buy our new mattress yesterday and we bought a new "old fashioned" wrought iron look headboard to go with it. It will be delivered on Saturday- that means, I will be emptying my son's bedroom to make room for our bed before Saturday. Wish me luck- lots of junk I need to sort and not get hung up on sorting.


Well-Known Member
howdy. man, did i have a useless night. went to bed with a headache (i thought it would go away as i slept) and it kept me tossing and turning for what felt like most of the night. honestly, some day i'm just going to give up, turn into a Zombie and that will be the end of even TRYING to sleep.

had a great time at my nephew's apartment yesterday. his wife made dinner for Hubby and me. SO nice of them. i got a kick out of seeing two "kids" so young and in love.

i have to drive around today fetching and delivering. i fogot my coat at my SIL's last week, so gotta go pick THAT up, (an hour away) then drive into the city to drop off some cookie tins for DD. then i will come home and wait for the rain to stop and the snow flurries to arrive later today, along with much colder temps.

urgh...i feel like crap. but ONWARD!!

have a good one, O-zies.



Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I woke up happy this morning. Why? Because I got my Internet straightened out yesterday. It had been so slow and messed up and yesterday I restored it back to original settings and it is humming along like a well oiled machine. And my backup to the cloud is 97% complete so that should be done by tonight. The new laptop should be here sometime this week and my technology worries will be over.

Chris, what a busy lady you were! Glad that you got so much accomplished. When was the last time that both of us were happy on Monday?

Laurie, great news about the new headboard. But the sorting...that always takes me forever. Good luck on staying focused. Of course, if you use that single mindedness that you have for your exercise, you will have it done in no time. I really admire that.

Phylis, so sorry to hear that your headache kept you from sleeping. With all of the running you have to do today, no wonder!

And I just remembered, the other reason that I am in a good mood. Brian is only working a half day so he will be home this evening to run kids. So I only have Sydney's basketball practice because he will take Shaun's. Oh my, the happy dance is kicking in.

Have an awesome day. Try to keep warm. 26 for a high here.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It must be a good Monday, because I am in a good mood this Monday as well! Got the tree up, my Christmas Newsletter is done and half of my cards are ready to mail. Things are falling into place and the stress level is starting to disappear! Christmas party on Friday night was boring :bored: No one really wanted to be there, the only reason everyone stuck around was for the door prizes and lottery that they have. We of course won nothing!! Fellow across from us won $600.00 and one employee of the Municipality left with over $4,000.00 in his pocket. Nice Christmas for him!!

Chris - I bet your kitchen smelled heavenly!! I am not doing much baking this year, because I am the one who would eat all of it!! I might get some spritz cookies done and perhaps Nanaimo bar, but thats about all. Happy that you spent at least $2 on yourself LOL you deserve to spend so much more!! Have a great Monday!!
Laurie - Good luck with the sorting! You sound like me with the cookies, once I have one then its throw caution to the wind and eat them all!! LOL Hope you enjoy your new bed!!

Phylis - Uggh on the rotten night of sleep! Wish there was some way I could help you out with that, but sadly I suffer the same way on occasion and its really crappy when I have to go to work the next day!! Hope you get your running around done, perhaps you can have a nice visit with your DD? Sending you some sleeping dust to help you out with a great sleep tonight :sleep:

LindaS - Nice for you that you get some help with the kids today! Hooray for hubby only working a half day!! Enjoy your Monday!!

Full day of work today then a short shift on Tues. I really hope to be able to spend some time here and catch up on some challenges and do some scrapping!! Seems like I have had very little time to do anything else but wrap gifts and prepare for a day that will be spent with just my MG, no kids, no grandkids :hurt: Oh well at least I have my MG! Have a great day everyone and hopefully you can have a creative day too! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Trudy, i just looked up nanaimo Bars. YUM! and glad to hear you're getting so much done!

Linda, hurray for Hubby! so nice that you won!t have to try to be in ten places a once!

Laurie, wondering what that "just one more" stuff is!

Chris, you are doing a TON of work for someone who isn't a Christian. they're gonna make you an honorary member!
I literally got nothing done this weekend... so today, I'm trying to play catch-up with work (I blog professionally). I have TONS of photos to edit. Tons.

But, tomorrow is my birthday, so I totally plan on lazing around and doing nothing. The joys of working from home, y'know?

Chris, I LOVE Trans-Siberian Orchestra! If I had the money, I'd be buying it up. :)

Heather Prins

aA Creative Team Member
I had a lovely weekend. Went shopping with the family Friday night and finished up the Christmas shopping! On Saturday took alexa to visit her BFF who is in the hospital awaiting heart surgery. Rob, Chloe and I went window shopping and to Starbucks while she visited because it is clear across the city from our place and a ton of traffic. Found some tin hearts for Valentines day decorations. Saturday night watched tv with the teens, love this time together. Sunday i just visitied my mom and scrapped and ran for 1 hour on the tread mill. we have had very cold weather here for so long, -26 but today it is only -3!!


The Loopy-O
UGH!!! I knew that I had to be a baking fool yesterday. Monthly women's issies took me down AGAIN today! Came home fromthe grocery store, practicallycrawled putting hte stuff away, wrapped presents for an hour, then slept for two. I have to take the kids' to a drs appt in 20 min's and i started dinner prep stuff, and now I have a few mions to breathe.

So where in the web is the best place to be?? Why, here, Of cOurse!


Laurie-- new bed and mattress! Lucky you!! How awesome! And I hear ya on the cookies-- I could live on 'em!

Awww, Phyllis- so nice to see "kids" in love! Hope your head is better now.

WooT Linda S!! All around good day!!! Enjoy your relatively quiet night tonight!!

Trudy- I haven't done any scrapping in so long either. Hope you have time soon!

And, guess I used up all of that extra quiet time.... of to the drs office we go!



Well-Known Member
Good day. Got my Christmas cards done and mailed. Still have to print a few more so my DH can give them to people where he works. Which made me feel good. It is such a dreary day. I need to see the sun! After so many days with not enough sun I know I am never moving to Washington state.

Hope your day has been going well.


Well-Known Member
but , Nancy. when the SUN is shining, and even on a gray day, the SCENERY in WA state makes up for it, 2,000%!!


Well-Known Member
When do you see the doctor Chris? Is it next week? It seems like you are really having a rough patch.

And Heather...1 hour of running...oh my...

Trudy, for a chance at $600 or a chance at $4000, I would stay until the end too.

Brian picked up both kids and fixed grilled cheese and tomato soup for supper tonight. Then he took Shaun to practice and I took Syd to watch my high school niece play basketball and pick up my 9 year old niece and drop her off with Syd at practice.

Now Brian is looking over Shaun's homework and I am playing on the computer! What a glorious day! Friday, I work from home between volunteering at the Holiday Shoppe and the Holiday Hop at the school. So only three more days at the office this week. Then I have a 4 day week next week and a 2 day week over Christmas week and a 3 day week the first week of January. Then 4 regular weeks in January plus 2 days of work the first week of February and then off to Maui. Not that I'm counting!!! Laurie, can you say sanity?!


Well-Known Member
Jengerbread, you need to hook us up with your blog!

Nancy, I don't like the gloomy weather either...I NEED sunshine!


lOve the O!
I got home early tonight- only one hour after my last pt before I left! Plus we had lunch put on by the boss and then a work "party" which meant cookies and I even got coffee cause lunch was too much and made me sleepy!