
Daily Ooo's: Monday, August 25


The Loopy-O
Super quick one from me today. I have to get the kids up and out of here in an hour and neither of them are used to this. They have their Lyme dr appt which, as you have heard from me the last several years, is a PITA.

Yesterday's party was fun. It was a traditional Swedish Crayfish Party, complete with Swedish Drinking songs. I think I drank a bit too much wine and didn't eat enough food b/c I was a bit tipsy. Good thing I only had to walk a few houses up the road to get home. There was a lot of food but is was very fishy-- sardines and anchovies, smoked salmon and crayfish of course.So I ate bread and cheese. LOL

Hope that you all have a very happy Monday!!


lOve the O!
Good Morning O fam- I am stopping by to say hi! Work has been crazy busy and will be for another couple of weeks. I am looking forward to having next Monday off, however I will be working much of Thursday that week to make up for it.


Well-Known Member
good morning - a gorgeous day in NJ, mid 80s and low humidity. Whew I one busy day yesterday. My son has the best friends and 5 big strong guys and my DH and son made 3 trips with a uHaul and got all the furniture down to the new home. I stayed in the new house with Amanda and we started putting stuff away. Her mom and dad came down and then we all were putting stuff away. Of course there were problems - the refrigerator had to be totally taken apart to get out of the apartment and then was larger than space they had thought to put it and they could not get their box springs up the stairs. Not bad all things considered. Then I had to leave early to get ready for my participation in an NFL fantasy draft. But first we played bocci and I was on the winning team twice. LOL Then we did the draft. Of course during the draft my son calls and says I need to come home as neither he nor his dad have their house keys. First of all if they thought then they could have used Zachary's. I swear men! My draft was pretty well done so I left only to come home and they were not here waiting. Men!

Chris glad the line got cleaned out, hope the drs appts go well today!

Sara the hiking shoes are Vasque. They are so comfy! Did not cause me blisters so that is a real plus! Sorry about the drama and enjoy the typewriter!

Trudy how was the dinner with the sisters?

Hope all have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Monday all.. I am trying very hard to play catch up as a CherryO and get some loving done in the gallery today! Also want to get a couple of pages done for myself. Seems I always get distracted by something else though. I really want to get back into doing my yoga so that I can lose a few more pounds and not put on the over 10 pounds I lost while chasing around my grandkids. DH and I are going to Mexico this winter for a short vacation and I would love to be at least 10 pounds lighter when we go. Wish me luck, with my stupid sluggish thyroid it is very hard to take off any weight for me.

Chris - Good luck with the Lyme Dr. appts, hope all goes well! That would be me, eating only bread and cheese at a fish party, I only usually have Halibut or Shrimp in the way of Seafood, everything else is just too fishy for me.

Laurie - Nice to see you pop in here! We miss you!! Sounds like work is keeping you very busy!!

Nancy - Wow, busy day for you yesterday!! What did they do to solve the too big of a fridge problem?? You are right, MEN!!! Sometimes you could just pull your hair out LOL. Dinner with the InLaws and sister was really great, good food, good wine and lots of loud laughter!! Not too many others in the restaurant, so that was good too!!

Phylis - Hi!!! Hope you get to stay off the Interstate for a while now!!

Ok I am outta here for a bit and then back to try to create a couple of pages! Have a great Monday everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
just a quick fly-by. Interstate again today, but not nearly as long. as soon as things settle down over here, i will be a better O-zie! hope everyone is doing well. in the meantime, let's all follow Chris' example and drink a little too much, sans the sardines! :faint2: