
Daily Ooo's: Monday, August 18


The Loopy-O
Eep. I am not religious, and not a believer in The End Times, but dang! It feels like it today. Bad news all over, bad weather all over. And cold! It is still so cold. I did go for a walk with my friend yesterday afternoon, and the sun was nice, but in my house and in the shade, it is just wrong. I am ready to break out my soup recipes!
trying to look on the bright side... my electric bill is going to be decent since we haven't been using the AC. That is a benefit. Maybe we will have an awesome Indian Summer. *hopeful*

I feel like my brain is frozen and slushy today. I am having a hard time completing thoughts in my head. I am still trying to recover from the flare/and brutal period that knocked me (literally!!) to my knees yesterday. I kept thinking I was going to be able to pop in and say Hi in the Weekend Thread but it took most of the day and handfuls of advil just to keep me functioning slightly.

Today I am off to work and then to the lake for an hour of so. In my parka. LOL
I am going to try and soak up as much sun as I can even if it is cold. Then Cait and I are off to the last week of walking at the Botanical Gardens. No yoga this week, which is a real bummer. I loved that. But we are going to go early and bring our cameras again. I should look online to check out the other areas so we can try some new gardens too shoot.

I hope that all of you have a wonderful day!!!


The Loopy-O
Me me Monday-- for me it is the lake and then the walk. What good thing are you going to do for yourself today?
I am going to try to be as positive as I can, to somehow shield myself from all of the bad stuff that seems to be everywhere. I hope that all of you are doing that too.

nancy- have you posted any photos of your DS's new house? I would love to see it! And wow!! AZ and UT!! You have been the Traveling Queen this summer!

Sara-- tee-hee! One "nice" thing about being broke is that I don't have to worry about a financial guy at all. My parents and my brother see the same woman and have suggested that we see her too. Not much point in that!LOL
I will had her to my Good Reads feed soon, thanks for the rec!

Sabine, I hope that your neck is feeling better today. I think I have a photo/LO of my in my hats somewhere on this site, I'll have to find it for you.
Hope that you had a wonderful visit with your friends.

Nancy- uh-oh about the spider. The other day, there was a very large daddy long leg on the ceiling so I asked Gary to put him outside. I don't mind regular spiders but DLL's--- ick. Anyway, he reached to get it and it jumped or dropped and he couldn't find it. A couple of minutes later, he is walking away from me and it is on his back. Scott really really hates DLL's, so we had to call Caitlyn down to get him off Gary and put him outside.
Hope that your day got better!

Sara! OMG-- that is *not* just moving some stuff to the basement! I hope that you are not too sore today. What good stuff did you get to bring home?

I'd better get going! have a wonderful and happy day!!!


Well-Known Member
good morning and I don't know where summer has gone! While I love the low humidity I would really like some warmer weather. Yesterday I went over and did some priming of the walls at the new home and today I will go over and help paint. Got some minor chores done and then did all my laundry. Finally saw the movie Gravity. The special effects were amazing. Started watching the new STARZ Outlander series. They really did find the perfect James.

Chris so sorry that your day was so bad! Glad you are feeling better today. Enjoy your time at the lake!

Sara wow that was some good deed you described. I am sure you really slept last night.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
just a fast fly-by to say HI! it's cold here, too, but it's going up to 81 with lots of humidity, so it won't feel cold in here for long! i'm still recovering from my 8 hour drive in hideous traffic on Friday. man, i hate driving on Interstates in heavy traffic. everyone on everyone's tail, driving 75 mph. for hours. hate it. so i've been staying close to home and doing this and that around here. (some cleaning and scrubbing, more zucchini bread. i wish you guys lived nearby. i would give you LOTS!) i have to drive far AGAIN on Thursday. a 6-hour drive in a day. at least i'll have some company in the car. my sister's coming with. hopefully we won't kill each other before we arrive at the destination.

hope you all start off the week in fine fashion! smile, when you can! ( we used to have a morning DJ here who used to sign off by saying: smile. the fresh air is good for your teeth!)

so, in honor of fresh air and good teeth, here's me. :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies.... I'm back here full time again weather you want me or not!! So much catching up to do and I am not sure just where to start. But I am anxious to get scrapping again. Spent the whole weekend cleaning up our poor neglected yards and getting the house back in order again. I still have to clean the bathrooms downstairs and clean out my dirty refrigerator, but those things can be done whenever.

Chris - Sorry you are feeling so discombobulated!! Hopefully the sunshine will make you feel better! Wish you and Cait could come for a walk in Butchart Gardens here on Vancouver Island, it is spectacular, too bad its such a tourist trap and they charge an arm and a leg for admission!! Here's a link to the gardens.

Nancy - Your upcoming trip with your sister sounds amazing!! Hope you have great weather and that the weather warms up for you and Chris very soon! It has been an unusual summer for all of us I think with us being so darn hot and humid (its never humid here) and you being so cool and no humidity! Kind of scary to say the least! I watched the second episode of Outlander last night, they are sticking to the book pretty good so far. I think they did an excellent job of picking both of the main characters for this series. I am not so sure if I like the Frank/Jack Randall they picked though. But then I didn't like him in Rome either.

Phylis - Uggghhh eight hours on the Interstate?? I swore I would never do a drive on the Interstate again after our long trip to Vegas and the Grand Canyon, the truckers on the road, OMG, there are so many!! That is why its better to fly :plane: my friend!! Love your new saying about smiling!! So here is a smile right back at ya!! :becky: Have a super day Phylis enjoy just staying at home today. Hope you and your sister get along on your next long trip!!

DD gave me a gift certificate for my birthday for a hot stone massage and I am finally going to book my appointment for it this week. I knew that I would be needing it after everyone had left!! Still have a very empty spot in my heart, but trying to not dwell on the fact that my nest is empty again!! The sun is shining and I am going to have coffee on the deck then get scrapping!! Enjoy your day everyone!! :wave:


Feeling at hOme!
We finally got some sun today even if it is not really feeling like summer heat, but we finally caught a glimpse of a blue sky!

Lucky me, my osteo as not in vacation and I had an appointment in the afternoon between two other patients: my cervical vertebraes were a total mess as well as my back but he could fix everything today. I just had the feeling that he was playing with my vertebraes as he would with a Rubik's kub! I just have to be quiet and resting for the next 48 hours... which is what I am going to do.

Chris, hope you had a wonderful walk at the lake. We want to see some pictures, please ;)

Enjoy your day ladies! It's only 10.30 pm here and I already feel totally exhausted so will go to bed in a few minutes.