
Daily Ooo's: Monday, August 11


The Loopy-O
Did any of you get to see the Super Moon last night? I did, but only on FB! hehehe! There were some awesome photos and it sure looked pretty. However, I think that explains why my entire family is going through some major Lyme flares. I know that there is most likely no scientific proof, but full moons seem to affect Lymies. I remember when I was teaching PreK how wound up the kids got. I was at a hospital-based school and the nurses all said the same thing on their end.

And how was everyone's weekend? I am slowly (very slowly) working on getting "stuff" organized. And I started working on Leah's birthday present-- an album of pics of her and Scott the last 2 years. I hope that she will like it. (and not burn it if they break up :shocked:)JK!

Today I am going for an early walk with my friend and I am hoping for the lake later on. Then walk/yoga tonight. next week is the last of the sessions and I really am going to miss them, as well as getting to spend time with Caitlyn.
I am making the black bean burgers again but I am nervous. Apparently you get much more nutrition from dried beans over canned, so I soaked a bag of beans last night and this morning I have to cook them. I found a recipe yesterday on how to do this. but guess what? I cannot find it now.
It is *somewhere* on the internet- not sure where I bookmarked it or if I saved it to an online recipe box. Maybe if I go through my search history I can re-find it.

So that is it from me, enjoy your day, my O-zies!!!!


The Loopy-O
Sara- good luck back at work today. Yeah! That is exactly it with MarioKart. I can't see where I am supposed to be going until it is too late and I fly off into the water.
That little fur-baby is adorable!!! I hope that you have no issues with allergies but I bet she will be worth it. :)

Jean- that is great that your talk went well, but not that I expected anything else :)

Nancy- safe trip!

To everyone who stops by, here's a :hug: for you!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning my "O" family, yes its meeeee!! I have a couple of days to try to catch up a bit before Isaac and Sadie come to stay with us again for a couple of days! Then they head back home to Cold Lake and I won't see them again until October. Hubby and I are going there so the guys can do a hunting trip together for a few days. Missing Mason, Heather and Jonah so much already and waiting to hear from DD to see how things are going with the little man now that he is almost walking she will be terribly busy with him I am sure! I think they are trying to find a Nanny or Mother's helper of some sort, but there is no funding that we could find to help them with it. Can you believe that???

Chris - Yes the Super Moon was fantastic last night!! Yes it does effect many people and DH used to say that they were super busy at the Police Station when the moon was big and full, so it must be crazy when there is a Super Moon!! Hope you make it to the Lake today, I was there all day yesterday it was glorious!! The water is getting to the point where its almost not refreshing anymore. We are supposed to have rain in the next couple of days and hopefully it happens, we are dry as a bone here!!

Not back here in full capacity yet, but hoping that by Monday of next week I will be here full time again. It has been one very, very busy summer and I am looking forward to just getting back to my boring life again. Although I am sure I will want everyone back here again shortly LOL. Today I will clean floors and get the house back to normal, there are so many little hand prints everywhere, I will be sad to wipe them away! Now I deal with the task of going through over 400 pictures taken this summer, how can I get rid of any of them?? Sweet memories to last a lifetime and I hope to scrap most of them! Have a great day everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
well, howdy. Chris, this Big Moon must explain some of what's going on HERE, too!! honestly. what a weekend. drove to DS's house to pick up some stuff before he joins family overseas. (Trudy, if this makes you feel any better, i won't see The Grands for TWO YEARS except on SKYPE!!) well, DS was a PITA, perhaps MoonMood-related, who knows...and here we were, doing a favor that involved us driving TWO vehicles over 8 hours to him and back. THEN, on the way home, several cars (MINE, included) ran over this random piece of metal that was dancing around between the cars and lanes on the Turnpike. we all got a shredded tire or two. so we all pulled off and waiting for AAA. today, my home phone stopped working, DS called my cell and there is some problem with transferring his car to DD and could i have his dad call him back for more info. then DD called DH and told him that ANOTHER clerical error by Our Fine Government Agencies will require more days off work to verify that, after being in this country and being a CITIZEN for 27 years, she had to verify to ANOTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICE that she is indeed a citizen. does this seem ironic to anyone, considering the immigration situation in this country? all this because someone, somewhere, entered an incorrect number into some computer. i hope everyone feels safe. your government at work, protecting you from my super-dangerous adopted Korean daughter. of course, all this has involved my being on HOLD on the telephone and talking to computer voices for several hours. i just want to scream. :rant: :madgrin:

i think i WILL scream. excuse me for a minute. :hurt:

OK. marginally better.

Nancy, i was so sorry to read about your aunt's passing. it is so good that you had the opportunity to see her again.

Hi, Jean and Sabine and Sara!

can you believe i'm STILL in my PJs? i have been going from one thing to the next to the next and haven't hit the shower yet. gonna do that now. sorry about the rant. hope your day is not under the Power of the Super Moon! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
Rats, have to admit I missed the moon. Made dinner, watched a little TV with DH then worked on a genealogy project till all hours. Never thought about outside but then I think I've also missed manifestation of MoonMood.

Chris, thanks for the vote of confidence. It does seem to usually be all good. Hope it goes well today.

Trudy, welcome almost back. We do sympathize with your missing the family. We also are looking forward to all those great scrapbook pages to come.

Phylis, what can I say? You have really had a time of it. Sure hope it gets better quick!!!

I'm trying to get used to the idea that some area schools start this week. I'm from the time when we went back right after Labor Day. Of course schools didn't have A/C back then either. Just seems bizarre to have summer vacation end during prime summertime.


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!

Man...I'm beat. The first couple of days are so busy. I can't say the number of times I actually sat down before 3:00, but it wasn't many! :)

Jean - They just did an article on that in our local paper. A big part of it is how many hour we are required to have now by the government. And the vacations that people want in the year. We could take a day or two away from spring break and start later...that kind of thing. Everyone around her wants to be done before Memorial Day now. In the past, people went well beyond. Personally, I'd rather end earlier when we are burned out and start back earlier when we are refreshed. But I know others are different.

Chris - Hope the walk was good and the burgers turned out well. No super moon viewing for us as it was raining again. I'm not complaining. We still needed the rain. But a couple of days of sun would be good now. It was beautiful today. Give us one more at least like this before rain again!

Hi Trudy - I can imagine how bittersweet it is. Nice to be back to normal, but sad to see everyone go!

Phylis - What a crazy weekend!!! Good thing the metal didn't do more damage than a tire though! And that's insane about your daughter. I hate red tape. That's why I at least like working in a smaller public school!

Ben isn't feeling 100%. He complained this morning about his throat and complained a lot after school. He asked for tomato soup for dinner and skipped trampoline class. He tonsils look swollen to my untrained eye. We'll see how tomorrow goes. We might be off to the doctor. Unfortunately, I am not 100% either. I thought mine was just allergies. (Well, that and I hurt the inside of my ear scratching it...from what I thought was allergies.) But now I'm starting to wonder. We'll give it one more day and see how things go.

Soooo...between the first day of school and potential sickness...we are going to bed early!

We'll see you gals tomorrow!