
Daily Ooo's: Monday, April 23


The Loopy-O
HellloooooooO my sweet O-Fam!
How are all of you this wonderful, happy Monday? (I think I am laying it on a bit thick, eh?). Heh, I am trying the Sally-Loves-Monday attitude again.

It is raining here again, great news, my plants are thirsty! So far, I haven't heard the sump pump yet. but I know I heard Gary running the surface pump in the basement last night. Hopefully the ground is soaking it all up!

Hopefully, today will be relatively quiet. I am back to baby sitting every morning and then afternoon bus duty for my neighbor's son. I didn't get all that much done with my house yesterday, I was feeling so sick, so that is on my list for today. That crap just never ends, does it?

I am also a bit nervous. I am starting back on abx again. My bartonella test came back positive and since it tests for antibodies, my dr doesn;t know if it is new or old. Since I am still having so many auto-immune issues, we are going to treat for Bart and see what happens. My fingers are crossed that I don't have a bad herx reaction because they can be miserable.
Maureen, do you have any energy pose for detoxing? Maybe liver function? I'll start taking milk thistle again but if you have something that can help me along, that would be wonderful!

I really need to get back into my realm of more natural healing. I took workshops in kenesiology, I am a Level II Rieki Healer, and a certified aromatherapist- yet I am bound to pharmaceuticals. blergh and crud!

Me Me Monday:
Maybe it is time to drag the books back out and start practicing on the pets again LOL

Have a super Monday!!!


The Loopy-O
Personals staring from the bottom up today :)

Hi Sandra!!!! It is always so nice to see you inhere. I hope that life calms down for you somewhat and maybe you can come by more often :hug:

Laurie- you must be getting so excited! Happy Vacationing wishes for you!

Phyllis- I checked out our weather as soon I as read that you might be getting snow- it is supposed to be staying in the 50's here, thank goodness!! Hope that it has been warm enough that the snow melts as soon as it hits the ground.

Laurie did you get all of your plants in? I think you might want to look for some strawberry canning or jam recipes LOL

Linda S- It must sound like my town is trashy! Its not, I swear (OK- maybe some parts/people are but that is with all towns, right? But not me ;) ) Woo hoo for Sydney's goals, you are teaching and coaching her well LOL

Maureen- hahahah! Now, I have an image in my head of Phyllis running around in the snow in her pj's with corks up her nose!!!
I saw that pic of your friend's IKEA purchase, i bet the cars on the beltway stayed far away from you.

Trudy, wow, that is a great story of your Hero!! As hard as it must be on him, I bet it is moments like that that make YMG's job worthwhile. It is a huge and very important deal for all of them involved. Give him a hug from his soon-to-be-adopted-daughter :canada:
BTW- I would love to be pulling weeks, and dead heading and sipping wine with you :)

Off to get the kids off to school...Cait has her ASK tests this week, and boy is she thrilled.... (not)



lOve the O!
OH Chris- praying it goes well- I am going brrr here,no snow,so I am okay. I need to get moving and get ready for work, planning on a long day- will not leave until all today's paperwork is done- that will make it a long day. So when I get home, more prepping for not work time- that makes me happy. I may even have energy to scrap.


Well-Known Member
good morning, Chris and Laurie!

Just wanted to stop in and say hi... gotta take the boys to school and then Piper has to go to the doctor for possible strep... oh here we go again!

Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
Morning ladies!

Another weekend flew by. Was chilly here, but no rain. For those with snow coming your way................%#$@*!!

Chris-Hope you have that quiet day and hope you get to feeling better. Sounds like you are on top of things and hope the abx works well and fast for you.

Laurie-Have a good day prepping for away time. Somehow the thought of being away gives us more energy to get things done. Wishing you lots of energy today.

I'm headed over to exercise later and then a few errands as always. Have a few scrap ideas in my head and finishing up my AnnaLift, of course. Have a few April challenge ideas swirling too and best get on those before May arrives.

Have a great Monday!


Mistress of Mayhem
Weather ... are we talking weather? All I can say: it's CRAZY! Sun is shining ... rain ... sun ... snow ... rain ... sun ... and that's just the last few hours ;)

Chris, I never understand anything about your medical issues - medical English is not my strong point. But I hope everything will be ok for you.

Laurie, have a nice day at work! Even if it's a long one :)

Ok, I know this is scary ... don't say I haven't warned you ... but ...

are you sitting down? Don't want anyone to fall over by the shock ...

I'm feeling GREAT!!! I know ... scary ... weird ... but I'm sure I'll be back to my old grumpy self soon LOL

Plans for today:
- laundry (first machine is on)
- archeological escavations to find that thing called sink - digging my way through the dirty dishes
- and more fun: I've just scanned some wonderful photos, and I'm going to make a secret layout - which will be revealed on Thursday ... when this FANTASTIC kit will be released ... my lips are sealed!

EDIT: Hi Sandra and Donna too - you posted while I was writing :)


Well-Known Member
What a CRAPPPPPY WEEKEND!! No sugar coating here...IT SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday night I was in the ER with Sharon until nearly 3 am....she was in a lot of pain in her belly....all was okay..sent her home with meds and needs to see a gastro in the near future!

And as for the rest...well that just set me up to just have everything...EVERYTHING just go as horrible as could be for the rest of the weekend.

I seriously have just had enough of EVERYTHING right now!!! This raining and damp cold weather has me hurting so bad.....Never understood what my grandfather and mother meant by the type of pain they were having with their arthritis until this Spring. And I am seriously extremely angry at the whole world right now!!!

I just wanna throw up my hands on everything and run away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the negativity and no "cheery" in my O this morning!!

Needed to get all that out somehow...before I start screaming it to everyone around here!!!


Well-Known Member
Chris, hope all this works out well. health stuff is like being on a merry-go-round. round and round and round. have you been tested for autoimmune disorders? i'm going to have to look up "bartonella."

hahahah! Now, I have an image in my head of Phyllis running around in the snow in her pj's with corks up her nose!!!
that's a good picture of me to have in your mind. it's likely that, one day soon, i will be doing something just like that! add "screaming obscenities" and you have the picture.

Eva! great that you're feeling good. but don't feel TOO good! i love your grumpy self!

Laurie, you're going to need a vacation from getting prepared for the vacation!

Donna, i so admire your exercising self. wish i could get the gumption to get off my a*&! also wish i had some ideas for pages in my head!

well, i woke up to rain today. the Weather Chanel messed up AGAIN. dunno WHERE this is going to end. maybe some snow, maybe not? east of us is supposed to get slammed with snow, but you never can tell about THAT, either. my plan is to stay indoors all day and not care. i have major vacuuming to do. and i have to walk around the house and declutter from MYSELF! my husband is like The Invisible Man. you'd never know he lives here. no junk laying around that is his. for me it's papers with things to remember, coupons, wires and adaptors for my various devices, blood pressure monitor, iPods.... i seem to be EVERYWHERE in my space! i think i justify it by saying that I am the one who has to clean it up, so i'm allowed to put it there. with everyone else's stuff, it's STILL ME who has to pick it up, so they're not allowed to leave stuff around the place!
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Well-Known Member
Nana, come to my house. we can rub Ben Gay all over our joints, drink wine and b*&^$. believe me. i feel your pain. hope today is a better day for you. demand help.


Well-Known Member
ugh tired...was a long weekend with all those kids...so glad its monday....although raianna is home sick today :(
hmm what else....i dunno im tired....haha


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning my crazy "O" friends!! Warm here today and no rain yet but they say its coming. Busy, busy weekend for my hubby, but for me, well I was very lazy and just hung around the house and puttered around. Had coffee with my sister and read my book. Also got the last of the teddy bears that I am making for my brother all cut out and ready to sew together. So hair from the fur everywhere!!

Chris - I hope the meds don't have any bad side effects on you! Using your animals for practise, better not let the humane society know about that one LOL.

Laurie - hope your paper work catch up goes quickly, so you have more time to prepare for the vacation!!

Donna - I want to come and walk and talk with you and your excercise buddies!! I really need the motivation to get out there!!

Sandra - Ugggh on the strep throat!!!! It never ends does it!!

Eva - I am happy that you are happier today!! I absolutely love your sense of humor, please never change!

Nana Linda - Girl pack your bags and get your butt out of Dodge for a few days!! You need a vacation from life!! Sorry that you are having such a bad time, perhaps some time in the dessert will take the aches and pains away?? I know its impossible to leave, but oh how I wish you could!! (((hugs))) !

Phylis - Now I have a picture of you and Nana Linda rubbing ben gay all over each other :fear: but then you get to drink wine, so that's ok!! :becky:

Well off to work, then its my favorite day of the week!! Have a great Monday everyone :wave:


Well-Known Member
Trudy, not all over each OTHER!! doing it to ourselves! let's not get kinky here....:fear: :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Phylis - Now I have a picture of you and Nana Linda rubbing ben gay all over each other :fear: but then you get to drink wine, so that's ok!! :becky:

Trudy, not all over each OTHER!! doing it to ourselves! let's not get kinky here....:fear: :laugh:

Okay I needed this laugh today!!!! :pound: :pound:

Thanks ladies!!! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Phew!! I was afraid Chatter was going to have the 'adult content' button attached like the Gallery does! (Seriously, do people ever post adult content layouts? It seems an very unlikely idea especially with the strong LDS presence in the scrapbook world.)

Here in MD it's COLD. 44 degrees now, and dropping to 39 or so tonight. I had put my two Big tropical plants out when it got hot. Then it got dry and I had to water them a lot. Now they must think the ice age has come so they're under the porch roof which should be ok. I hope.

Today a bunch of cooking for a friend with a husband who is seriously ill and depressed. Actually he has been depressed for almost as long as I've known him but with the illness he's lost the will to live it seems, or feels that the treatments are just not worth it. I can accept that.

I watched half a movie this morning, looking for Veep on HBO on Demand. Not there yet. Movie was The Big Fish, and it was just a nice break for about the last 45 min. Sometimes you don't need the first hour at all, nice as it might be. But it's a funny movie in that the great part of the cast is British and they all have fake Southern accents. I wonder how that came about...cast first and then change location???

Anyhow I'll be back later to do some personals. cya
Stopping in to say Hello,I am very New here so still looking around and getting settled,not sure where everything is as of yet but hopefully soon i will,Love hte challenges but i have to wait to get some O Products so i can do them,right now i do not have any:( and funds are low:( but hopefully soon i iwll be able to purchase some and get moving ont he challenges and fun things this wonderful Place has to offer..

It is on day 2 of rain in Maine Ugggggg My dogs hate it as they need to stay inside..Everything is all mud and with Dogs mud is not good LOL
Hope everyone is having a great Day so far....


Well-Known Member
hi, Charly. well, at least it's not SNOW!! BTW, take a look at some of the freebies here. that could get you off to a good start!


Well-Known Member
Maureen, i saw that Fish movie and totally forget what it was about! i did some FX movie-watching and rented Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Tom Cruise bouncing around on the outside of the skyscraper in Dubai was worth the rental! (I would LOVE to see how they actually created that scene. i'm absolutely SURE that he wasn't bounding around 100 floors up....


back hOme and loving it
just a quick hello :)
we're in transit in Paris (Charles de Gaulle airport) taking advantage of a 15 minutes free WiFi pass ... (not very generous of them ...) waiting for our connecting flight to Washington.
Cedric is un full ADHD mode ... (no treatment during the weekdn or holiday in France) ... the long haul flight is going to be VERY long ... LOL (see I'm trying to laugh about it to make it better ... ;) )
Weather is terrible here .... hope it's better in Washington !
