
Daily Ooos: May 3


The Loopy-O
Today, I am feeling it-- yay Friday! dance3
I have so much housework, Oscraps work, and party planning work to do today. I am not sure how or if I can get it all done. I love my job but it is an adjustment being out of the house most of the day and only wanting to shower and *sit* when I get back home.

It was a gorgeous day to be outside and the kids seemed to have a blast. This group was a little more challenging but I think I was able to keep up. There were 4 neurodivergent kids who were having some meltdowns by the end of the day. One boy had found a rock that he wanted to keep but it fell into the leaves and he couldn't find it. The rest of the group was halfway down the trail and I am trying to encourage him to follow. His mom was with him and he was mad at her and oh man, it was tough. His name was Scott's middle name which triggered an idea-- I told him a story about Scott and how he was a Park Ranger. Park Rangers "Leave No Trace" so by leaving the rock in the forest, he was being a Park Ranger. That calmed him down enough so he was willing to hike back down to the group. Of course, this was the last rotation so the kids *had* to get to the school bus on time. Yikes!
I led part of the Stream Rotation. I did the intro for one and the conclusion for the other. And yes, my Teacher Voice is still inside of me. A little scratchy this morning, I'm not used to being loud and projecting anymore LOL!

I loved having Scott over for dinner and it was excellent celebrating Gary's birthday together. The kids are just way too funny when they are together.

My dad's surgery is set for this morning, and if all goes well, he might be home tonight. :praying2:

Wishing all of you a happy day!


The Loopy-O
Ooooh!! When we were on the trails-- we saw a red-tailed hawk! It was so close to us, 100 feet or so, and just gorgeous!
One of the kids asked me on the way back to the buses if we say the exact same thing to every class and I told her absolutely not, because nature is different every day. Yesterday we saw a family of deer and today we saw a hawk. Then she asked if we say the same thing before we start, so I explained that just like her teacher, we go in with a plan but we change things up depending on what's happening around us. The teacher overheard me and started to laugh, saying, Plan carefully but adapt and adjust on the fly. ;)

@vickyday Thank you, I am really happy at this job. They seem happy with me and are interested in doing a PreK homeschool in the fall. We are having 2-4 yos at Monday's field trip so Lauren and I were going over some ideas and games for them. This is the first time Weis is hosting that age group so it's going to be a learning process for all of us :D
I don't get why drivers have to be rude, I mean I get it driving in the City because if you aren't aggressive you're never going to move an inch. That's one reason I will never drive in NYC, not in my nature to drive aggressively. But I am always giving bikes lots of room, staying far back and if I see them in my rearview I make sure that I brake early so they can see my brake lights and adjust.
How is your stomach today? Hope that your feeling better!

@taxed4ever That's a big group on your hike. No need to worry about the wildlife getting too close LOL!!!
The flowers must have been beautiful! Did you get to take any photos or was the pace too fast? I was wondering when you would get the kayaks out, was yesterday your first day on the lake? So nice for you and Linda to have some peaceful moments, I'm guessing you don't; get much of that lately.

@Cherylndesigns You had a busy running around kind of day, hope that everything got done that needed to be! (like the food order *G*)

@AK_Tracy More nosy questions... but one of concern. How do you cope with the mom-guilt? We suspect that my kids were born with Lyme, that I passed the bacteria through the placenta. I felt (still feel some residual) guilt about that. I completely understand the anger towards your mom- what a sense of betrayal- but if you ever need to talk to someone about how you might feel responsible (I am making huge assumptions so ignore me if I am off base), I'm here- feel free to PM me. :hug3:
Hope that you enjoyed your stay-home day! Hyster-sister here too. I asked my gyn to take the ovaries (I had estrogen/progesterone positive breast cancer and thought that would reduce my risk of recurrence) and she told me Heck NO! You don't want that!! She made it sound awful and I am sorry that you are going through it.

@bcgal00 How was your game night? You are collecting a lot of games and game boards. How do you keep the rules straight in your head?
I bet you know a lot more about birds than you think but you are also in a new ecosystem so you'll learn a lot of new ones too. In my experience, if you pick up 1-2 new things each time you're out, you'll build a lot of info. The more you see it, the more it solidifies in your memory, so you'll be super knowledgeable in no time. (at least that is what I tell myself bwuahahahaha)
Good luck to D when he gets the CPAP.

@BrightEyes I have two LOs I need to upload today, one is from weeks ago that got lost in the shuffle-- I know what you mean about feeling behind schedule. eep.
Hope that your arm is back to normal too!

@pachimac Oh no, nope-- don't go into Mel's bedroom, we need you here and in one piece!
Did you use the CPAP, hope it wasn't as bad as you thought. You got this!!!

@JeanneMN I love that line about not being defined by numbers including age. I am a recovering anorexic, I was initially diagnosed when I was 13 and it got bad, real bad again when Gary first got sick in 2003-2004. That was one of the things things the treatment center said - you are not a number on a scale. I love that you include *age* in that phrase-- really love it! I am going to be 56 next month and this birthday seems to be already niggling at me. I am going to do my best and internalize your phrasing. TFS!

(Again, I appreciate all of you sharing your stories and supporting one another :grouphugyay: )

Yippppeeeee! So glad that you gave yourself the chance to play - and the "all day" --that was implied. :rotfl:
Pfft. Who needs clean clothes? Age is not relevant anymore so let's pretend we are teenagers and are totally cool with wearing dirty clothes from the floor. LOL!!!

@Terri M I'm not sure if you will see this before you leave but I am hoping that you have a wonderful trip, good weather, and beautiful views! Be safe!

@mimes1 Hope that you slept well



Love my O Family!
Ooooh!! When we were on the trails-- we saw a red-tailed hawk! It was so close to us, 100 feet or so, and just gorgeous!
One of the kids asked me on the way back to the buses if we say the exact same thing to every class and I told her absolutely not, because nature is different every day. Yesterday we saw a family of deer and today we saw a hawk. Then she asked if we say the same thing before we start, so I explained that just like her teacher, we go in with a plan but we change things up depending on what's happening around us. The teacher overheard me and started to laugh, saying, Plan carefully but adapt and adjust on the fly. ;)

@vickyday Thank you, I am really happy at this job. They seem happy with me and are interested in doing a PreK homeschool in the fall. We are having 2-4 yos at Monday's field trip so Lauren and I were going over some ideas and games for them. This is the first time Weis is hosting that age group so it's going to be a learning process for all of us :D
I don't get why drivers have to be rude, I mean I get it driving in the City because if you aren't aggressive you're never going to move an inch. That's one reason I will never drive in NYC, not in my nature to drive aggressively. But I am always giving bikes lots of room, staying far back and if I see them in my rearview I make sure that I brake early so they can see my brake lights and adjust.
How is your stomach today? Hope that your feeling better!

@taxed4ever That's a big group on your hike. No need to worry about the wildlife getting too close LOL!!!
The flowers must have been beautiful! Did you get to take any photos or was the pace too fast? I was wondering when you would get the kayaks out, was yesterday your first day on the lake? So nice for you and Linda to have some peaceful moments, I'm guessing you don't; get much of that lately.

@Cherylndesigns You had a busy running around kind of day, hope that everything got done that needed to be! (like the food order *G*)

@AK_Tracy More nosy questions... but one of concern. How do you cope with the mom-guilt? We suspect that my kids were born with Lyme, that I passed the bacteria through the placenta. I felt (still feel some residual) guilt about that. I completely understand the anger towards your mom- what a sense of betrayal- but if you ever need to talk to someone about how you might feel responsible (I am making huge assumptions so ignore me if I am off base), I'm here- feel free to PM me. :hug3:
Hope that you enjoyed your stay-home day! Hyster-sister here too. I asked my gyn to take the ovaries (I had estrogen/progesterone positive breast cancer and thought that would reduce my risk of recurrence) and she told me Heck NO! You don't want that!! She made it sound awful and I am sorry that you are going through it.

@bcgal00 How was your game night? You are collecting a lot of games and game boards. How do you keep the rules straight in your head?
I bet you know a lot more about birds than you think but you are also in a new ecosystem so you'll learn a lot of new ones too. In my experience, if you pick up 1-2 new things each time you're out, you'll build a lot of info. The more you see it, the more it solidifies in your memory, so you'll be super knowledgeable in no time. (at least that is what I tell myself bwuahahahaha)
Good luck to D when he gets the CPAP.

@BrightEyes I have two LOs I need to upload today, one is from weeks ago that got lost in the shuffle-- I know what you mean about feeling behind schedule. eep.
Hope that your arm is back to normal too!

@pachimac Oh no, nope-- don't go into Mel's bedroom, we need you here and in one piece!
Did you use the CPAP, hope it wasn't as bad as you thought. You got this!!!

@JeanneMN I love that line about not being defined by numbers including age. I am a recovering anorexic, I was initially diagnosed when I was 13 and it got bad, real bad again when Gary first got sick in 2003-2004. That was one of the things things the treatment center said - you are not a number on a scale. I love that you include *age* in that phrase-- really love it! I am going to be 56 next month and this birthday seems to be already niggling at me. I am going to do my best and internalize your phrasing. TFS!

(Again, I appreciate all of you sharing your stories and supporting one another :grouphugyay: )

Yippppeeeee! So glad that you gave yourself the chance to play - and the "all day" --that was implied. :rotfl:
Pfft. Who needs clean clothes? Age is not relevant anymore so let's pretend we are teenagers and are totally cool with wearing dirty clothes from the floor. LOL!!!

@Terri M I'm not sure if you will see this before you leave but I am hoping that you have a wonderful trip, good weather, and beautiful views! Be safe!

@mimes1 Hope that you slept well

That job fits you to a T! I love the questions kids come up with! And I love the answers you gave! Life is different every day, too!
Still not feeling great today. I ordered some yogurt and some other food I hope helps. I've lost 4 lbs this week.


Love my O Family!
Today, I am feeling it-- yay Friday! dance3
I have so much housework, Oscraps work, and party planning work to do today. I am not sure how or if I can get it all done. I love my job but it is an adjustment being out of the house most of the day and only wanting to shower and *sit* when I get back home.

It was a gorgeous day to be outside and the kids seemed to have a blast. This group was a little more challenging but I think I was able to keep up. There were 4 neurodivergent kids who were having some meltdowns by the end of the day. One boy had found a rock that he wanted to keep but it fell into the leaves and he couldn't find it. The rest of the group was halfway down the trail and I am trying to encourage him to follow. His mom was with him and he was mad at her and oh man, it was tough. His name was Scott's middle name which triggered an idea-- I told him a story about Scott and how he was a Park Ranger. Park Rangers "Leave No Trace" so by leaving the rock in the forest, he was being a Park Ranger. That calmed him down enough so he was willing to hike back down to the group. Of course, this was the last rotation so the kids *had* to get to the school bus on time. Yikes!
I led part of the Stream Rotation. I did the intro for one and the conclusion for the other. And yes, my Teacher Voice is still inside of me. A little scratchy this morning, I'm not used to being loud and projecting anymore LOL!

I loved having Scott over for dinner and it was excellent celebrating Gary's birthday together. The kids are just way too funny when they are together.

My dad's surgery is set for this morning, and if all goes well, he might be home tonight. :praying2:

Wishing all of you a happy day!
Love how you handled the rock situation!
Hope your dad's surgery goes well!


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Sitting outside enjoying the weather, drinking my bone broth with inulin added and reading my devotion. Still not feeling great today but better than yesterday. I have some yogurt ordered with my grocery order I have to get later. I hope that settles well!
I was able to get my ATC collections posted yesterday and my January monthly review. I'll work on February today. I need to look at the challenge thread too.
Hope you all have a good day.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good morning ladies... my goodness I never seem to have any time to spend here! I still haven't made my siggie LOL. I sure hope to do that today! Yesterday was crazy as I was out on the lake much longer than anticipated. It was a beautiful day and the Lake was like glass when we started out but once we got to the other side the wind picked up and we had a really good workout, trying to get back to the dock LOL. Of course by the time we got the kayaks all put away again the wind died and the lake was like glass again :crazy: . Then it was time for lunch and after lunch with my DH I hopped in the car and went to the Old Farm Market for some fresh veggies. On the way back home there was construction going on and I ended up stuck in traffic for over an hour :mad:. Oh well the sun was warm so I opened the sun roof and enjoyed some vitamin D and great music on the radio! Got home and got the veggies all put away and then had to make some egg bites for my DH's breakfasts and then it was time to make supper. The hockey game was on at dinner time so we watched the Bruins lose, which put both of us in a bad mood LOL. Had a nice phone call from our son and we chatted for quite a while and then it time to go to bed. The days just seem to be going by way to quickly!! I need to go out to Hope Farm this morning and get some eggs and I need to get the coupons ready to send out for the challenges today too. Gosh I hope I have time to scrap today!!

@faerywings - Your work day sounds like it was busy and beautiful!! So great that you were able to calm down the little guy and get him back with the group!! You really have found the perfect fit for you in a job!! I hope that your Dad's surgery goes well today and that he will be resting at home soon! I did take some photos on the hike but none that really turned out very well, I am hoping that some of the others have some great ones that I can perhaps use in a page. It must be a big adjustment trying to fit in everything now that you are back to work. Heck I can't even squeeze in enough time to catch up here and I am retired!! Life gets away from me most days :giggle4:.

@vickyday - Nice to hear that you are warm enough to sit outside this morning!! Is the bone broth helping your tummy at all?? I hope so! You might want to try making your own, it is so much better than the stuff you buy at the store. I hope you get all of to do list done today! I am so far behind on everything here, but its nice to pop in and see all of your beautiful faces again! Praying that your stomach is better today!! Enjoy your day!

Ok I better get in the shower and get dressed so I can pick up my eggs and get home early enough to spend more time here. Have a great Friday everyone!! :waving3:


Well-Known Member
Ooooh!! When we were on the trails-- we saw a red-tailed hawk! It was so close to us, 100 feet or so, and just gorgeous!
One of the kids asked me on the way back to the buses if we say the exact same thing to every class and I told her absolutely not, because nature is different every day. Yesterday we saw a family of deer and today we saw a hawk. Then she asked if we say the same thing before we start, so I explained that just like her teacher, we go in with a plan but we change things up depending on what's happening around us. The teacher overheard me and started to laugh, saying, Plan carefully but adapt and adjust on the fly. ;)
This is wise and true. Plan carefully but adapt! So hard sometimes. I am so happy your loving your new job. I bet its fun and cool and with different groups each day you get different experiences.
@AK_Tracy More nosy questions... but one of concern. How do you cope with the mom-guilt? We suspect that my kids were born with Lyme, that I passed the bacteria through the placenta. I felt (still feel some residual) guilt about that. I completely understand the anger towards your mom- what a sense of betrayal- but if you ever need to talk to someone about how you might feel responsible (I am making huge assumptions so ignore me if I am off base), I'm here- feel free to PM me. :hug3:
Hope that you enjoyed your stay-home day! Hyster-sister here too. I asked my gyn to take the ovaries (I had estrogen/progesterone positive breast cancer and thought that would reduce my risk of recurrence) and she told me Heck NO! You don't want that!! She made it sound awful and I am sorry that you are going through it.
Mom guilt: yeah that. I had so much raging anger toward my mom, that I had to work through. I had tried too help my son. We had been to doctors. But because its a common unknown disease most doctors dont know what CMT is and that was rough. I dont have guilt as I had tried to do everything I could. And when I finally knew what we were dealing with, I took the bull by the horns and researched the **** out of it and got answers and help and PT and I took on insurance. I spend 3 weeks in CA for my son to have surgery, twice. One trip per foot. I bought all the PT equipment amazon wold mail. me. Its hard watching them struggle at times, but my faith has helped a ton. I didn't cause this. Its not my fault. God has a plan and knows what He is doing. There is a reason my sons and I are on this path. I have forgiven my mom. I wont say were BFF or have a close relationship but she did what she did and I can't change it. Anger was killing me so I worked (long and hard) through it and have forgiven her. I have moments of sadness when seeing my kids struggle with what should be simple stuff, like picking up a quarter off the floor. I know God is good. I know He has a plan. I know He has me covered with His love and grace. My mom guilt is more on vaccines and autism but again, Gods working me through all that and He knew what He planned for these kids.
(Again, I appreciate all of you sharing your stories and supporting one another :grouphugyay: )
I love this about this group Its amazing and loving and everyone just wraps you in a hug and says its okay, we got you. It feels so safe. No-one has said yeah we all got issues (which I got somewhere else when I tried to share). I love this group!


Well-Known Member
PS @faerywings thanks for telling us how young you are! :lovey3: I'm right behind you. Will be 52 in the fall. And numbers dont define us. I love @JeanneMN comment that that includes age. Its just a number not a definition.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
@pachimac Oh no, nope-- don't go into Mel's bedroom, we need you here and in one piece!
Did you use the CPAP, hope it wasn't as bad as you thought. You got this!!!

I did use it last night. I thought I had fit my mask well, but I had quite a time falling asleep. It kept leaking so I'd have to adjust it. I fell asleep at some point and woke up at 5 am having supposedly slept for 5 hours. I know at least an hour of it was fiddling with the mask. At 5 I ripped it off as it had slid to my ear and was really hurting. SO... I am NOT refreshed like I had hoped, but I did sleep pretty soundly when I finally went out. I had 10 episodes, but it said it could be from an ill fitting mask, or air escaping, so I'm hopeful as I figure things out that the events will go down. I HATE the mask though, and woke up with a super dry mouth. Like they said, it will take some acclimating to...

Today is gym day and I'm not feeling really energetic, but I will go because it's the right thing to do for me.

Mali's friend is here until tomorrow - we drive her 1/2 way home at 6 am in Barstow. It's a 2.5 hour drive, but that's better than 5 to California!


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies... my goodness I never seem to have any time to spend here! I still haven't made my siggie LOL. I sure hope to do that today! Yesterday was crazy as I was out on the lake much longer than anticipated. It was a beautiful day and the Lake was like glass when we started out but once we got to the other side the wind picked up and we had a really good workout, trying to get back to the dock LOL. Of course by the time we got the kayaks all put away again the wind died and the lake was like glass again :crazy: . Then it was time for lunch and after lunch with my DH I hopped in the car and went to the Old Farm Market for some fresh veggies. On the way back home there was construction going on and I ended up stuck in traffic for over an hour :mad:. Oh well the sun was warm so I opened the sun roof and enjoyed some vitamin D and great music on the radio! Got home and got the veggies all put away and then had to make some egg bites for my DH's breakfasts and then it was time to make supper. The hockey game was on at dinner time so we watched the Bruins lose, which put both of us in a bad mood LOL. Had a nice phone call from our son and we chatted for quite a while and then it time to go to bed. The days just seem to be going by way to quickly!! I need to go out to Hope Farm this morning and get some eggs and I need to get the coupons ready to send out for the challenges today too. Gosh I hope I have time to scrap today!!

@faerywings - Your work day sounds like it was busy and beautiful!! So great that you were able to calm down the little guy and get him back with the group!! You really have found the perfect fit for you in a job!! I hope that your Dad's surgery goes well today and that he will be resting at home soon! I did take some photos on the hike but none that really turned out very well, I am hoping that some of the others have some great ones that I can perhaps use in a page. It must be a big adjustment trying to fit in everything now that you are back to work. Heck I can't even squeeze in enough time to catch up here and I am retired!! Life gets away from me most days :giggle4:.

@vickyday - Nice to hear that you are warm enough to sit outside this morning!! Is the bone broth helping your tummy at all?? I hope so! You might want to try making your own, it is so much better than the stuff you buy at the store. I hope you get all of to do list done today! I am so far behind on everything here, but its nice to pop in and see all of your beautiful faces again! Praying that your stomach is better today!! Enjoy your day!

Ok I better get in the shower and get dressed so I can pick up my eggs and get home early enough to spend more time here. Have a great Friday everyone!! :waving3:
Sounds like you had a great, even though very busy, day yesterday!
I don't know if the bone broth is helping my tummy but it is also recommended with my osteoporosis so I will keep drinking it! :lovey3:


Love my O Family!
PS @faerywings thanks for telling us how young you are! :lovey3: I'm right behind you. Will be 52 in the fall. And numbers dont define us. I love @JeanneMN comment that that includes age. Its just a number not a definition.
Before I married again I said to Mark, "you do know I'm older than you, right?" That's what he replied to me, age is just a number. I'm 5 years and 5 months older than he is. He just turned 63 on April 29th and I will turn 69 on October 8th.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Today, I am feeling it-- yay Friday! dance3
I have so much housework, Oscraps work, and party planning work to do today. I am not sure how or if I can get it all done. I love my job but it is an adjustment being out of the house most of the day and only wanting to shower and *sit* when I get back home.

It was a gorgeous day to be outside and the kids seemed to have a blast. This group was a little more challenging but I think I was able to keep up. There were 4 neurodivergent kids who were having some meltdowns by the end of the day. One boy had found a rock that he wanted to keep but it fell into the leaves and he couldn't find it. The rest of the group was halfway down the trail and I am trying to encourage him to follow. His mom was with him and he was mad at her and oh man, it was tough. His name was Scott's middle name which triggered an idea-- I told him a story about Scott and how he was a Park Ranger. Park Rangers "Leave No Trace" so by leaving the rock in the forest, he was being a Park Ranger. That calmed him down enough so he was willing to hike back down to the group. Of course, this was the last rotation so the kids *had* to get to the school bus on time. Yikes!
I led part of the Stream Rotation. I did the intro for one and the conclusion for the other. And yes, my Teacher Voice is still inside of me. A little scratchy this morning, I'm not used to being loud and projecting anymore LOL!

I loved having Scott over for dinner and it was excellent celebrating Gary's birthday together. The kids are just way too funny when they are together.

My dad's surgery is set for this morning, and if all goes well, he might be home tonight. :praying2:

Wishing all of you a happy day!
Happy Birthday to Gary!! :birthday2::birthdaygreet:


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Just a quick pop in. If you are seeing fog or smoke in the air, it's just my Amex card. I was naughty today, Something about that word "sale" at 0scraps got my juices flowing.

The other mantra I live by is "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional." I have several Key West t-shirts I need to scrap. Not everyone gets a chance to grow older, but I believe I control how much I grow up, which I limit as much as possible. I lost 2 incredibly dear, amazing, one of a kind women in the last 10 months to that wretched , wretched Cancer. Neither got a chance to grow old, one was 55 and my cousin just turned 72 . I'm 71 , and I'm living my version of 71 and honoring those 2 women, by growing older for them, and living not growing up for them because that's the may they lined. I miss them every single day. I'll be back tomorrow .


Well-Known Member
Just a quick pop in. If you are seeing fog or smoke in the air, it's just my Amex card. I was naughty today, Something about that word "sale" at 0scraps got my juices flowing.
yes! Mine was smoking too!! I was doing so good until last night when I saw sale and blew the budget out of the water! :giggle4: But hey, its was fun!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Just a quick pop in. If you are seeing fog or smoke in the air, it's just my Amex card. I was naughty today, Something about that word "sale" at 0scraps got my juices flowing.

The other mantra I live by is "Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional." I have several Key West t-shirts I need to scrap. Not everyone gets a chance to grow older, but I believe I control how much I grow up, which I limit as much as possible. I lost 2 incredibly dear, amazing, one of a kind women in the last 10 months to that wretched , wretched Cancer. Neither got a chance to grow old, one was 55 and my cousin just turned 72 . I'm 71 , and I'm living my version of 71 and honoring those 2 women, by growing older for them, and living not growing up for them because that's the may they lined. I miss them every single day. I'll be back tomorrow .
I agree, Jeanne. I saw a post recently that not everybody gets the privilege of growing "old". The woman who posted it was asked by a "young" person how it felt to feel "old". She said she had never felt "old" then went on to tell this person that not everybody was lucky enough to get "old". That helped me a lot.

I met an "elderly" woman when we lived in Florida who had a permit to carry, did ride-alongs with the Sheriff's dept and when you asked her how she was, she said "Well, I woke up on the right side of the sod" She was a total character. I must say that the "elderly" I knew down there had the most fun - they were total party animals.

Hey, do you collect T-shirts? I do and I have so many fun shirts. I've been collecting them for years. I rarely go anywhere that i don't buy a T-shirt. One of my favorites says "Wait a minute while I overthink this". LOL I've done several LO's about my T-shirts for other sites, but don't think I've done any for the O.


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone, another late check in today. I can't stay long because I just realized there are another 851 steps to be completed before midnight or I loose my 152 day streak of walking a minimum of 7000 steps. Most days it's easy to accomplish but today most of the afternoon was spent getting organized here, so I'm behind!

@faerywings Happy Birthday to Gary! And did your dad make it home tonight after surgery? I hope his recovery goes well.
@AK_Tracy So thankful we found the cool kids here and everyone is so supportive and comforting!

Hope you all had a good day today! See you all tomorrow!


FeiFei Stuff Designer
@faerywings I hope all goes well with your Dad!
@vickyday I hope you get better soon!
@taxed4ever it sounds beautiful living near a lake. To be with nature everyday...love that!
@JeanneMN I love that quote! that will be nice also on a t-shirt!
@mimes1 whoa! 7000 steps? YOu go, girl! that is a great achievement.
Here in Dubai, the storm has passed. The weather is crazy. The night before there was a sandstorm then the next day, it's hail and rain! What's even crazier is I bought my cat a new bed for the 3rd time and he did not even want to touch it. He liked the box more! :crying1:


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I agree, Jeanne. I saw a post recently that not everybody gets the privilege of growing "old". The woman who posted it was asked by a "young" person how it felt to feel "old". She said she had never felt "old" then went on to tell this person that not everybody was lucky enough to get "old". That helped me a lot.

I met an "elderly" woman when we lived in Florida who had a permit to carry, did ride-alongs with the Sheriff's dept and when you asked her how she was, she said "Well, I woke up on the right side of the sod" She was a total character. I must say that the "elderly" I knew down there had the most fun - they were total party animals.

Hey, do you collect T-shirts? I do and I have so many fun shirts. I've been collecting them for years. I rarely go anywhere that i don't buy a T-shirt. One of my favorites says "Wait a minute while I overthink this". LOL I've done several LO's about my T-shirts for other sites, but don't think I've done any for the O.
I know people who are 'old' in their 20s & 30s. OMG, I LOVED Key West, because I sooooo fit in there, we were all different variations of normal and I blended right in, purple hair and all. Yes, I collect t-shirts and we collected a "whole bunch in Key West". I really do need to scrap them. I love collecting t-shirts, especially since we don't travel a ton. Looking back at my post, I REALLY need to spell "cheek" before I post. :giggle4:


Love my O Family!
@faerywings I hope all goes well with your Dad!
@vickyday I hope you get better soon!
@taxed4ever it sounds beautiful living near a lake. To be with nature everyday...love that!
@JeanneMN I love that quote! that will be nice also on a t-shirt!
@mimes1 whoa! 7000 steps? YOu go, girl! that is a great achievement.
Here in Dubai, the storm has passed. The weather is crazy. The night before there was a sandstorm then the next day, it's hail and rain! What's even crazier is I bought my cat a new bed for the 3rd time and he did not even want to touch it. He liked the box more! :crying1:
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Thank you. I have IBS so I never know from day to day how I'm going to feel. It's aggravating, mostly! I can make plans but I also have to make plans for if I have to cancel.
Feeling some better today than yesterday but still not great. :sad2: