
Daily Ooo's: May 24-25, Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy and Solemn and Hopeful Memorial Day weekend. Happy weekend, because, well, its a weekend. Solemn in remembrance for those who died in service to our country. Hopeful in that maybe, someday we will will not be increasing the number of people needing to be memorialized. One can always hope for peace, right?

I am up early (too early) but I still have some last minute stuff to pack before our trip up to PA. Like my meds. Those need a suitcase all for themselves. *eye roll* The weather looks like it is going to be really nice Sun and Mon. up there. I packed my sunscreen, but maybe I can let my legs and face get a teeny bit of color, so maybe I won't look so tired all of the time.

My parents finally got wi-fi up there too, but my laptop is so old (runs Vista hehe) that I wouldn't trust going on the internet with it. I could use it to scrap but mojo is G.O.N.E. gone ATM.
And that makes me sad, because there are so many amazing new kits and designers in the shop.

My mom is bringing her laptop up but I am scared to use it. If I change anything at all, I am scared that she will get freaked out. There are some people that simply shouldn't have access to computers, and she is one of them. :pound:

Anyway, I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!



The Loopy-O
Sara!! Happy summer vaca to you!! I am doing mental cartwheels with you!! I still need to get some of those Stephanie Bond books. But did you see that the latest Mortal Instruments is coming out soon, next few days I think??? I have it on hold at the library, and I can't wait to get it. I am reading Horns by Joe Hill and also packed The Chase, the second of the Janet Evanovich collabs.
Good for you for enjoying the margarita! I wish it didn;t affect your BP though.

"Chris!" she cried. "Yes, i DID get my ice cream."
OMG-- that sentence you posted... Even I have never quite made a run on sentence *that* long-- and confusing!
Hope that you have a relaxing weekend, and yes, go out for dinner and say *F* to the carbs and enjoy it all!

Hi Cynthia!! I am so sorry that you are still having so many memory problems. I can totally relate. I find that when I am talking to people that I interrupt *a lot* b/c if I don't get my thought out immediately, its gone, never to be found. I feel so rude. Typing isn't as bad, maybe b/c there is something visual I can refer back to?

Oh Jane, that trip sounds amazing!! My BFF's favorite vacation is to explore California, she could do that all of the time. Bet you have some gorgeous photos to scrap too!



Well-Known Member
Morning, all! (Wow, I'm actually here while it's morning.) Our little artist group took down a show at one eatery at 9:00 and are hanging at another at 10:00, so have a little time between.

Looks like we'll have a gorgeous holiday weekend with sun and not too hot. Hope everyone gets nice weather. I still find it hard to think of Memorial Day as a Monday and not May 30th. Just shows how long I've been around! :) Of course I can remember when people called it Decoration Day too. So many to remember at this time.


Well-Known Member
Jean, me, too!
I still find it hard to think of Memorial Day as a Monday and not May 30th. Just shows how long I've been around!

Chris, enjoy your time away! the weather looks like it's going to be lovely. no way i can ignore the carbs, kiddo. i keep having visions of the little cells on my pancreas committing suicide :scared: if i even contemplate "normal" eating....

Jane, lucky you on the trip!! Hubby used to live in Lake Tahoe, and i visited. gorgeous!

Cynthia, hope you feel better soon. why is everything such a struggle a lot of the time, i ask myself....

i'm out on the patio in my PJs, sanding kitchen cabinet doors this morning. beats doing it in the basement. this way all the dust can just blow away. (i am SO glad i live where my neighbors can't see me outside.) i am DETERMINED to get 4 doors done today, at least through the staining part. after that i will have 11 more to go, and two big panels, and the cabinet framework to do. sigh....:faint2:

freedom isn't free. today and every day i honor those people who put and have in the past put themselves on the line every day for ME. God bless them all. and God give leaders the wisdom to know the RIGHT time to throw these kids into the line of fire. they are too valuable to be used carelessly.

back to sanding. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Chris - I hope you have a great time! My dad is like your mom with computers. He's awful because he thinks he is smart and knows things, but he doesn't. And he doesn't realize it and he messes things up constantly!

I have not started Mortal Instruments. It's on the TBR pile though. LOL I think it's even loaded onto my Kindle. Along with 27 other "not for school" reads! I am having fun with the 3rd Stephanie Bond. I'm 60% through already. :)

Hi Jean! I hope the shows are going well. We have lots to remember here too. In the past, my dad and aunt and uncle and some cousins have done a "cemetery crawl" on Memorial Day. A bit morbid, but we put flowers on the graves of all our moms/dads/grandmas/grandpas/brothers/sisters, etc. who have passed. My dad and stepmom are out of town this year, so I think I will just take my husband and son to my mom's before we go to my in-laws.

We were supposed to have a baseball game at 9:00, but they cancelled it last night at 4:30. grrrrrr Supposedly it was due to a tournament conflict. How you don't know that beforehand, I don't know. They actually wanted the coach to agree to moving the game to 6 p.m. last night. He said, "Absolutely not. That's just too late notice!" It's really kinda sucky when you are the bottom of the barrel team and they treat you like this. The annoying part is that I signed up to work at the "Snack Shack" after our game because I'd be there. Everyone is required to either volunteer three hours or pay $75. so I wanted to get my shift done. Now I have to go in the middle of the day to the crazy ball field when my family gets to stay home. annoying!

Oh well, we have very little on tap other than that and a BBQ at my in-laws on Monday. And I'm loving it. We might go look at beds - we need to exchange ours and I'm sure there are big sales at Nebraska Furniture Mart. My sister-in-law might come over to use my silhouette and divide up hostas. But...everything is pretty breezy! :)

We have scattered light showers around. Pretty much the forecast for the entire next week is scatter thunderstorms. But I don't mind too much. It's GREAT reading weather. :)

Oh! AND! I started doing yoga yesterday. The routine I did yesterday was easy and great, but more relaxing and stretching. The routine I did today was much more difficult. It was much more strength and I couldn't hold the poses as long as she did. My arms and legs are jelly now. I think I need to do the first one a few more times! LOL

Ok. I'm done rambling now. I better go pick up the house a bit before I go handout sunflower seeds and hot dogs! :) Have a great weekend!


Well-Known Member
Phylis - we cross posted. Good luck getting the doors done!!! I never sand well enough for my husband's liking, so I stopped doing it.

Powerful words about Memorial Day. Thanks for putting it so eloquently.


lOve the O!
Hey everyone- thanks to my DH, we have arrived in DC- tomorrow is rolling thunder, so the trolley won't run, but I am sure we will find ways to fill the day- we are planning on going to this concert which I think will be a fitting way to celebrate/remember those who have served- freedom is not free. Not sure how much I will be on, but wanted to say hey to my O peeps!


lOve the O!
Morning- not sure what today will bring- I must say being on the concierge floor is wonderful- Sunny and 900,000 people will be here for rolling thunder- think we will do a museum before the concert. Hope to get some good pics to post today!


Well-Known Member
Good morning - made it back home late last night or early this morning depending on how you see 1am. Five Great Lakes in 5 days was pretty fun and we saw over 100 species of birds and many that I had never seen and a lot that I was able to see really clearly as warblers in NJ are always high and we found spots where they were eye level. I really am happy with my photos did not really try for the small birds. Saw at least a dozen bald eagles and so that really made me happy. But was very surprised that we saw no moose or deer in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Weather was cold and foggy early in the week and bright and sunny the rest of the time. Last stop was Niagara Falls and then homeward bound. Now today is my 40th wedding anniversary. And today is beautiful!

Chris congrats on Scott's birthday. Have a great time on the mini vacation. Glad you will get your rest!

Phylis that book and it long sentences is crazy. I love you in your pjs sanding your cabinet doors.

Laurie enjoy!

Sara enjoy your summer and summer reading!

Trudy I went through all of southern Ontario. We stopped at the Southern most tip of Canada Point Pelee to see the migrating birds. We entered at Windsor and back to the US at Niagara Falls. And for me it was fun to see the landscape and then the hometowns of so many of the hockey players I watch like London, Hamilton, and Guelph. And to see how close to or far from Toronto they are. Beautiful country. Fun to hear your Canadian accents and "EhY".

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Nancy, congrats on that great sounding trip and now the 40th anniversary!

Where did you visit Lake Erie? We have some of the best spring birding here.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies or well afternoon I guess, it is still hard for me to adjust to the 3 hr time difference, but no time to think about it as DD has been keeping me so very busy. First day was just a visit day and time to spend all day with Mason. Then Wednesday we went Stratford with Jonah's mom and saw a Midsummer nights dream. Stratford is world famous for the Shakespeare festival and it was actually a funny twist on this play turning out to be a great comedy!! Had fun and a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant before the show, all Jonah's mom's treat!! Nice!! Today we cleaned windows and did laundry and now are getting ready to head out for a nice walk to the grocery store and the bank. So I gotta go and get ready before Mason wakes up. Hope to have some pics to show you all soon!! Take care I miss you all!! xo


lOve the O!
Trudy- enjoy your time with your daughter and grandson! Here is a link to my rolling thunder album on facebook- do not have to be a facebook member to view


Well-Known Member
Laurie and Nancy - What amazing trips you guys are having! I'm jealous! But I'm sure I will be happy when we head out for South Dakota!

Hi Jean!!

Hi Trudy - Glad you are having fun!!!

Laurie - What amazing pictures!!

Well, our air conditioner went out again. Luckily, it's not horrible weather out. It got a little hot this evening when the sun came out, but mostly it's been overcast and rainy and cool. We sure aren't paying $200 for a holiday visit from the air conditioner people when we know it's the compressor (again) and this time we probably do just need a whole new system. *sigh*

We did go and pick out a new bed. So yay - I won't have to sleep on the tall one that I can't move in anymore.

I got book #3 done in the Stephanie Bond series. And quite a bit of the way through #4. :-D I also got 2.5 chapters out of 3 that I have to do for an assignment done. AND went to the grocery store, picked up the house a bit, and cut vinyl for my sister-in-law. Sweet! :)

I also got a bunch of clothes for Ben and I on sale at Old Navy the other day, but I haven't washed them yet because the air broke and I don't want to heat things up. I feel it's been a very, very productive three days! :) Tomorrow is relaxation and family time!

Have a good day tomorrow everyone!