
Daily Ooos: May 18-19: Weekend Edition


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@MariJ @AK_Tracy @mimes1 @bitzee @JeanneMN @A-M
Hope I didn't miss any of our new O family members.
Here is the super easy pretzel salad recipe (it's a dessert!)
Pretzel Salad
(Recipe can be doubled, tripled, etc.)
1 cup crushed pretzels (not to a powder)
1 stick butter
1 cup white sugar
1 package cream cheese, softened to room temperature
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping (such as Cool Whip), thawed
1 can crushed pineapple, drained

Preheat oven to 400.
Place crushed pretzels in ovenproof dish/pan.
Place butter on top of pretzels.
Pour sugar over butter and pretzels.
Bake until butter is melted.
While baking, beat cream cheese and cool whip together until smooth.
Stir in drained pineapple.
When butter has melted, remove pan from oven and mix pretzels, butter and sugar together until cooled.
Stir pretzel mix into cream cheese mixture.
Refrigerate for a couple of hours.
YUM! Thank you!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns I saw your LO of Sam! And there he sat, looking all innocent. Uh-huh.

That's cuz he IS. AS IF - he's probably sitting there waiting for one of the dogs to walk to so he can swat them. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening.

Did you all miss me? Adrienne, Ava and I left at 8:30 this morning to go to Arkansas. For those of you who don't know me yet, I HATE to get up early and hate even more to get ready to leavy at an such an awful hour. We had my GD Alyssa's graduation last night and it didn't start until seven pm. It wasn't over until going on 9, then we had a party planned. I didn't get home until late, then had to get up at the crack of dawn this AM to leave for AK.

My GS Braden just finished his freshman year at the U of AK and he is officially out of the dorm. My GD Alyssa starts as a freshman in Aug. They are going to live together and the occupancy off campus is 99% full. So, my enterprising DD, Adrienne, found a girl who needs to sublet her apt on campus and we went to look at it today.

The apartment is so cool and is less than the price of the dorm. It is an end unit and is covered with ivy and has exposed brick interior walls. We fell in love with it at first site. The three of us went there today to tie up the sublet and make sure that it met our standards, which it did. We're very excited about it and the girl is super awesome and it looks like it's a done deal. We told Braden and Alyssa to trust us and they do. They're going to love it.

SO, that's what I've been doing all day and it was a productive day. I'm glad to be home.


Love my O Family!
Good evening.

Did you all miss me? Adrienne, Ava and I left at 8:30 this morning to go to Arkansas. For those of you who don't know me yet, I HATE to get up early and hate even more to get ready to leavy at an such an awful hour. We had my GD Alyssa's graduation last night and it didn't start until seven pm. It wasn't over until going on 9, then we had a party planned. I didn't get home until late, then had to get up at the crack of dawn this AM to leave for AK.

My GS Braden just finished his freshman year at the U of AK and he is officially out of the dorm. My GD Alyssa starts as a freshman in Aug. They are going to live together and the occupancy off campus is 99% full. So, my enterprising DD, Adrienne, found a girl who needs to sublet her apt on campus and we went to look at it today.

The apartment is so cool and is less than the price of the dorm. It is an end unit and is covered with ivy and has exposed brick interior walls. We fell in love with it at first site. The three of us went there today to tie up the sublet and make sure that it met our standards, which it did. We're very excited about it and the girl is super awesome and it looks like it's a done deal. We told Braden and Alyssa to trust us and they do. They're going to love it.

SO, that's what I've been doing all day and it was a productive day. I'm glad to be home.
All in all it sounds like a very productive, even though tiring, day!


Well-Known Member
he concert sounds like fun! Do your daughters live near you?
They are out near Virginia Beach.
JUNE!!!! That means that half of the year has slipped by!!! And summer is knocking on the door!!!
How is that even possible??

@bcgal00 @MariJ when I get home I’ll post the frozen salad recipe.
@vickyday That pretzel salad sounds yummy~ Will definitely give that a try~ Also I went back and looked at your pictures from the other day! How creative to use a satellite dish for a cover over a cooker! Instant smokestack! Your family gathering place looks cozy and fun out in the woods!


Well-Known Member
Yes, all things posted to the gallery (member challenge and personal pages) must be a minimum of 50% current products. The regular challenges are 80% current products. If you wanted to just post a photo of that page here (for example) and not put it in the gallery first you can use whatever you want to but it wont count toward challenges. Does that make sense? That's how I understand it anyway. I think yesterday I shared my bookcase layout in yesterdays Daily O, but its not in the gallery since it was all SG products. I copy and pasted just to share here for a specific purpose of showing the bookcase.

Have a wonderful day ladies. Looking forward to seeing all the new layouts in the gallery when I get home again.
Thank you Tracy, makes perfect sense and was what I wanted to know. I really only wanted to create it, wasn't worried about the challenge part so that answers my question for sure. In the meantime I found I actually do have a product I can use! Go figure... :beatingheart:


Love my O Family!
They are out near Virginia Beach.

How is that even possible??

@bcgal00 @MariJ when I get home I’ll post the frozen salad recipe.
@vickyday That pretzel salad sounds yummy~ Will definitely give that a try~ Also I went back and looked at your pictures from the other day! How creative to use a satellite dish for a cover over a cooker! Instant smokestack! Your family gathering place looks cozy and fun out in the woods!
I'd love to go to VA beach sometime! My first husband and I planned to go but never made it.
You will LOVE the pretzel salad!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
That high pitched whining screaming you hear is my back, so feel free to ignore. I know in a few weeks where the garden is in its glory I will forget how much I hurt today.


Well-Known Member
Gag you with a spoon! ;)
I laughed and laughed!!!!! Yes, gag me with a spoon!!!! Coconut shouldn't be allowed in cake.

Here is the super easy pretzel salad recipe (it's a dessert!)
Thank you SO much for this!!! Cant wait to try this recipe.

Oh, yum! Thank you. And I can just call it a salad and erase all the dessert guilt-HeeHee :rotfl:
I say YES! We take the bad words out and call it what it is, salad. No guilt. :giggle4:
Did you all miss me?
YES! We did!!!

I didn't get home until late, then had to get up at the crack of dawn this AM to leave for AK.
Are ya gonna come see me???? What time do you arrive??? I've so infiltrated your mind that you auto type AK now instead of AR. And it wont take more then seven days to get here. I will have the cake ready. :love:
That high pitched whining screaming you hear is my back, so feel free to ignore. I know in a few weeks where the garden is in its glory I will forget how much I hurt today.
Oh No!!! Dont over do it like that!!!! Screaming backs are no fun!!!

Today was a fun day of work. I got paid to read my book and go over the lesson in James that my friend and I are working on.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't know when you will find the time to go to a gym, for sure. If you watch TV at night, I'll bet you sleep in front of it with exhaustion from your busy day!

Mark rarely wants to just lay around! I'm glad he keeps busy outside!
You'd think I would sleep better with all this activity wouldn't you??? but no LOL.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Are ya gonna come see me???? What time do you arrive??? I've so infiltrated your mind that you auto type AK now instead of AR. And it wont take more then seven days to get here. I will have the cake ready.

Only 7 days?????????????????? I'm on my way girl - get that cake ready. It doesn't take much to infiltrate my mind these days. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Hey, I found out it's a "thing". It's called "Grief Fog". That's my excuse now - not "brain fog". :giggle4::lol23:Hey, it made me feel a LOT better. :claphands2: (I'm SO weird - my dark humor has carried me through a lot of things.) :yesss:


Well-Known Member
Are ya gonna come see me???? What time do you arrive??? I've so infiltrated your mind that you auto type AK now instead of AR. And it wont take more then seven days to get here. I will have the cake ready.

Only 7 days?????????????????? I'm on my way girl - get that cake ready. It doesn't take much to infiltrate my mind these days. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Hey, I found out it's a "thing". It's called "Grief Fog". That's my excuse now - not "brain fog". :giggle4::lol23:Hey, it made me feel a LOT better. :claphands2: (I'm SO weird - my dark humor has carried me through a lot of things.) :yesss:
Oh yeah greif humor. I get that. I live with a dark humor man. So yeah, totally get you!!!! :giggle4: Soon as I am done :sleeping2: I'll get right on that cake. Which yucky cake ya want? Carrot or the coconut one? :sick: Hey if you drive fast, you can do it in less than 7 days! My dad could get from Seattle, WA to Anchorage, AK in 47 hours. I'm sure FL to WA wouldn't take more then three days. SO yeah, five. You can do it.:angrydriver:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh yeah greif humor. I get that. I live with a dark humor man. So yeah, totally get you!!!! :giggle4: Soon as I am done :sleeping2: I'll get right on that cake. Which yucky cake ya want? Carrot or the coconut one? :sick: Hey if you drive fast, you can do it in less than 7 days! My dad could get from Seattle, WA to Anchorage, AK in 47 hours. I'm sure FL to WA wouldn't take more then three days. SO yeah, five. You can do it.:angrydriver:
I think I'll take a coconut cake. I love coconut. I love Philadelphia Cream Cheese icing, too. Not to be too picky, but I might as well tell you what I really like. My family has always gotten through the difficulties of life with our dark humor. It's all my dad's fault - we used to sit out in the congregation while Mom sang in the choir. He always put us girls up to some shenanigans and she was appalled by us. We have been known to laugh inappropriately at many times. When my baby sister got married, her dress got caught on the pins that were holding down the runner to the alter. My other sister and I got so tickled causing the entire wedding party AND the minister to dissolve into hysterical laughter. My mom was humiliated until after the ceremony, her friends thought we were crying with happiness over our baby sister's wedding. :rotfl::giggle4::lol23:


The Loopy-O
Oh my GOODNESS!!!!!
I just read this thread and I am LMBO!!

You ladies are cray-cray!!! :crazy:

(I made a joke about the "cray-crayfish" at work and no one laughed other than the teachers bwuahahah!)

I woke up this morning, the usual time at 5 am-ish, and thought to myself it was Sunday and I had nothing to do. Sighs of happiness and relief. For about a minute until I remembered today is the Bash. :/
To all of the newer people here, I will b**** and moan for weeks about these parties then it's always wonderful to have the family together and tomorrow I will go back to the B&M as I clean everything up. :giggle4:

I was able to get all of the food prep done by lunchtime and then spent an hour and a half just weeding/trimming the edges of the yard. I am so dang happy because I think my milkweed is coming back! dance4 It never went to seed, I cut it back in the fall, and the stalk shriveled and died over the winter. I had split it and moved part of a shoot closer to the house last summer so I assumed I killed it. But just in the last week, I have a shoot coming up where the OG one was and a smaller one where I had moved the one I had split. There is also something coming out of the ground on the other side of the walkway that sure as heck *looks* the same but it's not in a place where I would have moved it to. At least I don't *think* I did. With me, ya just never know ;)

Caitlyn, Gary, and I watched the last episode of the Bon Jovi Documentary, and whoo boy, that made me pretty emotional. One of the things I loved about him is how his music "grew up" at the same pace I did.

One of my favorite songs when I first started accepting that I wasn't a youngster anymore is Just Older:
I like the bed I'm sleeping in
It's just like me, it's broken in
It's not old -- just older
Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans
This skin I'm in it's alright with me
It's not old -- just older

listening to him talk about turning 60 and accepting this stage of his life reflects kind of how I am going through that too.
But after watching him perform in the first episodes, remembering when I was young and ready to take on the world kinda hits hard. YKWIM?

bah, it's too early, and not enough caffeine to be dealing with these musings LOL

Let me wrap up and try to do some personal before I need to start working on the party set up.


The Loopy-O
@mimes1 The concert sounds like so much fun- aside from the drunk couple. I am glad that Belle revised her opinion of them LOL
The fruit salad sounds yummy- aside from the marshmallows but I bet that is what holds it together :p
With Gary being disabled, there isn't usually a need for a second car but now that I am working it makes it harder to coordinate the times he does need it. Thankfully my job schedule is super flexible so if Ighe has a dr appt, I just don't have to accept the invite to work that day.

@vickyday The rules for Uno No Mercy are confusing but I think that is part of its "charm." You never know what is going to happen next. There is absolutely *no* strategy. hahaha!
Hope you had a nice time scrapping and maybe got in a walk too?

@BrightEyes Glad to hear that you planned on taking it easy yesterday. I hope your back is not spasming anymore. I am in denial that June is coming up so quickly. Stay cool as the weather heats up this week.

@MariJ I miss the days when I could do a day trip to Belmar and not pay for it the rest of the week. Something about the waves and sand just makes me feel so centered. :lovey3: I love living in the mountains but if I had a choice (And a million dollars!), I'd take the shore any day.

@bitzee Hugs to you. I am in a similar place- sometimes (understatement) my parents drive me up the wall and then I think about when they won't be around to make me crazy. It's really hard.

@bcgal00 Are you watching Tracker? I think you were? I wasn't into it for the first few episodes but now it is growing on me. I think we are almost done with the season.
Argh, don't get me started with my dad and the electronics. Yup, we rebooted the router. Told him to bring the laptop and phone to Gary today so he can look at it. As of yesterday morning, he was insisting he was going to bring it to the guy down the street for him to look at it. For some unknown reason, my brother and Sis-IL don't trust this guy but now my dad has a bug in his head to go there. *shrugs* I don't know what else to do.

@taxed4ever congrats on the new Mac!! Even bigger joy that you are going to see your grands!!!! dance4 (I am sad for the reason)

@AK_Tracy %$^&* about reopening your finger. Starting the healing process from scratch :rollingpin1:
Corn casserole is so good too!
I must be an outlier, I like coconut and carrot cakes as long as there aren't any raisins. blech! I asked MIL to bring a cake today and I know she is going to bring something with fruit in it. Why ruin a good cake with fruit? pfft. It's all good, I can eat around the fruit :rotfl:
My mom has chronic kidney disease and I offered to donate one of mine to her. She turned me down, saying that she would never put my future health at risk just to give her an extra year or so. :(

@Cherylndesigns I miss having cats, they always keep you humble!
Soooo happy that Alyssa and Braden have a place!!

@JeanneMN Gardening pain is a good pain. at least that is what I tell myself! :lol23:

it's past 8 am so it's time to get running... love and hugs to you!


Well-Known Member
. . . Caitlyn, Gary, and I watched the last episode of the Bon Jovi Documentary, and whoo boy, that made me pretty emotional. One of the things I loved about him is how his music "grew up" at the same pace I did.

One of my favorite songs when I first started accepting that I wasn't a youngster anymore is Just Older:
I like the bed I'm sleeping in
It's just like me, it's broken in
It's not old -- just older
Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans
This skin I'm in it's alright with me
It's not old -- just older

Bon Jovi is the poster child for aging WELL. It amazes me how grounded he is considering that he is a rock star.
Thanks for the hug. My wonderful son-in-law sends me hugs from out-of-state when he knows I am having a rough day with Mom. Now I am sending you a hug. You have a double whammy with a disabled hubby and parents that drive you up the wall. It amazes me all that you do right here in this daily forum. Have a great day! :hug4:


Love my O Family!
Oh my GOODNESS!!!!!
I just read this thread and I am LMBO!!

You ladies are cray-cray!!! :crazy:

(I made a joke about the "cray-crayfish" at work and no one laughed other than the teachers bwuahahah!)

I woke up this morning, the usual time at 5 am-ish, and thought to myself it was Sunday and I had nothing to do. Sighs of happiness and relief. For about a minute until I remembered today is the Bash. :/
To all of the newer people here, I will b**** and moan for weeks about these parties then it's always wonderful to have the family together and tomorrow I will go back to the B&M as I clean everything up. :giggle4:

I was able to get all of the food prep done by lunchtime and then spent an hour and a half just weeding/trimming the edges of the yard. I am so dang happy because I think my milkweed is coming back! dance4 It never went to seed, I cut it back in the fall, and the stalk shriveled and died over the winter. I had split it and moved part of a shoot closer to the house last summer so I assumed I killed it. But just in the last week, I have a shoot coming up where the OG one was and a smaller one where I had moved the one I had split. There is also something coming out of the ground on the other side of the walkway that sure as heck *looks* the same but it's not in a place where I would have moved it to. At least I don't *think* I did. With me, ya just never know ;)

Caitlyn, Gary, and I watched the last episode of the Bon Jovi Documentary, and whoo boy, that made me pretty emotional. One of the things I loved about him is how his music "grew up" at the same pace I did.

One of my favorite songs when I first started accepting that I wasn't a youngster anymore is Just Older:
I like the bed I'm sleeping in
It's just like me, it's broken in
It's not old -- just older
Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans
This skin I'm in it's alright with me
It's not old -- just older

listening to him talk about turning 60 and accepting this stage of his life reflects kind of how I am going through that too.
But after watching him perform in the first episodes, remembering when I was young and ready to take on the world kinda hits hard. YKWIM?

bah, it's too early, and not enough caffeine to be dealing with these musings LOL

Let me wrap up and try to do some personal before I need to start working on the party set up.
WOW! Those lyrics are perfect for a scrapping page!!!!! I just might have to do that!
And I hear ya! I don't think about getting older until something hurts, LOL! Or something breaks! HA!


Love my O Family!
@mimes1 The concert sounds like so much fun- aside from the drunk couple. I am glad that Belle revised her opinion of them LOL
The fruit salad sounds yummy- aside from the marshmallows but I bet that is what holds it together :p
With Gary being disabled, there isn't usually a need for a second car but now that I am working it makes it harder to coordinate the times he does need it. Thankfully my job schedule is super flexible so if Ighe has a dr appt, I just don't have to accept the invite to work that day.

@vickyday The rules for Uno No Mercy are confusing but I think that is part of its "charm." You never know what is going to happen next. There is absolutely *no* strategy. hahaha!
Hope you had a nice time scrapping and maybe got in a walk too?

@BrightEyes Glad to hear that you planned on taking it easy yesterday. I hope your back is not spasming anymore. I am in denial that June is coming up so quickly. Stay cool as the weather heats up this week.

@MariJ I miss the days when I could do a day trip to Belmar and not pay for it the rest of the week. Something about the waves and sand just makes me feel so centered. :lovey3: I love living in the mountains but if I had a choice (And a million dollars!), I'd take the shore any day.

@bitzee Hugs to you. I am in a similar place- sometimes (understatement) my parents drive me up the wall and then I think about when they won't be around to make me crazy. It's really hard.

@bcgal00 Are you watching Tracker? I think you were? I wasn't into it for the first few episodes but now it is growing on me. I think we are almost done with the season.
Argh, don't get me started with my dad and the electronics. Yup, we rebooted the router. Told him to bring the laptop and phone to Gary today so he can look at it. As of yesterday morning, he was insisting he was going to bring it to the guy down the street for him to look at it. For some unknown reason, my brother and Sis-IL don't trust this guy but now my dad has a bug in his head to go there. *shrugs* I don't know what else to do.

@taxed4ever congrats on the new Mac!! Even bigger joy that you are going to see your grands!!!! dance4 (I am sad for the reason)

@AK_Tracy %$^&* about reopening your finger. Starting the healing process from scratch :rollingpin1:
Corn casserole is so good too!
I must be an outlier, I like coconut and carrot cakes as long as there aren't any raisins. blech! I asked MIL to bring a cake today and I know she is going to bring something with fruit in it. Why ruin a good cake with fruit? pfft. It's all good, I can eat around the fruit :rotfl:
My mom has chronic kidney disease and I offered to donate one of mine to her. She turned me down, saying that she would never put my future health at risk just to give her an extra year or so. :(

@Cherylndesigns I miss having cats, they always keep you humble!
Soooo happy that Alyssa and Braden have a place!!

@JeanneMN Gardening pain is a good pain. at least that is what I tell myself! :lol23:

it's past 8 am so it's time to get running... love and hugs to you!
I did get scrapping done.....no walk! I could have as the sun was out most of the day, but not really because it was hot and humid! My body doesn't do hot and humid!


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out as we will be leaving for church in a few.
Got most of my ATCs caught up yesterday. A few more to go before I can post another group of 9.
I got the last challenge done, too. Took a look at the AJ challenge.....am going to have to give it some thought.
I put a roast, carrots and potatoes in the crockpot last night for our lunch today. Can't wait to eat some! Cooked it with cr.o.mushroom soup. YUM!
More rain expected today! Mark is going to his daughter's to let one of the dogs out this weekend and it was raining cats and dogs and a river was running down her drive way. He got absolutely soaked from head to toe! It will probably be the same when he goes tonight!
OK, gotta run!
Have a great Sunday!


Well-Known Member
I think I'll take a coconut cake. I love coconut. I love Philadelphia Cream Cheese icing, too. Not to be too picky, but I might as well tell you what I really like. My family has always gotten through the difficulties of life with our dark humor. It's all my dad's fault - we used to sit out in the congregation while Mom sang in the choir. He always put us girls up to some shenanigans and she was appalled by us. We have been known to laugh inappropriately at many times. When my baby sister got married, her dress got caught on the pins that were holding down the runner to the alter. My other sister and I got so tickled causing the entire wedding party AND the minister to dissolve into hysterical laughter. My mom was humiliated until after the ceremony, her friends thought we were crying with happiness over our baby sister's wedding. :rotfl::giggle4::lol23:
Yes, cream cheese frosting. Only part of the cake worth eating!!! And NO raisins. @faerywings I agree, not raisins in anything!!! or nuts. No nuts in brownies. Or cookies. Just say no. :giggle4: My kids are doomed, their dad has dark humor pour out of him and I am dripping sarcasm. They dont have a hope of being "normal". Thankfully they know better then to act up at church. Moms not afraid to go postal in public.

You ladies are cray-cray!!! :crazy:
:yesmaster: I havne't been here long but long enough to know, we are following our fearless leader. :yesmaster:
To all of the newer people here, I will b**** and moan for weeks about these parties then it's always wonderful to have the family together and tomorrow I will go back to the B&M as I clean everything up. :giggle4:
Wait. What? Isn't this normal female behavior??? Oh please say yes it is cause I do the same thing!!! Only about an hour after all the family is here, I am ready for them to leave. And since its a journey to get here they stay for at least two days.

My mom has chronic kidney disease and I offered to donate one of mine to her. She turned me down, saying that she would never put my future health at risk just to give her an extra year or so. :(
Same reason my dad gave me. He wouldn't put my health in danger. Even though the doc said it was a one in mill chance that I would get what he had. He was an Auto-Body man and all the chemicals he was around with paint and bondo. Kidney couldn't keep him detoxed anymore.
Bon Jovi is the poster child for aging WELL. It amazes me how grounded he is considering that he is a rock star.
I love Bon Jovi and I remember in the latte 80's early 90's when he was HUGE famous and he said he still had his dad cut his hair. Just cause he had lots of money didn't mean he had to go pay big bucks for a hair cut. His dad was an awesome barber and why change. I thought it was so sweet. He didn't need to let money change him. Might have to see if I can watch the documentary as I love Bon Jovi.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Just dropping by for a moment because you were talking about Bon Jovi. I took this photo at one of the rest stops on the Garden State Parkway (NJ) because I love his quote. If it's too small to read here, he said: "Life is a long bumpy road, but that makes for an exciting ride. It's OK to map out your future -- but do it in pencil." HAGD, all.



Morning all. Well, yesterday turned into a rest period then work, then rest again then work day. I was in the sewing/craft room putting scissors away when I noticed a medium/small box on top of a paper storage unit under the cutting table. Pulled it out and unsealed it (from the move to this house in 2011) and discovered a bunch of iron-on appliques. Most were those that you paint with fabric paint.... but found 8 packages of beautiful cut shapes of imitation leather pieces with metal accents for western designs. Also found a fun dinosaur iron-on that my great-grandson would love to have on a tee-shirt. I will donate the iron-ons w/fabric paint ones. I rested and read for awhile. Later that afternoon I was in the garage and brushed by the bookcase and a bunch of gift bags fell off the shelf. I noticed 4 photo boxes that had been under the gift bags - so took them into the kitchen to look through. 2 of the boxes were filled with all type of cards and card making supplies. I don't send many cards any more so packed them up as the kids at church do make and send cards to members. Just dropped them off there this morning. My GW donation pile in the garage is growing by leaps and bounds - so guess the next project is to drop them off sometime this week. Yes, the clean out and donate bug is still going strong!! :rotfl:

Going to get another cup of coffee and then see about doing a few personals.


Love my O Family!
Hi all,
Just dropping by for a moment because you were talking about Bon Jovi. I took this photo at one of the rest stops on the Garden State Parkway (NJ) because I love his quote. If it's too small to read here, he said: "Life is a long bumpy road, but that makes for an exciting ride. It's OK to map out your future -- but do it in pencil." HAGD, all.

View attachment 419345
Another great quote for scrapping!


Love my O Family!
Morning all. Well, yesterday turned into a rest period then work, then rest again then work day. I was in the sewing/craft room putting scissors away when I noticed a medium/small box on top of a paper storage unit under the cutting table. Pulled it out and unsealed it (from the move to this house in 2011) and discovered a bunch of iron-on appliques. Most were those that you paint with fabric paint.... but found 8 packages of beautiful cut shapes of imitation leather pieces with metal accents for western designs. Also found a fun dinosaur iron-on that my great-grandson would love to have on a tee-shirt. I will donate the iron-ons w/fabric paint ones. I rested and read for awhile. Later that afternoon I was in the garage and brushed by the bookcase and a bunch of gift bags fell off the shelf. I noticed 4 photo boxes that had been under the gift bags - so took them into the kitchen to look through. 2 of the boxes were filled with all type of cards and card making supplies. I don't send many cards any more so packed them up as the kids at church do make and send cards to members. Just dropped them off there this morning. My GW donation pile in the garage is growing by leaps and bounds - so guess the next project is to drop them off sometime this week. Yes, the clean out and donate bug is still going strong!! :rotfl:

Going to get another cup of coffee and then see about doing a few personals.
I wish the clean out and donate bug would hit me!


Love my O Family!
Well, the beef roast with potatoes and carrots was yummy with the cr.o.mushroom gravy! Melt in your mouth good! I rarely do beef because it is so expensive! But, I had a hankering for it so when I got some groceries last week I picked a beef roast up with plans to fix it this weekend! YUM!

OK, I guess the rest of the afternoon will be getting my ATCs caught up so I can post them and move on to other things!

Have a great afternoon!


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
Just dropping by for a moment because you were talking about Bon Jovi. I took this photo at one of the rest stops on the Garden State Parkway (NJ) because I love his quote. If it's too small to read here, he said: "Life is a long bumpy road, but that makes for an exciting ride. It's OK to map out your future -- but do it in pencil." HAGD, all.

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Man, he just gets better with age!