
Daily Ooos: May 18-19: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O

Are you?

Although... *ponders a little* I am ready for a weekend, just not this weekend. Bwuahahaha!
I think I am gonna be fine tomorrow. I am cooking today, Gary's making the liquor store run, and I cleaned again yesterday so I should only need a touch-up tomorrow.
Ohhh no!! I forgot that there wasn't Italian bread in the shopping order. I need that for the bruschetta. I might have some in the freezer but if not, I'll make the dough in the bread machine. If I don't make the bruschetta, I will have an angry mob in my house. Between that and the Oreo pudding, my family would never speak to me again if I didn't make them.
Do you have a "must-have" for family get-togethers?

Good(ish) news for my car, it is back home and only $300 later. (Only. HA! ) It's hard only having one car but what can you do?
I spent 3 hours trying to get my mom's cell phone/computer/tablet set up. And my dad was having trouble with his computer connecting to the wifi. I think his router isn't working well because you could see my phone connecting and then not, over and over. Trying to explain tech stuff to them is.... shall we say... "interesting." Sure, that is a polite, family-friendly way of expressing it. Because I have other words I could use that are more descriptive and accurate. But I think you all can fill in the blanks as you see fit :rotfl:

My parents both looked awful, my dad especially. He isn't sleeping which means she isn't sleeping. His arm and hand on the side of the new shoulder got very swollen all of a sudden so he was waiting for a call from the dr office. It's normal post-surgical but his stress levels are so high that everything becomes "huge." I hate seeing them look so old and worn down. It is what it is, but it's still hard. I know you get that.

Today is cooking and *maybe* I can get out in the yard. Usually, my yard is all tidy and I have my flowers and herbs in the planters at this point in the season.

Scrapping will have to wait but I was excited to do @A-M 's ATC challenge yesterday. I am happy that we have Member Challenges again :lovey3:

Enjoy the weekend!


The Loopy-O
@mimes1 How old is Erinn's horse? Is kissing spine a common issue? Poor baby. :( Sending love and extra apples or whatever treat her horse enjoys to them~~~~
What a crazy busy day you had and ended it by putting stuff in the ground. What kinds of plants did you get? I hope you made it to the farmers market last night, sounds like a fun time with Belle. I can't imagine the twists of emotions you are feeling right now with having the *ability* to stay longer with Erinn. Bittersweet to be sure.

If you ever have questions about Lyme, sadly I know all too much about it. Feel free to ask! i think I saw some others having it too so I won't go into my dissertation (LOL) just yet :soapbox:

Posting this b/c it looks like I am losing the internet....


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone. The concert with Belle last night was really wonderful. Down home country concert - stage set up in a field, harvesters flanking either side of the stage, had to take our own lawn chairs and everything. it was just so cute. There was this red line spray painted on the ground, there were chairs on both sides of it, but we elected to put our chairs on the red line. Arbitrary decision. Security eventually came and chased everyone on the “other” side of the line away - so we wound up with front row seats! Then, Belle BEGGED me to go up front to the stage and watch The main artist, and I just said no, that space is for VIP’s, special tickets, etc. Well she wore me down - we went to that space and enjoyed the entire set from the guy Up at the stage. And Belle forged the way for everyone else, because people followed. It was fun. That’s so my M.O. to not cross the line - haha. There was this one couple my age near us and Belle commented on how cute they were and said they reminded her of me and Mark. Well by the end of the night she was passed out drunk, he was being aggressive, and the sheriffs escorted the both out. Belle poked me with her elbow and said uh… they DONT remind me of you and dad anymore! Other than that it was a very enjoyable crowd. We got home around 11:30. Today it’s raining and we were going to go to this cute little beach town nearby but with this rain I don’t think I want to drive in it or be in it. Good day to nestle in and just be together.


Well-Known Member
bruschetta, I will have an angry mob in my house. Between that and the Oreo pudding, my family would never speak to me again if I didn't make them
Oreo pudding has got to be my all time favorite dessert! I’ll be right up!! For family functions I always make this frozen fruit salad -it’s got the sour cream, cream cheese, fruit, marshmallows, but it’s frozen and you slice it. Yum, but honestly I like it better half thawed. But I make it for all the holidays and family gathering.
It's hard only having one car but what can you do?
We only have one car too. We’ve been retired for almost for years and made the decision then to function with one. And it’s working great. Even this week while I‘m away Mark has managed without a car - a friend has given him rides to his PT and we loaded the house with groceries before I left.
I hate seeing them look so old and worn down. It is what it is, but it's still hard. I know you get that.
Big hugs for you and caring for your parents. It is so hard. So many conflicting emotions, frustrations as a caregiver or assistant and the parents are struggling with emotions in realizing on some level they need help and don’t /wont ask. I’ve got an AJ page in mind for this very thing when I get home. It’s so raw still.
Scrapping will have to wait but I was excited to do @A-M 's ATC challenge yesterday. I am happy that we have Member Challenges again
I love that too. I’m hoping to see more member challenges too!!


Well-Known Member
@mimes1 How old is Erinn's horse? Is kissing spine a common issue? Poor baby. :( Sending love and extra apples or whatever treat her horse enjoys to them~~~~
What a crazy busy day you had and ended it by putting stuff in the ground. What kinds of plants did you get? I hope you made it to the farmers market last night, sounds like a fun time with Belle. I can't imagine the twists of emotions you are feeling right now with having the *ability* to stay longer with Erinn. Bittersweet to be sure.

If you ever have questions about Lyme, sadly I know all too much about it. Feel free to ask! i think I saw some others having it too so I won't go into my dissertation (LOL) just yet :soapbox:

Posting this b/c it looks like I am losing the internet....
I forgot to answer this in my last post! Kissing spine is where the backbone fuses. It could be something he was born with, it could be he was ridden to young and the bones weren’t done growing. (He’s a race track rescue). It could be genetic. It’s not something that can be repaired surgically because it’s his back and recovery would be miserable. They’ll radiograph every six months to evaluate progression and then they’ll have a better idea as to how long he’s been dealing with this. Erinn noticed something was wrong because he was getting sassy under saddle, and, the massage therapist thought something was more wrong so they investigated. The vet said she can walk him all she wants, she can pony him out with a group of horses, she can train him to do tricks, just nothing on his back, and to let him tell her when he’s had enough. They have a good bond so she reads him well. He’s a happy and healthy horse otherwise - you wouldn’t know by looking at him that he has any issues. So Erinn is dealing with the blow on top of her husband leaving. The diagnosis was less than two weeks ago.

We planted corn, parsley, cilantro, and two kinds of lettuce in the raised bed the other day. I think it might be too hot already for the lettuce but we’ll see. The front porch got some begonia, marigold, and I think a small box bush in the center. It looks nice. This morning it occurred to me that although there are pebbles in the planter there are no Drainage holes. I may have to drill some holes in the bottom.

Thanks for all the Lyme tips. I know we live with the ticks, and with the deer in our yard all the time I just am so cautious.
Got to go - both the girls are now up!
HAGD everyone!


The Loopy-O
It wasn't me, I think the site hiccuped.

@JeanneMN Are lady slippers one of your early flowers? Seeing the new flowers pop up always makes my heart happy.
That's amazing about your family and music, such a wonderful and creative talent. Me-- I am not creative at all but Gary and Scott are musical, but mostly guitars and bass. Sam just got a mandolin (the music kind not the finger-cutting kind LOL!) and Tom plays bass and sings(growls) in a heavy metal band. My nephew is over-the-top gifted with music. He has been writing his own music since he was three. But he likes baseball better at this point. He's also very good at that too. He definitely doesn't have Iantosca genes. (That's a snarky joke poking fun at me and my brother who are 1000000% klutzes. Since he is adopted, he lucked out in that gene pool *snorts*)
My neighbor has a blood disorder and she produces too many red blood cells. The one thing that helps her is donating blood. weird but it works.
Speaking of ebooks, I still have to pick my Amazon First Reads-- anyone have a recommendation?

@Terri M My DH was recently diagnosed with alpha-gal. We don't eat a lot of meat to begin with and with Tom (vegan) living with us now, we are rapidly moving to more vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian meals. He ate a burger a few weeks ago as a test and whooo boy, he paid for it. He will still eat milk and cheese but is trying to cut down on that too. His Lyme has caused him to have chronic nausea and vomiting. LLMD believes that the brain inflammation damaged the area of it that controls nausea.

The other thing about Lyne is that ticks carry a lot of other diseases so you can have multiple diseases that all need different treatments. The four of us have been diagnosed with Babesia (like malaria) and Bartonella. Ehrlichia is another we have had. It also causes autoimmune issues-- I test positive for Rheumatoid arthritis even though I don't clinically present. Caitlyn tested positive for Sjogren's syndrome but didn't actually have it and that went away once she was in remission. Scott and Gary had some severe psychiatric issues. it didn't make for a fun time dealing what *that.* :hahano:

Sidenote-- when I tell my LLMD that my favorite things are hiking/gardening and that I work at an ecology center-- she thinks I am nuts. Perhaps. :crazy:

@bcgal00 Isn't that the truth-- how nice it is not having to rush out of the house?
That would be really awesome if you could join the senior center gym! What did you and D think of it?
Woah, that would be awesome to go to the lady's house with everyone's dogs. Card games, dogs running- perfect time for you!
I understand where the term "nesting" comes from in humans after reading your description of the robin. That's exactly how I felt at 9 months pg LOL!!!

@vickyday I was able to get most of everything set up on the new phone for her. I am sure she'll have something else for me to figure out when she comes up tomorrow. *G*

@BrightEyes What a productive visit with your DD and grandson. bet your house feels so much lighter now. How is the back? It will be wonderful to get back to scrapping again if you are up to it.

@AK_Tracy hehe, yup - my brother and SIL have iPhones and he was telling my mom not to use her Google account. He kept saying she had to migrate her contacts. I logged into Google and voila- there were her contacts and her photos. *smacks my brother for trying to "help" hahah!

Vicky- I love seeing Mark's work in the woods. So impressive! But yeah, it really does rain almost every time!

@Cherylndesigns I saw your LO of Sam! And there he sat, looking all innocent. Uh-huh.

@MariJ So sorry that you had to deal with Lyme. It's awful in NJ. Yes, the nerve pain is terrible and the headaches too. Most people don't get a bullseye - 20-30% IIRC.

@A-M Not to make light if your SIl's situation but the US medical system isn't good about treating Lynmeither. It was always a fight. Mexico was probably a much better way to go, How is he feeling now?

Marilyn-- I have a lot of my avatar pics taken at Belmar and Spring Lake ♥

@FloridaGranny ((((hugs))))


Love my O Family!

Are you?

Although... *ponders a little* I am ready for a weekend, just not this weekend. Bwuahahaha!
I think I am gonna be fine tomorrow. I am cooking today, Gary's making the liquor store run, and I cleaned again yesterday so I should only need a touch-up tomorrow.
Ohhh no!! I forgot that there wasn't Italian bread in the shopping order. I need that for the bruschetta. I might have some in the freezer but if not, I'll make the dough in the bread machine. If I don't make the bruschetta, I will have an angry mob in my house. Between that and the Oreo pudding, my family would never speak to me again if I didn't make them.
Do you have a "must-have" for family get-togethers?

Good(ish) news for my car, it is back home and only $300 later. (Only. HA! ) It's hard only having one car but what can you do?
I spent 3 hours trying to get my mom's cell phone/computer/tablet set up. And my dad was having trouble with his computer connecting to the wifi. I think his router isn't working well because you could see my phone connecting and then not, over and over. Trying to explain tech stuff to them is.... shall we say... "interesting." Sure, that is a polite, family-friendly way of expressing it. Because I have other words I could use that are more descriptive and accurate. But I think you all can fill in the blanks as you see fit :rotfl:

My parents both looked awful, my dad especially. He isn't sleeping which means she isn't sleeping. His arm and hand on the side of the new shoulder got very swollen all of a sudden so he was waiting for a call from the dr office. It's normal post-surgical but his stress levels are so high that everything becomes "huge." I hate seeing them look so old and worn down. It is what it is, but it's still hard. I know you get that.

Today is cooking and *maybe* I can get out in the yard. Usually, my yard is all tidy and I have my flowers and herbs in the planters at this point in the season.

Scrapping will have to wait but I was excited to do @A-M 's ATC challenge yesterday. I am happy that we have Member Challenges again :lovey3:

Enjoy the weekend!
Busy, busy, busy, you are! (in my best Yoda voice)
For our family gatherings they insist on dirt pudding (probably the same as your Oreo pudding) and/or pretzel salad.
Hope your dad feels better soon!
Have a great party! (I got the UNO No Mercy for our family gathering of June 1st! Just have to learn how to play it before hand!)


Love my O Family!
Good morning everyone. The concert with Belle last night was really wonderful. Down home country concert - stage set up in a field, harvesters flanking either side of the stage, had to take our own lawn chairs and everything. it was just so cute. There was this red line spray painted on the ground, there were chairs on both sides of it, but we elected to put our chairs on the red line. Arbitrary decision. Security eventually came and chased everyone on the “other” side of the line away - so we wound up with front row seats! Then, Belle BEGGED me to go up front to the stage and watch The main artist, and I just said no, that space is for VIP’s, special tickets, etc. Well she wore me down - we went to that space and enjoyed the entire set from the guy Up at the stage. And Belle forged the way for everyone else, because people followed. It was fun. That’s so my M.O. to not cross the line - haha. There was this one couple my age near us and Belle commented on how cute they were and said they reminded her of me and Mark. Well by the end of the night she was passed out drunk, he was being aggressive, and the sheriffs escorted the both out. Belle poked me with her elbow and said uh… they DONT remind me of you and dad anymore! Other than that it was a very enjoyable crowd. We got home around 11:30. Today it’s raining and we were going to go to this cute little beach town nearby but with this rain I don’t think I want to drive in it or be in it. Good day to nestle in and just be together.
The concert sounds like fun! Do your daughters live near you?


Morning, everyone. Well, I am paying big time for all the work I have been doing this past week. The lower back (where I have the spine fusion) has been yelling at me along with the arms and hands. But must admit it has been worth it as the master bedroom looks so nice and clean now. And getting the cassettes and CDs organized so I can find them was well worth the effort. Will be spending most of the day resting and using the massager on the back. Hope to scrap a bit this afternoon. I feel so behind on LOs for the challenges this month. Then I need to put my thinking cap on as I am hosting a June challenge. JUNE!!!! That means that half of the year has slipped by!!! And summer is knocking on the door!!! Suppose to be in the mid-80s most of this week. Guess it is time to break out the shorts... :rotfl:


Love my O Family!
It wasn't me, I think the site hiccuped.

@JeanneMN Are lady slippers one of your early flowers? Seeing the new flowers pop up always makes my heart happy.
That's amazing about your family and music, such a wonderful and creative talent. Me-- I am not creative at all but Gary and Scott are musical, but mostly guitars and bass. Sam just got a mandolin (the music kind not the finger-cutting kind LOL!) and Tom plays bass and sings(growls) in a heavy metal band. My nephew is over-the-top gifted with music. He has been writing his own music since he was three. But he likes baseball better at this point. He's also very good at that too. He definitely doesn't have Iantosca genes. (That's a snarky joke poking fun at me and my brother who are 1000000% klutzes. Since he is adopted, he lucked out in that gene pool *snorts*)
My neighbor has a blood disorder and she produces too many red blood cells. The one thing that helps her is donating blood. weird but it works.
Speaking of ebooks, I still have to pick my Amazon First Reads-- anyone have a recommendation?

@Terri M My DH was recently diagnosed with alpha-gal. We don't eat a lot of meat to begin with and with Tom (vegan) living with us now, we are rapidly moving to more vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian meals. He ate a burger a few weeks ago as a test and whooo boy, he paid for it. He will still eat milk and cheese but is trying to cut down on that too. His Lyme has caused him to have chronic nausea and vomiting. LLMD believes that the brain inflammation damaged the area of it that controls nausea.

The other thing about Lyne is that ticks carry a lot of other diseases so you can have multiple diseases that all need different treatments. The four of us have been diagnosed with Babesia (like malaria) and Bartonella. Ehrlichia is another we have had. It also causes autoimmune issues-- I test positive for Rheumatoid arthritis even though I don't clinically present. Caitlyn tested positive for Sjogren's syndrome but didn't actually have it and that went away once she was in remission. Scott and Gary had some severe psychiatric issues. it didn't make for a fun time dealing what *that.* :hahano:

Sidenote-- when I tell my LLMD that my favorite things are hiking/gardening and that I work at an ecology center-- she thinks I am nuts. Perhaps. :crazy:

@bcgal00 Isn't that the truth-- how nice it is not having to rush out of the house?
That would be really awesome if you could join the senior center gym! What did you and D think of it?
Woah, that would be awesome to go to the lady's house with everyone's dogs. Card games, dogs running- perfect time for you!
I understand where the term "nesting" comes from in humans after reading your description of the robin. That's exactly how I felt at 9 months pg LOL!!!

@vickyday I was able to get most of everything set up on the new phone for her. I am sure she'll have something else for me to figure out when she comes up tomorrow. *G*

@BrightEyes What a productive visit with your DD and grandson. bet your house feels so much lighter now. How is the back? It will be wonderful to get back to scrapping again if you are up to it.

@AK_Tracy hehe, yup - my brother and SIL have iPhones and he was telling my mom not to use her Google account. He kept saying she had to migrate her contacts. I logged into Google and voila- there were her contacts and her photos. *smacks my brother for trying to "help" hahah!

Vicky- I love seeing Mark's work in the woods. So impressive! But yeah, it really does rain almost every time!

@Cherylndesigns I saw your LO of Sam! And there he sat, looking all innocent. Uh-huh.

@MariJ So sorry that you had to deal with Lyme. It's awful in NJ. Yes, the nerve pain is terrible and the headaches too. Most people don't get a bullseye - 20-30% IIRC.

@A-M Not to make light if your SIl's situation but the US medical system isn't good about treating Lynmeither. It was always a fight. Mexico was probably a much better way to go, How is he feeling now?

Marilyn-- I have a lot of my avatar pics taken at Belmar and Spring Lake ♥

@FloridaGranny ((((hugs))))
Mark has been in a bit of a funk this week with the weather being so rainy! He is dressed to go outside and do "something" until it starts raining!


Love my O Family!
Morning, everyone. Well, I am paying big time for all the work I have been doing this past week. The lower back (where I have the spine fusion) has been yelling at me along with the arms and hands. But must admit it has been worth it as the master bedroom looks so nice and clean now. And getting the cassettes and CDs organized so I can find them was well worth the effort. Will be spending most of the day resting and using the massager on the back. Hope to scrap a bit this afternoon. I feel so behind on LOs for the challenges this month. Then I need to put my thinking cap on as I am hosting a June challenge. JUNE!!!! That means that half of the year has slipped by!!! And summer is knocking on the door!!! Suppose to be in the mid-80s most of this week. Guess it is time to break out the shorts... :rotfl:
Rest your back, Kay! And your arms and hands!
I'm with you.....I haven't gotten nearly as much scrapping done this month as I usually do......plus I need to start thinking about my June challenge, too! And I cannot believe the year is almost half over already, either!


Love my O Family!
I should walk this morning while the rain is holding off, but it is already warm and humid out! And I still have scrapping to catch up on, so I think I will just stay indoors today!
I got several challenges done yesterday. I have one more to do of the main challenges and then I want to take a look at the AJ challenge and the designer challenges. I still need to work on my scripture verse ATCs from my One Word devotional. Two more weeks and my family gathering will be on me!
Hope everyone has a good day and a great weekend!


@faerywings - I know your family will be happy with whatever food you fix for the party. You were so good to help your mom with her new phone. So sorry that the parents are showing their age... it is hard to see that.

@bcgal00 Wow, a card party and bring the dogs... sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. LOL over all the groups you have become active in since the move.

@Cherylndesigns That pond that Roger is building looks so wonderful! Love the LO with Sam!

@mimes1 LOL over your adventures at the musical. What a fantastic place and theme.

@vickyday Oh, my word.... look at you go gal on getting all those LOs done!!! I need to look at the AJ challenges, too.

@AK_Tracy Hope your finger is healing... I looked at getting one of those slicers a few years ago... then said NOPE... as I would probably cut myself on it.

@taxed4ever Glad to see you popping in most days now. So wonderful that you are back with your hiking group and also getting out on the lake.

Time for another cup of coffee then get my shower. HAGD


Well-Known Member
Morning, all. Thanks Chris, for sure Lyme was NOT fun, I'm grateful I don't have horrible, lingering symptoms. The ones left are easy enough to deal with. Yup, no rash here...
Sending hugs re: parents. My Dad died at 50, so never got "old". My Mom lived to 82 but with Alzeimers, it was so sad... It IS so hard to watch... :hug4:
I'm wondering what Oreo pudding is, it's sounds yummy.
I almost rode to Ocean Grove and Belmar with a friend this morning, but it was called off. Nothing like our shore.. @faerywings

One question, I'm wondering. Are the 50% product requirements the same for Member Challenges? I have some allowable products and of course could use freebies, but I have a particular idea that only works with things I have.

Amy, the tick "trick" is it has to be a Lyme infected one. Traditionally they were much more prevalent around here, my sister in Indiana had ticks but not a lot of Lyme infected ones. Don't think that's as true now, it's all over.. @mimes1 (Have to say I miss "mimes" when I'm searching for you here. I always liked seeing that and your Mom's photo... :sad2: )
Glad the concert was fun and your garden sounds awesome.

Tracy, wondering how your finger is doing, hope it's healing quickly. @AK_Tracy

Ohhhh.. Pretzel salad sounds yummy too - pretzels are one of my favorite food groups! ;) @vickyday

Recipes anyone???


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone. The concert with Belle last night was really wonderful. Down home country concert - stage set up in a field, harvesters flanking either side of the stage, had to take our own lawn chairs and everything. it was just so cute. There was this red line spray painted on the ground, there were chairs on both sides of it, but we elected to put our chairs on the red line. Arbitrary decision. Security eventually came and chased everyone on the “other” side of the line away - so we wound up with front row seats! Then, Belle BEGGED me to go up front to the stage and watch The main artist, and I just said no, that space is for VIP’s, special tickets, etc. Well she wore me down - we went to that space and enjoyed the entire set from the guy Up at the stage. And Belle forged the way for everyone else, because people followed. It was fun. That’s so my M.O. to not cross the line - haha. There was this one couple my age near us and Belle commented on how cute they were and said they reminded her of me and Mark. Well by the end of the night she was passed out drunk, he was being aggressive, and the sheriffs escorted the both out. Belle poked me with her elbow and said uh… they DONT remind me of you and dad anymore! Other than that it was a very enjoyable crowd. We got home around 11:30. Today it’s raining and we were going to go to this cute little beach town nearby but with this rain I don’t think I want to drive in it or be in it. Good day to nestle in and just be together.
Amy, I am so glad you are getting to spend some great, quality, time with your girls, but totally get the missing your Mom part. My Mom is now living with me because of health issues. So, I miss time with my kids who live out-of-state. We have always been a close-knit family with frequent multi-generational gatherings and activities. So, these last few years have been hard mostly because I miss the support and frequent interaction with loved ones. When I do finally get the freedom to spend time with my kids, I will be missing Mom. I know it is the circle of life, but it is still hard.


Well-Known Member
Amy, I am so glad you are getting to spend some great, quality, time with your girls, but totally get the missing your Mom part. My Mom is now living with me because of health issues. So, I miss time with my kids who live out-of-state. We have always been a close-knit family with frequent multi-generational gatherings and activities. So, these last few years have been hard mostly because I miss the support and frequent interaction with loved ones. When I do finally get the freedom to spend time with my kids, I will be missing Mom. I know it is the circle of life, but it is still hard.
That is SO true!! We had my mom for 3.5 years. Especially in later years her abilities as well as habits severely limited the social invitations we received. That was one of the hardest things about caregiving. I could take her many places, but many more not. A constant cycle of conflicting emotions. The first time we brought her here to our daughters she went out for an unauthorized walk. Another time she lost her teeth. Getting into homes with steps was hard, Bathrooms too small for walkers or wheelchairs were a problem. Being out of routine and in unfamiliar places was just bad for her. So now I can do these things and stay with the girls, but its sad because Mom’s gone. So weird a mix of feelings.


Well-Known Member
One question, I'm wondering. Are the 50% product requirements the same for Member Challenges? I have some allowable products and of course could use freebies, but I have a particular idea that only works with things I have.
Marilyn the instructions for the member challenges are below:
Click the link for Oscrap Gallery guidelines for the product requirements. Hope that helps.
Hi everyone and welcome to the Members challenges hosted by Oscraps members. These challenges are just for fun with no prizes attached and will run for the month (or date the host enters in the thread title).

Any Oscraps member can start a new challenge but please make sure that you are not repeating the same topic that has already been used by another host in a previous challenge. The challenge host will be responsible for:
  • creating a new thread with the topic/prompt noted in the title and the challenge end date
  • supporting members that join the challenge by way of answering questions etc.
  • commenting on all layouts in the gallery that have been created for the challenge
The only challenge rules that need to be followed for these types of challenges are to follow the topic and/or prompt supplied by the challenge host and to follow the general Oscraps Gallery Guidelines which can be found HERE.


Love my O Family!
@faerywings - I know your family will be happy with whatever food you fix for the party. You were so good to help your mom with her new phone. So sorry that the parents are showing their age... it is hard to see that.

@bcgal00 Wow, a card party and bring the dogs... sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. LOL over all the groups you have become active in since the move.

@Cherylndesigns That pond that Roger is building looks so wonderful! Love the LO with Sam!

@mimes1 LOL over your adventures at the musical. What a fantastic place and theme.

@vickyday Oh, my word.... look at you go gal on getting all those LOs done!!! I need to look at the AJ challenges, too.

@AK_Tracy Hope your finger is healing... I looked at getting one of those slicers a few years ago... then said NOPE... as I would probably cut myself on it.

@taxed4ever Glad to see you popping in most days now. So wonderful that you are back with your hiking group and also getting out on the lake.

Time for another cup of coffee then get my shower. HAGD
I want to do the last challenge and then tackle my ATCs before I start on the other challenges! Today has been working on the M/D pics from last weekend so I can share them with my girls. I'm ready to play now! ;)


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I am enjoying a lazy morning but will shower and get dressed soon b/c I should get a few chores done and I want to take Remi to the park to run for a bit. We will be out for the afternoon, we are meeting a few friends at the Elks Club and will play cards and buy tickets for the meat draws they hold Sat afternoons. Tonight I will practice my mahjong and catch up on some PVR shows. The PVR is getting full so I need to either catch up on a bunch of shows or start deleting some. I find I am not watching as much tv as I used to. I'll be heading out bright and early tomorrow morning to go birding at the lake before the rain comes in the afternoon. It should only be a sprinkle but I don't like to get the big camera wet so will be home before that.

@faerywings Sad to hear your parents are having a hard time right now. Did you finally get the electronics set up after all that time? When we start having dropped connection with the router which isn't fixed by rebooting it, then we usually have to call in and have them reset it on the other end. One time they couldn't resolve the issue so they sent a newer router. Hope you get out into the garden to de-stress today :) I am on the fence as to which seniors centre to join, our local one or the one in the little town next to us. There's no rush, we've got such a busy social life here that I'm not even sure what free time we'll have to get involved so will take some time deciding what to pursue.

@mimes1 The concert sounds like fun! Can you share your frozen fruit salad? That sounds yummy! Poor Erinn, lots to deal with, its good she has your emotional support. I have two 2 raised boxes and was thinking of planting herbs. I figure that'll be easy to take care of (I am not a garden by any stretch of the imagination).

@BrightEyes I know what you mean, you overdo it and pay the price but on the other hand it feels good to get things done. That is how I felt last week with the garden work, I was very sore for 4 days but it was worth it to look out and see the results of replanting and cleanup. Enjoy your warm weather, we have cooled off this week but soon I hope the warm weather will return.

@vickyday Poor Mark, having to stay indoors. He sure is the opposite of my guy who loves to lounge for hours in his recliner and watch tv/play on the ipad.

I'm getting another coffee and then need to get going. HAGD everyone.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! It is a cloudy and cooler day today, it will be another busy weekend for us with lots of yard work to get done! The weeds seem to be out of control right now and I need to get busy with getting rid of them. I was MIA yesterday as I spent a long time on my iPad looking for a new iMac and I finally bit the bullet and bought one, my poor credit card :sad2: . I am very excited for it to be delivered, but probably won't have much time to get it set up as it will arrive when we will be busy moving the In-Laws into their new home. I am going to try keeping my old iMac to use my photoshop on and see how that works out, hopefully I can use it as a second monitor also that way I won't have to get a new version of Photoshop. I know that my old PSC6 will not be compatible with my new computer darn it. :stupicpc:. Oh well hopefully I can squeeze in some time to get everything set up and finally get back to scrapping once the in-laws are settled in. (how many of you think that will really happen?). I am very excited to see my DIL Jackie and Isaac and Sadie this Wednesday as they are making a quick trip out this way to visit Jackie' Grandmother on Salt Spring Island, she is not doing very well apparently and Jackie really needed to have a visit with her. I will pick them all up from the ferry on Wednesday morning and then we are going to meet FIL/MIL and SIL Linda for lunch at the Sawmill Restaurant in Chemainus, it will be a quick little visit over lunch and then I need to get the all back to the Nanaimo ferry for 3:15 so they can catch their flight home. Wish it could be a longer visit, but it is nice that we will get to see them at all. My Grandma heart is happy!! My Gary has gone back to bed this morning, he got up at 5am and now needs a nap:sleeping2:. I will get some brunch made for us soon and then we are off to the grocery store and a few other places. Ok my darn old computer is complaining , it seems to be unhappy when I am on the internet, but runs ok when I just use my photoshop. Don't know why that is, but I can't update my browsers anymore as this OS is just obsolete. I am looking forward to getting my new supercharged speedy beautiful blue iMac. Have a great day everyone I gotta run before this thing crashes on me again. :waving3:


Well-Known Member
My turn to quick run by comment and leave. :giggle4: Everyone looks forward to the weekend but that's when I work. So for me Sunday Monday is my weekend.

I have so many thoughts and forgot to highlight everything I wanted to comment on. My mind doesn't seem to hold thoughts past the first post.

My thumb, ........ was doing good. Took bandage off yesterday. Healing well. Was able to do lots and then.......... darn laundry basket has a sharp sided design in the sides. WHY? Who knows but its sharp and I've cut myself before, yeah on a plastic laundry basket. Well, I went to scoop the clothes off the floor and put them in basket and caught my cut just perfectly and ripped it back open. Back to bandages and tape. Made making pizza fun last night. Wearing a latex glove and trying to stretch out pizza dough. Flour the glove like ya would a normal hand then flour it a tad more.

Must have family gathering dishes use to be corn casserole. But now that I host most events and my family loves carrot cake, that's what I am tasked with for birthdays. Yucky icky carrot cake. I spend so much time on the cake and then dont eat it. Yep, hate carrot cake. :floorlaugh: But its birthday persons wish and I make whatever cake they want. Most times I dont eat the birthday cake. German chocolate cake is another often requested gross cake. Not a coconut fan.

@faerywings I need you to breath!!!! :hug4: Take a big breath, and let it out. Now everything will go wonderfully. Everyone will love the gifts you made. The food will be amazing. You got this! :yourock:
I totally understand older parents and how hard it is to see. My FIL died in January and we visited every year but this past fall we took lots more fast trips to see him. Stinker needed to see 2024 and held on much longer then anyone anticipated. Lung cancer and being in his 90's but he was a stubborn old man. I love him so much and it was so hard to see him in a hospital bed and unable to get up and join us for dinners. His mind was sharp as a tac but his body was just done. My dad only made it to 69. Did you know a kidney transplant is only good for 6-10 years? The things he didn't listen about but I got ten years more then I would have so I am thankful. But I had no idea kidney life was so short when its not your own. My mom is aging and it is hard to see. One day it will be our kids looking at us like that. :grouphugyay:

Okay, gotta get ready for work. I know I missed a lot of comments and thought I wanted to make. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful day!!


Love my O Family!
Morning, all. Thanks Chris, for sure Lyme was NOT fun, I'm grateful I don't have horrible, lingering symptoms. The ones left are easy enough to deal with. Yup, no rash here...
Sending hugs re: parents. My Dad died at 50, so never got "old". My Mom lived to 82 but with Alzeimers, it was so sad... It IS so hard to watch... :hug4:
I'm wondering what Oreo pudding is, it's sounds yummy.
I almost rode to Ocean Grove and Belmar with a friend this morning, but it was called off. Nothing like our shore.. @faerywings

One question, I'm wondering. Are the 50% product requirements the same for Member Challenges? I have some allowable products and of course could use freebies, but I have a particular idea that only works with things I have.

Amy, the tick "trick" is it has to be a Lyme infected one. Traditionally they were much more prevalent around here, my sister in Indiana had ticks but not a lot of Lyme infected ones. Don't think that's as true now, it's all over.. @mimes1 (Have to say I miss "mimes" when I'm searching for you here. I always liked seeing that and your Mom's photo... :sad2: )
Glad the concert was fun and your garden sounds awesome.

Tracy, wondering how your finger is doing, hope it's healing quickly. @AK_Tracy

Ohhhh.. Pretzel salad sounds yummy too - pretzels are one of my favorite food groups! ;) @vickyday

Recipes anyone???
I'll look for my recipe so I can copy and paste. It is YUMMY!


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. I am enjoying a lazy morning but will shower and get dressed soon b/c I should get a few chores done and I want to take Remi to the park to run for a bit. We will be out for the afternoon, we are meeting a few friends at the Elks Club and will play cards and buy tickets for the meat draws they hold Sat afternoons. Tonight I will practice my mahjong and catch up on some PVR shows. The PVR is getting full so I need to either catch up on a bunch of shows or start deleting some. I find I am not watching as much tv as I used to. I'll be heading out bright and early tomorrow morning to go birding at the lake before the rain comes in the afternoon. It should only be a sprinkle but I don't like to get the big camera wet so will be home before that.

@faerywings Sad to hear your parents are having a hard time right now. Did you finally get the electronics set up after all that time? When we start having dropped connection with the router which isn't fixed by rebooting it, then we usually have to call in and have them reset it on the other end. One time they couldn't resolve the issue so they sent a newer router. Hope you get out into the garden to de-stress today :) I am on the fence as to which seniors centre to join, our local one or the one in the little town next to us. There's no rush, we've got such a busy social life here that I'm not even sure what free time we'll have to get involved so will take some time deciding what to pursue.

@mimes1 The concert sounds like fun! Can you share your frozen fruit salad? That sounds yummy! Poor Erinn, lots to deal with, its good she has your emotional support. I have two 2 raised boxes and was thinking of planting herbs. I figure that'll be easy to take care of (I am not a garden by any stretch of the imagination).

@BrightEyes I know what you mean, you overdo it and pay the price but on the other hand it feels good to get things done. That is how I felt last week with the garden work, I was very sore for 4 days but it was worth it to look out and see the results of replanting and cleanup. Enjoy your warm weather, we have cooled off this week but soon I hope the warm weather will return.

@vickyday Poor Mark, having to stay indoors. He sure is the opposite of my guy who loves to lounge for hours in his recliner and watch tv/play on the ipad.

I'm getting another coffee and then need to get going. HAGD everyone.
Yeah, I don't know when you will find the time to go to a gym, for sure. If you watch TV at night, I'll bet you sleep in front of it with exhaustion from your busy day!

Mark rarely wants to just lay around! I'm glad he keeps busy outside!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! It is a cloudy and cooler day today, it will be another busy weekend for us with lots of yard work to get done! The weeds seem to be out of control right now and I need to get busy with getting rid of them. I was MIA yesterday as I spent a long time on my iPad looking for a new iMac and I finally bit the bullet and bought one, my poor credit card :sad2: . I am very excited for it to be delivered, but probably won't have much time to get it set up as it will arrive when we will be busy moving the In-Laws into their new home. I am going to try keeping my old iMac to use my photoshop on and see how that works out, hopefully I can use it as a second monitor also that way I won't have to get a new version of Photoshop. I know that my old PSC6 will not be compatible with my new computer darn it. :stupicpc:. Oh well hopefully I can squeeze in some time to get everything set up and finally get back to scrapping once the in-laws are settled in. (how many of you think that will really happen?). I am very excited to see my DIL Jackie and Isaac and Sadie this Wednesday as they are making a quick trip out this way to visit Jackie' Grandmother on Salt Spring Island, she is not doing very well apparently and Jackie really needed to have a visit with her. I will pick them all up from the ferry on Wednesday morning and then we are going to meet FIL/MIL and SIL Linda for lunch at the Sawmill Restaurant in Chemainus, it will be a quick little visit over lunch and then I need to get the all back to the Nanaimo ferry for 3:15 so they can catch their flight home. Wish it could be a longer visit, but it is nice that we will get to see them at all. My Grandma heart is happy!! My Gary has gone back to bed this morning, he got up at 5am and now needs a nap:sleeping2:. I will get some brunch made for us soon and then we are off to the grocery store and a few other places. Ok my darn old computer is complaining , it seems to be unhappy when I am on the internet, but runs ok when I just use my photoshop. Don't know why that is, but I can't update my browsers anymore as this OS is just obsolete. I am looking forward to getting my new supercharged speedy beautiful blue iMac. Have a great day everyone I gotta run before this thing crashes on me again. :waving3:
I have PSC6 on my old laptop, but it died. I haven't even tried to load the program on my other laptop that my son passed down to me because it is newer and probably not compatible to PSC6 either. I dread the day this Mac dies! I have PSE15 on the other laptop that I use to transfer pics from my camera and phone to the EHD.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick few before I leave home. Yep, running like my hair was on fire. :runningdog:
I am happy that we have Member Challenges again :lovey3:
This is fun. I love the extra challenges and have thoughts of more but I dont know if they've been done or who will host them LOL

We only have one car too. We’ve been retired for almost for years and made the decision then to function with one. And it’s working great. Even this week while I‘m away Mark has managed without a car - a friend has given him rides to his PT and we loaded the house with groceries before I left.
I have NO idea how you all do one car. We have a car per person and one extra :floorlaugh: Okay the extra is my plow truck but still. I dont know how you all do it. I am not sure I would survive one car. Even with hubs retired.
my brother and SIL have iPhones and he was telling my mom not to use her Google account. He kept saying she had to migrate her contacts.
I have learned that iPhone people should NEVER help android people. They aren't the same. People or phones :giggle4:
Have a great party! (I got the UNO No Mercy for our family gathering of June 1st! Just have to learn how to play it before hand!)
I need to look into this game. Sounds fun yet deadly, especially with my competitive drive. But yeah, gotta look into it.
The lower back (where I have the spine fusion) has been yelling at me along with the arms and hands. But must admit it has been worth it as the master bedroom looks so nice and clean now
Oh dear, I hope youre able to rest up today. I'm glad the clean room was worth it but now listen to your body and rest up. Put the massager into overdrive.

I still need to work on my scripture verse ATCs from my One Word devotional. Two more weeks and my family gathering will be on me!
Get to work woman!!! (said with humor and laughter)
I love seeing your ATC devotionals. They are so pretty.
I looked at getting one of those slicers a few years ago... then said NOPE... as I would probably cut myself on it.
Yeah, we had a mandolin (the cut off body parts not musical instrument @faerywings ) years ago when we first got married. Hubs sliced part of his thumb off. I threw it away. 25 years later and many cooking shows later I thought I can do it. That's a cool tool. It even comes with many size/style blades. Yeah I'll be careful. It has a guard so I wont get hurt. Yeah, twice now. Once on the grater blade with cheese and now with the slice blade and a pickle. Yeah, not a safe tool at all. :giggle4:
One question, I'm wondering. Are the 50% product requirements the same for Member Challenges? I have some allowable products and of course could use freebies, but I have a particular idea that only works with things I have.
Yes, all things posted to the gallery (member challenge and personal pages) must be a minimum of 50% current products. The regular challenges are 80% current products. If you wanted to just post a photo of that page here (for example) and not put it in the gallery first you can use whatever you want to but it wont count toward challenges. Does that make sense? That's how I understand it anyway. I think yesterday I shared my bookcase layout in yesterdays Daily O, but its not in the gallery since it was all SG products. I copy and pasted just to share here for a specific purpose of showing the bookcase.

Have a wonderful day ladies. Looking forward to seeing all the new layouts in the gallery when I get home again.


Love my O Family!
My turn to quick run by comment and leave. :giggle4: Everyone looks forward to the weekend but that's when I work. So for me Sunday Monday is my weekend.

I have so many thoughts and forgot to highlight everything I wanted to comment on. My mind doesn't seem to hold thoughts past the first post.

My thumb, ........ was doing good. Took bandage off yesterday. Healing well. Was able to do lots and then.......... darn laundry basket has a sharp sided design in the sides. WHY? Who knows but its sharp and I've cut myself before, yeah on a plastic laundry basket. Well, I went to scoop the clothes off the floor and put them in basket and caught my cut just perfectly and ripped it back open. Back to bandages and tape. Made making pizza fun last night. Wearing a latex glove and trying to stretch out pizza dough. Flour the glove like ya would a normal hand then flour it a tad more.

Must have family gathering dishes use to be corn casserole. But now that I host most events and my family loves carrot cake, that's what I am tasked with for birthdays. Yucky icky carrot cake. I spend so much time on the cake and then dont eat it. Yep, hate carrot cake. :floorlaugh: But its birthday persons wish and I make whatever cake they want. Most times I dont eat the birthday cake. German chocolate cake is another often requested gross cake. Not a coconut fan.

@faerywings I need you to breath!!!! :hug4: Take a big breath, and let it out. Now everything will go wonderfully. Everyone will love the gifts you made. The food will be amazing. You got this! :yourock:
I totally understand older parents and how hard it is to see. My FIL died in January and we visited every year but this past fall we took lots more fast trips to see him. Stinker needed to see 2024 and held on much longer then anyone anticipated. Lung cancer and being in his 90's but he was a stubborn old man. I love him so much and it was so hard to see him in a hospital bed and unable to get up and join us for dinners. His mind was sharp as a tac but his body was just done. My dad only made it to 69. Did you know a kidney transplant is only good for 6-10 years? The things he didn't listen about but I got ten years more then I would have so I am thankful. But I had no idea kidney life was so short when its not your own. My mom is aging and it is hard to see. One day it will be our kids looking at us like that. :grouphugyay:

Okay, gotta get ready for work. I know I missed a lot of comments and thought I wanted to make. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful day!!
I can't keep my thoughts straight, either! That's why I usually reply individually to everyone! Even then I forget things I wanted to say!
I love both Carrot and German Chocolate Cake! LOVE coconut! Gag you with a spoon! ;)


Love my O Family!
Just a quick few before I leave home. Yep, running like my hair was on fire. :runningdog:

This is fun. I love the extra challenges and have thoughts of more but I dont know if they've been done or who will host them LOL

I have NO idea how you all do one car. We have a car per person and one extra :floorlaugh: Okay the extra is my plow truck but still. I dont know how you all do it. I am not sure I would survive one car. Even with hubs retired.

I have learned that iPhone people should NEVER help android people. They aren't the same. People or phones :giggle4:

I need to look into this game. Sounds fun yet deadly, especially with my competitive drive. But yeah, gotta look into it.

Oh dear, I hope youre able to rest up today. I'm glad the clean room was worth it but now listen to your body and rest up. Put the massager into overdrive.

Get to work woman!!! (said with humor and laughter)
I love seeing your ATC devotionals. They are so pretty.

Yeah, we had a mandolin (the cut off body parts not musical instrument @faerywings ) years ago when we first got married. Hubs sliced part of his thumb off. I threw it away. 25 years later and many cooking shows later I thought I can do it. That's a cool tool. It even comes with many size/style blades. Yeah I'll be careful. It has a guard so I wont get hurt. Yeah, twice now. Once on the grater blade with cheese and now with the slice blade and a pickle. Yeah, not a safe tool at all. :giggle4:

Yes, all things posted to the gallery (member challenge and personal pages) must be a minimum of 50% current products. The regular challenges are 80% current products. If you wanted to just post a photo of that page here (for example) and not put it in the gallery first you can use whatever you want to but it wont count toward challenges. Does that make sense? That's how I understand it anyway. I think yesterday I shared my bookcase layout in yesterdays Daily O, but its not in the gallery since it was all SG products. I copy and pasted just to share here for a specific purpose of showing the bookcase.

Have a wonderful day ladies. Looking forward to seeing all the new layouts in the gallery when I get home again.
I haven't read the instructions to the No Mercy UNO yet. My DH commented he had no mercy on the regular UNO! So true!
Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'm trying to get back to those ATCs but I can't get out of this forum, LOL!


Love my O Family!
@MariJ @AK_Tracy @mimes1 @bitzee @JeanneMN @A-M
Hope I didn't miss any of our new O family members.
Here is the super easy pretzel salad recipe (it's a dessert!)
Pretzel Salad
(Recipe can be doubled, tripled, etc.)
1 cup crushed pretzels (not to a powder)
1 stick butter
1 cup white sugar
1 package cream cheese, softened to room temperature
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping (such as Cool Whip), thawed
1 can crushed pineapple, drained

Preheat oven to 400.
Place crushed pretzels in ovenproof dish/pan.
Place butter on top of pretzels.
Pour sugar over butter and pretzels.
Bake until butter is melted.
While baking, beat cream cheese and cool whip together until smooth.
Stir in drained pineapple.
When butter has melted, remove pan from oven and mix pretzels, butter and sugar together until cooled.
Stir pretzel mix into cream cheese mixture.
Refrigerate for a couple of hours.


Well-Known Member
@MariJ @AK_Tracy @mimes1 @bitzee @JeanneMN @A-M
Hope I didn't miss any of our new O family members.
Here is the super easy pretzel salad recipe (it's a dessert!)
Pretzel Salad
(Recipe can be doubled, tripled, etc.)
1 cup crushed pretzels (not to a powder)
1 stick butter
1 cup white sugar
1 package cream cheese, softened to room temperature
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping (such as Cool Whip), thawed
1 can crushed pineapple, drained
@vickyday @MariJ @AK_Tracy @mimes1 @JeanneMN @A-M Oh, yum! Thank you. And I can just call it a salad and erase all the dessert guilt-HeeHee :rotfl: