
Daily Ooo's: May 17-18, Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Just want open up this thread- been walking in circles a lot this morning, not getting much of anything accomplished. Yeah yeah, what else is new?? But this is worse than usual LOL

More frustration on the Medical Front. My WBC are very low again and I need another break from my IV abx. It is so hard to know that something is working but harming me at the same time. I am reading up on how to boost my immune system and increase WBCs. Meg gave me some ideas on making kefir, and I am going to keep eating spinach and kale which are both good and green tea as well. I used to drink a lot of green tea but then I got bored and stopped.

I want so much to work on this house, or outside (even more!) but I am in the pissiest/crankiest/emotionalest mood. PMS is kicking in on top of the tindamax. I already warned Gary that another breakdown might be occuring soon. Stand back! You have been warned!! :scared:

But on the good side- I am really excited for tomorrow- we are picking up Cait's prom gown and OMG! We are both sooooo excited!!!!

Hope that you are all having wonderful days!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Yikes!!! is it safe to come out here this morning??
Don't throw anything at us Chris!!! LOL Hope you are feeling better by midday and that you get out to do some kind of gardening therapy!! I am getting MG to use the BBQ for breakfast this morning and having bacon and eggs!! Then the hard yard work begins, but if it ends up raining then it will be a running around doing errands day instead and hard work tomorrow. We will see. So hope everyone has a great weekend, only 2 more sleeps and I am on a :plane: to see my DD!! Can't wait!! :wave:


lOve the O!
Good afternoon- another chilly damp day here. I am cleaning- hoping for better gardening weather tomorrow. Counting down till hubby and I get vacation in a warm sunny place! Cleaning up my hard drive as well. I bought a little drive that I am moving stuff too and sorting and deleting and thinking really I bought that????


Well-Known Member
good day - got up and was out early shopping. I am not going to be around much if at all next week as I am heading to Michigan to see a Kirtlands warbler and then the 5 Great Lakes and finally Niagara Falls. Should be getting some awesome photos well at least I hope so! So I went out after 20+years got myself new binoculars. They are really nice and so light. Now I am really a happy camper. Stopped by some friends on the way home and they are from India and served us samosas OMgosh they were so so good. We got to see their little boy. What a cutie! Now watching hockey. I will walk when game is over as the weather today is gorgeous.

Chris hope the day improves! The sun is shining so hope that helps.

Trudy you must be so excited to see Heather and her son. I am sure they will keep you so busy. Have fun with your yard work.

Laurie I too have been clearing out my files on my computer and it is so good to get it backup.

Phylis glad to hear the colonoscopy went so well. Hope you got some of your sleep back.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
geez, what a schizoid weather day!!! cold-ish, but rain, then sun, then lots of sun, then totally cloudy. too muddy to work outside. Hubby is tearing up more of the wood floor in the kitchen, and, as with most reno, is running into "unforeseen problems...." lots of swearing going on in there. :rant:

i've been up since 4, but i fell asleep around 9 last night, so it's all good. (-ish.) i went shopping for DD's birthday dinner tomorrow, did some ironing. ( did you ever know anyone with more ironing than i have??) now i'm just relaxing and watching old episodes of Househunters International. a lazy kind o' day. only a few weeks before our beach vacation, but i'm wondering if we're going to freeze to death there. the ocean is going to be ARCTIC!!

enjoy your weekend! :becky:


The Loopy-O
Yippeee its here its here! Cait and I are so stoked!! Prom Dress Pick Up Day! (Since we are the same size, I wonder if she will let me try it on!)

So I am off and running to the shower and then outta here. I also have to try and figure how to use my cell phone camera. THat might take a while!

Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning!! I looked at this thread yesterday at about 8:15 p.m. Then shortly after that, we all decided to go upstairs to our beds. We read and played iPad games for about 30 minutes and then all crashed. I was beat from the crazy busy week.

Today, blissfully, there is nothing on the docket. I have gobs of laundry to do though. Which I don't mind because I put it off all week and even last weekend. And once I do this laundry, most of it will stay done until school starts up in August. I only have two days of dressing up this week!

Chris - Hope you are feeling better today and I hope the prom dress is amazing. I can't wait to see it!

Trudy - Did you get any work done? How was your weather. Ours was beautiful here yesterday and it looks like it will be not bad here today, a little windy today. It hasn't been hot yet. I can't decide if that's good or bad. I'd rather it not be hot, but dear lord my son's pants are starting to really be too short and I refuse to buy more right now!! It needs to turn to short season! Where does your DD live again?

Laurie - Where are you vacationing? And isn't it funny the stuff you find when you clean up? I got rid of a ton of stuff that I downloaded when I first started digiscrapping when we got a new home server. I still have more I can purge I'm sure!

Nancy - Sounds like you had a fun day! I would love to go see Niagra Falls. I've been to Superior and Michigan. I think I flew over Erie when we went to Hartford this fall. I really would love to start traveling more. Just gotta get my hubby on board!

Phylis - I hope the floor is going ok! I stay far away from my husband when he attempts projects. They never go as planned!! Hoping for better weather for you too!

Well, I suppose I'd better go get breakfast ready. We've been really lazy and haven't even eaten yet. :) Love days like that! Though the boys played good baseball yesterday, I'm soooo glad we don't have a game today!

Have a good day everyone!


Well-Known Member
good morning the sun is shining and it should be a lovely spring day. Perchance a bit of rain late in the day. Today my family and DIL's family are going out for a lovely late afternoon dinner at the Melting Pot to celebrate both mothers. Should be fun as I love fondue. Just give me the cheese and chocolate and I will be happy. Today is finish up laundry for trip and pack. Have to get all my electronics and chargers ready to go. So funny that I almost feel like I have to take a whole suit case just for the chargers.

Chris I can't wait to hear how the dress looks on Cait and on you. Have a great day!

Phylis my husband starts and then stops when it is about 90% done. So annoying but I do not nag.

Trudy hope you got a lot of your yard work done. Have a great vacation!

Sara hope you have a great do nothing day! School is not over here in NJ until the end of June.

Have a great day all!


The Loopy-O
Chalk this up to the "Only Faery" column- I was clipping my fingernails ( I know, bad for the nails, but I bite them to the nub anyway) and a piece flew up into my eye. I am a huge baby about eyes and was freaking out. Thankfully, Gary's cool head prevailed and he had me rinse my eye out with a small paper cup. My Hero!


Well-Known Member
:) Chris - You are funny. I'm glad your eye is ok. Someone put on Facebook they had to take their son to the doctor and get eye drops because their son (Chris turn your head away and don't read this part....) got a paper cut on his eye! YOWCH!


Well-Known Member
Chris - thanks for the video link! Love your Pileated Woodpecker. I'm another waiting eagerly to see "the dress"!

Hope everyone's day is as sunny as ours so far (though still cool).


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hi O-Zies!! I am tired and sweaty, just shovelled another truck load of soil for the front yard and now I am frantically trying to get my suitcase packed and make sure everything is done that needs to be done! I just wanted to pop in to say Hey to all of you and let you know that I will be flying high in the sky by 6:45 am tomorrow morning!! I will pop in again soon and let you know how things are going with me and try to leave some love around the "O"! See you all again on a regular basis, sometime in August!! love you all!! :wave: :love:


lOve the O!
Oh Trudy- enjoy! Sara now that I finally know what we are doing, we are going to DC for 3 days and Hilton Head for 5. Should be fun- it will be a no expectations vacation!