
Daily Ooos: May 11-12: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good morning, my dears!

Guess what?
I slept in this morning. Yup. I did!!
To the crazy time of 5.25 and stayed in bed until 5.40.
Uh-huh... it doesn't matter what time I go to bed or how well (or poorly) I sleep. I can't seem to get past 5.30. On the bright side, that means I get to enjoy my coffee and caffeinate my brain before the rest of the house is up.

Nothing exciting to report from yesterday. I cleaned for my friend, I cleaned a bit here. The septic got pumped so I caught up on laundry. I scrapped an AJ page and finished 2 more ATCs. Leftovers for dinner.
Woot. ;)

I don't have any specific plans today but I need to get ready for the week- I have something going on every day and the party is a week from tomorrow. It's just family- why do I stress myself out about it? (Small voice inside my head: Because you were raised that a clean house/an overabundance of food/and being a perfect hostess are of the utmost importance).
Have you seen the silly memes of Italian "snacks?"
That sums it up. :rotfl:

I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed that the rain stays away tomorrow. Scott plans on leading the hike if there is drizzle but for heavy rain/t-storms he has to cancel. Any good weather thoughts are appreciated.

Have fun today! Dont forget to relax too :)


The Loopy-O
@A-M Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Happy Mother's Day if you celebrate the same day as the US does!

@vickyday And to you too! Have a fab time with your girls! ♥
Thank you for the prayers for BFF and her family. xo

@MariJ Do you remember back in elementary school when summer vacation was forever? Or how long December felt waiting for Christmas? Time has always been weird and since Covid, it is even stranger. 100% elastic!

@taxed4ever I saw the pics of you and Wendy on FB, the hike looks amazing! (Internally laughing about the short legs. That's a big reason why I enjoy hiking with my buddy Stephanie, she is almost as short as I am so we stick together)
Good luck as you look for a new computer and Photoshop. That PS is subscription-based aggravates me to no end so I hope you can find a plan that works for you.

@AK_Tracy Ugh about the rough sleep, I hope that you got better sleep last night. Love that you have your own personal cutoff for snow. I have this image of you standing in the void in front of Mother Nature, staff in hand: You shall not pass!! (A la Gandalf)
Whoops about misreading the potato recipe. Potatoes aren't something you can eat and enjoy if they are undercooked. Timing all of the dishes can be so hard when cooking (blame it on the food, not on the recipe misread Hahaha!)

@BrightEyes *trying not to be jealous of your sleeping in*

Whisky is whining at me-- BRB!


The Loopy-O
kay-- What are you watching on Netflix? We are running out of shows to watch, especially short/30-minute ones. I love it when Scott stops in so I bet you feel the same when DD#3 does too. Lots of good thoughts for a successful garage sale. Will she have it during Memorial Day weekend?

@bcgal00 That's too bad about not getting close to the birds at that wetlands park but it makes so much sense. What bird was the one you posted on FB, white with a black head? Was that the black crown heron? I've only seen the great blue heron that is near here once, and mostly just its legs as it flew away.
BTW-- Beautiful photos, as always.
Give your babies some pets and treats from me too! (and an extra for my old-man faced Taz. ♥)

@Cherylndesigns Thank you so much for the good thoughts. My BFF needs them so much. It's like everything is crashing down at once and some of it's pretty major. I hate not being able to help her and my heart breaks for my niece like you won't believe. Well, you would. Love does that.
YAY that Braden is home! He had a GF at school IIRC, she came home with him once? Or am I making this up in my mind? If so, are they still a thing and will she visit? You all always have such a good time together and are one huge loving and inclusive family.
(and I am the AUNT! I am part of it dammit! I have to teleport someday!)

On a serious note, I adore the idea of the memorial space for Chuck. It sounds amazing and perfect, no wonder considering the family all shares your vision and love.

What a beautiful view from your porch. And always say "we." He's never going to not be with you :hug3:

@bitzee Couldn't you just sit on Cheryl's porch and admire that view forever? I could! :love:



Morning everyone. I am up and dressed already!! Decided I should do that before getting on the computer.... at least 3 times a week... :rotfl: Rain is in the forecast along with high winds again! The humidity is higher so the body aches and pains are talking to me this morning. But I need to get the laundry sorted and done today. Discovered that I have dirty clothes in both hampers so have more than a usual number of loads to do.

@faerywings - I was on a kick of watching older movies on Netflix. Ended up watching Airport, Airport 1975, and Airport 1977 (1 each evening). Have enjoyed the bio-docs of some of the singers; also the ones of David Foster and Clive Davis; and Music of our Lives. And other historical documentaries. DD#3 hasn't set a firm date for the garage sale... but doubt that she will have it on Memorial weekend.

Need more coffee and get the laundry started. BBL


Well-Known Member
(Small voice inside my head: Because you were raised that a clean house/an overabundance of food/and being a perfect hostess are of the utmost importance).
Have you seen the silly memes of Italian "snacks?"
YES What was with that generation???? They told us perfect is the bare minimum. My poor husband. I didn't make the bed for the first 20 years of marriage. I rebelled. Plus he worked nightshift and someone was always in the bed, or so it felt like. Now that he's retired I make the bed daily but I dont yell at my kids if its unmade. And I try not to freak out if the kitchen isn't spotless. Now when we do family events (I host thanksgiving) I just have the kids clean and then (dare my mom to say something) no one can say anything. Also if they complain I show them the cleaning supplies. My house is clean but lived in, not a museum.

@AK_Tracy Ugh about the rough sleep, I hope that you got better sleep last night. Love that you have your own personal cutoff for snow. I have this image of you standing in the void in front of Mother Nature, staff in hand: You shall not pass!! (A la Gandalf)
Whoops about misreading the potato recipe. Potatoes aren't something you can eat and enjoy if they are undercooked. Timing all of the dishes can be so hard when cooking (blame it on the food, not on the recipe misread Hahaha!)
Yes, yes I do! Remember, control freak? Yeah, she is telling Mother Nature knock it off. Were done. No more snow!!! :floorlaugh: She listens as well as toddlers.
We are running out of shows to watch, especially short/30-minute ones.
I dont have Netflix but I have Discovery+ and we love Caribbean Life. They are 20 minutes and its real estate sales. But it so fun to see the houses and beaches and learn silly little facts you'll never need to know. Also LogCabin life.
Need more coffee and get the laundry started.
This made me giggle, as I get up for more coffee. I wish coffee could do the laundry. Wouldn't that be so nice???? Or a self folding. And self putting away.I'm sorry the humidity is hurting you. There's no way to get away from that either. Praying it goes down and you get some relief.

Sleep last night was okay but I think I tweaked my shoulder. Its killing me today. Will be fun at work. We are having an auction (storage units) and its windy and cloudy and cold. I hope we have good turn out. Its silent bid, so not like storage wars at all. Gonna be a long day but kid #1 is cooking dinner so yeah I dont have to!!

Time for more coffee. Cheers @BrightEyes :coffeedrinker:May we both be caffeinated enough for the day ahead.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all,

I have to make this brief, because we're going out about noon. Still need to get a few things for our Mother's Day brunch tomorrow. Ava's having it at her house this year. We had it here last year, but she wanted to have it this year. Adrienne doesn't fight us on it, she usually has everything because she has a big house, but she knows we like doing it. We need to get the ingredients for our Mimosas and some fresh flowers. I'm making "Chuck's Sausage and Egg Casserole" so wish me luck. Those are big shoes to fill. I remembe, last year that it was his best one yet.

Chris @faerywings still sending good wishes and thoughts to your BFF and your niece. Yes, I DO know. :( Yes, Braden's home and I got to see his sweet face and get one of his giant hugs; he and Ava came down and stayed for about an hour. (I probably already told you all that, but if I did, overlook it. LOL ) I have to get more Diet Cokes now - he found one in my refrigerator and he's the only one who stops in for a Diet Coke. He just laughed and said, "you know I'll be stopping in to get one Cici." He's so darned cute I can't even stand it! Yes, he has a GF and I'm sure she'll be here a few times this summer. She lives in Texas, which isn't that far from their school, but is farther from here, of course. She's a cutie and seems to fit in with our crazy family. She has 6 siblings, I think. Two are twins (quite young) and they're adopted and her mom has kids from a previous marriage that are older than her. So, she's very laid back and goes with the flow.

Isn't that view stunning? I have it as my FB header and I wrote "Remember Me" on it. I will always remember Chuck whenever I look out there, which is very often every day. My office window (his old office) looks right out onto that view. I'm so touched that Roger has big plans for a memorial garden, too. That man gets "stuff" (we substitute that word LOL) done. Braden calls him "The Man With a Plan".

I wish you could ALL teleport and sit on my porch with me!

That meme is hilarious - yes, true Italians.

I better get off of here and get myself ready. I'll have some free time this evening because Adrienne and Roger have "date night" every Saturday and nothing stops that, so she'll have to be home to get cleaned up to fo out. He took her to Tulsa last Saturday night.

Group hug to everybody and I'll probably be back later on to do more personals.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I am heading out to the yard to help Darrell and Jen. They are taking apart the flower beds, using the interlocking wood slats to go around the trees (they have old rotting railroad ties right now) and I will shovel the cedar chips around the trees. Later we'll go get some grass seed and sprinkle that around the dug up garden area.

I missed the aurora last night, went to bed too early but so many others got photos, what an amazing event that must have been to see. I saw that Linda got a few pics of it off the ship in Alaska. They say it will carry on thru the wkend further south but I don't know what they mean by that, if it will be visible here or not. I hate to stay up for it and then not see anything. I'm not a late night person.

Darrell and I watched the blackbirds in the pine tree out back, as they bring nesting materials to the tree. I don't know exactly where they are building the nest so not sure if it will be visible to us or not. Sure hope we see the babies.

Its been 80ish here the last few days and will carry over until the end of the wkend when it will cool off a bit and we'll get some rain off and on for the week.

@faerywings The pics from yesterday are of a Franklin's Gull. I think they are kind of pretty with their black head and red beak.

I'd better go and get to work in the yard. HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
@A-M Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Happy Mother's Day if you celebrate the same day as the US does!

@vickyday And to you too! Have a fab time with your girls! ♥
Thank you for the prayers for BFF and her family. xo

@MariJ Do you remember back in elementary school when summer vacation was forever? Or how long December felt waiting for Christmas? Time has always been weird and since Covid, it is even stranger. 100% elastic!

@taxed4ever I saw the pics of you and Wendy on FB, the hike looks amazing! (Internally laughing about the short legs. That's a big reason why I enjoy hiking with my buddy Stephanie, she is almost as short as I am so we stick together)
Good luck as you look for a new computer and Photoshop. That PS is subscription-based aggravates me to no end so I hope you can find a plan that works for you.

@AK_Tracy Ugh about the rough sleep, I hope that you got better sleep last night. Love that you have your own personal cutoff for snow. I have this image of you standing in the void in front of Mother Nature, staff in hand: You shall not pass!! (A la Gandalf)
Whoops about misreading the potato recipe. Potatoes aren't something you can eat and enjoy if they are undercooked. Timing all of the dishes can be so hard when cooking (blame it on the food, not on the recipe misread Hahaha!)

@BrightEyes *trying not to be jealous of your sleeping in*

Whisky is whining at me-- BRB!
Enjoying my day with my girls.
Hope your BFF and family are doing better today.


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon,
Spent the evening with my oldest daughter, SIL and Ilene. We ended the evening trying to chase down the northern lights (felt like storm chasers, lol).
Spending the day with my girls, granddaughters and SIL. Tomorrow they will be going to church with me.
Tonight we will try to catch the northern lights again.
Happy Mother's Day to you all!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon,
Spent the evening with my oldest daughter, SIL and Ilene. We ended the evening trying to chase down the northern lights (felt like storm chasers, lol).
Spending the day with my girls, granddaughters and SIL. Tomorrow they will be going to church with me.
Tonight we will try to catch the northern lights again.
Happy Mother's Day to you all!
Happy Mother's Day, Vicki. Glad you had a nice day. My GS, Braden, told me (he's the "Science Guy") that we wouldn't be able to see them tonight, so I didn't try. At least we saw a wonderful show last night.


Well-Known Member
Looooonnnnnngggggg day at work. Feeling brain dead and unable to think. I'm laughing my fool head off over the plant post and @Cherylndesigns had the best poster that I need :floorlaugh: :grimreaper: I keep looking at the AJ week 2 and the layouts are amazing. Those darn scrap police are running through my head again. :runningdog::cuffed: Guess I need to go to bed early cause I already know the scrap policer are under control thanks to @bitzee (she tamed them on ScrapGirls for me when they got out of control) I'm not sleepy. My body and mind are tired and its leading me to sit here with my laptop on my lap and just laughing. :giggle4: Dont call the guys in white coats :crazy::crazy::crazy:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, I'm REALLY missing Chuck so much tonight. I never realized how much he did in the kitchen. I promised to make his casserole for Mother's Day brunch tomorrow. OK, it's going on 11 PM and I'm just now reading the recipe. UGH. So, I'm not a chef, but i didn't realize that it had to sit in the fridge all night and I haven't even started. i need to brown a pound of sausage and etc. etc. etc. I'm so overwhelmed. I wish we had food delivery out here - trust me, I'd try to get something delivered. "Hello Door Dash? Can you please deliver a sausage, egg and cheese casserole to the middle of nowhere on Mother's Day"????????

I'm being silly - I miss him ALL the time. My dad used to say that Chuck could whip a meal up faster than anybody he ever knew. The man was magic in the kitchen.

Sorry, I'm just having "a moment" I guess I thought I could just get up in the morning and fix it. WRONG. OK I'm off to brown a pound of sausage. I'll be in the kitchen all night if anybody needs me. :floorlaugh: :coffeedrinker::multitasking:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Looooonnnnnngggggg day at work. Feeling brain dead and unable to think. I'm laughing my fool head off over the plant post and @Cherylndesigns had the best poster that I need :floorlaugh: :grimreaper: I keep looking at the AJ week 2 and the layouts are amazing. Those darn scrap police are running through my head again. :runningdog::cuffed: Guess I need to go to bed early cause I already know the scrap policer are under control thanks to @bitzee (she tamed them on ScrapGirls for me when they got out of control) I'm not sleepy. My body and mind are tired and its leading me to sit here with my laptop on my lap and just laughing. :giggle4: Dont call the guys in white coats :crazy::crazy::crazy:
I'm laughing so hard, too. What a fun post - "come home with me and die". We cross-posted. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:


The Loopy-O
I can't complain too much, my heart is breaking for Cheryl. But I woke up in a funky mood and hope I can dig out of it.

I knew when I went to bed that the hike would be canceled so I wasn't surprised when I got the email to reschedule this morning.
It's 100% inconsequential but I was truly looking forward to the hike today. It was my Mother's Day gift to myself. I usually make myself crazy trying to please everyone and ignore what I need. (Does anyone else do that too? *sees everyone's hands are raised* Oh yes, all of you, so YKWIM) Part of my attempts at mental growth this past year is to take time for myself and be more assertive about what I want. It's hit or miss and my success rate is nothing to brag about to be sure, so this was kind of a big deal.

Scott texted that he was going to try to stop in today. I'm not sure if I will be here, I going to see if my mom wants some company. My brother has a championship baseball game with Christopher and is out of town. Caitlyn and Tom are going to see his mom today which is good.

I could take the day to scrap for myself (I finished 4 more ATCs yesterday and man, I need a break from that). But if my mood doesn't correct itself, I'm not sure how productive I'll be.

I am going to cut this short, no need to be gushing my icky mood over all of you :gloomy:

Wishing all of the moms- human moms, fur-baby moms, and mothers of inventions and creativity (that would be all of us!)- a very happy day!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes I hope that the humidity is better and you aren't as achy today.
Love that you are scheduling how many days you want to be dressed before you stop in here. It's a very good idea!
My 1st reaction to your Netflix list was that I was looking for something lighter to watch-- and then I remembered just this morning I was reading about a new docuseries that is on my radar- one about the use of video propaganda and the rise of fascism in the 1930s. Talk about some light content :rolleyes1:


My brother just called and my dad is back in the ER with another bad nosebleed. I'm not sure if they are going to want me to come down or when he'll be out of the hospital. All I know is that my mom is gonna be rip-roaring mad at him for not calling his doctor about being back the blood thinners. (This is his 3rd bad nosebleed in 3 weeks, 2nd time in the ER. Had his nose cauterized 2 weeks ago. and has been on and off blood thinner because of his shoulder replacement) That in itself is going to make me want to :lalalala: . Every time I talk to my mom she is mad at him for something.... this is going to tip her over the edge for the millionth time.
No wonder I woke in a funky mood...

@AK_Tracy Between the generation issues and the Italian cultural issues- what a time to be alive- you clean/feed/clean/feed until can't clean/feed anymore and then you keep on going :spinningchair:
Mother Nature listens like toddlers :rotfl: And about as headstrong one them too!
Hope that your shoulder doesn't hurt too much today. Use it as an excuse that you need to be pampered the entire time ;)

@Cherylndesigns I saw you later post about missing Chuck and the casserole mix-up :hug3: You got this! It doesn't have to be perfect, it only needs to be made with Chuck in your heart and it will be wonderful. Take the time to breathe today and let your family love on you.

@bcgal00 How are you and Jen today? Hugs to you both.
I hope that being busy in the yard and garden is working its magic. The Franklin's gull was very pretty, I loved its coloring too. I don't think we see them here, or at least I have never seen or heard of them before. *runs off to google them* Looks like there have been some sightings down the shore but not up here by me. Next time I'm down the shore, I am going to look for them.

@vickyday Hope you and your girls are having a wonderful weekend, did you get to see any of the lights?

@AK_Tracy Watch out, the scrap police are going to : :motorcycle::whip3::jail1:

Last edited:


Morning, all. Well yesterday was a bit wild... had rain off and on with lots of wind. Even had a tornado warning in the late afternoon. Fortunately no tornados formed here but there was one outside of Santa Rosa, NM that just missed the town. Suppose to be much calmer today. No plans for today - just going to read and rest as tomorrow will be a busy day. Will be helping pack up the rubber stamp collection.... yes, a dear friend and stamper bought my whole Stampin' Up! collection and inkpads + markers. She thought they were going to move into a smaller house but changed their minds after looking around at the housing market. So she is coming over tomorrow - with boxes and tape - to get the collection. She has severe back problems (on a walker) so I asked DD#3 to come down to help pack and move the boxes to my friend's car. My friend can tape the box bottoms while DD and I put the stamps sets in them. I have a dolly to use to take them to her car. Yes, I am going to let DD do the lifting of the boxes. My friend has help at her house to unload them for her. She is a big paper scrapper so can use the stamps for the many albums she creates for the family and friends. After that is done, I need to get setup for the gals brown bag lunch on Tuesday. Will be a busy couple of days.

Off to get my shower and dressed. BBL


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
OhI, Cheryl--- If I could wrap you in the biggest hugs I would. :hug2:
I sure needed it last night, Chris. Thanks for always being there with your cyber hugs. I got the mixture in the fridge at 11:15! But I did it wrong - I didn't realize I needed to add a flour/butter mixture to it. SO, I had to take it back out of the pan and put it in a bowl, add the other ingredients and put it back in a baking pan. It's in the oven now. I kept talking to Chuck and telling him that he always made it look so easy and thinking about all the things he did for special get togethers. He always bought appropriate plates and napkins - how many men do that? I think I pulled it off - it has to bake for close to an hour and we don't have to be at Ava's until 11:30. Besides, we're having our traditional Mimosas before we eat so I'm sure my casserole will be edible. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I don't know where the Netflix list was, but I watched "The Miracle Club" and it was uplifting and had great actresses.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I can't complain too much, my heart is breaking for Cheryl. But I woke up in a funky mood and hope I can dig out of it.

I knew when I went to bed that the hike would be canceled so I wasn't surprised when I got the email to reschedule this morning.
It's 100% inconsequential but I was truly looking forward to the hike today. It was my Mother's Day gift to myself. I usually make myself crazy trying to please everyone and ignore what I need. (Does anyone else do that too? *sees everyone's hands are raised* Oh yes, all of you, so YKWIM) Part of my attempts at mental growth this past year is to take time for myself and be more assertive about what I want. It's hit or miss and my success rate is nothing to brag about to be sure, so this was kind of a big deal.

Scott texted that he was going to try to stop in today. I'm not sure if I will be here, I going to see if my mom wants some company. My brother has a championship baseball game with Christopher and is out of town. Caitlyn and Tom are going to see his mom today which is good.

I could take the day to scrap for myself (I finished 4 more ATCs yesterday and man, I need a break from that). But if my mood doesn't correct itself, I'm not sure how productive I'll be.

I am going to cut this short, no need to be gushing my icky mood over all of you :gloomy:

Wishing all of the moms- human moms, fur-baby moms, and mothers of inventions and creativity (that would be all of us!)- a very happy day!
Thank you my dear sweet friend. I had some tears last night but I got the sausage browned in no time. I put it in a big pan so it wouldn't splatter everywhere. While that was browning, I broke all the eggs. Then, like I posted earler, I did it wrong. Oh well, it's in the oven now. I don't know why this hit me so hard. I shouldn't have tried to undertake his recipe so early. That was HIS thing and everybody loved his holiday meals so much.

I'm sending you a hug and sorry the hike got cancelled. Maybe you can scrap today. Drink a Mimosa or something. We're having them, of course, that's tradition. Sometimes we even have them on a regular day. Just becaise/



Well-Known Member
Oh Cheryl :hug4::hug3: Huge hugs your way. I am in tears reading your posts. Praying your day is beautiful. And of course you wanted to make Chucks wonderful egg casserole. It was a way to bring him with you. :hug2:I bet it tastes amazing and everyone will love it.

Chris I am wrapping you in a hug too!!! :hug4: Its so hard as moms (women) when we put everyone first always and then finally make a plan that puts us first and it falls apart Makes it so much harder and more disappointing. I hope youre able to do something just for you today! And that your mom doesn't fill your ears with her mad.

@Cherylndesigns @faerywings


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh Cheryl :hug4::hug3: Huge hugs your way. I am in tears reading your posts. Praying your day is beautiful. And of course you wanted to make Chucks wonderful egg casserole. It was a way to bring him with you. :hug2:I bet it tastes amazing and everyone will love it.

Chris I am wrapping you in a hug too!!! :hug4: Its so hard as moms (women) when we put everyone first always and then finally make a plan that puts us first and it falls apart Makes it so much harder and more disappointing. I hope youre able to do something just for you today! And that your mom doesn't fill your ears with her mad.

@Cherylndesigns @faerywings
I'm home and thanks for the hugs, Tracy. They all raved about my casserole and said that it was every bit as good as Chuck's. It was a big hit and there were only two little pieces left. I had a really good day. :hug2::hug1:


Well-Known Member
I have to giggle. Most of my house is asleep. Its 2:30 p.m. Guess church wore them all out. Four dogs asleep, some dreaming so you hear the little leg movement. Hubs asleep (one shih-tzu snuggled up to him) Two other in their rooms, think one might be napping. One on the couch gaming and me on the computer. Its a nice afternoon. No talking. Quiet. peaceful.


Well-Known Member
I'm debating scrapping my last challenge layout. If I do, I will be done with challenges until next Saturday. I finished AJ for this week. If I finish today, I will have nothing to scrap (here). Not really able to do designer challenges yet as I am still building stash piles. Darn it, y'all are so much fun and encouraging that I over achieved and got it all done before the month was half over. :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
I'm debating scrapping my last challenge layout. If I do, I will be done with challenges until next Saturday. I finished AJ for this week. If I finish today, I will have nothing to scrap (here). Not really able to do designer challenges yet as I am still building stash piles. Darn it, y'all are so much fun and encouraging that I over achieved and got it all done before the month was half over. :floorlaugh:

Tracy, I'd hate to see you waiting... so, two designer challenges might work for you. Karen Schulz's use it all comes with a mini kit to use and Vicki Stegall (Momma O) has perhaps enough in the freebies to do her challenge. Loving seeing your LOs here.


Well-Known Member
Tracy, I'd hate to see you waiting... so, two designer challenges might work for you. Karen Schulz's use it all comes with a mini kit to use and Vicki Stegall (Momma O) has perhaps enough in the freebies to do her challenge. Loving seeing your LOs here.
Awww youre so sweet. Thank you! I will look at both of those. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
@Cherylndesigns So glad the casserole was a hit. I'm sure it was sad but also a happy memory of past celebrations and now you can feel proud that you did a great job making it yourself.

I'm posting late in the day, it was so busy but fun today. First off, Happy Mom's Day to all the moms.

D and I went to the cribbage monthly tournament in the little town beside us and I am so glad we did, it was a blast and we'll definitely be going each month. So there is now one more thing to add to our busy schedule LOL. They play 6 games, break for lunch and then play the last six. We were in the lead for the first half but dropped down to #8 spot in the last half, so we didn't win any money (the top 4 teams did) but we came close which was nice. The people were so friendly and lunch was pizza and strawberry shortcake.

Then D and I went to a local garden store (awesome store so now can't wait to see the other two on our list to visit to see if they are even better). Even though I am not much of a gardener, I love the garden stores. We all worked outside together and transplanted 4 small trees and 5 rose bushes, plus one more tree that we don't know of. D built the boxes around half of them and will get the wood to do the others. D will get the sod to place over the bare spot along the back fence but it is looking so much nicer out in the yard already.

Sparrows have a nest under the deck and blackbirds have a nest in the pine tree out back. Hope we see babies in another month or so.

I'm going to have an easy dinner (burger and potato salad for D) and rice, chickpeas, TVP, mushrooms and nutritional yeast for me with a tahini dressing. Later I'll watch a few shows while I lay on the floor to ease my back and will munch on popcorn. It's been a lovely mom's day.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns So glad the casserole was a hit. I'm sure it was sad but also a happy memory of past celebrations and now you can feel proud that you did a great job making it yourself.

I'm posting late in the day, it was so busy but fun today. First off, Happy Mom's Day to all the moms.

D and I went to the cribbage monthly tournament in the little town beside us and I am so glad we did, it was a blast and we'll definitely be going each month. So there is now one more thing to add to our busy schedule LOL. They play 6 games, break for lunch and then play the last six. We were in the lead for the first half but dropped down to #8 spot in the last half, so we didn't win any money (the top 4 teams did) but we came close which was nice. The people were so friendly and lunch was pizza and strawberry shortcake.

Then D and I went to a local garden store (awesome store so now can't wait to see the other two on our list to visit to see if they are even better). Even though I am not much of a gardener, I love the garden stores. We all worked outside together and transplanted 4 small trees and 5 rose bushes, plus one more tree that we don't know of. D built the boxes around half of them and will get the wood to do the others. D will get the sod to place over the bare spot along the back fence but it is looking so much nicer out in the yard already.

Sparrows have a nest under the deck and blackbirds have a nest in the pine tree out back. Hope we see babies in another month or so.

I'm going to have an easy dinner (burger and potato salad for D) and rice, chickpeas, TVP, mushrooms and nutritional yeast for me with a tahini dressing. Later I'll watch a few shows while I lay on the floor to ease my back and will munch on popcorn. It's been a lovely mom's day.
Thanks, Rae. Yes, it still kept Chuck there with us as his casserole legacy was carried on. It was my first Mother;s Day without him, but I made it through with the help of my family and the wonderful day they had planned. We all just got back from a nice dinner out. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day. I know these holidays can be difficult for some of us. Hugs to you and your family. :hug3:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Tracy, I'd hate to see you waiting... so, two designer challenges might work for you. Karen Schulz's use it all comes with a mini kit to use and Vicki Stegall (Momma O) has perhaps enough in the freebies to do her challenge. Loving seeing your LOs here.
Great idea, Jean!