
Daily Ooo's: May 10-11, Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy Weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all of you who celebrate. I don't do much for mother's day myself. But my parents are coming for b-fast today and my kids are going to cook dinner for me tomorrow.
What good plans do you have?

I had a really nice time last night. My two friends really put together an awesome night. What a great celebration of sisterhood :)

Not much else to say so far today, except that I am sending lots of hugs and love through my computer!


The Loopy-O
From Friday:

Hi Jen!!! So good to see you here, don't be a stranger, ok?

Nancy- it really was a dreary day here, wasn't it? But today the sun is shining, and that should bring some feelings of hope and love :love:

Sara, I am with you 100%-- I plan to do *nothing* tomorrow! Sorry that you have to deal with more family drama.

Trudy- were you able to find something girlie for your reader? No mojo still here for me, How about you? That is so awesome that you got to see your brother too!

Hugs to you, Clara!!!

Phyllis- hugs to you too, hope that you get out of that slump soon. You can send that heat to me!


lOve the O!
Morning Chris and the rest of the O fam! As I type- momma cardinal is tapping on my window- she is so persistent. She always brings a smile to my face- even if her tapping drives me nuts! Today- clean up the house for oldest son's arrival- perhaps we will eat at the table- novelty in this house these days. We had planned on going out to a jazz brunch, but it was booked. So I think I will let my family pamper me and cook rum chata french toast and bacon for me. Then I don't have to figure out what to wear! I hope to scrap some later tomorrow after company leaves, and I want to make some watercolor cards from a class I signed up for, but haven't gotten to play yet. We are closer to getting the basement floor done. We have the quotes and I am hoping we will a decision to do the upper floor levels. I will post a chatter question about that!


Well-Known Member
good morning the sun is not shining it is foggy! It is supposed to get sunny but not yet! Have to do some yard work and then a good walk. I am having such fun on Fridays doing the EdwardJones FaceTime chats. It is fun and I get my questions answered. Of course got some scrapping done and watched hockey. My son came home and told me the funniest story. He was act work and out of no where a crow came by and snatched a little morning dove and threw it to the ground. My son ran out and scared the crow off so the dove could get away. The dove was dazed but did make it to cover. But my son said that crow just would not leave. He would chase it away but kept coming back. Then some grackles came to attack the crow and it still remained. Finally after quite awhile it finally gave up and left. The little dove seemed to recover. I had never heard of a crow doing this with a live bird. He was so funny in his facial expressions.

Chris glad you had such a fun girls night out! Enjoy your kids cooking for you.

Laurie glad you are finally getting to the final stages of your floor redo. That is sweet about the cardinal.

Trudy hope you had a lovely dinner. I like the idea of never seeing a winter. It must be so hard though to have their grandkids so far away.

T - so sorry your daughter turned out to be so allergic to your doggie. But it seems you have found a lovely way for everyone to be happy.

Sara so sorry about the family drama so hope you have a great day!

Every one have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Chris, how lucky you are to have such friends! i'll bet it gave you a huge "lift." it was 89 degrees here yesterday. totally crazy....

Nancy and Laurie, birds drive me nuts. my property only seems to attract the annoying ones. Nancy, i hate crows so much i once made a page about how much i HATE CROWS!! that goes for grackles, too. hate 'em. and birds that keep doing stuff over and over drive me nuts, too. like your cardinal, Laurie. or mourning doves hooting all day right next to my window. what i have here every year (besides the crows) are these little loudmouths called "chipping sparrows." they do this thing they do at the top of their lungs, 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off---ALL DAY!!!!! it drives me crazy!! and they always plant themselves in the trees right next to my house. it's not like there aren't a TON of other trees to be in around here, but NOOOOOOOOOO!!! i like robins and even blue jays and other birds who hop around and fly around and chirp occasionally. the mad, loud, incessant ones drive me NUTS!!!!

well. now i've got all THAT out of my system. been doing some yard work since about 7 a.m. i planted my tomatoes and basil and peppers and green beans. probably a little early, but i'm PRETTY sure it's not going to snow again. but you never know. we got all the mulch down on Thurs. (we have a TON of beds to mulch. it's a giant job. Hubby took off work.) i think i'm done for the season now, except planting zucchini, which will probably do what it's been doing for the last 4 years: lots of flowers--all male--and NO zucchini.

i think i'm going to force Hubby to take me out to eat somewhere. it's only what i deserve, after all the work i've been doing. :becky:

happy weekend. and Happy Mom's Day. may our children us show some appreciation, eh? :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O friends! Hoping for a sunny day here today, but so far it is grey and cloudy. Waiting for my DIL's parents to stop by and drop off a new computer (well new to us) for my hubby from my son. What a great kid he is!! My hubby has been using my very old Dell and it is so slow and old!! Our son had one that he had made himself last year, but never uses it and it has tons of memory and runs perfectly. He likes using his laptop and prefers to us a Mac product (like me) so hubby is getting it. He is very happy!!! Also they are dropping off a car set for DD that was Sadie's and she has outgrown it. So yay we don't have to get a new car seat for Mason now either. Other than that we are just doing some running around and getting groceries and picking up a few gardening items today.

Chris - Sounds like you had a fabulous nite with your friends!! Aren't women the best!! :love: Still looking for the girly cover for my tablet, but Sara has sent me some great links that I have to check out better today! Hope your Mojo shows up today! Mine has gone on vacation somewhere :mmph:

Laurie - Your moms day breakfast sounds so yummy!! Hope you don't have too hard a time deciding what kind of flooring to put in the house! You will have to show off your watercolour cards for us to see!!

Nancy - Hope the sun comes out for you very soon!! What a strange story about the crow!! I wonder if it was trying to get at some eggs or something?? They don't usually go after other birds like that! Poor Dove!! Enjoy your hockey and yard work today! Cheer loud for our Bruins!!!

Phylis - Hope you are getting out of your unhappy slump today!!

Sara - Thanks so much for the links, now decisions, decisions!! :love:

Ok off to make soft boiled eggs and get ready for company! Have a wonderful day everyone!! :wave:


lOve the O!
Happy Mother's Day to my O fam- you are all like mothers and sisters to me! My sons were both home last night and my sons girlfriend. The many paper albums came out with the hunt for a particular photo- oh the memories. I looked at some printed digital pages as well, but I miss- did I really just say that making the mess of paper. Everyone is sleeping- there was a bit of drinking that went on with the nice weather and the grilling. I am enjoying computer quiet time, oh the fog we have here. We get to plant some small trees and azaleas/rhododendrons today!


The Loopy-O
Good morning, and a happy mother's day to all of you who celebrate that today.
The weather here looks absolutely glorious! Warm and sunny. I hope to get out in my yard for a bit and if I am up to it, would love to walk with my friend. Breakfast with my parents was really nice. My mom got me an Alex and Ani bracelet with a water lily on it. The card that explains the symbolism was perfect. My mom had tears rolling down her face when she read it in the store.
Here is what it says:
Living in difficult conditions, the water lily is a symbol of beauty through turmoil. Rising above the water to extract energy from the sun, the water lily is a reminder that perseverance will lead to enlightenment and a reawakening. Embrace a sunny disposition and the purity of heart associated with the Water Lily Charm.
She had explained to the clerk what she was looking for and as soon as she read that, she knew it was the "One."
I have to agree with her :)

So a mellow day here for me. Hope you all have a wonderful one too!


Well-Known Member
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! My dear family....sorry for the shouting, but I'm on my second cup of coffee and SUPER awake.....;>)


The Loopy-O
Hi Laurie- that mama bird sure if funny! Is your son home now? That must be a wonderful treat for you! Hope you get everything done this weekend that you need to do, sounds like a lot of creativity flowing! (send some my way please.... )
And what is rum chata french toast? Sounds delish!

Nancy- we had lots of clouds and fog up here. Sounded like we were going to get some thunderstorms but I don't that they got too close to us. I could hear them in the distance though.
So birds have playground bullies too? ;) I am glad that the dove was ok.

Tropt, I am so sorry that you had to get rid of ZLS. Your stories about her always made me laugh. But that is great news that she will still be "in touch."

Phyllis- you crack me up! For the most part the birds here don't bother me. Although we had a few of the really large woodpeckers that made me nutty. And the first time I heard the owl that sounds like a woman screaming, that freaked me out!
I hope that YMG takes you out to dinner too.
Gary has been working very hard getting the veggies in the ground. I am better with flowers and he feels like he is accomplishing something by taking care of the veggies. This year we are trying spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, peas, zucchini, kale, garlic, basil and cilantro. I also want to get some rosemary -- love fresh rosemary!

Trudy- awesome news about the computer and the car seat. I love getting hand me downs like that. If it weren't for my MIL, I wouldn't have an ipad.:D
A thought about a girlie cover-- maybe contact Sally? I know my MIL made some really cute one for herself. I bet that Sally might be able to make one for you too? Sally was making those awesome camera straps.
Yup, yup-- I am really lucky to have such good family and friends, and O-Fam. I say it all the time, but it will never be enough to share my thanks and gratitude.

Laurie-- hahahah! Love that you slipped up and said that you miss the paper mess!! Sometimes I walk around the scrap section of Michael's and I do too, but then I think about all of the mess, the limitations (no Ctrl-T, Ctrl-Z LOL) and am relieved I like digi so much. Last night, Cait's BF was over for dinner and we were talking about how my kids loved dress-up when they were little. Cait and her BF love the Disney Robin Hood movie and joke that they are Robin Hood and Maid Marion. I asked is she remembered going to the Ren Faire dressed up like that with Scott- which meant we had to pull out pictures of them from way back too.

What a great weekend to have you kids with you. I can't wait for scott to come home this afternoon.

Hugs and love!


Well-Known Member
Good morning! I don't know how I didn't post yesterday. I read everything. So, I'll catch up. :)

Chirs - I'm so glad you had a nice girls' night and a wonderful breakfast with your parents. The water lily is sooo you. What a perfect description and symbolism! Your mom and dad are awesome. Glad the weather looks nice for you today. Ours was pretty nice yesterday, but it's stormy here today and will rain and heavy thunderstorm all day. I like the idea of doing nothing. I made my food for tonight yesterday and there are going to be big storms, so I don't think I will have to go work the snack shack at the ball fields or watch a baseball game. :) I wonder if we will even go over to my MIL's for dinner after all. Since there are chances of tornadoes. We'll see. You mentioned Rosemary....I like it in small doses. And I usually don't like sweet mixed with my savory. But at the store, one of the meat chefs had samples of ground turkey burgers and it was awesome. When I asked what he DID to the ground turkey he said rosemary, apples, salt and pepper. I was shocked. I wouldn't have thought I would like that.

Laurie - We've resorted to putting Ben's toys in the window in the spring when we have the persistent birds. One time we put his pull string Woody in the window like a scarecrow. That worked for a couple of days. :) Rum Chata French Toast and bacon sounds divine. My hubby was sleeping, so I made Ben and I toast and eggs. Then hubby apologized when he got up that I made my own breakfast. LOL You certainly have lots of opinions on flooring now!! Hope it helps and doesn't complicate things. I went on the hunt for a photo yesterday too and it was so fun going through the photos. I went through the photo album where I thought it was too and there were other pictures from there, but a hole where that one would have been. I took it out and scanned it and didn't put it back. Funny enough, I finally found it, by locating the scanned version on my computer. I need to organize photos this summer and get more scanned in!

Nancy - I hope it got sunny for you. Facetime chats with a company are an interesting idea. I've heard lots of people use Skype, but not really Facetime. What a mean old crow. Glad the mourning dove got away.

Phylis - I'm so impressed with your gardening. I simply can't grow things. If it can't do it itself, it won't survive. LOL I hope you get to go somewhere good to eat!

Trudy - sounds like some good stuff came your way! I hope the links work out for you. There are some cool ones. I'm fine with the plain black case that I have for my Paperwhite, but I'd love to have one of the bookish ones. :)

Good morning Fran! I'm so glad you are awake. I'm not. It's stormy and gray and I haven't had enough coffee yet. Give me a while.

Happy Mother's Day Angela!

Ok...I think I'm caught up. So, while I was typing, two nice things happened. I got a gift certificate for a massage/spa treatment/pedicure from my husband and baseball was cancelled due to the gobs and gobs of rain we have right now. Now I get to stay in my jammies with my coffee and books and computer. :) Yay!

I hope everyone has a nice day! I'm sure I'll be back later too since I have the day to myself. Happy Mother's Day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning and Happy Mother's Day to you all!! Just a quick post here today as we are headed up to the Lake to spend the day with the In-Laws. Yippee we are taking a load of Mulch to them and get to shovel it on their garden today!! :mmph: like my back isn't sore enough already. LOL It's all good! We are happy to help them out and it is going to be such a gorgeous day that it will be good to be outside! So I will be absent again today from here, but hope to catch up with all of you tomorrow. Have a fabulous Mother's Day everyone!! It's my beautiful daughters first Mother's Day, sure hope she gets spoiled!! Love to you all!! :love: :wave:


Well-Known Member
good morning and Happy Mother's day! The sun is shining and it is gorgeous. My oldest son, DIL and her parents are popped in on Sat as they were down in this area looking for houses. We all went to lunch and that was fun. I walked home was getting ready to do lawn work when the thunderstorms arrived and it was pretty much that all the rest of the afternoon and evening. OH well today is another day. My younger son came home with flowers and the sweetest card. I was and am a happy mother. Sounds like everyone here has wonderful moms and wonderful children.

Chris that bracelet sounds perfect! How thoughtful of your mom.

Phylis I was up at 4:30 am to of course you the bathroom and the birds were already up singing LOL. Glad you got so much planted! Hoping those Penguins defeat the Rangers today.

Laurie how wonderful your sons came home. I have to say I do not miss any way paper scrapping. The blending and effects you can create in digital just cannot be duplicated with paper.

Fran enjoy the coffee!

Angela have a great day!

Trudy finally the real Bruins showed up yesterday! What a fun game because they had the lead all game. Great news about the computer for your MG should be so happy!

Have a great day everyone!