
Daily Ooo's: March 7-8: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good morning lOvely O-zies!!!!
Did everyone have a nice Friday? And is everyone looking forward to a enjoyable, fun, relaxing weekend? I hope so!!!

I am going to try to be as positive as I can- the sun is out again, Daylight Saving Time is here, and this upcoming week, we might actually break 40*!!!!

I am still struggling to get my act together. Not like I am impatient or anything *snorts*:mrgreen: Still wasting time watching too much tv and crocheting and ripping out. I worked on crocheting in the round yesterday and I got a nice little circle going. I feel pretty good about doing the stitches, but I wish it were easier to read patterns. Sometimes it seems like gobbledygook. Then again, sometimes when I try to read English it seems like gobbledygook!!!! :rofl:

Today Cait is babysitting Nathan from 9-6. I'll try to give her a hand a bit. While he is very easy and always very happy- he *is* 2 and in constant motion.

QOTD Besides scrapping, what other craft hobbies do you have?
I really don't have any. I have dabbled in the past with painting plaster pieces, I have tried crochet on and off, but I like the ease of digital by far!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- are you still itching? Any less than the many months ago? Is your weather going to see a warm up too? I hope so, we really really need it!

Nancy- that happened to me last year, I needed my dad to sign something and have it notarized together, so I went down to his house, then had to go to a few different banks with him, and none of them would do it. I ended up having to have him sign, then brought the paperwork up to my bank here, hoping for the best. It is so weird!
Walking in 7" of snow-- fun??? Nancy- I think the cold has made you lose your mind!! :pound: I am just kidding, I know you don't mind it.
Have a GREAT time at the Devils celebration!!! I have been hearing commercials on the radio, seeing ads/columns in the papers and every time, I think of you :)
Can't wait to see photos and LO's from it all.

Trudy- that is too funny about thinking you didn't belong, but I bet it was much nicer than having to deal with all those people not swimming the lanes correctly. The pool looks lovely and warm!
Your soap/loofah looks like it smells delish! I wanted to try to make loofah soaps at one point and then I didn't. But yours is inspiring me to give it a shot.

Sharon-- high fives on really getting to know your cell phone camera! I need to work on that some day too. My pics always come out very yellow and blurry. Sorry to hear that your clock fell, but I am the same way- I will look for a wall clock over a cell phone clock or computer. Maybe b/c I can see them better? :nerd:
Wonderful about finishing your scarf!! Please post a photo! What project are you going to do next?

Hi Jean-- that was a bald eagle on her nest. Crazy, right? It really is amazing how nature helps mamas care for babies. Caitlyn's Bunny had a gi-normous dewlap, and that is how they keep their babies warm. Me-- I would just throw another blanket on mine hahahah!! Nah- I always loved snuggling with my babies.
Congrats on the GSO and thank you the compliment on the web photo. I think this is one of the best I have picked out. SO happy that you are liking it too!

Hey there Maureen!! I guess you have been getting hit hard too with the weather? How are you holding up with your knee? Is this weather making it ache more? I hope not.
Come and hang out with us some more!


Well-Known Member
well. a day of sunshine has me feeling a bit better, even though i didn't go OUT in it. too icy in the a.m., then i was diverted by other stuff.

Chris, you should make a Granny Square afghan. (crochet) making those squares is addictive, easy, and you can do as few or as many as you want. also, it uses up leftover yarn! i like that you're actually sitting down and doing nothing much. (as in NOT steam-cleaning the carpets or painting a room!!)

Trudy, what a gorgeous pool facility! no wonder you like going there. i laughed at you feeling weird about being the only one there. i always tease my DH about doing his laps at the pool in the summer. he'll go up there when it's COLD! he'll be the only one there, and the poor kid lifeguard has to freeze while The Old Guy swims!

Nancy, sounds like a gala hockey event! have fun tonight. before my son was seriously playing, i bought him a Devil's jacket. it was during those Stanley Cup times. i wonder if i still have it someplace.

Shar? Photo of the scarf?? what's your next project? congrats on being in the newsletter!

Jean, YAY on your GSO! i suppose both of us will be knee-deep in mud shortly....

QOTD: i sometimes still get out the old spinning wheel and make yarn. not very often, though. i've tried every craft known to man, i think, over the years, and nothing really stuck, except spinning. i HATE quilting. i am NOT an artist, like Trudy is. and most other crafting leaves you with more STUFF to figure out what to do with. so.

today DH, DD and i are going condo-shopping. the rent in the city continues to climb, and it might be time for DD to put all that $$$ into an actual SOMETHING. i love looking at property. so, this should be fun, though we're only seeing two. and it's not going to snow or ice or ANYTHING today, so it will be fun-ish to get out and drive around.

happy weekend, everyone! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
hi, Chris. simultaneous posts! not itching as much, but the nerves all over, esp. arms, are still in somewhat of "overdrive." every sensation is amplified, though less than before. honestly. i specialize in preposterous s*^+.


The Loopy-O
Hi Ms P!
Have your tried alpha lipoic acid supplement? Our Lyme dr is having Gary take 600mgs a day for nerve inflammation. He gets lots of nerve pain from Lyme and Bartonella, and it is supposed to calm that down. If your dr is ok with it, maybe try that?
Rent-- we thought about downsizing to save some money after Gary got sick: sell the house and rent something smaller. It would actually cost us *more* to do that. Our mortgage, esp after we refi-ed, is less than most 2-3 BR homes around here. And we have equity building, not a lot, since NJ housing market is still struggling, but better than nothing, right?
Good luck condo-shopping!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I have been up since 3am and now just going to head back to bed :sleep: I should have posted in here earlier, but I was working on getting a page done. I will join you all a bit later and catch up on personals! Off to bed and hopefully get a couple more hrs in. :wave:


Well-Known Member
good morning - Well my Devils played one of their worse games last night. I guess with lots of young kids there will be growing pains. But the good thing was the one goal they scored in the 3rd I got the photo. LOL. Spent the afternoon at the car dealership getting my son his car. My husband spent the morning getting the money in the correct account. Well it got done and I am now the proud owner of a F150 truck that he drives. I am going to ride to the Devils game in it. But now I am concerned that I may have caused problems. Last night just Amanda and I went to the game. As a season ticket perk my personal rep had a meet and greet with really yummy food. We were talking with friends and she pointed out that I had the VIP tickets today and she does not! And now we got Zach the big new truck and not her. I am taking her to Florida for a vacation so I do do things for her too. OH well. Just don't want to be the cause of problems.

Chris I am liking your new attitude. Yes 40s next week is going to be so nice. Having a 2 year old around can be so fun especially since Cait is really watching them.

Phylis I love looking at other places to live. It was fun when my son was looking. Have a good time.

Trudy so sorry you were up so early. I woke at 3:30 to go to the bathroom but luckily was able to go back to sleep after tossing and turning for about 45 min. Then when I woke up I felt stiff. Oh the joys of getting older LOL.

Have a great day all!


Please, don't hate me. But I just saw the weather forecast for the next few days, and it is going to be in the 60s!!!!!!!!!! With sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phylis!!!! I am surprised to hear you are a spinner! :sheep1 I'm not, but my DD recently discovered it, and LOVES it. She just uses a spindle (all she can afford!), but has a spinning wheel on her wish list. When I tell her about you, she is going to want to know what kind you have. Also, I'm wondering what you do with your yarn since you don't knit or crochet.

Speaking of knitting....I still have to weave in the ends of the scarf. And I think I will gently block it. Hope to get that going today. Then I will post a photo. The new project is another infinity scarf, but a WAY simpler pattern. It's something I can do when others are around, or the TV is on. Much more relaxing. And, Chris, YES...the directions with all those abbreviations. I get why they have to do that, but.....

Trudy, hope you got back to sleep. I hope you're having the same summer weather as we're having, and can get out and enjoy it. Each day I'm making progress with Lightroom, and am finding what a powerful, elegant, versatile, and strong (as opposed to fragile) program it is. I am going to love it. I thought I was mostly going to use it for preliminary editing and organizing my photos, but it is going to be FABULOUS for organizing my scrapping supplies.

Chris and Phylis, glad you have been able to perk up. Hope things just keep getting GRADUALLY warmer...no flooding!

Nancy, glad you got The Shot! Love when that happens. Do you use a DSLR? Your phone camera? I'm thinking DSLR with a zoom. Years ago we figured that the kids and grandkids just don't get treated the same, or even equally. It's impossible with 3 kids and their spouses, and 12 grandkids. They'll get over it. Or not. We don't even apologize. LOL Are we rude, or what? ;)

Other hobbies: I've sewn since I was a pre-teen. Took up quilting about 10 years ago. Haven't touched my sewing machine in a few years except for repairs, but am confident I will return to it. I always do. Did rubber stamping for years before going digital. Tried many other things (floral arranging, cake decorating, macrame!), but burned out or got bored. Writing. Golf. Bicycling.

Enjoy Saturday!
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Well-Known Member
Today is all day at the historical society and I'm taking a break for a minute. Sounds like we're all doing a bit better with weather today. I think we're above freezing now but it was icy coming in this morning.

My brain is fried so I'm going to have to put off personals.

Hope it's a good weekend everyone!


Well, here it is....such as it is. If I had not seen my DD's PERFECT version, I might be more content with mine. Hers actually has a visible pattern to the holes. I guess if I think of it as being random, I can live with it. I'm naming it LacyGallopingHorse Scarf. My grandmother used to have this to say about sewing/knitting errors: "Anyone riding by on a galloping horse won't see mistakes." Gotta love that philosophy.


Lightroom is taking FOREVER to import all my scrapping supplies. That should tell me that I have way too many scrapping supplies. Any yet......no plans to stop!

Why am I still in the house?????? I'm gonna take a neighborhood walk. bye-bye


Well-Known Member
good morning - well yesterday turned out even better than I had hoped. My son picked me up the truck so that I could have the first ride. He is such a sweetie. It is awesome. It rides like a car. No noise - but the voice control is in French and he did not notice so on Monday he will have to reprogram it LOL. The truck was bought at an auction from Quebec. You put the truck in reverse and the camera comes on so you can see where you are going and it has guide lines for where the tires are. Amazing what these cars do now. Well the NJ Devils 95 Championship celebration was more fun than I could have hoped for. Of the 25 man roster 22 of the players made to the Rock. We were taken up the to restaurant and given food and drinks. We were give a gift bag which contained 2 jerseys, 2 t-shirts, and 2 pucks. We were able to get every player to sign our jersey's. And because there were so few we were actually able to talk to the players. I had an awesome talk with Bobby Holik and one with Tom Chorske. The game itself was too fun. The score was 10-6. When they announced the team Martin Brodeur came out dressed as a forward and Bruce Driver was the goalie. Too fun. Brodeur even scored a goal. We had awesome seats right on the glass so yes I got some really fun photos. My DIL and her mother also had great seats so they had a great time. Then we all went out to dinner. And now today we will all go to the game Devils vs Flyers. And yes maybe the best news is that the temperatures are going up to mid 40s. Still mostly cloudy but still in the 40s is a really good thing.

Have to dash. Lost than one hour. Have a great day all!


The Loopy-O
Daylight Saving Time- yay!!!!! 40* weather this week--yay!!!! Not shaking this morning-- woot and yay!!!!!

I had fun playing with Nathan yesterday, he is sooooo cute! And he has hit that stage where every time you say something, he repeats it all. He was walking down the stairs with Cait, and I said "Hi guys!" and his little voice repeats "Hi guys!!!!"
Next time I hit the dollar store I want to pick up some cute toys for him to play with here.

Nothing on the menu for my day today, except doing some scrapping.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!


I love the "O"
Hi ,

Chris: I can imagine how much fun it was to play with this little boy. Since my children get older and older I miss those little diaper kids :mrgreen:

We have finally sun here :rockon: . Months of grey and grey and grey, I missed the sun so much. I washed my curtains and just sitting in the living room and take a bath in the sun......The best !


The Loopy-O
From yesterday:

Phyllis- too funny about the Granny Squares, my grandmother made them all of the time, and used all of the bits and pieces of leftover yarn, so the colors were always wonky. I bet my mom still has the ones she made for my brother and me when we were little.
Even funnier-- I have been *itching* to steam clean a couple of carpets, the stains on the LR one are making me :loco: You know me too well!
But my family still yells at me if I try to sweep or dust, let alone vacuum!:mrgreen:
Spinning yarn-- oh how awesome is that??? I think Eva (I wish she would pop in again, I miss her and her sense of humor!) did that too? Is it relaxing? I never even saw it done except in movies where everything looks easy, but I would imagine that once you get going, it could be Zen.

Trudy- how do you have the mental ability to scrap at 3 am? All I want to do when I wake up like that is grumble about not being able to get back to sleep. Hope that you got some more sleep.

Nancy- congrats on the new truck! For your son. :rockon:

Sharon- Between the pattern abbreviations and the diagrams, I am getting better at figuring out WTH it all means. Some day I will figure it all out. Hope that you got all of your knitting done too.
My MIL is a published quilter and she tried to teach me how to do it. But I am a "free spirit" (hahaha!!) and not good at being precise, and that is a big no no in quilting!!

Jean- yay for warmer weather!!!!! Hope you had fun at the Historical Society.

Sharon-- that scarf is fantastic!!!! And I love the color too- perfect to wear at a Lyme Disease Protest :) I didn't make it to any last year- recovering from radiation- and this year, it will have to depend of where it is and how I am feeling. And I want to keep up my energy for Relay for Life which is also in May.
How was your walk? sunny and 60-- must have been wonderful!

Nancy- omg- it sounds like you had an amazing time and congrats on getting the jersey signed! And really what a fun day!

Time for me to get all of my meds. I just took advil, I have a rotten headache, grrr. But now I need to take a ga-zillion other ones.

Have a super day!!!


The Loopy-O
Hey there Astrid!!! So awesome to see you in here again!!! Temps are ok here, but still very grey. I am jealous of your sunshine LOL
Seriously, so much fun to play with him, I miss those silly, uninhibited moments toddlers have.
But also-- very nice to hand him back over to Mom at the end of the day :pound:


Good-daylight savings time-morning. I hate changing the clocks twice a year (actually, DH did it all last night! He really IS a keeper!), so I wish we'd just stay one way or the other.

Nancy, you sure had a memorable day. This is the kind of day that should be memorialized in a scapbook page.

Nice short little walk yesterday. I asked DH, who had been outside, if I needed my sweater. He said no. Well, he'd been in the sunshine, where it was really warm. Most of my route was in shade (we have huge trees in our neighborhood), and there was a bit of a breeze. So I took the shortest route possible!

Church today, and it is the 2nd Sunday, so we do a potluck meal afterward. That means we won't be home until mid to late afternoon. Love all these people, so it will be a blessed day.

I've been spending so much time on getting my cpu back to working order that I haven't done much of anything creative. I'd like to do another challenge today. And for months I will be working on making Lightroom "my own." Little bits at a time. Like knitting...one row at a time.

Gotta go make a salad to take today.

Go gently.


Well-Known Member
hiya. MORE SUN!!!!

Astrid, i know what you mean about all those gray days. we're gray here for almost 1/2 of the year!! i think i will take a sunshine bath, too!

Chris, hope your headache is gone and that you're sitting someplace with your feet up. BTW, any movement that is like vacuuming--that pushing and pulling---is one they tell you to avoid after abdominal surgery. i'm SURE you were told that!!! so sit down!! honestly, girl. take ADVANTAGE of the situation, would you????

Nancy, congrats on the goal photo. i swear the Devils should hire you! that whole event sounded like a blast!

Shar, great scarf!! don't get excited about my spinning wheel. i can't even remember what kind it is, and it's not high-end at all. i actually knitted two or three sweaters from my yarn, but they weigh a ton, and i'm fatter now, so they don't really fit. i was going to learn how to weave at one point, but my teacher quit teaching and i couldn't find anyone else handy. when i do it, i do it for the ZEN. i made a paper scrapbook page years ago for a Dare over on 2Peas in a Bucket, talking about your "superpower." some people get xray vision. some get giant intellect. i get spinning. i was born to do it, really. but, as with everything else, i am not fixated on it.

Jean!!! Sunshine!! hopefully the ice is gone for your drive home.

Trudy, isn't being up at 3 a.m. SWELL???? that's around my usual time to be up, too. i'm with Chris: HOW can you scrap in the middle of the night? although i can't even scrap in the middle of the DAY, so what do i know? did you finally get back to sleep?

i had to stop in the middle of this to SKYPE with DS and The Grandmen and Peanut. everyone seems to be full of beans and doing well. so, glad to hear that. dunno what i'm doing for the rest of today. probably nothing much. and i am allowing myself to feel just fine with that!

see ya. :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... sorry I did not make it back here yesterday, but we were outside all day long moving plants and cleaning up the front of the house. More power washing today to get rid of the yucky green stuff on the retaining wall. DH is also cleaning some of the windows outside. I have yet to clean the inside windows downstairs, but I have lots of time to do that yet. We moved a nasty big bush from the front I think its called a Barberry bush?? Anyway it has nasty thorns on it and it was a real PITA to move! DH and I both got stuck really good by the thorns and wouldn't you know it I reacted to it and my fingers got all swollen and it felt like I had broken my joints in my fingers every time I tried to close my fist. OUCH!! of course it didn't help that I did not take off my rings and couldn't take them off. Today they are much better and swelling has gone down! I won't be touching that bush ever again!!

Quick personals from yesterday...

Chris - I did manage to get my page done, I was so wide awake when I was doing it that it felt like I had been up for ages and was eager to get going on it. But then I crashed and burned LOL. Only ended up getting another hour of sleep and felt out of sorts the rest of the morning. But going outside to do some yard work really woke me up!

Astrid - How nice to see you join us here!! Glad you are having a sunshine bath!! I miss the little ones running around also!

Sharon- Your scarf is amazing and I love the colour!! I don't like to change the clocks either and I really liked the fact that when we lived in Saskatchewan we never changed the clocks, always stayed on the same time zone. Its one of the few things that I liked about living in Saskatchewan LOL. That and the wonderful friends we made, I do miss them very much!!

Phylis - Oh I am so happy that you got to Skype with your family!! Sounds like everyone is doing well and so nice to hear that they are full of beans and happy!! Yes its ok to not do much, enjoy the sun again today!!

Nancy - Wow sounds like you had a great time at your Devils party!! Hmmm I think that there is a song called that isn't there?? How wonderful that your son is loving his new truck and that he took you for the first ride in it! How lucky are you to get all those autographs, my DH is very jealous LOL. Says you are a very lucky hockey fan!!

Ok off to watch the third period of the Bruins game right now the score is 4-2 Boston, but who knows what will happen in the third!! Then outside to do more yard work this time in the backyard. Supper is in the crock pot, pulled pork tonight with Coleslaw. Yummmm! Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
It has been above freezing ever since yesterday! There is still lots of snow but it is going down slowly which is good. DH just microwaved popcorn and I'm about to get my share. I sure enjoy that.

Phylis I never got spinning but was a fiber artist, primarily weaving and crochet. These days my work is all flat paper-based and though I love yarns, I need so much less equipment and space now. I loved to watch spinners though. Can you believe we have sun and 40s?

Trudy, what a mean plant! Hope your hands improve quickly. Dinner sounds so nice (and easy?) Hope the Bruins won.

Sharon, sounds like a nice day for you too. The scarf looks super to me and I'm sure that it will be wonderful to wear.

Chris, you have so many ideas of "bad" things to do. Glad the family is keeping and eye on that. Hope the headache retreated and you get to enjoy this more pleasant weather.

Astrid, how super to bask in the sunlight. I think seeing it makes us all feel better.

Nancy, your yesterday sounds wonderful! How interesting to have the truck speak French. ;) Hope it's another good day for you.

We may not like changing clocks, but as a night owl I really like it being light later now. Hope it's a good day for everyone.