
Daily Ooo's: March 31/April 1: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy weekend everyone.:cheer2:

I thankfully have a nice quiet weekend. Its a good thing because I need it to get my crazy life back in order. I have let things slide around the house and its all messy!

But I have been having way too much fun at the birthday party to care. :D
I think I am all caught up to today's challenge and then tomorrow we have all new Monthly Challenges to go up here. I hope no one is pooped out from scrapping!



Well-Known Member
Good morning all. Sydney has a soccer game at 11:30 but for the most part, it should be quiet this weekend. And that means scrapping time for mama. Oh, and maybe pay a few bills...details, details.


lOve the O!
Man, I miss you guys- looks like I will be busy enough for both of us Chris! I have dance lessons, going to a local home show to look over possible contractors- didn't go last night, shopping for groceries- MMG doesn't know that yet - grabbing a bite to eat, and church. I think that is pretty darn full! When I get home- scrapping, uploading layouts, leaving gallery love and catching the sale with my overflowing cart!


The Loopy-O
Linda S- how is the coaching going? Have fun at the game!

Laurie- I hope that you can squeeze some time in to breathe, let along scrap!

From yesterday:

Linda- you have one smart (and tricky) girl there!!! How did things go at the day care? That kind of talk would have gotten a kid suspended or perhaps expelled in NJ. We have a new, very strict anti-bullying law that would take care of that in a second. IMHO- it is a bit over the top, but on the other hand, things like this would get taken care of quickly. But good for her for sticking up for herself and being confident in herself.

Phyllis- is the nose better today? Hope so.
Oh yes, our HS band is amazing!!! They compete all over the country. And they are going on a trip to Scotland this spring. We are the "Highlanders" and they wear kilts and hold military tattoos and they march in the NYC St Patrick;s day parade every year. Its our one huge source of town-pride. To balance out the heroin users, you know. *eye roll*
Props to your vet for doing house calls. That is awesome!

Hugs to you, missing Mr Abu. My MIL last one of her cats last week, and she is now down to 1 who is 17. She feels so lonely too. They really are family.

Katy- glad that the extracting worked out.

Kristy- oh no!!!!! That is awful. I have to agree with Trudy- You can probably find an older version of PS Elements that won't be too expensive. I was the same when I first started scrapping, I was *terrified* of Photoshop. The layers made me bonkers! But now I can't scrap with anything else.
There was another free software or something. Aviary? I remember MMG telling me about it.
Maybe that will work? I think it was a web based program.

Terra- yay for shopping! The sales have been amazing, right?

Hugs to everyone!


Well-Known Member
well i downloaded some more updates for the cmputer last night before bed when i shut it down so im gonna try this one more time....


Well-Known Member
Good morning!!

I hope you all don't mind if I join in...

My husband is running in a 10K this morning, but, ummm...not me. I have tons of housework to catch up on and groceries to buy this afternoon. But, really, I would just like to scrap all day! I have been loving the Birthday challenges, I have so many ideas swirling around my head for each of them!! Maybe if I can do a rush job on the housework, I'll have time to catch up on them all.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Well-Known Member
hi, Monica!! great to have you join in! just thinking about a 10K makes me tired. so does thinking about the housecleaning! i've been at the computer since 6 a.m. doing the AnnaLift and making invitations to a pizza party.

believe it or not, i am STILL in my nightshirt. SHAME on me. i'm going to go make lunch, then have my shower and dress-up. then i think there's some housekeeping in MY future, too...and ironing...and laundry....:washing:

happy weekend!



Well-Known Member
i dont like the online editors....having to import all your files you want to use? too time consuming....specially when everything i now have for graphics and stuff is on my external....photoshop elements 10 is too expensive...and i can't find a valid link for a trial of the older ones to see if they even work with my computer....UGH!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies....Yes...I know...again...I don't visit regularly....don't throw tomatoes!!!
Life is busier than ever....I really don't remember kids keeping me so busy when mine were this small....but I am OLD(er) and I did work full time back then!!
Things here are still just "so-so"....seems new problems pop up everyday...can't get the rug over top of it all.
As for weekend plans....well....more of the same...trying to wrangle little ones. I am hoping it stays nice enough to go out and do a photo shoot with them tomorrow....we will see.

Jesse and Jaiden are at my Mom's for the day today, but Cameran spent the night, so he will be here all day...and will probably spend the night tonight too.....He loves being here no matter what ♥

Chris....well..you should see my house!!! I cry sometimes because it's so messy...I still can't get used to this....PRE GRANDCHILDREN, my house was pretty organized.

LindaS....have fun at soccer.....we start baseball season here in another month...I can't wait! I love baseball!!

Kristi...I had to read back to see what was going on...I am so sorry sweetie..what a pia on the computer program....I don't know what I would do!!! I hope you get it all solved and don't have to spend a bunch of money to get it to work for you!!!

Monica....Hi there!! Welcome to the O and the DailyO's....WOW on the husband running in the 10K...congrats to him!! Where in VA are you?? I live in Roanoke.. SW VA.....So glad you have been having a great time this week!!

Phylis....you and I would get along famously...I am in still in my night shirt too...and it 12:30...so shame on me too!! I have been playing computer games with Cameran this morning!! He finally went outside so I get on the computer!!

Okay...better run and straighten up a bit....I need to CLEAN...but only fairly quiet day....hate to waste it...:rofl:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I have so much to do today and really, really want to get caught up on all the party challenges!! It is sad to see the party end!! :pout:

Chris - My house is the same way, it has been ignored most of the week and now its time to clean.

LindaS - Hooray for scrap time for you!! Looking forward to see your layouts!!

Monica - Welcome to the Daily "O"s!! All are welcome here! So glad that you have been enjoying yourself here!!

Phylis- Sounds like a busy day for you today also!! Good luck with all of your chores!

Kristy - Like Chris says it takes time to get used to photoshop but once you do you will be hooked!! hope the link works for you!

Well I have to hit the shower and get busy! See you all here throughout the day!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Check the requirements online for the amount of memory needed other than that it should work fine.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what is said about paintshop pro as well supposed to work with my system...but it does not...so i am VERY wary to buy another product without having tried it first you know?


Well-Known Member
Good Morning O's! All this talk about games and running marathons is making me want to get outside, too! Is anyone planning something special for Easter? I can't believe it's only a little over a week away! This year is just zooming by!

Well I'm off for now to go and finish a deadline... Then hopefully back here to finish the challenges!


Well-Known Member
might i say the corel team SUCKS major??? you cannot submit a question by email like at all...ive tried many times and get a case FAIL...wtf!?!?!? corel YOU FAIL MISERABLY!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i give up...i cant even get a trial version of photo shop to install onto my computer....


Well-Known Member
Terra, we will be doing Easter dinner at our house. My dad, my brother, sister-in-law, four nieces, one nephew...probably some BFs and GFs... Usually an Easter egg hunt for the youngest ones...down to just 3 under age 10 now so they may all think that they have outgrown it. I saw some really cute deviled eggs on Pinterest...they look like chicks. Planning to try those this time!


Well-Known Member
Monica, WELCOME to the O! And thanks for dropping into the Daily O's. We love to make new friends here.


Well-Known Member
Trudy, I agree. This place has been hopping around here. I'm going to miss the Birthday Bash. However, it is time for April challenges!


Well-Known Member
Nana Linda...I think you rock! I am amazed at the way that you find energy to spend with Cameran on your one day to not have the other two! You are wonderful!!! And I love baseball too. Syd is the family's first soccer player. Zeb (my nephew) started spring season before the official high school season last Sunday. I could sit at the ballpark forever! It really relaxes me...and makes me feel young which is a good thing!


Well-Known Member
Hello Phylis! I'm impressed...ironing...I never iron more than one thing at a time nowadays. I've become a major slacker. And if it hadn't been for soccer, I might still be in pjs.


Well-Known Member
Laurie, it sounds like it's going to be a crazy day for you! But it will be so much fun to have the basement re-done! It sounds like it will be great!