
Daily Ooo's: March 11th edition


lOve the O!
Say it ain't so- :smow: in my forecast. Workout done and need to scram to get ready for work. Have wonderful days my O family!!


The Loopy-O
Oh no! Laurie that is awful! For once I get to be on the good side of the weather. sunny and near 60*. Maybe that will help melt some of the ice drifts (no longer snow-- it seems to be piles of ice) we have covering -- just about everything.

Yesterday I made it to 2 pm before I needed a nap, so I must be slowly getting better. And.......... drum roll......... the surgeon called to tell me that they got all of the cancer! That will make today's appt much easier to prep for. I am still not sleeping good though. I am trying to drink so much water to keep me flushed out from the abx and any residual anesthesia that now I wake up to go to the bathroom every night. 1 pm seems to be a great time for my brain to keep on spinning. YKWIM??

Gary took the kids to the bus so I could stay in bed until i needed to be up for the boy I babysit and that helped a lot.

Tip on Tuesday:
Bedpans, anyone? :pound:


The Loopy-O
From yesterday:

Nancy-- how awesome is this weather forecast?? Then tomorrow is is going to rain and we might even get a bit of snow mixed in, but nothing that I can't handle. High fives to you for all of your walks.

Phyllis- I didn't get all that much done on taxes-- I entered out income, pretty cut and dried. We made so little on Savings Interest that we don't even get forms any more. (I think it was $.35 on one acct- for the year bwuahhahah!!). Maybe today I will be up to adding up the medical deductions. Or not. I am so blessed to have my BFF. She can say the exact same message as Gary-- but with him I get defensive, with her I take it. So weird, eh?
Hope you didn't overdo it at your DDs either. And hugs to you while you help your Aunt. Send her our lOve!

Trudy- I am so jealous of your hike, it sounds invigorating. Thanks for the good thought s too- as always.

Hi Jane- your walk sounds so lovely too!


Well-Known Member
i want this to STOP!!!!!!! 58 degrees today, SNOW tomorrow. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!

Chris, YAAAY!!!
so excellent that you've gotten a clean report. that should help with the sleep thing, right? you should just come to accept getting up in the middle of the night. fighting it makes it worse, i've found. also, audiobooks have helped me get back to sleep for YEARS when i wake up and start thinking. i've used an earbud in one ear, or, since my iPod Touch has speakers, i put it right next to my ear with the volume very low. works every time! keep drinking the water, too. i read a few weeks ago that drinking water before you go to bed is heart-protective, even though you have to get up to pee!

Laurie. when the snow gets to you, try to blow it off-course so it misses me, PLEEEEEZ???

happy day, y'all. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning today is my youngest son's birthday amazing how much has changed. He was a handful as a kid and still has his moments but he is maturing. LOL. He always asks for Philly sticky buns instead of a birthday cake but he was disappointed as his dad did not have all the ingredients. I will have to pick them up at the store today. After my DH went to bed my son commented that his dad always goes to the store and stays up late for his students but could not do it for me. Its true so I felt bad for him. I will take my son out for lunch before he heads off to work. Last night was a scary night in the NHL. My team was not playing so I was watching the Dallas Stars and Columbus Blue Jackets. One of the Dallas Stars Rich Peverley collapsed on the bench with heart incident. He was saved and is doing fine but so scary to see. He has aFib and has been watched throughout the season. When he came to the first thing he asked with how much time left in the first period and when could he go back in. Crazy hockey players. The game was stopped. This is the 3rd time I have seen a player collapse. Makes me feel like the hockey league and teams really care for their players as there have been so few incidents in all the games that have been played. Got in an awesome walk as the weather is really nice and today should even be better with a high of 60.

Chris yes the weather is awesome! Fantastic news from your doctor! So happy for you! Keep taking it easy! Naps are good.

Phylis how did your visits go with DD and your Aunt.

Trudy I want to go on one of your walks too. I want to see eagles! I am sure you DH was also feeling bad for Rich Peverley too.

Laurie congrats on the workout! Hope weather does not get too too bad.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O-zies!! It looks to be sunny today, so I should be able to get out for a great walk today. I have been listening to the 3rd Hunger games Audio book on my walks. I had a really hard time getting into reading that one and just put it away with hopes of picking it up again one day. This is so much better, having someone else doing the reading :becky: I must really be getting lazy!! But it does make the walk seem to go very fast and I tend to go for longer walks so I can listen to my book. Now that I am almost done this one, I am wondering what to get next? Any suggestions?? I have my tablet that I am reading also, so much reading to do, so many books out there!!

Chris - I am over the moon happy for your wonderful news!!!
That good news should really help you to sleep better at night!! Sorry that you are having to get up to go pee in the night, Welcome to my world!! I sure hope that this is the last time you ever have to go through this ever!!!! Keep taking good care of yourself and take those naps whenever you can!!

Laurie - sounds like you are back on track with your workouts!! That's awesome!! Have a good day at work today!

Phylis - Ugghh, more snow?? Really?? I don't blame you for being mad!! I will try to send some springtime weather out your way!! Hope your DD took it easy on you and didn't get you to help her with anything to strenuous!! How is your favourite Aunt doing? I did not know that about the water at night, I drink lots of water before bed, and have my water bottle next to me all night long, guess that's why I have to get up every night , but I could not go without my water!! Hope your weather man is wrong and the sun comes out to shine on you!!

Nancy - Yes, very scary for that poor hockey player!! Hope your son is not too upset with his Dad, but oh those men they seem to think that anything related to their jobs is so much more important than family related things. I used to shame the heck out of my hubby, because he always put his job first, it used to make so mad
. Happy Birthday to your son, I hope he gets to have his sticky buns!! Nice that you are taking him out for lunch!! I would love to take you on a walk with me! You would love seeing the eagles, I often see them perched outside in my backyard in a tall fir tree. Here's a photo that I took a couple of years ago, not the greatest pic, but thought I would share with you.

Ok I better get this day going, lots of :washing: to do today. Have a great one my friends!!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Nancy, that collapse was scary!! i wonder what he's going to do now, as far as his playing is concerned. poor guy. to reach that level of play and to have this thrown at him.

Trudy, what an awesome picture!! we actually have some eagles moving in around our city. there's even a "nest cam."

well, i just got home from another run into my daughter's apartment and i came home to a phone message that my friend, Hisako, for whom i asked for prayers a while back, died this morning. i don't know how her husband will survive this. she was the strong one. it's so hard to believe. this is the first friend i've lost, and it just seems unreal.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Phylis - Oh Dear friend, how sad for you and of course for your friend's husband! It is terrible to lose someone whom you had such a close connection to! Sending you all of my love and keeping you close to my heart today!!


aA Creative Team Member
Chris, wonderful news!!!! I hope this helps you sleep a little better tonight (even with the pee run!) I do a modified-Phylis to get back to sleep ... I start a conversation with my husband about work. He talks and I fall asleep ;-)

Phylis, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Thinking of you.

Awesome photo, Trudy!

Nancy, happy birthday to your son. I hope you enjoyed your lunch.

Laurie, I hope you see sunshine soon.


Well-Known Member
Phylis so sorry about the loss of your friend.

Chris - what wonderful news from your doctor!! Maybe that will help you sleep a bit better.

Great photo Trudy - we get to see eagles up in the Shuswap but not around here.

For all of you who have snow in the forecast, hoping it passes you by this time.


Well-Known Member
Its a beautiful day here again. I went to yoga this morning, ran a bunch of errands and am now going outside to get some yard work done.


Well-Known Member
Phylis - I am so sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts and prayers for healing and strength for you and her husband.

Sorry I've been MIA. It's been a super busy several days! Nothing dramatic, just one of those where I was lucky to get my work done before it was due. I have a call for my class in a few minutes, but I was killing time by catching up.

Chris - First up:
Yay to getting all the cancer! Now you just need to focus on getting stronger. Secondly - You KNOW you need to rest a bit to get well...and you KNOW - despite your predisposition to disbelieve me - that it will take much longer than a week! LOL Give yourself a break dear. But on an unrelated note - you don't usually get up to pee during the night?! Geesh...I'm lucky if I only get up once! I don't sleep well.

Ok...there was way too much for me to do personals on, but a few things...

Who had the itchy ears? Because I was totally asking around about that at work! The school nurse thinks it's allergies. If so, I have had allergies all winter. I switched shampoo and that seemed to help a little....it's not quite as bad. I don't know if that was real or a mental thing. Maybe it was my nail gal (who also does hair) comparing my .99 Suave to "washing my hair in dish water".

T - What was the video about? I missed the whole filming a video discussion.

We had beautiful weather yesterday. Over 70! Tonight a rain/snow mix with temps dow to 25 maybe. yay. So confusing. I don't know if I should wear a jacket or not! LOL

Ok. I have to go for my call for class, but guess what...Spring Break starts at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow! Wooo-hoo! I'll be able to TOTALLY catch up with you guys!