
Daily Ooos: March 1-2: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
I MADE IT!!!!!!
It's March and I'm still kickin' so I made it through the worst two months of the year- woo hoooooo!
I think when I do some cleaning today (eh, maybe tomorrow) I'm going to grab some spring-scented candles. That is if I have any. If not, we have a GC to TJ Maxx, I can run over there at some point.

What a kooky day it was yesterday. Everything was "unstable" for lack of a better word and I didn't get much of anything done. I could not get my head in the game. Unless the game was Chutes and Ladders and all I was hitting was the Chutes :floorlaugh:
Pigeon's surgery went well and she was getting around in her small cage without any trouble on the ride home. She's not ripping out her stitches like Evie did that one time so that is a plus. (Evie was one of Caitlyn's more neurotic rats and we had literally just gotten her home after her surgery when she ripped open her incision and we had to race her back to the office before it closed to get her re-stitched. 55-60 mph on mountain roads: 1/10 Do not recommend unless you don't have a choice.)

My parents are coming for bagels this morning instead of tomorrow. Semi-family drama for the day-change. I am going to clean the kitchen and DR before they get here so we have a place to sit. :housekeeping:

Not feeling like doing more than that. Maybe tomorrow. We'll see.

I have to get some planning done for Tuesday's session. I want to do a maple sugaring session with them and maybe some bark and branch tree ID. I need to find some more running games that you can play with only 3 people. Any suggestions?
If I can't think of any, I'll see if there are any group games that I can adapt.

Enjoy the first day of March and Happy Women's History Month!!
We rock!
More like a gift shop for all things birds!
It was amazing!! They have a whiteboard where you could list any bird sightings and I was *so* excited to add the white-throated sparrow and the bald eagle. They purchase all of their seeds from an Amish farm and they support small, locally owned businesses. I'm going to make an effort to get seeds from them instead of Tractor Supply. I'm even thinking it might be smart for Scott and me to split the larger bags.
Scott and I tease each other all of the time about how quickly we became bird-obsessed.

We ended up only getting a bit of drizzle in the morning. It was so damp and windy that I was "cold".... How soon we forget. Sun is shining now, looks awesome. And I've been hearing so many birds singing this week - gives me hope. :beatingheart:
It was the same up here, that damp chill. But the birds are def getting louder!

Vicky- how many games of Quirkle did you and Ilene squeeze in? ;)

@taxed4ever Have a wonderful time with Aunt Betty today! Please tell her that the O-Fam is wishing her a happy birthday too. :birthday2:

I'm here... just busy getting 5 more Color Play LOs into the OS gallery and 10 of them out in digi-land, Still have a few to upload but the 5 LOs per day limit how many I can up-load each day. :floorlaugh: At least I slept much better last night - didn't wake up until 7:30 this morning!!
Sheesh, I was so excited and proud that I got *two* CP pages done. :blushing1: Haha!
Glad that you slept better and I hope that your back unkinked itself.
Did you have a nice visit and send-off with your niece? All good thoughts that she has an easy trip back home.

Quick pop In to say all is good. Surgery was good. Follow up today was good. Pain manageable but the woozy is hard. Electrolytes messing with my system and I need some sugary snacks as I keep crashing in energy and lethargy. Showering was horrible and even seated I almost passed out. But it’s all good and in a couple weeks it will be amazing. ❤️ hope you’re all having a wonderful day and weekend to come.
Whew! Now I can breathe that you are doing well and not feeling too terrible. Please be careful in the shower, maybe do a sponge bath today? I hope that the dizziness is over by now. When do you head back home? *gentle hugs*

Hi Long Lost Oozies! Life has been busy! Enjoying a quiet evening home alone checking in and maybe start a page. Erinn is doing better, no firm diagnosis yet but she's to start going back to normal activity. Belle's loving her new job, she started as lead teacher in her classroom last week. She's very excited, and I've got that mom pride thing going on.
We have missed you! You must be incredibly relieved that Erinn is feeling better and able to get back to a more normal routine. No surprise that Belle is loving the new job, either. Mom Pride is the best feeling, isn't it? ♥
Enjoy the wonderful weather you are having!

Have a fantastic weekend, my lOves!
Quick in and out this morning. I finished uploading the Color Play LOs and my Tic Tac Toe Challenge LO this morning. whew!!! Welcome everyone to MARCH... hope this is a much better month for everyone.
Had a wonderful visit with my niece and hubby yesterday afternoon. On Wednesday, they made a quick trip over to visit with my sister. They are leaving from here this morning - going up I-25 to South Dakota. Hoping they have good weather on the trip.
And the other good news is that my tax report arrived yesterday afternoon via UPS. Will get a copy of it to my tax gal on Monday!
Unfortunately the back is still "iffy" and stiff again today. But, I have to ignore it and have a couple of must do errands that need to done before noon.
Good Morning! Coffee is brewing. The sun is shining. The pain meds are working :giggle4: I don’t enjoy doing this from my phone so it will be short but wanted to say I’m alive. Knees hurt. They did knees down this time. I go home Monday which will be rough flying but they make pills for that. Recovery is going as expected. What I didn’t expect was how stiff I feel today. Like my legs and muscles don’t want to move. But all is good.
Have a wonderful day.
Good morning ladies. It's nice to have a normal wkend, no big plans, just dog walking, netflix binging, jewelry organization (got a new rolling cart so need to figure out what to go in it) and design, scrapping and housework. Maybe get over to the grocery store at some point.

We've got 50ish weather today and tomorrow but then it drops back down to single digits for a few wks but thankfully not below freezing during the day.

Had a wonderful drive with the nature group, lots of chatting and munching on fries, but not a lot of wildlife sightings, most things were off in the distance.

I ordered a curling iron, haven't used one in years. It'll be interesting to see how I like that compared to my hot iron. I got some soft handled crochet hooks and will crochet a triple strand bracelet today. I'll watch a few more videos before doing that this afternoon. I'll get to use my rope burning tool that I bought last month and haven't tried out yet.

@AK_Tracy Glad things are progressing as they should. Hope the flight isn't too painful. I bet it'll feel good to get home.

@faerywings Enjoy bagels with the family.

I'm getting another coffee and then will get started on organizing my jewelry cart. HAGD everyone.
It was amazing!! They have a whiteboard where you could list any bird sightings and I was *so* excited to add the white-throated sparrow and the bald eagle. They purchase all of their seeds from an Amish farm and they support small, locally owned businesses. I'm going to make an effort to get seeds from them instead of Tractor Supply. I'm even thinking it might be smart for Scott and me to split the larger bags.
Scott and I tease each other all of the time about how quickly we became bird-obsessed.

It was the same up here, that damp chill. But the birds are def getting louder!

Vicky- how many games of Quirkle did you and Ilene squeeze in? ;)

@taxed4ever Have a wonderful time with Aunt Betty today! Please tell her that the O-Fam is wishing her a happy birthday too. :birthday2:

Sheesh, I was so excited and proud that I got *two* CP pages done. :blushing1: Haha!
Glad that you slept better and I hope that your back unkinked itself.
Did you have a nice visit and send-off with your niece? All good thoughts that she has an easy trip back home.

Whew! Now I can breathe that you are doing well and not feeling too terrible. Please be careful in the shower, maybe do a sponge bath today? I hope that the dizziness is over by now. When do you head back home? *gentle hugs*

We have missed you! You must be incredibly relieved that Erinn is feeling better and able to get back to a more normal routine. No surprise that Belle is loving the new job, either. Mom Pride is the best feeling, isn't it? ♥
Enjoy the wonderful weather you are having!

Have a fantastic weekend, my lOves!
Does that bird shop have the spicy bird feed? I would LOVE to buy one of the big bags of food, but the guy at Wild Birds Unlimited where I buy all of my feed said it wasn't as spicy as the smaller bags and since I have a lot of squirrels he did not recommend it! It sure would be more cost efficient buying the big bags!

I think all together, Ilene and I played 4.5 games before Ruth picked me up to take another meal to the woman (who had the hip replacement) and her husband from church. Plus the one Mark played with us after lunch break.
Good Morning! Coffee is brewing. The sun is shining. The pain meds are working :giggle4: I don’t enjoy doing this from my phone so it will be short but wanted to say I’m alive. Knees hurt. They did knees down this time. I go home Monday which will be rough flying but they make pills for that. Recovery is going as expected. What I didn’t expect was how stiff I feel today. Like my legs and muscles don’t want to move. But all is good.
Have a wonderful day.
YAY for "all is good"! Prayers for quick healing!
Good Afternoon!
Bible Study this morning was great! We had 18 in attendance! Were only missing 3 ladies.
This afternoon Mark is with the pastor and the other deacon that was ordained the same day as Mark....they are at a gun show!
Good news.....we get the car back this evening! And hopefully it is fixed for good! The mechanic drove it home last night to test-drive it! But he has done that before, too! Fingers and toes crossed!
I'm doing laundry this afternoon. The temps are in the 60's, but it is a chilly day and partial clouds.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far!
@AK_Tracy I'm so glad you are done with that first surgery and healing has started. Sorry you are achy and hope that ends soon. Safe travels back home. You will feel so much better once you are in your comfy bed. so glad you sent us your progress report. Heal well and quickly.

Yesterday I went to my friends surprise birthday party and we totally surprised her so that was fabulous. Good food and wine with lots of laughs. No one went swimming but it was fun to sit by the pool with friends. When I got home I did a few things to get ready to leave on Sunday.
Today I went to the club to help with rummage sale at 8:30 we had a big crew so it was easy. We sold lots of stuff but still have allot for tomorrow but it will go to 1/2 price so allot will sell and then the left over will be donated to Salvation Army. I stayed to 3 then went to the grocery store to pick up the last few fresh things we need for our trip. I dropped off my Monarch habitat to my friend there are only 3 eaters now the rest are in chrysalis or near it. I'm trying to decide if I want to bring my Canon with a few lenses but my favorite is getting fixed so I cannot use that one I really want. I'm sure I will grab it so I don't regret it. I packed a book and my basket weaving stuff. Our friends are at the camp area already and said it is been redone so it nice....happy. At any rate it will be nice to get away for awhile. I hope I can get a good sleep tonight tomorrow will be a long day, it's almost a 5 hour tow up there.

@vickyday Good luck with the car. My son will take a customers car home if there is an intermittent problem it really helps so I sure hopes with your problem.

@mimes1 I'm glad Erinn has stabilized so she can work a little that will be good for her. It's so nice that Belle is enjoying work and living with you again.

@faerywings Yipee it's March so now spring is really going to get warmer for you. Can you do internet search for your running games?? I had no ideas for you. I hope you find some time for yourself this weekend.

Well this is it for me...I need to sit in the recliner for awhile before bedtime.
@AK_Tracy I'm so glad you are done with that first surgery and healing has started. Sorry you are achy and hope that ends soon. Safe travels back home. You will feel so much better once you are in your comfy bed. so glad you sent us your progress report. Heal well and quickly.

Yesterday I went to my friends surprise birthday party and we totally surprised her so that was fabulous. Good food and wine with lots of laughs. No one went swimming but it was fun to sit by the pool with friends. When I got home I did a few things to get ready to leave on Sunday.
Today I went to the club to help with rummage sale at 8:30 we had a big crew so it was easy. We sold lots of stuff but still have allot for tomorrow but it will go to 1/2 price so allot will sell and then the left over will be donated to Salvation Army. I stayed to 3 then went to the grocery store to pick up the last few fresh things we need for our trip. I dropped off my Monarch habitat to my friend there are only 3 eaters now the rest are in chrysalis or near it. I'm trying to decide if I want to bring my Canon with a few lenses but my favorite is getting fixed so I cannot use that one I really want. I'm sure I will grab it so I don't regret it. I packed a book and my basket weaving stuff. Our friends are at the camp area already and said it is been redone so it nice....happy. At any rate it will be nice to get away for awhile. I hope I can get a good sleep tonight tomorrow will be a long day, it's almost a 5 hour tow up there.

@vickyday Good luck with the car. My son will take a customers car home if there is an intermittent problem it really helps so I sure hopes with your problem.

@mimes1 I'm glad Erinn has stabilized so she can work a little that will be good for her. It's so nice that Belle is enjoying work and living with you again.

@faerywings Yipee it's March so now spring is really going to get warmer for you. Can you do internet search for your running games?? I had no ideas for you. I hope you find some time for yourself this weekend.

Well this is it for me...I need to sit in the recliner for awhile before bedtime.
Have a safe trip!
Unfortunately, the engine light came on as Mark drove the car home from the shop! So aggravating!
@vickyday Oh no you have got to be kidding the light is on again. Yikes so sorry for you. That has to be so frustrating for you and your mechanic. My friend said put cayenne pepper in the feeder to stop the squirrels, I do not know if it works but worth a try.

Got a note last night from my friends husband she is making great strides since her aneurysm Yesterday she was able to read several things and say words so that is amazing progress. She got dressed on her own. She didn't like the soggy burger they served so Bob went out to get her pizza so she ate that. They talked and watched a movie so that is wonderful. I'm so happy. Rehab is talking about sending her home pretty soon with some daytime help while he is working...huge improvement since Jan 5th.

Waiting for hubby to get up so I can shower and packed the last things for our get away. It's Daytona bike weeks so even St. Augustine will be filled with bikes so sight seeing will be crowded. Oh well we will make the best of it.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.

It is *cold* out there! So much for spring-ish weather. We are back in the teens. At least the sun is out so it looks like it is warmer.
The winds started yesterday afternoon and the temps dropped fast.

Did you have a nice start to your weekend?
My parents had a fun time with us. Caitlyn was in rare form and was teasing them both about everything. My dad looked very good even though he had a small dizzy spell. It seems like he can tell when the smaller episodes come on. It's the big ones that come out of the blue. Thankfully, those are pretty rare. He was pretty excited about my birdfeeder/new friends. he got to see the cardinal pair and mourning doves along with the many, many juncos. LOL My mom, OTOH, could not have cared less. ;)

Sorry-- I am posting this and then have to get going. I tripped over a squishy dog toy, which then bounced under my foot again, and I fell. I think I fractured a bone in my foot and I am off to get x-rays as soon as the urgent care opens up.


I hope it isn't going to be one of those days - although it's not off to the best start. I made an appt at the local urgent care for 9.15, and submitted all of my forms, only to have them call to say that this particular site doesn't have x-ray machines.
The other one they recommend isn't open on Sundays.(not helpful. :no:)

Ugh-- got an appt-- on my way out the door. Sorry for being a mess LOL!

Yup, it is fractured. I was able to get an appt at an urgent care about a half hour away. Not bad and was in and out in an hour. I grabbed my old walking boot that I had after my ankle surgery so the doctor said to wear that and ice/elevate it. In a few days, I have to follow up with an orthopedist. I am so bummed that I can't work this week. Especially for the field trip. I want to do the bird lessons I have been working on. I asked Lauren if she could postpone the trip to the following week. I'll probably still be in a boot but if I can get around better, I would love to do that. HS plan is maple sugaring and I was looking fwd to that too. :bawling:
I am so mad at myself for not paying attention to where I was walking.
I already apologized the the family that I am gonna be angrily muttering under my breath. A lot.

Oh yay! at least I don't have to clean my house today :giggle4:

I am glad that I am taking Actonel, hopefully, this won't happen again.

I'm going to post this and then do personals! I have lots of time to ramble on today. :D
Good morning ladies. I have started to take photos of my jewelry to send into the store with my application. I wish I had taken photos of all the pieces I have given away but at the time didn't think I would consider selling and needed pics of everything. I created a crocheted necklace yesterday and today will create a crocheted bracelet. Also I'll do another bead/chain bracelet. I found it much easier to crochet with the soft handled hook.

Home today except for a walk with Remi and then will take her with me to for a trip to the pet store.

My curling iron will be delivered today. Looking forward to trying it out and comparing it to my flat iron. It's the last warm day for a bit, the temps will drop tomorrow and we'll get 2-4" of snow throughout the week but it'll warm up again next wkend. March is a crazy month here in Alberta. It can be 60ish one day and then 35 the next but most days the sun shines so it is ok.

@faerywings Ugh...darn dog toys. We trip over them all the time too. Hopefully it isn't too bad and will heal quickly. I broke a bone on the top of my foot before so I know how much it can hurt. Sending hugs.

@BoatLady Enjoy your get-away. You always have fun things going on.

I need to get Remi out for her walk and get on with my day. BFN
Oh, NO... so sorry about your broken foot, @faerywings! I have had both feet broken (at different times) and broken toes in separate incidents. You have my utmost sympathy. Yes, I have a few of the "boots" tucked away in the closet, too. Sorry it means you can't do the HS lessons/hike for awhile. Oh... I saw the FB posting about it.
@BrightEyes I hope that your back is hanging in ok today.
Fantastic news that your tax info came in. That has to be a relief.

@AK_Tracy Are your legs feeling any less stiff today? Hope each day is better and better. More hugs coming your way!

@bcgal00 That's too bad that you didn't get to see much on the nature trip but it sounds like a lot of fun getting out and about.
LMK if you like your curling iron. I have a flat iron that I use occasionally but think blowing my hair straight and then adding some loose curls would be nice. For when I go out. Not work. That will always be up in a ponytail.

@vickyday yes, the new bird store is where Soctt gets all of his seed and the spicy seed too. *grumbles* That was on my to-do list this week. Finish up this bag of seeds, disinfect the feeder, and set it up with the new seeds. It's going to have to wait :/
That sounds like a nice group for your Bible Study and yipppeee about the car!

@BoatLady how fun to have surprised your friend so well! Sounds like you had a lovely time together. Have a fantastic time camping and all fingers and toes are crossed for perfect weather. And no bugs!
Such good news about your friend! It sounds like she is making tons of progress ♥
Unfortunately, the engine light came on as Mark drove the car home from the shop! So aggravating!

Hugs to you all!! ♥
Woke up to rain!!! Didn't rain as much as we need but so happy to get it. The sun is out now but it may get up to 61*F late this afternoon. The winds will be picking up .... welcome to our "WINDY" month of March.

I need to get the tax papers sent to my tax gal today. So will have to get them scanned in and on the way to her. Then it will be time to get off the computer. The back is still very 'iffy" so plan on spending most of the day in the recliner with the massager going. Decided that I need a small square pillow in my office chair to support the middle of the back when I am on the computer. I finished re-reading the McKenzie's series (4 books) by Linda Howard so need to find something else to read. I saw that "Dark Wind" season 3 is starting soon on AMC+ and they plan on making a Season 4. So I have been re-watching Season 1 and 2 on Netflix. Hoping Season 3 and 4 will be playing on Netflix by this fall.

Have a good day everyone.
HI Everyone, it's sunny and beautiful here, but cold! We're supposed to have severe weather in a few days, mostly wind and tornado risk. Poor Gunner is terrified of wind. Last night it was super windy and he was so beside himself. I made him a little nest next to wear I was working on a stool at the kitchen counter, He climbed right into it, and I covered him with the blanket Belle made him. It's both the most adorable thing and saddest thing at the same time. We'd been here about a week, had all the windows open, and the wind slammed a door shut. He's been afraid of the wind ever since.


Yesterday I tried to go buy an apple watch. (At the apple store) Have the whole thing picked out. The gal notices my phone and asked what model it is. It's an iphone 10, probably have had it since 2017. Well turns out the new watch is not compatible with the old phone, and she said I need to upgrade the phone before I buy a watch. Great. Just what I need. So now both the watch and a new phone are on the back burner. I've lived this long without an apple watch, I can live a little longer without it.

@faerywings Oh No about your foot!!! That's awful! And no fun tripping over dog toys- ever step on one of those chewed up nyla-bones? I guess the silver lining is that it wasn't legos you stepped on? I hope you get better fast so you can get to all the cool bird hikes you planned. Did I tell you there was a Pileated Woodpecker at our suet feeder a few weeks ago?? The day we moved into this house we saw a Pileated woodpecker in the woods across the field, and have never seen one since until this sighting a few weeks ago. That's a big deal bird to see. And now, whenever I hear the white - throated sparrows, I think of you. Their song is the most beautiful of all, but they are sooo hard to spot!!

@vickyday Too bad about that pesky light in your car!! Maybe it's time to cut the wire and ignore it. :nod1:

@BoatLady hope you have a safe, enjoyable trip!
@vickyday Oh no you have got to be kidding the light is on again. Yikes so sorry for you. That has to be so frustrating for you and your mechanic. My friend said put cayenne pepper in the feeder to stop the squirrels, I do not know if it works but worth a try.

Got a note last night from my friends husband she is making great strides since her aneurysm Yesterday she was able to read several things and say words so that is amazing progress. She got dressed on her own. She didn't like the soggy burger they served so Bob went out to get her pizza so she ate that. They talked and watched a movie so that is wonderful. I'm so happy. Rehab is talking about sending her home pretty soon with some daytime help while he is working...huge improvement since Jan 5th.

Waiting for hubby to get up so I can shower and packed the last things for our get away. It's Daytona bike weeks so even St. Augustine will be filled with bikes so sight seeing will be crowded. Oh well we will make the best of it.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.
Wonderful news about your friend's progress since the aneurysm!

I know, right? The mechanic just apologized and said, "I'm so sorry! I thought for sure I had it taken care of!"
HI Everyone, it's sunny and beautiful here, but cold! We're supposed to have severe weather in a few days, mostly wind and tornado risk. Poor Gunner is terrified of wind. Last night it was super windy and he was so beside himself. I made him a little nest next to wear I was working on a stool at the kitchen counter, He climbed right into it, and I covered him with the blanket Belle made him. It's both the most adorable thing and saddest thing at the same time. We'd been here about a week, had all the windows open, and the wind slammed a door shut. He's been afraid of the wind ever since.

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Yesterday I tried to go buy an apple watch. (At the apple store) Have the whole thing picked out. The gal notices my phone and asked what model it is. It's an iphone 10, probably have had it since 2017. Well turns out the new watch is not compatible with the old phone, and she said I need to upgrade the phone before I buy a watch. Great. Just what I need. So now both the watch and a new phone are on the back burner. I've lived this long without an apple watch, I can live a little longer without it.

@faerywings Oh No about your foot!!! That's awful! And no fun tripping over dog toys- ever step on one of those chewed up nyla-bones? I guess the silver lining is that it wasn't legos you stepped on? I hope you get better fast so you can get to all the cool bird hikes you planned. Did I tell you there was a Pileated Woodpecker at our suet feeder a few weeks ago?? The day we moved into this house we saw a Pileated woodpecker in the woods across the field, and have never seen one since until this sighting a few weeks ago. That's a big deal bird to see. And now, whenever I hear the white - throated sparrows, I think of you. Their song is the most beautiful of all, but they are sooo hard to spot!!

@vickyday Too bad about that pesky light in your car!! Maybe it's time to cut the wire and ignore it. :nod1:

@BoatLady hope you have a safe, enjoyable trip!
Unfortunately, it would fail inspection if we did that.....believe me.....we are tempted! The crazy thing is that the car runs totally fine! The mechanic is perplexed, totally!

Yup, it is fractured. I was able to get an appt at an urgent care about a half hour away. Not bad and was in and out in an hour. I grabbed my old walking boot that I had after my ankle surgery so the doctor said to wear that and ice/elevate it. In a few days, I have to follow up with an orthopedist. I am so bummed that I can't work this week. Especially for the field trip. I want to do the bird lessons I have been working on. I asked Lauren if she could postpone the trip to the following week. I'll probably still be in a boot but if I can get around better, I would love to do that. HS plan is maple sugaring and I was looking fwd to that too. :bawling:
I am so mad at myself for not paying attention to where I was walking.
I already apologized the the family that I am gonna be angrily muttering under my breath. A lot.

Oh yay! at least I don't have to clean my house today :giggle4:

I am glad that I am taking Actonel, hopefully, this won't happen again.

I'm going to post this and then do personals! I have lots of time to ramble on today. :D
AWW, rats! So sorry! Will pray for a quick recovery and that you will be able to do your bird and maple sugaring lessons you were looking forward to!
@BrightEyes I hope that your back is hanging in ok today.
Fantastic news that your tax info came in. That has to be a relief.

@AK_Tracy Are your legs feeling any less stiff today? Hope each day is better and better. More hugs coming your way!

@bcgal00 That's too bad that you didn't get to see much on the nature trip but it sounds like a lot of fun getting out and about.
LMK if you like your curling iron. I have a flat iron that I use occasionally but think blowing my hair straight and then adding some loose curls would be nice. For when I go out. Not work. That will always be up in a ponytail.

@vickyday yes, the new bird store is where Soctt gets all of his seed and the spicy seed too. *grumbles* That was on my to-do list this week. Finish up this bag of seeds, disinfect the feeder, and set it up with the new seeds. It's going to have to wait :/
That sounds like a nice group for your Bible Study and yipppeee about the car!

@BoatLady how fun to have surprised your friend so well! Sounds like you had a lovely time together. Have a fantastic time camping and all fingers and toes are crossed for perfect weather. And no bugs!
Such good news about your friend! It sounds like she is making tons of progress ♥


Hugs to you all!! ♥
I hate it for the mechanic! He apologized! Said, "I was sure I had fixed it this time!" :bawling:
Woke up to rain!!! Didn't rain as much as we need but so happy to get it. The sun is out now but it may get up to 61*F late this afternoon. The winds will be picking up .... welcome to our "WINDY" month of March.

I need to get the tax papers sent to my tax gal today. So will have to get them scanned in and on the way to her. Then it will be time to get off the computer. The back is still very 'iffy" so plan on spending most of the day in the recliner with the massager going. Decided that I need a small square pillow in my office chair to support the middle of the back when I am on the computer. I finished re-reading the McKenzie's series (4 books) by Linda Howard so need to find something else to read. I saw that "Dark Wind" season 3 is starting soon on AMC+ and they plan on making a Season 4. So I have been re-watching Season 1 and 2 on Netflix. Hoping Season 3 and 4 will be playing on Netflix by this fall.

Have a good day everyone.
Sorry your back is still giving you fits, Kay!
Dark Wind.....is that the Navajo Indian show? Mark and I just started watching them. Very good!
HI Everyone, it's sunny and beautiful here, but cold! We're supposed to have severe weather in a few days, mostly wind and tornado risk. Poor Gunner is terrified of wind. Last night it was super windy and he was so beside himself. I made him a little nest next to wear I was working on a stool at the kitchen counter, He climbed right into it, and I covered him with the blanket Belle made him. It's both the most adorable thing and saddest thing at the same time. We'd been here about a week, had all the windows open, and the wind slammed a door shut. He's been afraid of the wind ever since.

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Yesterday I tried to go buy an apple watch. (At the apple store) Have the whole thing picked out. The gal notices my phone and asked what model it is. It's an iphone 10, probably have had it since 2017. Well turns out the new watch is not compatible with the old phone, and she said I need to upgrade the phone before I buy a watch. Great. Just what I need. So now both the watch and a new phone are on the back burner. I've lived this long without an apple watch, I can live a little longer without it.

@faerywings Oh No about your foot!!! That's awful! And no fun tripping over dog toys- ever step on one of those chewed up nyla-bones? I guess the silver lining is that it wasn't legos you stepped on? I hope you get better fast so you can get to all the cool bird hikes you planned. Did I tell you there was a Pileated Woodpecker at our suet feeder a few weeks ago?? The day we moved into this house we saw a Pileated woodpecker in the woods across the field, and have never seen one since until this sighting a few weeks ago. That's a big deal bird to see. And now, whenever I hear the white - throated sparrows, I think of you. Their song is the most beautiful of all, but they are sooo hard to spot!!

@vickyday Too bad about that pesky light in your car!! Maybe it's time to cut the wire and ignore it. :nod1:

@BoatLady hope you have a safe, enjoyable trip!
Gunner looks so sweet in his nest! Our Asher does not like thunder! He wonders the floor at night if it begins thundering!
Good Afternoon,
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Sunny but not that warm here. 46 with a high of 48 expected.
I ended up doing Mark's laundry after mine yesterday, so today I'm just playing on the computer. Deleted some of the duplicate Christmas gathering pictures. Still need to move a lot of my pictures from my phone onto the EHD. I might tackle that later. I got my ATCs caught up yesterday and posted. I need to check my challenge and see if anyone has participated yet and comment.
We're going to order Domino's pizza later for our supper.
Have a great afternoon!
Sorry your back is still giving you fits, Kay!
Dark Wind.....is that the Navajo Indian show? Mark and I just started watching them. Very good!
Yes, "Dark Winds" is based on Tony Hillerman's books about the Navajo Tribal Police. We used to own a rental home in Farmington, NM and have driven through the Indian territory many times. One of my greatest surprise and delight one year was stopping in Tuba City, AZ during the Gathering of Nations... and got in line for us to have lunch then realized that Tony Hellerman was standing in front of me. I grinned and said I could understand why he was there. :D He started laughing and we talked for a few minutes. Told him my hubby and I were originally from Tucumcari, NM and he said he had been there several times... :floorlaugh: I have worn out at least 8-10 AAA Indian Country Maps... as I have one by my side as I read both Tony Hillerman's and Anne Hillerman's books.