
Daily Ooos: June 4-5: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
*sings perfectly on key* It's a beautiful day!
(This conversation is all in my head, I might as well make my singing voice really sweet!)

Sunny and low humidity -- love it! I think the next few days are going to be like this. Yippppeeeee

It was funny having us all back at the dinner table together. Gary ate upstairs but came back down when he was done. Between him and Scott- the god awful Dad jokes were flying :)
It was a nice end to the day. The day itself was quiet but nice. Cait and I worked on a new puzzle, much easier than the Haunted Mansion one:
The new one is brightly colored frogs. Much easier to see.
I started a ton of marigolds from seed a while back so I transplanted a lot of them for color around the yard. Today I will put some near the herbs and tomatoes. Something is eating my plants and I don't know what. I need to look into that too, the leaves are eating in chunks. I would sometimes get the bugs that eat the leaves into lacy patterns but this is just half of the entire leaf gone. I tried to ask Scott at dinner last night but ended up mangling my grammar so badly that it turned into a roasting of my sentences instead.
Cait and I are off to the FP this morning, she is actually looking fwd to coming with me since it has been such a long time. Then outside for the rest of the day.
Oh yeah, I ended up going outside instead of making my brother a card so I really should do that first. As it is, doubtful he will get in by Monday. I am a bad sister. :(

Love and hugs, my dear Ooos!


The Loopy-O
@taxed4ever The curbside pick-up for items is one of the best things that happened b/c of covid. Isn't that the best? Even if you had to go inside, to have it all paid for, ready to go is amazing. I wish Gary would learn as you did- keep liquids far away. He is notorious for spilling stuff.
Isaac is going to be 14? Mason is 9!!! [jaw drop] Make time stop and let us catch up LOL. Such big kids.
So sorry that you won't be able to have everyone with you this summer but it will be really nice for you to go out and stay with them for a while. *fingers and toes crossed for you that travel costs will drop by August*
Did you get to see Top Gun? Am I the only person that has no desire to see it? I barely remember the original from the 80s.
haha! Thank you for telling those Bart-Bugs to go far away. No worries, I am coated in DEET when I go outside and shower as soon as I come back in. That doesn't help the poison ivy that I am covered it, but what can ya do? hehe

Bwhahaha! @Cherylndesigns It's always a morning somewhere. :D
Yikes that Casey's smell/taste hasn't come back yet. Gary said he thinks it's starting to come back which s good news.
One of the reasons that my LLMD doesn't think it is "regular" osteo is that I am stiff in the mornings but that eventually goes away and that they are reactive to the cold. Something about the collagen in the joints thickening up, and the sensitivity to the cold along with the blood vessel mottling.
HAHAHAHHA!!! You call *me* cray-cray!? You tried to stuff money down Casey's t-shirt-- you're the one who is CRAY! :D
Have a blast with Archer! You are going to have a houseful with Roger's G-DD too. Sound like a lot of fun

@bcgal00 oh no, that stinks about the Drs. Are there out-of-network Drs that you can see and pay out of pocket? Sorry that I don't know how the different insurance coverage works for you in CA. It seems so odd to not have enough Drs. In my state, there are tons and tons of Drs but each insurance plan only covers some of them. If there isn't one that your plan covers, then you can (usually) go to an out-of-network one and just pay out of pocket. Expensive but possible
It will work out. The universe can't leave you hanging without healthcare.

@BrightEyes Thank goodness you found out that the wild elms were invasive and he can remove them. (I can practically hear Scott yelling at the garden centers that sell invasives, much more common than you would think)
You really are doing well with finding solid people to work on your house.
#clap Awesome scores at the library- you are on track to open a library of your own!
Gary is feeling a lot better today, I think he got hit with the triple whammy of COvid and Lyme Tx which threw off his diabetes. He seems almost like himself today, But thank you for the heads up about him still possibly being contagious, he is very careful wearing his mask in the house, I'll make sure he still does

@felis How wonderful to get a few days off from work! I hope you get all relaxed and spend time here and with your yarn.
My dad is not happy at all, the news about his hearing is that it is in his "good" ear- the other one already had like 90% hearing loss. I don't know the details but hearing aids won't help. :( I won't have the blood work results for another week or so, but I am hoping just arthritis.

@LSlycord it must make you so happy to look at the family pics from the EU trip.
The timing for my brother's job couldn't be worse for me hehe but I am thrilled for him, It is "just" a contract position at one of the hospital corporations so whenever the contract is up, he should be able to move around within the company *fingers crossed*
Good thoughts that the TS fizzles out!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies! So glad that you are having such a happy day @faerywings! Nothing much going on here today. Its supposed to be a little cooler here today and tomorrow. Still mid to upper 80's but not 90's. May get some rain because of the tropical storms. Thought about doing a trip over to the beach this weekend just to relax, or to the zoo, but maybe just sitting here and scrapping today. Because that sounds nice.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. We might get a visit from my oldest daughter today or tomorrow. They are coming out this way for a BMX race. Haven't heard for sure yet, it depends on the race schedule. Today I will do chores, go to the butcher shop and put in another freezer pack order before they raise the prices. Jen is going to get one too. I want to get some scrapping done and look thru recipes for a few new ones this week.

BRB...Remi is whining so she needs to go out. back in a minute.


Well-Known Member
I'm back. I don't know how well it will work but we have telus mobility and (I think) they offer their customers a virtual GP visit so I will try that out when I need my prescription renewed. I don't know if they will do that but I'll try. I'm ok for 3 months so I've got some time. One lady here in Kamloops said her 12 yr old son has never seen a doctor, only gone into the hospital for a few things. I guess that means he is unvaccinated maybe. I just don't understand how a government can abandon the basic care of people. They should have changed the medical system here many years ago and by the time they change it (if they ever do), it will probably be years before any noticeable change, maybe not in my lifetime. Enough about my rant b/c it will drive me crazy and give me a heart attack with fear. I still can't believe my GP dumped me. OK, no more talk about that.

Dropped more bags off to value village yesterday. I have never been so organized with clothes before. Everything is put away, if it doesn't fit or I don't care for it anymore, it goes right into a bag for VV. I was happy with my VV purchases yesterday, I found 3 baskets for the shelving upstairs, a set of 2 big photo frames, two Lodge (good brand) cast iron pans for the BBQ and a pan lid to replace the other one I cracked before.

I want to pick a few more photos today and send them off for printing. I really need to get some prints up on the wall.

We'll take the dogs out later but don't know where. We'll find an adventure somewhere :)

@faerywings Enjoy getting out today. Hope you figure out what is eating your plants and can stop it. As for doctors, no out of pocket options here.

@LSlycord Enjoy your scrappy day. I hope to get at least 1 or 2 LOs done.

I'm getting more coffee and getting on with my day.


Well-Known Member
Finally we had one day of sunshine worthy of June. Today we are back to clouds and rain. At least I now have my flower pots filled sad as they are for this time of year. As with all things plant, they will grow with time. sigh
One more puzzle completed. That is 3-1000 piece ones I have done while the rain pours day after day.


Talked to DD#3 yesterday... she is improving but still has a lingering cough. 2 weeks ago, at the PT session, the gal pushed on her foot and caused a lot of pain.... upshot is at this week's session, DD was told to back off of several of the exercises, have her foot elevated and ice the leg at least 2-3 times a day. A huge step-back as the leg and foot are swelling like they did shortly after the surgery. She was telling me that they have a ice-circulating unit that they used and it helped with swelling and pain. I remembered that DH had a Polar Tech cooler unit similar to what she described when he had his knee surgery. While I was talking to DD, I walked out into the garage and pulled the cooler off the shelf... and all the pieces including the power unit and instructions were still in it! So her son will be over this afternoon when he gets off work to pick it up. Hope it still works as it hasn't been used in several years.

Had the house opened for a couple of hours this AM but it now closed. Temps suppose to be into the 90*s the next several days with no rain but very windy. I finally pulled out shorts to wear for the first time this year. Nice to have lots of shorts and Short-sleeve tees and know that they all fit - since I did the big clean-out last year. Hoping to hold off on turning on the A/C for awhile longer. Will get GSon to move the tall 8" extension ladder in the garage that blocks part of A/C door where the filter is while he is here. Don't want to run the A/C until the filter is changed.
Kyle, I hear you about how sad the pots/plants are right now. I am very disappointed as none of the lily bulbs I put in my backyard pots a few weeks ago have sent up shoots. And none of the plant places have any pots of day lilies. I will wait until the yard people do their job then look for some kind of perirenal plant to put in them.

Will try to pop back later to do personals. CYL


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Lazy here. As always. Have finished some of my knitted/crocheted UFOs, read a bit & made dinner. Scrapped a bit too. We have one episode left of Stranger Things that we'll see tonight. I'm knitting on a small sweater (size 6 months I think) for charity. I need to start knitting more for charity again. I've been doing so much for myself the last years ... and I need to have LESS clothes, not more. Think I'm going to make a sweater for an older kid next, will look for patterns now. I'm sure I have something good downloaded on my puter.

We have a magpie in our garden (of course I've decided it's Folke that's back), that probably have a baby or more somewhere. I've seen him acting very protective, chasing other birds away and such. We haven't seen any nest though, so I'm not sure. Joked and said maybe they liked our new roof and are up there LOL Will have to keep my eyes open.

If anyone missed Folke:

It's decided now that we'll be going to Stockholm on Wednesday. I need to do a list of stuff I want to check. Crossing my fingers that I will find at least something & that the archives I need aren't destroyed.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hello Lovelies.

I don't know how much I'll be hanging out, but I'll stop in every day. Asher's here! Their plane left FL on time - I guess the tropical storm hit late last night so there were no delays. He was SO happy to see me - ran up and grabbed me and about knocked me over. Hahaha Then he wanted to see how much he'd grown since January - His head comes up to just below my shoulder now. All of the gks have always done that and now I look up at them. After we picked him up, we drove about 20 minutes to pick up Addie (Roger's GF) then of course, the girls knew of a thrift store that we HAD to go to. Asher really got bored and started acting up so I had to take him outside and we took a walk. He said "It's hot!". I said - "it's not as hot as Florida - suck it up". He laughed and said I was right. It was only in the low 70's at that time. OMG- I got up at 6:30 this morning - we left about 8 and his plane came in at 9:30. We JUST got home - of course, we had to all meet at Nancy's Pie Shop for lunch.

We've only had to have a couple of "discussions" so far - he copped an attitude both times and I had to stop it. He says "you seem mad" - me "No, I'm not, but you're not going to sass me". OK, Cici. I told him I just wanted to have fun and enjoy our 2 weeks together and he wasn't going to sass me - he never did before and he wasn't going to start now. They lived with us for many years, from when he was 2 and he never sassed me before. Like I said, he has some "issues". He's still as CUTE as ever - has let his hair grow out and he wears "fake" glasses now. LOL

So, Chris @faerywings who you calling CRAY CRAY????? Surely not me!! Yes I DID try to stuff the money down Casey's shirt. I KNOW I am - you and I can be CRAY CRAY together. Glad Gary's getting some of his taste and smell back. That's good news. BTW - I have NO desire to go to the theater to see Top Gun. I loved the original and had the video for years, and will watch it when it comes on TV, but I hate to go to theaters - the kids all asked me to go and I said no, thanks. Nothing's that good to me. When I can sit in my living room on my comfy sofa, I'll watch it.

I'm going to get off of here - I'm exhausted and I'm not sure what we're going to do this evening. Asher is using our 3rd laptop to play one of his online games and is talking to his friends. Thanks goodness we have an extra one. Then we had no mouse for him, so Chuck gave him his because he's watching gold. We're going to run into Walmart and get one later. Adrienne doesn't use one and Braden's isn't a battery one and Roger wasn't home for Adrienne to ask him how to disconnect his. UGH - how does one not use a mouse?????? She uses that rollerball.

Daisy is barking so somebody must be here. XOXO


Well-Known Member
Hello Lovelies.

I don't know how much I'll be hanging out, but I'll stop in every day. Asher's here! Their plane left FL on time - I guess the tropical storm hit late last night so there were no delays. He was SO happy to see me - ran up and grabbed me and about knocked me over. Hahaha Then he wanted to see how much he'd grown since January - His head comes up to just below my shoulder now. All of the gks have always done that and now I look up at them. After we picked him up, we drove about 20 minutes to pick up Addie (Roger's GF) then of course, the girls knew of a thrift store that we HAD to go to. Asher really got bored and started acting up so I had to take him outside and we took a walk. He said "It's hot!". I said - "it's not as hot as Florida - suck it up". He laughed and said I was right. It was only in the low 70's at that time. OMG- I got up at 6:30 this morning - we left about 8 and his plane came in at 9:30. We JUST got home - of course, we had to all meet at Nancy's Pie Shop for lunch.

We've only had to have a couple of "discussions" so far - he copped an attitude both times and I had to stop it. He says "you seem mad" - me "No, I'm not, but you're not going to sass me". OK, Cici. I told him I just wanted to have fun and enjoy our 2 weeks together and he wasn't going to sass me - he never did before and he wasn't going to start now. They lived with us for many years, from when he was 2 and he never sassed me before. Like I said, he has some "issues". He's still as CUTE as ever - has let his hair grow out and he wears "fake" glasses now. LOL

So, Chris @faerywings who you calling CRAY CRAY????? Surely not me!! Yes I DID try to stuff the money down Casey's shirt. I KNOW I am - you and I can be CRAY CRAY together. Glad Gary's getting some of his taste and smell back. That's good news. BTW - I have NO desire to go to the theater to see Top Gun. I loved the original and had the video for years, and will watch it when it comes on TV, but I hate to go to theaters - the kids all asked me to go and I said no, thanks. Nothing's that good to me. When I can sit in my living room on my comfy sofa, I'll watch it.

I'm going to get off of here - I'm exhausted and I'm not sure what we're going to do this evening. Asher is using our 3rd laptop to play one of his online games and is talking to his friends. Thanks goodness we have an extra one. Then we had no mouse for him, so Chuck gave him his because he's watching gold. We're going to run into Walmart and get one later. Adrienne doesn't use one and Braden's isn't a battery one and Roger wasn't home for Adrienne to ask him how to disconnect his. UGH - how does one not use a mouse?????? She uses that rollerball.

Daisy is barking so somebody must be here. XOXO
I read that the new Top Gun will be coming to Paramount Plus streaming, probably in July. So happy that Asher got there on time! Let the fun begin!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I read that the new Top Gun will be coming to Paramount Plus streaming, probably in July. So happy that Asher got there on time! Let the fun begin!
Thanks, Linda - we weren't sure until early this am but he got here right on time.

Thanks for the heads up about Top Gun - we have Paramount!!


Well-Known Member
And the O's birthday is now being celebrated in June instead of March...which sounds like it is just meant to be that you are back here! Who can resist the O during birthday month.
Yikes! I hope that I don't left that impression in everybody #mad! I'm definitely not here for the prise. Sometimes I play, but I don't track my post into the tread for gift drawing. It's visible at the archives. Maybe from 2 or 3 years I'm not played.

And it's visible for every one that at the year when I played and won the second place, I was one of the most active members at Want to knOw thread. I literally made that party, because I do care people to have fun, not for the f*** prise.

Is good that let me know, I'll have to correct my attitude. I really didn't know and only was surprised how is possible anniversary to be changed.


Well-Known Member
Hi, girls! Calm and lovely day for me too. I was alone as dad was with friends, and mom was on excursion to Turkey. I was just a little bit worried that she go at such a hot weather, but her best friend is going thru difficult period and needed distraction. Then dad came with that rebel idea to have a sandwiches for dinner. I'm very pedantic about which foods are breakfast, what is lunch and what is suitable for dinner. But hey, once in a year I'm able to make exception. In which moment we switched the roles and I'm parenting naughty "theenagers"?
Days like this are bless!

@faerywings Chris, oh your poor dad, mens are naturally created with intolerance to the weakness, this must be very hard for accepting. Beside that I'm so happy to hear for your lovely day. At least one enjoying that awful summer. We literally switched from pouring rains for coats to short shorts hotness.

@LSlycord Lynda day for scrapping today, sounds nice, indeed. Especially if the beach plans left for the next weekend!

@bcgal00 Rae, you almost never talks for the other kids. How lovely it would be, fingers crossed that they will comes!

@Kythe Kythe, the rain just washed away the spring bloom, here. But the early summer flowers now are just wildest and it's so gorgeous.

@BrightEyes Kay, oh, it's good that I'm misunderstood the situation with the new gardener and his florist wife! In that case this is very exciting project. I hope that this gadget will be useful for your daughter!

@tanteva Eva, enjoi your calm weekend! Did you manage to keep your intention to not buying new yarn? :oops::rolleyes:How?!

@Cherylndesigns Cheryl, I told you handsome devil. I hope that you will pleasant time together after Asher climatise and stop to play it tough guy! I'm so jealous that in now day glasses are fashionable, at my tenage it was such a drama. Harry Potter changed everything.


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
@felis Yes, I haven't bought any yarn. It's not a problem really. Once I really made up my mind, I tend to follow my rules. LOL It helps that I have like 2.456.563.354 skeins at home already. :D


Thinking I might finally be caught up on sleep. Asleep by 9PM but woke up at 4AM and couldn't fall back asleep. So am up before the sun comes up. Will wait until it is up before I open the house up. Need to see how thick the smoke haze is first.

Got a call from DD#3 last evening. She was singing praises over the Polar Cooling unit! Yes, it works and and she was able to put it around the ankle/foot. Said it was making the pain diminish and the swelling was going down some! That made me feel so good to know it was helping her. And, yes, grandson was so good about moving the ladder then changing out the A/C filter for me yesterday. So I will be able to turn on the A/C once it is needed. The PTB are warning that with the heatwaves we are already having... there may be rolling 'brown-outs'/'black-outs' on the power grids so be prepared to cut back on power usage during peak times - late afternoons/early evenings and to set the A/C temp higher.

@faerywings so glad that Scott is back home and things are slowly getting back to normal for the family. I know it made your heart feel good to have the family together. Sorry your Dad won't be able to drive for 6 weeks after his surgery... that will put a huge demand on your time.

@Cherylndesigns So glad that your 'veggie' garden is doing so well. I miss having my veggie garden but it is just as well as I am not up to tending to one - plus with water shortage, wouldn't be able to maintain it during the hot summer. Glad that Archer got there okay - but you were wise to nip his sassy attitude immediately as soon as it started. Sounds like you have lined up a full range of things to keep him busy while he is there.

@LSlycord Know you are glad to have the house pulled off the market so you can get back to "normal". Wow... tropical storms already!!! Sure hope they are less intense this year. Thanks for the heads-up on Top Gun II streaming on Paramount soon. Will let DD#3 know as I think they have that service.

@bcgal00 Sure hope that you are at least able to get with the telus mobility and a virtual GP visit to at least get refills on your meds. Yes, I am curious about Jen's space, too... sounds like it might be a mother/daughter set-up where she has her own space with her own kitchen, etc. BTW, love seeing all the beautiful photos on FB... what a beautiful area you have moved to.

@taxed4ever Did you get a good price for the new screens for windows and patio door? Hope they can be installed soon. Bet you are enjoying sitting out on the patio and looking out over the lake.

Coffee cup is empty so time to get another one and then see about doing some CT work. CYL
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The Loopy-O
Hey O-Zies!
So you all could tell that I was in an awesome mood yesterday? Beautiful weather, kids doing well, Cait and I spending time together. You all *know* it couldn't last, right??:eek: #angry2
I was practically bouncing around when Gary tried to take a shower and we had no hot water. Not even a tiny bit warm. The furnace wasn't kicking on, it was trying to but not successfully. Of course, these things happen on weekends and holidays, yannow? He calls the oil company and thankfully they were able to send someone. In the meantime, I am freaking out that the furnace is dead and how are we going to afford a new one? It turned out that there was something broken and the part is probably covered by our service contract but the labor won't be. Whatever. *shrugs* It could be worse. Gary tried again to take a shower but didn't realize I had asked Scott to start a load of laundry and that means -- absolutely no water pressure. He is miserable and the Lyme is messing with his brain and he can get incredibly tense from that. That sets off allll sorts of anxiety in me (way back, when this happened it was B.A.D. bad. I think I have low-level PTSD from it, in all seriousness). I booked it outside and spent hours pulling weeds along the side of the house that will grow back in a matter of days but who cares? I am hoping that his reaction was just a one-shot, bad week, Covid-Lyme Combo.

I cannot imagine having Covid *and* Lyme at the same time. o_O
please keep your fingers crossed/good thoughts/prayers to him. TY!

So today is going to be catching up on a bunch of stuff around the house, I have cobwebs in the light that needs to be dusted. I already started to work on the food order for the week.
Maybe I can do some more scrapping too? It is another pretty day so I have no choice but to go out and be with my plants.


The Loopy-O
@LSlycord How was the weather by you, did you get any of the TS rain? A low-key day sounds fab. I saw the pics of the kids at the Eiffel tower- OMG, they are just amazing. Kids *and* pics!:)

@bcgal00 Good luck with the Drs, maybe a telehealth visit will work. The US has "Minute Clinics" usually based out of CVS or other pharmacy chains. Do you have anything like that? They are usually good for colds/ear infections so I don't know if anything like that would help with maintenance meds. sorry I am tossing out so many recommendations that are most likely not available in your health system.
That is a fantastic score at VV! Good for dropping off so much stuff and only picking up stuff you need for the house!

@Kythe Caitlyn and I blow through puzzles like mad, I have to set a timer or I will spend literally all day working on them. Scott and Sam are currently addicted to legos, their 3D version of puzzles. Have fun!

@BrightEyes Poor DD#3. sometimes PT is the worst thing in the world. I hope that the icing/elevation resolves the pain and swelling quickly and that she gets back on track. She must be discouraged, I know I would be.
Is your GSon going to be able to clean the AC filter soon? Sorry to hear that your plants aren't coming up. I was devastated when I ripped up my rosemary and lavender. They were huge. This was a weird blooming season for me- even the kids noticed that the rhododendron didn't bloom as much as usual. But my azaleas were spectacular, even the small one I loved last year.

@tanteva Of course Folke is back! Just like Tif is the same toad for the last three or four years :)
I love that you are going to knit for charity. I still have several cat mats that I made to give to a woman who has a feline hospice and never dropped them off to her. I am close to being done with the last one, but that's been a WIP for almost a year.
How wonderful your trip is on!!

@Cherylndesigns Asher is going to have such a good time and I can already CiCi is taking no crap :D That is a really good thing.
Enjoy the time with him and all of the kids!

@felis you know we love seeing you no matter how much or how little you are scrapping. Please hang out for the party!
Breakfast is always acceptable for dinner and egg salad sandwiches make a delicious breakfast :D How long will your mom be in Turkey?


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning lovelies,

Well, I've been up since 7 am. I've been outside with the dog and the cat, listening to the birds singing. I'm not a morning person, but I can see why people are. It was so beautiful - I wish I knew bird calls because they were really talking to each other.

Braden, Ava and Alyssa took Asher and Addie (Roger's gd) out to eat and bowling last night. They had a great time. Those "big kids" are so awesome! They sent a few pictures, which I loved. Ava came down earlier and took him and the pups for a walk around the property. Did I tell you those kids are awesome?

Roger's going to do something with Asher today - not sure what. He adores Uncle Roger. Addie's here until Thursday and she and Asher are going out on the side-by-side. She's 14. Tomorrow he starts camp! WooHoo!

Chris @faerywings glad you got some weed pulling done. You're right - they'll be right back, but it must be done. Sorry about your water problems and your furnace. When it rains, it pours. We had no water yesterday - I called Adrienne and told her (we share the same well) and she giggled and said it was her fault. They got a new tree and she turned the hose on to water it and went in and fell asleep. You can only run steady water for a couple of hours until the well gets too low. It takes it about a half hour to get pressure back. Kind of a nuisance, but it is what it is. We did it once - our hose ruptured and we didn't know it. I haven't left it on since then. We didn't turn it off at the spigot because we have one of those nozzles that you supposedly don't have to - but it ruptured. We've all done it at one time or the other. Adrienne felt so bad and I told her not to worry about it - it comes back. Thankfully, we weren't trying to take a shower.

Kay @BrightEyes so glad that your daughter got relief from that ice pack and bless dgs for changing your filter. We have our gks do it because they're so tall. Braden can almost touch the ceiling - he's 6'3". Yes, I had to nip the "attitude" in the bud. I had to remind him of a few other things last night, but he listens. I reminded him of my "kitchen rules" sign and made him read it. "If you get it out, put it back" - "if you make a mess clean it up" - etc. etc. By golly, he put his ice cream bowl in the sink and rinsed it out. Shock! A little discipline works. LOL He rolled his eyes when I made him read the sign, though. Welcome to Boot Camp. BWAHAHA

I got one of the challenges done this morning - that's what happens when I get up so early. I'll probably need a nap today.



Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. Yesterday Jen and I went to the butcher shop and got a big freezer pack. Now we are stocked up for the summer except for ground chicken. My oldest (Krystal) and granddaughter (Courtney) came for a visit yesterday afternoon. It was nice to catch up.

Today I'll putter around here, do some CT stuff and tonight we'll finish off the new season of Stranger Things. It's going to rain today (feels weird b/c it happens so seldom here LOL) so no dog park today but maybe a walk if its only a drizzle.

D is happy to have steak tonight which I don't eat so I'll be happy to have an egg scramble with lots of mushrooms, peppers and cheese. Easy dinner.

@faerywings and @BrightEyes Jen's apartment is a self-contained one bedroom apartment with separate entrance in the back and she has her own laundry facilities. She can control the A/C and heat in her place separate from ours and hot water use in her place doesn't affect ours, so everyone can shower at the same time and no problems with water pressure or temp. There are three doors separating her from us, noise is very minimal. There is a door separating her apartment from her laundry room, then another door on the other side of her laundry room and then she has access to the media room and bar area before going up the stairs to the main floor with another door. I never hear her music or tv at all, only a faint bit of barking from Bella sometimes. We usually leave the doors open during the day so the dogs can roam all 3 floors but at night or when we want quiet time we can separate the dogs easily by closing one of the doors. It's a great setup for us all.

@Cherylndesigns Have fun with Asher.

@felis Hope you mom has a good visit with her friend. I like having breakfast for dinner and often have eggs or pancakes for dinner.

The house is nice and quiet, the dogs are napping on the couch and D is still sleeping. I've been up since 6. I think I'll go read my book for a bit.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Sunday everyone... another very busy weekend for my Gary and I. What else is new?? We are hoping that the rain will stop and the sun might come out for a bit so we can get out for a walk today. Wishful thinking!! It has been a dreary June so far! Yesterday afternoon we went to the 4:15 showing of Top Gun 2. It was amazing!! I think that Tom Cruise is better looking now than he was in the first Top Gun movie. The action scenes were amazing, although the story line was predictable. It was great to see a movie in the theatre again! There were hardly any others in the place. We all were spaced very far apart, it was great! DH says he will buy the Blue Ray when it comes out for sale. We love going back and watching our fav's that way. Oh the screen door was ordered and was not too bad for a price. We have had other screens from different companies, but have always wanted a Phantom one, they are just built so much better! We are hopeful to have it installed in a week or so. However finding screens for our front room windows is a bit more challenging. Phantom only makes retractable ones and we don't want that for the windows. No other places were open on Saturday. Really??? WTH?? Oh well hope DH can contact someone during the week, but most likely it will be me doing the phoning LOL. Lots of housework to do today and a ton of laundry too. So I will be busy with that this morning. I need to make some breakfast muffins for DH as I did not get that done the other day. Hope everyone is doing well! I will read all the posts in a bit and get back here when I can to catch up! TTYL!


Well-Known Member
Too bad! At Wednesday others girls will show blankets and sweaters that they did at the first week of Yarn Love, and I have only 15 cm, which is quarter of the bag which I make. I did everything else except crocheting. I have this strange tendency to postpone a tasks till the last day, rely on adrenaline rush that the emergency will unlock.
In my defense I had the intention, but it was day for mow and the grass irritate my allergy so badly this time, the only option that left me was a cat cuddling therapy for the rest of the day. I still feels my eyes sandy. Sandy?! is that make sense on English, gritty?! , ughh, there was a term. However, you got it, the unpleasant feeling.

@faerywings Chris, I'm sorry for the broken furnace. I do understand that this isn't the real Garry, the one you loves, and his sickness spoke. But it's so unfair to going angry in situation that bawl about the standards of maintenance that he as a husband have to provide to the household. You put so much effort and creativity in food planning and preparing, let man to take the men part.
I can't promise, but I'll try to be here for the party, but as I told before will not track my posts, so it will be fun and fair. Oh my mom and bestie was on these 2 days vacation, mostly shopping and restaurants, not the turistical one. But all that girl need to forget her troubles.

@felis Yes, I haven't bought any yarn. It's not a problem really. Once I really made up my mind, I tend to follow my rules. LOL It helps that I have like 2.456.563.354 skeins at home already. :D
@tanteva Eva, WOW, I admire you! I'm so overstock with yarn, with my speed of using can be good for 10 years, but I can't resist the deals. As my sister live at Germany now I'm secretly filled some of her cabinets too, as we share one room. It's not my fault, on the winther cleaning they was sell sweaters for €1 and unraveled this is lots of yarn. I may be told her, that I'll buy just one, but I meaned I'll spend the regular price for one. I desperately need ball winder, but can't find in my country, it's so frustrating.

@BrightEyes Kay, wow awesome that the gadget still working properly! The most awesome of course is the is helpful for your daughter, but in addition have a eco side because now she reuse it and prevent buying of new.

@Cherylndesigns Cheryl, ahh mornings are lovely. I see them sometimes when can't fall asleep :) . It's sounds always party around your house. It's so lovely that all kids are so close and caring each other!

@bcgal00 Rae, hooray for the kids being around! I'm so happy for you.

@taxed4ever Trudy, what is screen door? The net that prevent cats to not escape, or something that come with the Blue Ray and is used as a big screen? Translation totally messed that. I've seen both things, so can't figure out.
I think from my allergy my english is even poor than usual today. Excuse me for that!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Too bad! At Wednesday others girls will show blankets and sweaters that they did at the first week of Yarn Love, and I have only 15 cm, which is quarter of the bag which I make. I did everything else except crocheting. I have this strange tendency to postpone a tasks till the last day, rely on adrenaline rush that the emergency will unlock.
In my defense I had the intention, but it was day for mow and the grass irritate my allergy so badly this time, the only option that left me was a cat cuddling therapy for the rest of the day. I still feels my eyes sandy. Sandy?! is that make sense on English, gritty?! , ughh, there was a term. However, you got it, the unpleasant feeling.

@faerywings Chris, I'm sorry for the broken furnace. I do understand that this isn't the real Garry, the one you loves, and his sickness spoke. But it's so unfair to going angry in situation that bawl about the standards of maintenance that he as a husband have to provide to the household. You put so much effort and creativity in food planning and preparing, let man to take the men part.
I can't promise, but I'll try to be here for the party, but as I told before will not track my posts, so it will be fun and fair. Oh my mom and bestie was on these 2 days vacation, mostly shopping and restaurants, not the turistical one. But all that girl need to forget her troubles.

@tanteva Eva, WOW, I admire you! I'm so overstock with yarn, with my speed of using can be good for 10 years, but I can't resist the deals. As my sister live at Germany now I'm secretly filled some of her cabinets too, as we share one room. It's not my fault, on the winther cleaning they was sell sweaters for €1 and unraveled this is lots of yarn. I may be told her, that I'll buy just one, but I meaned I'll spend the regular price for one. I desperately need ball winder, but can't find in my country, it's so frustrating.

@BrightEyes Kay, wow awesome that the gadget still working properly! The most awesome of course is the is helpful for your daughter, but in addition have a eco side because now she reuse it and prevent buying of new.

@Cherylndesigns Cheryl, ahh mornings are lovely. I see them sometimes when can't fall asleep :) . It's sounds always party around your house. It's so lovely that all kids are so close and caring each other!

@bcgal00 Rae, hooray for the kids being around! I'm so happy for you.

@taxed4ever Trudy, what is screen door? The net that prevent cats to not escape, or something that come with the Blue Ray and is used as a big screen? Translation totally messed that. I've seen both things, so can't figure out.
I think from my allergy my english is even poor than usual today. Excuse me for that!
Yes, it is, Felis. I'm VERY blessed!!! I may get happy with early mornings - maybe. Hahaha