
Daily Ooos: June 15-16: Weekend Edition


Love my O Family!
@A-M Glad you are having fun with the party!
Congrats to Ken for selling his vase. That is awful that people would steal handmade items. (I mean, stealing anything is bad but I at least understand food if you are starving). But when you make something, a little piece of your heart and soul are in it. That would be so upsetting

@mimes1 Woolite for cleaning the windows... that's a great idea. I worry about harsh chemical runoff so Woolite seems like it would be super gentle for that. Hope that they look sparkling by now. And if they are not, try to not worry about it, no one will notice other than yourself. It's like the smears on the bathroom mirror. They are glaringly awful in my house but I have never gone to another person's house and paid any attention :housekeeping:

@Terri M Hehe, that's funny about the bear spray/ranger at Grand Teton. OTOH-- that is a completely different type of bear and I think I would want every tool in the toolbox. Even if I only throw the can of spray at a brown bear. Yikes!!!
For the bears around here-- black bears- - I always tell the kids that the biggest way to keep them away is noise and they make plenty of that.
Brown bears-- still shuddering over that. Eeek.

@vickyday Never say never about walking 4 miles. You just might do it after a while :D
You must have been laughing so hard at all of those stories. - The snake in the medicine cabinet would have freaked me out too. Snakes outside= good. Snakes inside = :thud:

@bitzee there is only one glass cleaner that I truly like using inside the house- Sprayaway. Windex is awful. The houses I clean now both have Windex or store-brand glass cleaner but a microfiber and water do a better job.

@BrightEyes sounds like a good idea to stay inside while it is super hot. Especially if your body is crying "Enough!"
We were supposed to get bad t-storms Friday night but they only lasted a short time and barely got any rain. Everything is so dry already.

@AK_Tracy Are you able to get some rest today after church? I hope so. Don't worry about the challenges for the party, they stay open until the end of the month. You have plenty of time.
Oh heck yeah-- send the kids to bed early so you get downtime before you utterly collapse into a heap.
Overall, did you have a decent visit with your mom? Not as bad as you expected? *fingers crossed for ya*
Enjoy the weather too!

Amy- whhhhheeeew!!! I bet you are thrilled that you can officially ignore the windows for the rest of the summer. *shoo birds, go poop somewhere else*
I vacuumed the ceiling in my office space yesterday too, me and Mark make a good team LOL!
The 4 years your mom hasn't been at the house must have been a decent emotional transition for you. Either way, it has to feel odd.
Yay for "Friend Transports!" That is what we call the cup and paper removal of bugs. We even have the plastic cups labels as such. We relocate most bugs, other than ticks (DIE!!!!!!), many ants, and the yellowjackets were swarming inside the house last year.

Want to guess what my prior work was? When you hear it, you'll be "That totally fits."
Have something in mind?
I used to be a PreK teacher. (See? It fits! :rotfl: ) I taught until I had my kids, and went back to work for a year when they were little. I was offered a job at the preschool where Scott was going a few days a week. But teaching other people's kids, while hiding from Caitlyn who was in the infant room and lost it if she saw me, then going home to finish the day with my little ones was too much. Then we all got sick and I couldn't work a regular job for years.

@AK_Tracy My mom would throw shoes at spiders if she saw them in the house. or ants. Every insect had to be annihilated. :grimreaper:
Glad you can work outside, soak up that sun!

@Cherylndesigns I can't see you in a floppy hat but totally see you in a cowboy hat :whip3:
The antiquing wax does sound messy but I would guess you would need natural fibers for the tea to work on the flags.

@JeanneMN :giggle4: at your scrap epiphany. Hey, whatever works. Sometimes I can't do a thing unless it is started with a template. Then it ends up looking nothing like the template and I'm happy.
It makes sense that if you are scrapping something you are emotionally connected to that you want it to be perfect, honoring your cousin fits that bill.
That's the truth, the second you have "extra money" -- not that there is ever *extra* just a little more than nothing ha!- Something else needs every last cent and then some. Bah.
Hope that your gardens are loving the weather
Amen to that, Chris! Just go ahead and shoot me, lol!:eek:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening. This is getting to be a habit, isn't it? Been a busy day - I worked on a couple of layouts, one for a designer here and one that I'm still working on for one of the BD challenges. Multiple pictures aren't my forte, but I wanted to do all of the challenges, if possible, so I'm having a hand at it.

Spent quite awhile at the pool, just Adrienne, Aly and me. All of the "boys" went golfing, so we had the house and pool to ourselves. Chris @faerywings I have never had a floppy brimmed hat, but the three of us (Adrienne, Aly and me) all bought one yesterday and I thought "what the heck"? It's not me, but hey, sometimes I step out of my box and do something crazy. The cowboy hat is cool, though and I love that it's soft. Actually, I'm more of a baseball cap kind of girl.

Kay @BrightEyes the first hat I tried on was SO big, but Aly almost talked me into it because she said I could hide from everybody under it. If I didn't want to talk, I could just stay under my hat. I'm glad i opted for the one that wasn't so big, though. I would have been like you - lifting it up so I could see.

Tracy @AK_Tracy yes, I'm on the "no spiders" team! I do NOT do "catch and release" - I go nuts with the fly swatter. I'm like a crazy woman with them. We live in the country, so we have all kinds of critters just waiting to get in. Especially in the summer and especially at night. We keep the houses sprayed around the outside, but they still come. I have a "critter controller" my cat who does a pretty good job of hunting bugs down, but he misses a few of them. Geeze, you hit high 70's today? That's like a heat wave, huh? Bet you love that!

I'm going to go work on my layout some more and I see that there's a new challenge listed. I've been so busy that I've fallen way behind. Hugs to all.
