
Daily Ooo's: July 26-27: Weekend Edition


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping Chris has her head stuck in a book at the lake by now! She needs it. :)

Very quiet here this morning. I'm the only one up. We didn't do much yesterday. Recovered from vacation....you know, doing laundry, getting fresh groceries, etc. Today DH is going to a wedding four hours from here for a cousin, while Ben and I go to a wedding here for a friend. (Oh...now DH is up. Ruining my quiet. LOL)

I also have to start getting my keister in gear for school. I have so much to do. And I have to finish cleaning out my son's toys in the basement, so I can sell a bunch of stuff. :) Those are my two tasks for the next week. And of course, everyone wants to squeeze in a lunch before school starts. Not going to happen with everyone, but we will see who really wants to get together. :)

What are you guys all doing this weekend?


lOve the O!
I am heading to scrap room to work on putting things away and really getting rid of stuff so I can use the room as intended- not as storage. It helps that the flooring is here and I will have to move stuff for it to go down! I will treat myself with scrap breaks now that I have the hop kit!!


Well-Known Member
Yay Laurie! When you are done, can you come finish mine? I started it about a month ago and it's stalled where it's at. At least you can see the floor and walk through there!


The Loopy-O
Hi there! Nope, no lake for me today, it is cold and cloudy so that give me time to be here!

It seems so late for me to stop in, so thank you for opening our thread Sara:) I was able to sleep until 7am, then had silly stuff to do around the house, then meds and coupon clipping and grocery list.
But I think that the rest of the day should be here for the get-O-way. You all with me on that?

Sara- Two weddings in the same day? Eesh! But I bet you have the most handsome date.:love:

Laurie- good luck getting everything put away and lots of scrap time for yourself!


The Loopy-O
(ack! My new avi keeps on freaking me out!)

From yesterday:

Sara-welcome back!!!
Believe it or not the black bean burgers were *good!* The looked pretty funky, but they tasted amazing. We will def. be making them again.
But coffee is a necessity.
Yes. Understatement.

Oh snap! That is hysterical about your mom facing the hospital. Maybe that is why she haunts your dad? :D
*nods* Boys are stupid. /The End.

Hi Phyllis- I think for me, that I can deal with people to a certain point, but when I am done, I am DONE. Its like a switch goes off in my head and I need to be alone at the point.
The lake was perfection! Not too crowded, sun was perfect- was able to get in up to my knees to cool off and read my book. Not enough days like that but I wish there were more. Good for you for the Being Kind to You Day, Ms Hand of Karma:fish:

What is a Prairie Dog Town, Sara?
If you go back on that Trip again, you have to take me, I promise I can babysit Ben if you and YMG want to have a hot date night or whatever. I think I would have been like a Kid in a Candy-Cave seeing all of that neat stuff. It all sounds fab!

Nancy- the weather was perfect yesterday, wasn't it?

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and weekend!


lOve the O!
well, I went to take before photos and discovered that my iphone is not focusing on room size shots- grrr. I tried online help and my on/off internet did not help. I ended up reseting my entire iphone, reload back up, and still have things to manually load/download- but my phone will be cleaner and better organized. However it used up much of my day and I will still have to drive an hour away and likely lose my phone while they fix the hardware. grrrrr.


Well-Known Member
good morning - just had a huge rain storm go through no thunder or lightning but a lot of rain and now it is just cloudy and muggy. Yesterday was nice and I got in a good walk. Also we had our annual block party. It sprinkled at 4pm the start of the party but then the rest of the evening was perfect. This is the only time each year that we are all together and it is fun to see that my area is getting younger. There were lots of little kids and it was fun. Good fun and food.

Sara hope both of the wedding were fun.

Chris glad to hear you are just relaxing and getting some scrapping done.

Laurie hope the phone photo issues are solved soon.

Have a great day all!


The Loopy-O
Laurie-- what a PITA!! Do you have a back up phone/camera to use in the meantime?

Me weekend "off" kind of went out the window for today. Gary's mom asked if Scott and I can come down and help them with yardwork. They had a huge pile of mulch delivered and need some weeds pulled and then spread it. I am leaving him there for a couple of days and he will get paid well. So that is good. I am going to help weed and gets some flowers in the ground but I am coming back home today.

I have to make this kind of quick... so let me say Happy Sunday to you all!

PS: The Coffee Photo will be featured in a LO I did for an Aug Challenge. I'll link you up when it goes lives in the Gallery :madgrin:


The Loopy-O
Hi Nancy- its pretty grey here today too. I hope it stays relatively dry for the yard work. My friend and I were able to get a nice walk in too yesterday. My knees are so stiff but my the end of the walk, they had loosened up a bit.
Your block party must have been really nice, I always wished I lived on a "block."

Hugs to all!


Well-Known Member
Gooood morning!

Laurie - What a pain with your camera! I use my phone camera an awful lot now. I'd be sad if mine broke.

Chris - The Prairie Dog Town, at least the one we went to, was a little shop on the side of the road next to a big chunk of prairie, but a prairie dog colony lives there. There is a small loosely fenced in area in front of the gravel parking lot and then miles of prairie beyond the fence. In the store, you can buy little bags of unsalted peanuts in the shell to give to the prairie dogs. I think at the bigger one, you can walk around them more. At Reptile Gardens, they have a tunnel that you can walk into in front of the prairie dog exhibit and come up in a bubble in the middle of the prairie dogs. It's pretty funny.

And yes, you can come! But no way am I driving to Jersey to get you and then all the way back to Rapid City!! We'd have to hire a private jet. LOL

Hope your driving today goes smoothly.

Nancy - Your block party sounds like fun. Our neighborhood doesn't do that. We are friendly to each other, but not like that. We need rain here. It got gray yesterday, but the rain skirted around us.

Ok girls. The wedding Ben and I went to was fun. Wedding/reception was all in one place. Ben was really having fun with it. I think he's old enough that he gets it all. And they had coloring books, crayons, and glow sticks for the little kids. And a popcorn bar between wedding and reception while they took some photos. He thought the game they played where the bride and groom sat back to back and held up shoes in answer to questions the DJ asked. He loved all the little traditions and oh my goodness, did he love dancing!! He was holding court on the dance floor for a while and was awfully smitten with the bridesmaid that pulled him out on to the floor. It was adorable!

Today will be a put the house in order and work on school stuff. Friday was do laundry, unpack, go to the grocery store, etc. Now I need to focus on getting ready for school. I've tasked Ben with going through toys in the basement, so we should be better off this week.

Anyway, better finish my coffee and get moving! Have a great day!