
Daily Ooos: July 20-21: Weekend Edition


That was a big thing I crossed off of my list. Next up is the (lack of a) rehearsal and dinner. The venue is booked the day before the wedding and the officiant and best man aren't flying in until the 11th. Caitlyn is thinking that we'll do a quick run-through at my house and maybe order some food here. Have any of you done that? The rehearsal part? The food bit I can do. LOL
Love the shoes... My 2nd daughter had her rehearsal dinner at their house... Her soon-to-hubby's family brought the food in the night before the wedding. Had about 50 people there spread out inside and on the patio. It was low key - casual dress - but lots of fun. BTW, it was on Hubby and my 37th anniversary - their wedding was the day after our anniversary. DD surprised us with a beautiful cake - as we had eloped and never had a wedding cake.

Kay, you have the best pictures and now you find more! How fun and now you get to scan them all and organize them. Lucky you! I'm still missing SO many of my pictures. I've resigned myself to the fact that they got lost in our last move out here. We lost several things - the movers didn't even bring. Like our really expensive sweeper and our big safe are two of the things I can think of off the top of my head. The safe was empty, but still..........................

Have fun!
I am really LOL now... I was going through some albums in the FR bookcase and ran across an album from Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary.... yes... the same anniversary photos I was scanning in yesterday. And the wonderful thing is #1) there are more photos in it that I haven't scanned and 2) I wrote the names of everyone in each photo.. with the date!!! And... YES... our cousin we couldn't ID... found her name on a couple of those photos!!! And to make it even sweeter - found her listed on Daddy's family Descendants list!!! Whoop-whee!!
I know how you feel about losing things during a move. Most of the photos and albums from when we lived in Virginia Beach and our trip to Italy were lost during one of our moves. I keep hoping that I will find either the negatives or some photos stuck in one of the photo boxes but haven't found any of them.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. Had a quick coffee and then got Remi over to the park to play ball before it got too hot. I'm inside the rest of the day now. I'll do some household chores, scrapping and editing later. Right now I'd like a few more cups of coffee, maybe read a few pages of my book....

I got sidelined and ended up getting more coffee and a gluten free bagel, chatted with Jen, took the dogs in the yard, reserved a few digi books at the library and now am back in my chair.

Read a local photographer's page and she mentioned a park on the river that I think I'll take Remi to this week.

Now I want to go check out CT stuff so I better cut this short. HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Good Afternoon!
Boy! We got dumped on last night! It was raining so hard the gutters were overflowing and so was the bird bath! The grass has greened so much this week with the showers we have had! The clouds are still around and the temp is a bit cooler today, but it is still pretty humid out!
I've been working on catching up on my ATC's since it has been over a month since I worked on them. I don't know why I do that to myself! I've still got about 2 weeks worth to catch up on! I'm just going to wait and post them in the gallery all at once. Plus I need to get links to the kits I'm using from my stash. So I will continue to work on those this afternoon.
I had lunch mostly ready when we got home from church. I put 2 pork chops in the crockpot with some cream of mushroom soup to cook over night. I had to fix mashed potatoes and spinach when we got home and we were ready to eat!
I am having to fix hummingbird nectar almost every day! And I've only seen two little ones at the feeder. They sure are eating well! I also have a mockingbird and a brown thrasher (both are pretty big birds) coming to my column feeder! They can barely sit on the base to eat they are so big! I need to refill the seed feeder, too, today.

surgery on Son-in-law was on Thursday and went well
Good news!
We had more rain last night, and the grass is actually starting to look green again!
Same here! Did you get a bucket-load last night?
The deer were here this morning and they ate all the watermelon.
Was it watermelon you put out for them, or some you grew? Love the picture of them!
I am also starting the day with 1 spoon
What does this mean?
Still waiting for some of you to send the rain this way :waiting:.
We went so long without any that we are kinda holding onto it for a bit! :giggle4:
they are from the 1940's
WOW! How great for you and that you got so many you could share them!
Six pairs of shoes and I am only keeping one.
Love the white ones! Even more than the black ones!
I see so much I've printed out with the intention to make it.
I finally threw out all of my printed-out patterns that I intended to make! Old Arthur won't allow me to do much knitting anymore and absolutely no crocheting!
since I have a broken leg
So sorry to hear you broke a leg! But it is a good excuse for getting scrapping done....and for not doing housework! ;)
hubs didn't take near the photos I told him to. He took three.
Yeah, I can't depend on the hubs to take photos either! What good are they?? ;)


Well-Known Member
What did you think of the movie?
The movie was great! Energetic, no bad words, no sex scenes, very enjoyable. We went to our little home town quaint movie theatre. Have never been there before. It's a small venue, the seats have little bistro tables, it was cute. Cute enough that we'll take out of town company there. It's not the large theatre experience we're accustomed to.
Same here! Did you get a bucket-load last night?
YES"!! 2.5 inches!! We are so excited to finally have rain. It's scheduled to rain all week too.
Was it watermelon you put out for them,
We put out corn every day for them. We had an over ripe watermelon so we cut it up and put it out to see what they'd do with it. They ate every bite.
Love the picture of them!
I'm working on a challenge for next month and the deer will be featured on the layout!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
The "quote" thing.....did you highlight the portion you wanted to quote?
Bless your scrappin' heart! I didn't know this, and have been frustrated working with mile long quotes.
Oh and Grapefruit Bubly is this
Bubly is my favorite brand of sparkling water, love the orange cream and mango flavors.
Made enough that I have 3 more meals - stored in the freezer. :greengrin:
When we grill, we do enough for multiple, meals. It's great to pull out a grilled meal spur of the moment, especially in winter. We make chili on the grill & also freeze that for future meals. I made TV dinners with Christmas leftovers.
Oh, Chris, a good book is Kristin Hanna's newest book "the Women" is amazing as are all her books.
My grands mom was telling me about this when we sat with her and her hubs at the baseball game. I have an Amazon gift card I think I'll treat myself to the Kindle edition when we go on vacation.
Grapefruitbubly.....unfortunately, I would not be able to drink it.
I have to steer clear of anything grapefruit because of my thyroid medication. So sorry to hear it aggravates your IBS
Bejeweled flip flops?
I had a pair for son's wedding reception and dance. Bride's mom & I changed into leggings and tops for the dance. It was at their farm so pretty casual .
We did, 12 for me, 7 for son. It was an amazing day!

All of you are cooling off and I am heating up! Almost 8 pm. and still 72. I think I may have gotten a bit much sun today on the river but it was so worth it.
That sounds like a crazy fun way to fish & even better that is environmentally safe and to eat , not just see who has the biggest one.
I was clicking +Quote on the entire post and that was just way too much :D
Oh. darlin', I feel your pain! I couldn't figure out how it was a time saver.
We can stick together :protest: when Ona yells at us for not being productive Cheery O's Hahaha! ( I know she would never yell at us but still :p)
Oh, she can yell at the newbie because I think I only did too. I can't imagine Ona, yelling at anyone, so I'll take the punishment for y'all .
I'm so glad! It is so much easier to highlight what you want to comment on as you read all of the posts!
You are a lifesaver! This makes it so much easier.
Yes, I did get the rest of my clothes washed and put away yesterday
you were my inspiration to get started, it's the whole putting away thing that I'm not good at. Hubs is wayy gooder than me. His clothes don't even cool off from the dryer before they are folded and put away or hung up.
The job is going great. I know more at the end of this week than I did last week, being more independent know that more of the tasks have been assigned.
Somehow this doesn't surprise me in the least, somehow I knew you would be very much more smarter after a week even though you are very much more most smartest of a lot of people I know. I was that way once, I think it was "aught nine" , but then I realized only I thought I was. Seriously though, you are so incredibly organized, I can't imagine a world where you wouldn't do something amazing
Soon there will be layouts with fish. :love: AK subsistence style fishing, not a rod n reel. Its my favorite way to fish and the only time I can catch more then my hubby. Yes its cause he has to drive the boat and not fish but I still take the win.:floorlaugh:
This sounds like a blast & I'd take the win anytime, although we'd probably never go fishing again. I love to eat fish anyway so that would be an amazing way to get fish fresh from Alaskan waters, I'm drooling just thinking about. We decided to save the cost of a fishing license and just forgo the fishing Up North this year. We'd usually go out every morning, I just LOVE being out in the boat. If we were lucky we'd catch enough for a meal. You can't beat fresh fish coming out of clean lakes. People eating fish they caught in the Mississippi River just makes me gag.
Six pairs of shoes and I am only keeping one.
I can totally relate to that! Platforms and a chunky heel are definitely easier on the body , especially knees. The other ones were pretty, but I chose pretty over comfy the first time around & I was miserable before it was all over.
Urban's going back to work tomorrow, the vacation is officially over. My plan for tomorrow is to remove all my knitting and crochet stuff from the living room, up to the "craft room" - can't really call it a craft room anymore, it's a total mess. I should have done it a long time ago - it just sits there taunting me. Getting it out of sight will maybe get me less sad.
My sewing room is a total disaster. I hear you on getting overwhelmed. I go in with the intention of cleaning it up & am lucky if I last 10 minutes before the anxiety sends me running for cover. I used to crochet & knit, but my hands can't take it anymore.
Went to my Ortho doctor who put the fancy (not fancy) boot on me and gave me crutches. It looks like I’ve been beaten up with all my bruises, even my head. So I guess I have time to scrap and ignore house chores for a while.
I'm so sorry about the vacation injury. Been there done that with the boot, it's no fun period. I think your plan to scrap will at least take your mind off of it, and if there's to be a win out of this situation, that would be it.
LOVED Call The Midwife! Watched every episode (unless there are new ones). Great show!
This show is AMAZING! I binge watched it for weeks when I first discovered it. Now I wait with bated breath for a new season and binge and start the wait all over again. I really like Murdoch which is on Canadian TV, and we both like Heartland, also. British TV does have some truly great shows.
We lost several things - the movers didn't even bring. Like our really expensive sweeper and our big safe are two of the things I can think of off the top of my head. The safe was empty, but still..........................
So, you hired 3 men & a truck & no brain movers? I'm glad the safe was empty, but how does any moving company miss a safe ? Sounds like an intentional miss to me and I certainly hope it doesn't mean one of the movers has an extra clean house now.

It was gray and rainy today and we really haven't any of our typical July heat, I feel guilty just saying that. The dryer just dinged so the ding dong better get after it.


Well-Known Member
What does this mean?

Spoon theory

Spoon theory is a metaphor describing the amount of physical or mental energy that a person has available for daily activities and tasks, and how it can become limited. The term was coined in a 2003 essay by American writer Christine Miserandino. In the essay, Miserando describes her experience with chronic illness, using a handful of spoons as a metaphor for units of energy available to perform everyday actions. Wikipedia

Yeah, I can't depend on the hubs to take photos either! What good are they?? ;)
Right!!! Don't they know they have to take at least 100 photos!!!!! Oh well, I keep him around for fish cleaning and moose cleaning and all the yucky jobs LOL And I adore him.
That sounds like a crazy fun way to fish
Its SO much fun!!!!