
Daily Ooo's: July 19-20: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Hello O-zies! How are all of you? Relaxing a bit this weekend? I hope so. Today I have nothing specific going on and I am not sure what (if anything!) I want to do. Still working on getting the house cleaned and sort of organized, but it seems that it all gets undone faster than I can "do."

It was so nice at the lake yesterday! Chatted with my friends a bit, read a bit. Soaked up the sun a lot. Yes, yes, still loading myself up with sunscreen and covering up my chest too. I am going to have the weirdest tan lines ever.:tongue:

I thought it was supposed to be very nice today too, but it is looking very cloudy. Hope that the sun is shining by you!



The Loopy-O
Phyllis- you are killing me with envy! All of the times I tried to grow zucc. with no luck- a love zucc. So happy for you, i know that we complained a lot over our lack of success in that dept.
Caitlyn made zucc "fries" in the oven the other day, and I like to saute/steam them with a little bit of butter and parm cheese. I guess one good thing is that this time of year, when they are in season, they aren't too expensive to buy. Oh-- I wonder if Cait wants to run over to the Farmer's Mkt in the town next to us today? Hmm, I'll have to ask her when she wakes up. Its bigger than the one in my town I think.
Pesto soup??? That sounds so good! Recipe, please?
Our basil is going nuts this year and I made a spinach-basil pesto the other night.

Sara-- have a wonderful trip!!! Hope that the weather cooperates for you!! And good for you for unplugging. Hope that you get lots of pictures and we will catch you on the flip side!! Safe travels!
Love your meal plan-- the hardest part is the protein for us. Thankfully we all love cheese! But we do try to make lots of rainbow plates :)

Can't wait to see what all of our O-Travelers are up to, miss you all!!



Well-Known Member
We're making back and pancakes to lead us off on our trip. Then we are out of here. :) I'll see you all soon!!


Well-Known Member
bon voyage, Sara! have a great trip!

Chris, i'll try to get the recipe in here in the next few days. remind me if i forget, OK? do you freeze the pesto you make? i've been freezing it in ice cube trays for the last few years. with zucchini, i bought one of those thingies that make "Zoodles" out of zucchini. zucchini noodles. easy peasy, and they're great the way you make zucchini: butter (or olive oil) and parmesan. http://www.amazon.com/Kuhn-Rikon-Ju...789051&sr=8-24&keywords=zucchini+noodle+maker

now i'm hungry....

ever have one of those days when your husband is really getting on your nerves? yep. today.

happy day, everybody! :becky:
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The Loopy-O
ever have one of those days when your husband is really getting on your nerves? yep. today.


OMG, that was me yesterday too! I wasn't planning on going to the lake, so when my friend called to say she was heading over at 1, I was like-- ok, lemme see what is up, maybe I will see you later. But an hour or so later, I packed up my crap and went. I told her that if I hadn't left the house, I would have ripped his head off. With my teeth. :becky:
He didn't do anything specific that was irritating and I think that some of it was just my general mood, but man! When you see me running around the house, doing laundry/dishes etc, how about helping a bit? Gah!

So a few hours at the lake with my nose stuck in a book was a def. improvement on my day. At the very least, I was not being arrested for murder or trying to clean blood out of my carpet. LOL

Today is the Annual Cousins' Party. This year it is not up at MIL's cousin's house by me, on a real lake (not the little mud puddle I go to) but at my MIL's house. But it should be nice, and we only will be there for a few hours. We have to get back here so Leah can drive home to her house before it gets dark.

Speaking of lakes, have any of you hear about the Anaconda that is swimming around in Lk Hopatcong in NJ? Some idiot apparently got an anaconda on the black market, and when it got too big, must have dumped it in the lake. There are two main boating lakes in North Jersey, Greenwood, the one I live near, and Hopatcong, which is (of course) about 45 minutes from me. Thank all of the gods its not here :madgrin:
But this has to have an effect of the economy, who in their right mind is going to want to go on the lake with a 20ft snake swimming around in it.

Phyllis- I haven't frozen any pesto before, I usually never have enough basil to try it.
And that noodle maker looks fun!
Cait is going to make zucc. potato pancakes for dinner this week. That would come in handy ;) Well, maybe not if it cuts them long, but it looks like fun at any rate.

Hugs to all of you!


Well-Known Member
hmmm. i guess everybody's on vacation or having fun at something. just you and me, Chris. (BTW, it's nice to know that someone else would occasionally like to smack their spouse upside the head.) i had a festive morning of visiting my nephew and his family at my sister's house, then went to the Byzantine Catholic Cemetery where my parents are buried and began photo documenting all the tombstones. there's this national project (http://www.usgwtombstones.org/index.html) for documenting cemeteries and who's in them. i think it's important work, speaking as someone who did some genealogy and could really have used some EASIER way of finding people. I did quite a few, but i still have a zillion to go. now i'm back home, wondering what's for dinner. wish i knew someone here to offer a bribe to cook for me occasionally. ah, well.

so, that's me today. pretty boring. well, at least it's not raining. yet.

hope fun is being had wherever you are! :becky:


lOve the O!
Well, I am so not here much anymore- life has gotten really busy- I wanted to pop in and let you know I ran my first 5K- well walked my first 5K- at the Columbus color run- happiest 5K on the planet- you do not get timed. We timed ourselves and I did it in 52 min for 3.1 or 3.2 miles. Plus I hung out for the jazz and rib fest. It was my celebrate turning 57 adventure! Now if I can get the color out of my sports bra and off my chest- word to the wise- do not wear a v-neck tee. YOur friends might decide to color bomb you just above the opening and well- you have color where you least expected and it doesn't wash off easily!!